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Research into dolphin swimming historically was guided by false assumptions pertaining to maximum speed. Accurate measurements on swimming speed and duration of effort of free-ranging dolphins are rare. To examine the variance of maximum swimming speeds, nearly 2,000 speed measurements were obtained for both captive and free-ranging dolphins, including Tursiops truncatus, Pseudorca crassidens, Delphinus capensis , and Delphinus delpbis . Measurements were made from videotapes of dolphins trained to swim fast around a large pool or jumping to a maximum height, videotapes of captured wild dolphins immediately after release, and sequential aerial photographs of a school of free-ranging dolphins startled by a passing airplane. Maximum horizontal speeds for trained animals were 8.2 m/sec for T. truncatus , 8.0 m/sec for D. delphis , and 8.0 m/sec for P. crassidens . Maximum speeds for T. truncatus swimming upwards, prior to vertical leaps ranged from 8.2 to 11.2 m/sec. Wild T. truncatus demonstrated a maximum speed of 5.7 m/sec. Maximum swimming speed of free-ranging D. capensis responding to multiple passes by a low flying airplane was 6.7 m/sec. There was no evidence that the freeranging dolphins have superior swimming capabilities to captive animals. The results of this study imply that realistic maximum swimming speeds for dolphins are lower than previous reports which were based on sparse data and imprecise measurement techniques.  相似文献   
Direct observations on foraging behaviour of scavenging lysianassid amphipods have been limited, and no previous study has examined the effect of food odour quantitatively on the behaviour. The present study recorded the swimming behaviour of the amphipod Scopelocheirus onagawae using videographic techniques before and after the introduction of food odour (amino acid solution). S. onagawae showed consistent nocturnal activity swimming at a high speed (16.8 cm s− 1) with an approximately straight trajectory in various directions before and after the introduction of odour in which the amino acid concentration was below the behavioural threshold concentration for this species (1.0 × 10− 7 mol l− 1). High speed multidirectional linear swimming is thought to be advantageous for these amphipods, enabling them to survey across a broad area. After the first encounter with the odour plume above the behavioural threshold concentration, the amphipods slowed down their swimming speed (ca. 9.7 cm s− 1) with a short time-lag (ca. 0.42 s), and thereafter they frequently turned so that they remained within the odour plume. Once moved out of the odour plume, the amphipods quickly returned to the plume with a shorter response time (ca. 0.1 s) than that in the first detection of the odour plume, suggesting that the sensory adaptation is involved with the tracking of the odour. Our study demonstrated that chemoreception is a major factor causing behavioural change in scavenging amphipods at the edge of the odour plume.  相似文献   
Limited data exist on swimming speeds of humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) and none on swimming speeds of singing whales during migration. We tracked humpback whales visually and acoustically during migration from the breeding grounds past our study site on the east coast of Australia (latitude 26°28'S). The mean swimming speed for whales while singing was 2.5 km/h, significantly less than for non-singing whales with a mean of 4.0 km/h but significantly greater than the mean of 1.6 km/h observed for singing whales on the Hawaiian breeding grounds. Between song sessions, there was no significant difference in speeds between whales that had been singing and other whales. Migration speeds were less for whales while singing but increased during the season. Although humpback whales can swim rapidly while singing (maximum observed 15.6 km/h), they generally do not do so, even during migration. Slower migration by singers would delay their return to the polar feeding areas and may be costly, but may be a strategy to provide access to more females.  相似文献   
This study compared prolonged swimming performance (Ucrit) between male and female Danio rerio, and characterized how body shape was associated with this performance measure in each sex. When swimming in small (n = 6) mixed‐sex groups at 28° C, males swam, on average, over 10 cm s?1 faster than females despite being significantly smaller. Body shape was sexually dimorphic, with males and females exhibiting small, but statistically significant differences in most aspects of body shape. Body shape explained 18 and 43% of the variation in Ucrit among males and females. In general, effects of body shape on swimming performance appeared to be sex limited, whereby different aspects of body shape affected performance in each sex, although the contribution of the distance between pelvic and anal fins to swimming performance was weakly sexually antagonistic.  相似文献   
Control schemes for powered ankle-foot prostheses would benefit greatly from a means to make them inherently adaptive to different walking speeds. Towards this goal, one may attempt to emulate the intact human ankle, as it is capable of seamless adaptation. Human locomotion is governed by the interplay among legged dynamics, morphology and neural control including spinal reflexes. It has been suggested that reflexes contribute to the changes in ankle joint dynamics that correspond to walking at different speeds. Here, we use a data-driven muscle-tendon model that produces estimates of the activation, force, length and velocity of the major muscles spanning the ankle to derive local feedback loops that may be critical in the control of those muscles during walking. This purely reflexive approach ignores sources of non-reflexive neural drive and does not necessarily reflect the biological control scheme, yet can still closely reproduce the muscle dynamics estimated from biological data. The resulting neuromuscular model was applied to control a powered ankle-foot prosthesis and tested by an amputee walking at three speeds. The controller produced speed-adaptive behaviour; net ankle work increased with walking speed, highlighting the benefits of applying neuromuscular principles in the control of adaptive prosthetic limbs.  相似文献   
Pain changes movement but most studies have focused on basic physiological adaptations during non-functional movement tasks. The existing studies on how pain affects lower extremity gross movement biomechanics have primarily involved movements in which the quadriceps is the primary muscle and little attention has been given to how pain in other muscles affects functional movement. The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in the gait patterns of healthy subjects that occur during experimental muscle pain in the biceps femoris.In a cross-over study design, 14 healthy volunteers underwent EMG assisted 3D gait analyses before, during and after experimental biceps femoris pain induced by intramuscular injections of hypertonic saline. Isotonic saline injections were administered as a non-painful control.The experimental biceps femoris pain led to reductions in hip extensor moments, knee flexor and lateral rotator moments. No changes in lower extremity kinematics and EMG activity in any of the recorded muscles were observed.It is concluded that experimental muscle pain in the biceps femoris leads to changes in the gait pattern in agreement with unloading of the painful muscle. The changes are specific to the painful muscle. The present study provides support to the theory that musculoskeletal pain is a protective signal leading to changes in movement patterns that serve to unload the painful tissue.  相似文献   
The study of gait initiation (GI) has primarily focused on gait initiated in a forward direction, however, in everyday life, GI is often combined with a directional change. Ten young adults initiated gait with their right foot in four directions (to the left: −15°, straight ahead: 0°, to the right: 15° and 30°) at self-selected and fast gait speeds. The relationship between starting direction of GI and the lateral center of foot pressure displacement for normal (r2 = 0.57) and fast gait speed (r2 = 0.75) indicated that the lateral component plays an important role with regards to controlling the desired direction of gait. At the first step of the swing limb, the progression velocity of the center of mass (CM) remained slower for the 30° condition only, whereas no difference was found between directions for CM velocity perpendicular to the intended direction. These results suggest that postural adjustments are scaled to initiate gait in a predetermined direction. By the first step, the orientation of CM is toward the intended direction of gait, however, when gait is initiated in combination with a large change in direction, additional adjustments may be required to reach the intended progression velocity.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effect of prolonged load carriage on lower limb muscle activity displayed by female recreational hikers. Electromyography (EMG) signals from vastus lateralis (VL), biceps femoris (BF), semitendinosus (ST), tibialis anterior (TA) and gastrocnemius (GM) were recorded for fifteen female hikers carrying four loads (0%, 20%, 30% and 40% body weight (BW)) over 8 km. Muscle burst duration, muscle burst onset relative to initial contact and integrated EMG signals (iEMG) were calculated to evaluate muscle activity, whereas the shift in mean power frequency (MPF) was used to evaluate muscle fatigue. Increased walking distance significantly decreased the MPF of TA; decreased the iEMG for VL, ST and GM; and shortened VL muscle burst duration. Furthermore, carrying 20–40% BW loads significantly increased VL and GM iEMG and increased BF muscle burst duration, whereas a 40% BW load caused a later VL muscle burst onset. The differences observed in muscle activity with increased load mass seem to be adjustments aimed at maintaining balance and attenuating the increased loads placed on the lower limbs during gait. Based on the changes in muscle activity, a backpack load limit of 30% BW may reduce the risk of lower limb injury for female hikers during prolonged walking.  相似文献   
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