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Previous results on Limulus ventral photoreceptors have suggested that besides inositol trisphosphate, another unknown transmitter may also work in the transduction cascade. This assumption has been supported by the finding of two light-activated channel types. The present report furnishes further evidence of the dual transmitter mechanism in phototransduction by analyzing the kinetic properties and voltage dependency of these cation channels with conductances of 12 pS and 30 pS. Single-channel currents were recorded in Limulus ventral nerve photoreceptors in cell-attached configuration at 14°C. At V m + 80 mV the open-time histograms of both channels were fit best by the sum of two exponentials; time constants (and weights) were: 0.81 ms (0.62) and 6.20 ms (0.38) for the 12 pS channels and 2.38 ms (0.43) and 19.4 ms (0.57) for the 30 pS channels. At this potential the mean open times were 2.7 ms for the 12 pS and 13.3 ms for the 30 pS channels, about two-times larger than at hyperpolarizing potentials. The deactivation kinetics were also different for the two channels. The time constants of the decay of the channel activity, after switching off the light, were 2.5 s for the 12 pS and 12.9 s for the 30 pS channels. The 12 pS channel exhibits bursting and subconductance states at positive potentials. The subconductances are about 20%, 46% and 72% of the fully open state. Results show that the two types of light-activated channels have different kinetic parameters, voltage dependence and gating mechanisms. The two channels are suggested to be gated by different transmitters or processes. It is proposed that for the 30 pS channel the transmitter could be calcium ion or a calcium-dependent transmitter.  相似文献   
We used whole-cell patch-clamp recording techniques to investigate G protein-activated currents in cultured rat retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. Using 140 mm KCl intracellular and 130 mm NaCl extracellular solutions, rat RPE cells possessed both inward and outward K+ currents. Upon addition of the nonhydrolyzable guanine triphosphate analogue, guanosine-5′-O-(3-thiophosphate) (GTPγS, 0.1 mm), to the recording electrode, a nonspecific cation (NSC) current was elicited. The NSC current had a mean reversal potential of +5.7 mV in 130 mm extracellular NaCl with Cs+-aspartate in the pipette, and was not affected by alterations in the extracellular Ca2+ or Cl concentration. The GTPγS-activated current was found to be permeable to several monovalent cations (K+, Na+, choline, TRIS, and NMDG). Addition of fluoroaluminate, an activator of large molecular weight heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins (G proteins), to the intracellular recording solution activated the NSC current. The G protein involved was pertussis toxin (PTX)-sensitive, since GTPγS failed to activate the NSC current in cells pretreated with PTX. Further investigation of second messenger molecules suggested that activation of the NSC current was not affected by alterations in intracellular Ca2+ or ATP. From these results, we conclude that a G protein-regulated NSC current is present in rat RPE cells. Activation of the NSC current may sufficiently depolarize RPE cells to activate outward K+ currents. This would provide a mechanism by which these cells could rid themselves of accumulated K+. Received: 25 January 1996/Revised: 24 April 1996  相似文献   
Membrane fractions highly enriched in chicken lens MIP (MIP28) were found to form ion channels when incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. The channels displayed prominent unitary conductances of about 60 and 290 pS in symmetric 150 mm KCl solution and were slightly anion selective. For both depolarizing and hyperpolarizing voltages, voltage sensitivity of the MIP28-induced conductance could be fit by a Boltzmann relation, symmetric around zero mV, with V 0 = 18.5 mV, n= 4.5 and g min/g max= 0.17. Channel properties were not appreciably altered by pH in the range of 5.8 to 7, although channel incorporation was observed to occur more frequently at lower pH values. Calcium, at millimolar concentrations, decreased the channel mean open time. Partial proteolysis of MIP28 to yield MIP21 did not appreciably affect single-channel conductance or voltage sensitivity of the reconstituted channels. MIP28 was not phosphorylated by cAMP dependent protein kinase (PKA). Although unitary conductance and selectivity of the chicken MIP channel are similar to those reported for the bovine MIP (MIP26), the voltage sensitivity of MIP28 was higher than that of the bovine homologue, and voltage sensitivity of MIP28 was not modulated by treatments previously shown to affect MIP26 voltage gating (partial proteolysis and protein phosphorylation by PKA: (Ehring et al., 1990). The existence of such strikingly different functional properties in highly homologous channel isoforms may provide a useful system for exploration of the structure-function relations of MIP channels. Received: 27 March 1996/Revised: 5 August 1996  相似文献   
A Ca2+-activated Cl conductance in rat submandibular acinar cells was identified and characterized using whole-cell patch-clamp technique. When the cells were dialyzed with Cs-glutamate-rich pipette solutions containing 2 mm ATP and 1 μm free Ca2+ and bathed in N-methyl-d-glucamine chloride (NMDG-Cl) or Choline-Cl-rich solutions, they mainly exhibited slowly activating currents. Dialysis of the cells with pipette solutions containing 300 nm or less than 1 nm free Ca2+ strongly reduced the Cl currents, indicating the currents were Ca2+-dependent. Relaxation analysis of the ``on' currents of slowly activating currents suggested that the channels were voltage-dependent. The anion permeability sequence of the Cl channels was: NO 3 (2.00) > I (1.85) ≥ Br (1.69) > Cl (1.00) > bicarbonate (0.77) ≥ acetate (0.70) > propionate (0.41) ≫ glutamate (0.09). When the ATP concentration in the pipette solutions was increased from 0 to 10 mm, the Ca2+-dependency of the Cl current amplitude shifted to lower free Ca2+ concentrations by about two orders of magnitude. Cells dialyzed with a pipette solution (pCa = 6) containing ATP-γS (2 mm) exhibited currents of similar magnitude to those observed with the solution containing ATP (2 mm). The addition of the calmodulin inhibitors trifluoperazine (100 μm) or calmidazolium (25 μm) to the bath solution and the inclusion of KN-62 (1 μm), a specific inhibitor of calmodulin kinase, or staurosporin (10 nm), an inhibitor of protein kinase C to the pipette solution had little, if any, effect on the Ca2+-activated Cl currents. This suggests that Ca2+/Calmodulin or calmodulin kinase II and protein kinase C are not involved in Ca2+-activated Cl currents. The outward Cl currents at +69 mV were inhibited by NPPB (100 μm), IAA-94 (100 μm), DIDS (0.03–1 mm), 9-AC (300 μm and 1 mm) and DPC (1 mm), whereas the inward currents at −101 mV were not. These results demonstrate the presence of a bicarbonate- and weak acid-permeable Cl conductance controlled by cytosolic Ca2+ and ATP levels in rat submandibular acinar cells. Received: 9 January 1996/Revised: 20 May 1996  相似文献   
The mechanosensitive properties of large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels from embryonic rat neuroepithelium were investigated with the cell-attached and inside-out configurations of the patch-clamp technique. The channels were activated in both recording configurations by negative pressures applied to the patch electrode, but reversal of the effect was total and immediate in inside-out patches whereas it was incomplete and delayed in on-cell patches. This mechanosensitivity was not mediated by Ca2+ ions or fatty acids, suggesting that it is an intrinsic property of these channels. Cytochalasin B did not affect mechanosensitivity in on-cell patches but increased it in inside-out patches. Kinetic studies showed that stretch increased the mean open time of the channels and decreased the slowest time constant of their closed-time distributions. The present as well as previous results suggest complex interactions between embryonic BK channels and their membranous and submembranous environment. Received: 1 February 1996/Revised: 25 March 1996  相似文献   
This study investigated the underlying mechanisms of oxytocin (OT)-induced increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]i) in acutely dispersed myometrial cells from prepartum sows. A dosedependent increase in [Ca2+]i was induced by OT (0.1 nM to 1 μM) in the presence and absence of extracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]e). [Ca2+]i was elevated by OT in a biphasic pattern, with a spike followed by a sustained plateau in the presence of [Ca2+]e. However, in the absence of [Ca2+]e, the [Ca2+]i response to OT became monophasic with a lower amplitude and no plateau, and this monophasic increase was abolished by pretreatment with ionomycin, a Ca2+ ionophore. Administration of OT (1 μM) for 15 sec increased inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) formation by 61%. Pretreatment with pertussis toxin (PTX, 1 μg/ml) for 2 hr failed to alter the OT-induced increase in [Ca2+]i and IP3 formation. U-73122 (30 nM to 3 μM), a phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor, depressed the rise in [Ca2+]i by OT dose dependently. U-73122 (3 μM) also abolished the OT-induced IP3 formation. Thapsigargin (2 μM), an inhibitor of Ca2+-ATPase in the endoplasmic reticulum, did not increase [Ca2+]i. However, it did time-dependently inhibit the OT-induced increase in [Ca2+]i. Nimodipine (1 μM), a Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel (VDCC) blocker, inhibited the OT-induced plateau by 26%. La3+ (1 μM), a nonspecific Ca2+ channel blocker, abrogated the OT-induced plateau. In whole-cell patch-clamp studies used to evaluate VDCC activities, OT (0.1 μM) increased Ca2+ Current (Ica) by 40% with no apparent changes in the current-voltage relationship. The OT-induced increase in Ica reached the maximum in 5 min, and the increase was abolished by nimodipine (1 μM). These results suggested that (1) activation of OT receptors in porcine myometrium evokes a cascade in the PTX-insensitive G-protein–PLC-IP3 signal transduction, resulting in an increase in [Ca2+]i; (2) the OT-induced increase in [Ca2+]i is characterized by a biphasic pattern, in which the spike is predominately contributed by the intracellular Ca2+ release from the IP3-sensitive pool, and to a lesser extent by Ca2+ influx, whereas the plateau is from increased Ca2+ influx; and (3) the influx is via VDCC and receptor-operated Ca2+ channels. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The temperature dependence of high voltage activated Ca2+ channels has been investigated in cultured dorsal root ganglion neurones from chick embryos, using the cell-attached patch-clamp technique. The dihydropyridine sensitive L-type Ca2+ channel had a conductance of 23 pS, with 110 mM Ba2+ as charge carrier and in the presence of 3 M Bay K 8644. When the temperature was raised from 15 to 30 °C, the unitary channel current amplitude increased, with Q10 value equal to 1.4. The rising phase of the averaged single-channel current became faster, with Q10 value 2.7, whereas the decay phase showed a lower temperature sensitivity. Channel open probability decreased according to an exponential distribution of open and closed times. A second type of Ca2+ channel was identified, which was DHP-insensitive and had a lower conductance with a mean value equal to 13 pS. For the current amplitude, the Q10 value was 1.3. Both activation and inactivation kinetics were strongly accelerated by an increase in temperature. The corresponding time constants gave Q10 values equal to 5.9 for activation, and 2.0 for inactivation. Peak channel open probability was highly sensitive to a change in temperature, with a Q10 value of 1.6. Finally, in -conotoxin GVIA pre-treated neurones, a non-inactivating DHP-insensitive Ca2+ channel with the lowest unitary conductance (10 pS) and a much lower temperature dependence was recorded. Single-channel current was increased by heating, with Q10 value 1.3, whereas the channel kinetics were almost unaffected by temperature. Our data are consistent with the assumption that the different temperature dependence of the Ca2+ channel behaviours may be explained by separate gating processes of three types of Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   
Erythrocytes from the marine fish species ballan wrasse (Labrus berggylta Ascanius), bullhead (Myoxocephalus scorpius L.), cod (Gadus morhua L.), dab (Limanda limanda L.), eelpout (Zoarces viviparus L.), flounder (Platichthys flesus L.), lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.), plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.), sole (Solea solea L.) and turbot (Scophthalmus maxima L.) possess the capacity for regulatory volume decrease. This property was demonstrated in vitro by reduction of the osmolality of the incubation medium from 330 to 255 mosmol·kg-1. During the 4-h incubation period only the lumpfish cells completely regained the original volume. Twenty-seven free amino compounds were present in detectable amounts in the erythrocytes. At normal osmolality the taurine content was between 14.0 mol·g dry weight-1 (lumpfish) and 147.4 mol·g dry weight-1 (sole). Except in the bullhead, taurine was the quantitatively dominating amino compound in the erythrocytes from all species, and accounted for betwee 23% (lumpfish) and 88% (sole) of the total content of free amino compounds. In each species the regulatory volume decrease was associated with a reduction in the cellular content of taurine. Taurine contributed to between 6% (lumpfish) and 36% (flounder) of the cell shrinkage. There was a significant negative correlation, however, between the cellular concentration of taurine at normal osmolality and the capacity of the cells for regulatory volume decrease. Gamma-aminobutyric acid and/or glycine also contributed to the process of volume regulation, but to a lesser extent than taurine. The volume regulatory efflux of taurine and -aminobutyric acid were mediated by taurine channels. It is suggested that these channels also mediated the reduction in the cellular contents of glycine.Abbreviations cmp counts per minute - dw dry weight - GABA -amino-n-butyric acid - MW molecular weight - SD standard deviation - ww wet weight  相似文献   
The effects of lead on Ca2+ homeostasis in nerve terminals was studied. Incubation with leadin vitro stimulated the activity of calmodulin and the maximum effect was observed at 30 M lead, higher concentrations had an inhibitory effect.In vivo exposure to lead increased the activity of calmodulin by 45%. Lead had an inhibitory effect on Ca2+ ATPase activity in both calmodulin-rich and calmodulin-depleted synaptic plasma membranes, the IC50 values for inhibition being 13.34 and 16.69 M respectively. Exogenous addition of calmodulin (5 g) and glutathione (1 mM) to calmodulin rich synaptic plasma membranes reversed the inhibition by IC50 concentration of lead.In vivo exposure of lead also significantly reduced the Ca2+ ATPase activity, resulting in an increase in intrasynaptosomal calcium. Concomitant with the increase in intrasynaptosomal calcium, lipid peroxidation values also increased significantly in lead-treated animals. In addition lead also had an inhibitory effect on depolarization induced Ca2+ uptake and the inhibition was found to be a competitive one. The results sugest that lead exerts its toxic effects by modifications of the intracellular calcium messenger system which would have serious consequences on neuronal functioning.  相似文献   
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