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Algae as indicators of environmental change   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Despite an increased awareness by governments and the general public of the need for protecting all types of aquatic habitats, human impacts continue to impair the services that these ecosystems provide. Increased monitoring activities that locus on all major biological compartments are needed to quantify the present condition of Earth's aquatic resources and to evaluate the effectiveness of regulations designed to rehabilitate damaged ecosystems. Algae are an ecologically important group in most aquatic ecosystems but are often ignored as indicators of aquatic ecosystem change. We attribute this situation both to an underappreciation of the utility of algal indicators among non-phycologists and to a lack of standardized methods for monitoring with algae.Because of their nutritional needs and their position at the base of aquatic foodwebs, algal indicators provide relatively unique information concerning ecosystem condition compared with commonly used animal indicators. Algae respond rapidly and predictably to a wide range of pollutants and, thus, provide potentially useful early warning signals of deteriorating conditions and the possible causes. Algal assemblages provide one of the few benchmarks for establishing historical water quality conditions and for characterizing the minimally impacted biological condition of many disturbed ecosystems. Preliminary comparisons suggest that algal indicators are a cost-effective monitoring tool as well.Based on available evidence from field studies, we recommend development of taxonomic indicators based on diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) as a standardized protocol for monitoring ecosystem change. Both population- and community-level indices have inherent strengths, and limitations and information from both levels of biological organization should be utilized in tandem. However, further information concerning species tolerances to a variety of anthropogenic stressors is needed if autecological indices are to be used routinely for monitoring purposes. While functional measures (e.g. productivity) may also prove useful as monitoring tools, further investigation is required to characterize the reliability of alternative methodologies and to assess the consistency of these indicators under varying field conditions.Author for correspondence  相似文献   
A. Basset 《Oecologia》1993,93(3):315-321
The role of interactions between chemical perturbations and biological constraints on detritivores occurring in polluted streams were investigated by analysing food absorption variation with stress. Absorption rate and efficiency of four Asellus aquaticus (L.) populations from differently polluted habitats were quantified with respect to the microbial guilds colonizing detritus. A twin tracer method was used. Detritus was microbially colonized in standard conditions and on each stream bottom to control for potential resource-independent variations among individuals. The relationship between length and weight was also determined on a random sample of individuals of each population. Differences of 14.6% in potential absorption efficiency and 11.3% in potential absorption rate were observed between populations from the least and the most polluted habitat. Actual (realized) variations were much stronger: from a minimum of a 60.1% reduction in absorption efficiency to a maximum of 93.8% for the rate. The realized food absorption and the individual weight per length showed the same pattern of variation among populations. This suggested that the availability of energy to isopods in nature was related to stream pollution and resource quality. Bottomup interactions appear to be the most relevant pathway through which chemical water pollution affects the Asellus populations studied. The potential resource-independent variations among individuals are also likely to be explained by temporal cascading of resource-mediated effects.  相似文献   
Effects of fire on water and salinity relations of riparian woody taxa   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Water and salinity relations were evaluated in recovering burned individuals of the dominant woody taxa from low-elevation riparian plant communities of the southwestern U.S. Soil elemental analyses indicated that concentrations of most nutrients increased following fire, contributing to a potential nutrient abundance but also elevated alluvium salinity. Boron, to which naturalized Tamarix ramosissima is tolerant, was also elevated in soils following fire. Lower moisture in the upper 30 cm of burned site soil profiles was attributed to shifts in evapotranspiration following fire. Higher leaf stomatal conductance occurred in all taxa on burned sites. This is apparently due to higher photosynthetic photon flux density at the midcanopy level and may be partially mitigated by reduced unit growth in resprouting burned individuals. Predawn water potentials varied little among sites, as was expected for plants exhibiting largely phreatophytic water uptake. Midday water potentials in recovering Salix gooddingii growing in the Colorado River floodplain reached levels which are considered stressful. Decreased hydraulic efficiency was also indicated for this species by examining transpiration-water potential regressions. Recovering, burned Tamarix and Tessaria sericea had enriched leaf tissue 13C relative to unburned controls. Higher water use efficiency following fire in these taxa may be attributed to halophytic adaptations, and to elevated foliar nitrogen in Tessaria. Consequently, mechanisms are proposed which would facilitate increased community dominance of Tamarix and Tessaria in association with fire. The theory that whole ecosystem processes are altered by invading species may thus be extended to include those processes related to disturbance.  相似文献   
CO2 exchange rate in relation to thallus water content (WC, % of dry weight) was determined for 22 species of lichens, mainly members of the genera Pseudocyphellaria and Sticta, from a temperate rainforest, Urewere National Park, New Zealand. All data were obtained in the field, either using a standard technique in which the lichens were initially wetted (soaked or sprayed, then shaken) and allowed to slowly dry, or from periodic measurements on samples that were continuously exposed in their natural habitat. A wide range of WC was found, with species varying from 357 to 3360% for maximal WC in the field, and from 86 to 1300% for optimal WC for photosynthesis. Maximal WC for lichens, wetted by the standard technique, were almost always much less than the field maxima, due to the presence of water on the thalli. The relationships between CO2 exchange rate and WC could be divided into four response types based on the presence, and degree, of depression of photosynthesis at high WC. Type A lichens showed no depression, and Type B only a little at maximal WC. Type C had a very large depression and, at the highest WC, CO2 release could occur even in the light. Photosynthetic depression commenced soon after optimal WC was reached. Type D lichens showed a similar depression but the response curve had an inflection so that net photosynthesis was low but almost constant, and never negative, at higher WC. There was little apparent relationship between lichen genus or photobiont type and the response type. It was shown that high WC does limit photosynthetic CO2 uptake under natural conditions. Lichens, taken directly from the field and allowed to dry under controlled conditions, had net photosynthesis rates that were initially strongly inhibited but rose to an optimum, before declining at low WC. The limiting effects of high WC were clearly shown when, under similar light conditions, severe photosynthetic depression followed a brief, midday, rain storm. Over the whole measuring period the lichens were rarely at their optimal WC for photosynthesis, being mostly too wet or, occasionally, too dry. Photosynthetic performance by the lichens exposed in the field was similar to that expected from the relationship between the photosynthetic rate and WC established by the standard procedure.  相似文献   
The acclimation of the clawed toad Xenopus laevis to hyperosmotic solutions of NaCl (balanced solution of sea salt), urea or mannitol was studied. The animals could not be acclimated to salt solutions more concentrated centrated than 400 mosm·l-1. Urea was tolerated till 500 mmol·l-1. Plasma osmolality was always hyperosmotic to the environmental solution, but with diminished osmotic gradient at the highest tolerated solutions. Plasma urea concentration approached 90 mmol·l-1, similar in the three solutions of acclimation. Urine volume was very small under all conditions. Serum aldosterone and corticosterone did not differ significantly, although there was a slight tendency towards lower aldosterone in the NaCl solution. In vivo water uptake in tap water acclimated animals was very small, and was higher in the other groups. Only the salt- and urea-acclimated, but not the tap water and mannitol-acclimated groups responded with a clear increase following injection of oxytocin or theophylline. In vitro urea fluxes were similar and invariable in both directions under all conditions. No significant effect of theophylline was observed. Sodium transport measured by the short-circuit technique in vitro was lower in salt- and mannitol-acclimation conditions, and was stimulated significantly under all conditions in response to serosal oxytocin or theopylline. It is concluded that Xenopus laevis can osmoregulate at a limited range of external solutions. It is limited in the increase of its plasma urea concentration; the transport properties of the skin do not change very much upon acclimation, except for the hydroosmotic response to oxytocin.Abbreviations I sc short circuit current - PD potential difference - SW balanced sea water - TW tap water  相似文献   
La Salada de Chiprana Lake, located in the Ebro River basin, northeastern Spain, is the only permanent and deep water hypersaline ecosystem in all of western Europe. With a total surface of 31 ha and a maximum depth of 5.6 m, it has several basins bounded by elongated sandstone-bodies or ribbons which are paleochannels of Miocene age. Its salinity varied from 30 to 73 g 1–1 during the 1989 hydrological cycle and the most abundant ions were magnesium and sulphate. Depth-time distributions of major physico-chemical variables demonstrated that the lake was stratified in two distinctive layers during most of the year. The chemocline disappeared only in October, with the complete overturn of the water column. In the deep water, three conditions occurred which allowed development of green sulphur bacteria populations: (1) oxygen depletion, (2) presence of hydrogen sulphide and (3) presence of light. Benthic microbial mats covered the sediments of shallow shores of moderate slope.  相似文献   
Elevated tropospheric ozone (O3) affects the allocation of biomass aboveground and belowground and influences terrestrial ecosystem functions. However, how belowground functions respond to elevated O3 concentrations ([O3]) remains unclear at the global scale. Here, we conducted a detailed synthesis of belowground functioning responses to elevated [O3] by performing a meta-analysis of 2395 paired observations from 222 publications. We found that elevated [O3] significantly reduced the primary productivity of roots by 19.8%, 16.3%, and 26.9% for crops, trees and grasses, respectively. Elevated [O3] strongly decreased the root/shoot ratio by 11.3% for crops and by 4.9% for trees, which indicated that roots were highly sensitive to O3. Elevated [O3] impacted carbon and nitrogen cycling in croplands, as evidenced by decreased dissolved organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon, total soil nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, microbial biomass nitrogen, and nitrification rates in association with increased nitrate nitrogen and denitrification rates. Elevated [O3] significantly decreased fungal phospholipid fatty acids in croplands, which suggested that O3 altered the microbial community and composition. The responses of belowground functions to elevated [O3] were modified by experimental methods, root environments, and additional global change factors. Therefore, these factors should be considered to avoid the underestimation or overestimation of the impacts of elevated [O3] on belowground functioning. The significant negative relationships between O3-treated intensity and the multifunctionality index for croplands, forests, and grasslands implied that elevated [O3] decreases belowground ecosystem multifunctionality.  相似文献   
Climate change and urbanisation are among the most pervasive and rapidly growing threats to biodiversity worldwide. However, their impacts are usually considered in isolation, and interactions are rarely examined. Predicting species' responses to the combined effects of climate change and urbanisation, therefore, represents a pressing challenge in global change biology. Birds are important model taxa for exploring the impacts of both climate change and urbanisation, and their behaviour and physiology have been well studied in urban and non-urban systems. This understanding should allow interactive effects of rising temperatures and urbanisation to be inferred, yet considerations of these interactions are almost entirely lacking from empirical research. Here, we synthesise our current understanding of the potential mechanisms that could affect how species respond to the combined effects of rising temperatures and urbanisation, with a focus on avian taxa. We discuss potential interactive effects to motivate future in-depth research on this critically important, yet overlooked, aspect of global change biology. Increased temperatures are a pronounced consequence of both urbanisation (through the urban heat island effect) and climate change. The biological impact of this warming in urban and non-urban systems will likely differ in magnitude and direction when interacting with other factors that typically vary between these habitats, such as resource availability (e.g. water, food and microsites) and pollution levels. Furthermore, the nature of such interactions may differ for cities situated in different climate types, for example, tropical, arid, temperate, continental and polar. Within this article, we highlight the potential for interactive effects of climate and urban drivers on the mechanistic responses of birds, identify knowledge gaps and propose promising future research avenues. A deeper understanding of the behavioural and physiological mechanisms mediating species' responses to urbanisation and rising temperatures will provide novel insights into ecology and evolution under global change and may help better predict future population responses.  相似文献   
Arp  W. J.  Drake  B. G.  Pockman  W. T.  Curtis  P. S.  Whigham  D. F. 《Plant Ecology》1993,(1):133-143
Elevated atmospheric CO2 is known to stimulate photosynthesis and growth of plants with the C3 pathway but less of plants with the C4 pathway. An increase in the CO2 concentration can therefore be expected to change the competitive interactions between C3 and C4 species. The effect of long term exposure to elevated CO2 (ambient CO2 concentration +340 µmol CO2 mol-1) on a salt marsh vegetation with both C3 and C4 species was investigated. Elevated CO2 increased the biomass of the C3 sedgeScirpus olneyi growing in a pure stand, while the biomass of the C4 grassSpartina patens in a monospecific community was not affected. In the mixed C3/C4 community the C3 sedge showed a very large relative increase in biomass in elevated CO2 while the biomass of the C4 species declined.The C4 grassSpartina patens dominated the higher areas of the salt marsh, while the C3 sedgeScirpus olneyi was most abundant at the lower elevations, and the mixed community occupied intermediate elevations.Scirpus growth may have been restricted by drought and salt stress at the higher elevations, whileSpartina growth at the lower elevations may be affected by the higher frequency of flooding. Elevated CO2 may affect the species distribution in the salt marsh if it allowsScirpus to grow at higher elevations where it in turn may affect the growth ofSpartina.  相似文献   
Biotechniques for air pollution control   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
This paper gives an overview of present biological techniques for the treatment of off-gases and the techniques that are being developed at the moment. The characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, costs and application area are discussed and compared. Biological off-gas treatment is based on the absorption of volatile contaminants in an aqueous phase or biofilm followed by oxidation by the action of microorganisms. Biofilters, bioscrubbers and biotrickling filters are used for elimination of odour and bioconvertable volatile organic and inorganic compounds and are enjoying increasing popularity. This popularity is a result of the low investment and operational costs involved compared to physico-chemical techniques and the elimination efficiencies that can be obtained. The operational envelop is still extending to higher concentrations and gas flow rates (exceeding 200,000 m3 h–1) and a broader spectrum of degradable compounds. Research and development on the use of membranes and the addition of activated carbon or a second liquid phase to the biological systems may lead to a more efficient elimination of hydrophobic compounds and buffering of fluctuating loads. Shorter adaptation periods can be obtained by inoculation with specialized microorganisms. Improved design and operation are made possible by the growing insights in the kinetics and microbiology and supported by the development of models describing biological off-gas treatment. In conclusion, biotechniques are efficient and cost effective in treating off-gases with concentrations of biodegradable contaminants up to 1–5 g/m3. They could play a justified and important role in air pollution control in the coming years.Abbreviations VOC volatile organic compound - NO x gaseous oxides of nitrogen  相似文献   
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