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The emergence of cancer stem cell theory has profound implications for cancer chemoprevention and therapy. Cancer stem cells give rise to the tumor bulk through continuous self-renewal and differentiation. Understanding the mechanisms that regulate self-renewal is of greatest importance for discovery of anticancer drugs targeting cancer stem cells. Naturally occurring dietary compounds have received increasing attention in cancer chemoprevention. The anticancer effects of many dietary components have been reported for both in vitro and in vivo studies. Recently, a number of studies have found that several dietary compounds can directly or indirectly affect cancer stem cell self-renewal pathways. Herein we review the current knowledge of most common natural dietary compounds for their impact on self-renewal pathways and potential effect against cancer stem cells. Three pathways (Wnt/β-catenin, Hedgehog and Notch) are summarized for their functions in self-renewal of cancer stem cells. The dietary compounds, including curcumin, sulforaphane, soy isoflavone, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, resveratrol, lycopene, piperine and vitamin D3, are discussed for their direct or indirect effect on these self-renewal pathways. Curcumin and piperine have been demonstrated to target breast cancer stem cells. Sulforaphane has been reported to inhibit pancreatic tumor-initiating cells and breast cancer stem cells. These studies provide a basis for preclinical and clinical evaluation of dietary compounds for chemoprevention of cancer stem cells. This may enable us to discover more preventive strategies for cancer management by reducing cancer resistance and recurrence and improving patient survival.  相似文献   
Emerging evidence increasingly illustrates the importance of a holistic, rather than taxon-specific, approach to the study of ecological communities. Considerable resources are expended to manage both introduced and native mammalian carnivores to improve conservation outcomes; however, management can result in unforeseen and sometimes catastrophic outcomes. Varanid lizards are likely to be apex- or mesopredators, but being reptiles are rarely considered by managers and researchers when investigating the impacts of mammalian carnivore management. Instances of mesopredator release have been described for Varanus gouldii as a result of fox and cat management in Australia, with cascading effects on faunal community structure. A meta-analysis showing extensive dietary niche overlap between varanids, foxes and cats plus a review of experimental and circumstantial evidence suggests mesopredator release of V. gouldii and about five other medium to large species of varanid lizard is likely in other regions. This highlights the need for managers to adopt a whole-of-community approach when attempting to manage predators for sustained fauna conservation, and that additional research is required to elucidate whether mesopredator release of varanids is a widespread consequence of carnivore management, altering the intended faunal responses.  相似文献   
Store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE) is a robust mechanism in skeletal muscle, supported by abundant STIM1 and Orai1 in the junctional membranes. The precise role of SOCE in skeletal muscle Ca(2+) homeostasis and excitation-contraction coupling remains to be defined. Regardless, it remains important to determine whether the function and capacity of SOCE changes in aged skeletal muscle. We identified an approximate 40% decline in the expression of the integral SOCE protein, stromal interacting molecule 1 (STIM1), but no such decline in its coupling partner, Orai1, in muscle fibers from aged mice. To determine whether this changed aspects of SOCE functionality in skeletal muscle in aged mice, Ca(2+) in the cytoplasm and t-system were continuously and simultaneously imaged on a confocal microscope during sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) release and compared to experiments under identical conditions using muscle fibers from young mice. Normal activation, deactivation, Ca(2+) influx, and spatiotemporal characteristics of SOCE were found to persist in skeletal muscle from aged mice. Thus, SOCE remains a robust mechanism in aged skeletal muscle despite the decline in STIM1 protein expression, suggesting STIM1 is in excess in young skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
The mechanisms behind the evolution and maintenance of conspicuous visible polymorphisms comprising tens of morphs present a challenge to evolutionary theory. However, for cryptic forms Endler (Evol. Biol., 11, 1978, 319) conjectured that complex backgrounds facilitate polymorphism because in such habitats there are several ways to resemble the resting surface. We use computer simulation to explore the evolution of cryptic morphs on increasingly complex backgrounds under regimes that include selection for crypsis, apostatic predation and dietary wariness. We show that there is a monotonic increase in the number of morphs evolving in a population as the potential number of cryptic morphs increases. The relationship is very weak with selection for crypsis alone, but much stronger with the addition of apostatic selection. In contrast, when dietary wariness is added to the model the plot of number of morphs maintained, as a function of the potential number of cryptic forms available, is minimized at an intermediate number of cryptic forms, i.e. is V-shaped. These counter-intuitive patterns are robust to varying strengths of apostatic selection and different implementations of dietary wariness, and are more pronounced when predator and prey generation lengths are similar.  相似文献   
In a study with rats it was determined whether dietary magnesium concentration affects plasma esterase activities. The feeding of a diet with 0.01% (w/w) instead of 0.04% magnesium reduced plasma magnesium concentration by 50%. Plasma total esterase, arylesterase and butyrylcholinesterase activities were significantly decreased in the magnesium-deficient rats. In rats fed a diet containing 0.02% magnesium, plasma magnesium concentration was lowered by 30%, and group mean plasma total esterase activity was decreased, but not the activities of arylesterase and butyrylcholinesterase.  相似文献   
In this paper, we describe the characterization of DEF6, a novel PH-DH-like protein related to SWAP-70 that functions as an upstream activator of Rho GTPases. In NIH 3T3 cells, stimulation of the PI 3-kinase signaling pathway with either H2O2 or platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) resulted in the translocation of an overexpressed DEF6-GFP fusion protein to the cell membrane and induced the formation of filopodia and lamellipodia. In contrast to full-length DEF6, expression of the DH-like (DHL) domain as a GFP fusion protein potently induced actin polymerization, including stress fiber formation in COS-7 cells, in the absence of PI 3-kinase signaling, indicating that it was constitutively active. The GTP-loading of Cdc42 was strongly enhanced in NIH 3T3 cells expressing the DH domain while filopodia formation, membrane ruffling, and stress fiber formation could be inhibited by the co-expression of the DH domain with dominant negative mutants of either N17Rac1, N17Cdc42, or N19RhoA, respectively. This indicated that DEF6 acts upstream of the Rho GTPases resulting in the activation of the Cdc42, Rac1, and RhoA signaling pathways. In vitro, DEF6 specifically interacted with Rac1, Rac2, Cdc42, and RhoA, suggesting a direct role for DEF6 in the activation of Rho GTPases. The ability of DEF6 to both stimulate actin polymerization and bind to filamentous actin suggests a role for DEF6 in regulating cell shape, polarity, and movement.  相似文献   
We investigated the relationship between the development of hypercholesterolemia in rabbits and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity secretion by their perfused livers. Two inbred strains of rabbits were compared which differ markedly in their hypercholesterolemic response to dietary cholesterol. Feeding a high-cholesterol (0.3%) diet, increased plasma and liver cholesterol levels in the two strains, the increments being 15 mM and 30 μmol/g greater in the hyperresponders, respectively. The high-cholesterol diet caused an about 2-fold increased hepatic secretion of CETP activity, but there was no difference between the two rabbit strains. Feeding a lower amount of dietary cholesterol (0.08%) also caused higher cholesterolemic (2 mM) and hepatocholesterolic (28 μmol/g) responses in hyper- than in hyporesponsive rabbits. The activity of hepatic CETP secretion was not increased by the low-cholesterol diet, and there was no difference between hypo- and hyperresponsive rabbits. Cholesterol feeding increased plasma CETP activity by 90% in both rabbit strains, but there was no difference between the strains. Our combined data suggest that with increasing plasma cholesterol levels, hepatic CETP secretion may be increased in a parabolic manner, reaching its maximum rate far before plasma cholesterol concentrations are maximal. There were no differences in hepatic CETP activity secretion or plasma CETP activity levels between the genetically different strains of hypo- and hyperresponsive rabbits.  相似文献   
Summary Injection of wheat-germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate (WGA-HRP) into the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) of the rat results in accumulation of WGA-HRP in sympathetic postganglionic neurons in the contralateral SCG. The sympathetic pathways involved and the mechanism underlying the labeling were investigated. The labeling in neurons in the contralateral SCG was apparent 6 h after injection and increased in intensity with longer survival times. The number of labeled neurons reached 1300 at 72 h after the injection. Transection of the external (ECN) or internal carotid nerves (ICN) resulted in considerable reduction in the number of labeled neurons. Combined transection of both ECN and ICN virtually eliminated labeling in the contralateral SCG. This provides strong evidence that these two nerves are the major pathways for WGA-HRP transport out of the SCG. No labeling was observed in the contralateral SCG following injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Therefore, it seems unlikely that a direct nerve connection exists between the bilateral ganglia. Instead, the labeling of contralateral SCG neurons appears to depend on the transneuronal transport capacity of WGA-HRP, which conveys the marker in an anterograde direction along the postganglionic fibers to terminals in sympathetic target organs, and then delivers it transneuronally to contralateral SCG neurons. We suggest that the sympathetic nerve fibers originating in the bilateral SCGs run intermingled and are in close contact in their peripheral target organs.  相似文献   
Transverse sections of the skin in the dorsal fin of the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, and spotted raggedtooth shark, Carcharias taurus, show large numbers of dermal fiber bundles, which extend from the body into the fin. The bundles are tightly grouped together in staggered formation (not arranged in a straight line or in rows). This arrangement of dermal fibers gives tensile strength without impeding fiber movement. Tangential sections indicate that the fibers in all three species are strained and lie at angles in excess of 60 degrees . Of the three species investigated the dermal fibers in C. carcharias are the most densely concentrated and extend furthest distally along the dorsal fin. The overall results indicate that the dorsal fin of C. carcharias functions as a dynamic stabilizer and that the dermal fibers are crucial to this role. The fibers work like riggings that stabilize a ship's mast. During fast swimming, when the problems of yaw and roll are greatest, hydrostatic pressure within the shark increases and the fibers around the body, including in the dorsal fin, become taut, thereby stiffening the fin. During slow swimming and feeding the hydrostatic pressure is reduced, the fibers are slackened, and the muscles are able to exert greater bending forces on the fin via the radials and ceratotrichia. In C. carcharias there is a trade-off for greater stiffness of the dorsal fin against flexibility.  相似文献   
Introduction of large-DNA fragments into cereals by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is a useful technique for map-based cloning and molecular breeding. However, little is known about the organization and stability of large fragments of foreign DNA introduced into plant genomes. In this study, we produced transgenic rice plants by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation with a large-insert T-DNA containing a 92-kb region of the wheat genome. The structures of the T-DNA in four independent transgenic lines were visualized by fluorescence in situ hybridization on extended DNA fibers (fiber FISH). By using this cytogenetic technique, we showed that rearrangements of the large-insert T-DNA, involving duplication, deletion and insertion, had occurred in all four lines. Deletion of long stretches of the large-insert DNA was also observed in Agrobacterium.  相似文献   
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