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Four aquatic hyphomycetes and one terrestrial fungus were examined for their responses to the phenoxy herbicides (±)-MCPP and 2,4-D as both single and binary preparations with respect to hyphal extension, sporulation and respiration. Hyphal extension of all species was unaffected at concentrations less than 100 mg l?1. At higher concentrations there was a variable inhibitory response to the herbicides but no clear pattern was observed between the five fungi. The binary herbicide mixture had a weak synergistic effect on inhibition of growth rate. For the four aquatic hyphomycetes sporulation was reduced at several herbicide concentrations, but there was no consistent reduction over the experimental period. Flagellospora curvula and Clavariopsis aquatica showed increased sporulation at 100 and 1000 mg l?1 for only some herbicide combinations. The respiration rates of the fungi varied with species and herbicide concentration and ranged between stimulation at 100 mg l?1 to inhibition at 4000 mg l?1. The results indicate that the five fungi are not likely to be severely effected by the phenoxy herbicides at concentrations normally occurring in the field. The possible effects of these herbicides on nutrient cycling are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Nanosized plastics are an emerging concern in freshwater ecosystems, raising the question whether they put freshwater ecological processes at risk. Litter decomposition is a major ecological function in forested streams which is mainly driven by aquatic hyphomycetes. Here we investigated whether increasing concentrations (up to 102.4 mg/L) of nanosized polystyrene plastics (NPPs; 100nm) affect litter decomposition by five widely distributed species of aquatic hyphomycetes. Results showed that average litter decomposition decreased by 8% relative to the control when exposed to 102.4 mg/L NPPs. Aquatic hyphomycete species differed in their sensitivity to NPPs. The greatest inhibition of litter decomposition was found with Tetracladium marchalianum, where it dropped from 37 (control) to 16% (102.4 mg/L of NPP). Overall our study highlights the emerging risks and potential dangers of NPPs to freshwater ecosystem functioning. It also indicates that the impact of NPPs may be species specific.  相似文献   
Nine microsatellite markers were isolated from the entomopathogenic haploid fungus Paecilomyces fumosoroseus. Genetic diversity was assessed in 26 P. fumosoroseus isolates originated from the whitefly Bemisia tabaci collected in various geoclimatic areas. Eight loci were polymorphic with an observed number of alleles ranging from two to six. The loci differentiated some isolates and group of isolates according to their geographical location, showing promise for the study of gene flow. All loci failed to give clear amplifications in P. fumosoroseus isolates from hosts other than B. tabaci. These microsatellite markers provide powerful tools for ecological, epidemiological, and population genetic studies.  相似文献   
1. We characterised the fungal communities of eight streams in Portugal, four bordered by native deciduous forest and four bordered by pure stands of Eucalyptus globulus .
2. Aquatic hyphomycete species richness and evenness, but not numbers of water-borne conidia, of aquatic hyphomycetes were significantly lower in eucalypt bordered streams.
3. Multivariate analyses subdivided the fungal communities into two distinct groups corresponding to riparian vegetation.
4. Despite these differences in the dominant decomposer community, decay rates of eucalypt leaves (accounting for ≥98% of naturally occurring leaves in eucalypt bordered streams, absent in native forest) and chestnut leaves (occurring naturally in native forests) did not differ between the two groups of streams.  相似文献   
本文回顾了自1942年水生丝孢菌发现以来,该类群的研究进展。世界范围内已有约80属、200种的水生丝孢菌被报道。中国发现20属、28种。12属中的15种水生丝孢菌的有性阶段已发现,它们大多数是子囊菌,少数为担子菌。生理学研究证实,该类真菌普遍地可以分泌胞外多糖酶,从而能较好地利用多种碳源。其它生理特性,如氮源和矿物的需求等,本文也作了综述。一些植物寄生性水生丝孢菌也有报道。生态学研究表明,秋季和冬季是水生丝孢菌大发生季节。它们在水环境中的重要作用,文中也作了较详细的讨论。最后涉及的是水生丝孢菌的传布和陆生情况的发现。本文还对该类群真菌的研究前景作了展望。  相似文献   
Aquatic hyphomycetes of a sulphur spring in the Western Ghat region of Karnataka were investigated by the following methods: leaf litter observations, water filtration, analysis of natural and induced foam. The samples were collected and studied from three sites, the spring proper (site I), the connecting region of the spring and the rivulet (site II) and the spot where the spring joins the rivulet (site III). The number of species of hyphomycetes encountered at the three sites were 1, 14 and 20, respectively. The sulphide content of the spring ranged between 0.1–3.1 mg l–1 and the temperature between 26.5–36.5 °C. In another experiment submerged coffee leaves from a fresh water stream were collected and incubated in spring water, stream water and well water at different temperatures (16–40 °C). A maximum of 18 species of hyphomycetes sporulated at 22 °C followed by 17 species at 28 °C, irrespective of the source of water in which the leaves were incubated. Based on these studies, we conclude that the presence of only one species in the spring proper (site I) was not due to the higher sulphide content, but to the high temperature.  相似文献   
Summary Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the effects of fungal species composition of leaf detritus on the feeding of distantly related macroinvertebrate shredders. Preferences of shredders representing three orders of insects (Diptera: Tipulidae; Plecoptera: Pteronarcidae; Trichoptera: Limnephilidae and Calamatoceridae) and one each of gastropods (Basommatophora: Planorbidae) and crustaceans (Amphipoda: Gammaridae) were compared. Shredder preferences were based on consumption of leaves separately colonized by one of eight species of aquatic hyphomycetes. The feeding patterns of the invertebrates ranged from lack of feeding to heavy consumption of fungal-colonized leaves. Where consumption occurred, rank orders of preference and degree of selectivity differed among invertebrate shredders. Differences in preferences together with relationships between degree of selectivity and the relative mobility and digestive specializations exhibited by shredders suggest that the exploitation of fungal-colonized leaf detritus by different taxa is affected by phylogenetic constraints. Our results suggest that fungal species composition affects the feeding of a variety of shredders and that fungal species composition may be as important as degree of conditioning in determining food selection by shredders.  相似文献   
Cadmium stress response was measured at the thiol peptide level in an aquatic hyphomycete (Heliscus lugdunensis). In liquid culture, 0.1 mM cadmium increased the glutathione (GSH) content and induced the synthesis of additional thiol peptides. HPLC, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, and Edman degradation confirmed that a novel small metallothionein as well as phytochelatin (PC2) were synthesized. The metallothionein has a high homology to family 8 metallothioneins (http://www.expasy.ch/cgi-bin/lists?metallo.txt). The bonding of at least two cadmium ions to the metallothionein was demonstrated by mass spectrometry (MALDI MS). This is the first time that simultaneous induction of metallothionein and phytochelatin accompanied by an increase in GSH level has been shown in a fungus under cadmium stress, indicating a potential function of these complexing agents for in vivo heavy metal detoxification. The method presented here should be applicable as biomarker tool.  相似文献   
Enhanced tolerance of aquatic organisms to metal toxicity is one of the important issues of environmental monitoring programs. Determination of dominant uptake route(s) of metals may help to better predict the toxic effects posed by metals. This study aimed to investigate the importance of Zn uptake routes on tolerance and energy reserves of Daphnia magna. Neonates of D. magna were exposed to water-borne zinc, dietary zinc (algae Pseudokichneriella subcapitata loaded with Zn) or to combination of both for 4 days. LC50 (48 h) values of Zn were considerably different from different zinc pre-exposures. Four-day pre-exposure of D. magna neonates produced enhanced tolerance to Zn toxicity. The lowest LC50 values were found in controls (48.2 microM) (no Zn added to their exposure medium and food) and after water-borne Zn pre-exposures (46.2 microM). The level of tolerance increased when dietary Zn was included in pre-exposures, reaching the highest level of LC50 value (70.8 microM) in the highest pre-exposure concentration of diet and water-borne combination experiment. The energy reserves of D. magna also varied significantly under different pre-exposure routes of zinc. In all cases, control animals contained lowest levels of protein, sugar and lipid. Likewise, they represented the lowest energy reserves. Protein levels were highest in the highest dietary Zn exposure, and lowest in the water-borne exposures. Highest and lowest sugar levels were measured in the lowest and highest water-borne Zn exposures, respectively. In contrast, lipid levels were higher in the higher Zn exposure of all exposure routes, the combination exposure resulting in highest lipid levels. The highest total energy reserve was measured in animals that lived in the highest Zn exposure of diet and water-borne combination experiment, mainly due to greater lipid reserves in algae reared in Zn containing media. Results suggest that the dietary exposure route should be considered carefully in natural monitoring studies, and be considered in regulatory assessments of zinc and population dynamics of cladocerans.  相似文献   
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