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Synopsis At least eight species of sharks of the families Carcharhinidae and Sphyrnidae use Cleveland Bay in northern Australia as a communal nursery area.Carcharhinus dussumieri, C. fitzroyensis, C. limbatus andC. tilstoni use the bay as a seasonal primary nursery, with juveniles occurring in it for only a few months each year immediately after birth. Alternatively,Carcharhinus sorrah, Rhizoprionodon acutus andR. taylori use the bay as a year-round primary and secondary nursery, with juveniles remaining in it up to the size at maturity. AdultR. taylori also persist in the bay, a behavioural pattern possibly explained by their small maximum size. While present immediately after birth the type of utilisation pattern displayed bySphyrna lewini could not be clarified in this study. Although diets of these species in the bay are similar, there is probably little direct competition for food due to the highly productive habitats in the bay supporting an abundance of food resources. The highest numbers of juveniles occur when prey species are the most abundant, and when temporal separation of some seasonally-occurring species of sharks in effect.  相似文献   
The effects of salinity on the reproduction of coastal submerged macrophyte species were studied on samples of communities from six seasonal marshes in two outdoor experiments performed in autumn and in spring. The submerged macrophyte communities were submitted to five different salinity levels (0, 1, 2, 4 and 6 g/1 Cl?1). In a companion paper (Grillas, van Wijck & Bonis 1993) three groups of species were distinguished on the basis of their biomass production over the salinity range 0 to 6 g/1 Cl?1: (1) glycophytes (non-salt-tolerant species), (2) salt-tolerant species and (3) halo-phytes. This part of the study describes the impact of salinity on the reproduction of the individual species during the two experiments. The species differ in their capacity to reproduce in the autumn; only Zannichelliapedunculata and Tolypella hispánica were able to produce fruits in that season. For all species reproduction was greater in spring and strongly correlated with biomass, except for Chara canescens. Differences in reproductive effort over the salinity range amplified the halophytic nature of Ruppia marítima and Chara canescens and the intolerance of Callitriche truncata and Chara contraria. For the other species, reproductive effort did not differ significantly over the salinity range. Regarding the effect of salinity on biomass and reproductive effort of individual species, there were large differences in the total weight of propagules produced at the community level and in the relative contribution of individual species. The resulting quantitative changes in the species composition of the seed bank could affect the structure of the communities by their effects on the establishment and survival of species populations.  相似文献   
Rewilding incomplete ecosystems by using ungulate megaherbivores represents a significant potential for sustainable management of habitats of declining species. Two xeric grasslands patches in the Podyjí National Park, Czech Republic, were rewilded by a feral horse breed, the Exmoor pony, in 2018. Before this in 2017, demography, mobility, and adult habitat use of five congeneric Melitaea butterflies co-occurring at the grasslands were investigated (Vodickova et al., J. Nature Conserv. 2019). In 2021, four seasons after the rewilding, we replicated the survey to assess the effects of the horse on the butterflies. Here, we compare the results of the two surveys and investigate changes in spatial patterns of adult distribution using Ripley’s K-functions.Total numbers of captures, and estimated population sizes, were consistently lower in 2021, with the largest drop for spring-flying M. cinxia. We cannot discern whether this was due to the cold 2021 spring, or due to reduction of grasses by the horse, possibly contributing to desiccation of M. cinxia host plants. Demographic parameters such as residency/longevity and capture probability changed only little. Mobility ranking among species remained identical, but within species, some mobility characteristics changed among years. Among early summer species, M. britomartis, second most abundant in 2017, switched to the first position with M. aurelia, and these two species displayed the most notable shift in adult habitat use between the two seasons. Short thorny shrubs avoided by the horse protect M. britomartis host plants; this threatened butterfly thus did not suffer from horse presence. M. athalia, a species of woodland edges, profited from decay of conifers caused by a series of dry years; and M. didyma, forming multiple generations, from increase of its host plant. Contrary to expectations, spatial distribution of most butterflies became more aggregated within rewilded pastures, probably due to regularities in home ranges use by the horses, which restructured the vegetation in a zonal, rather than patchy, way. A considerably larger areas should be rewilded by the herbivores to fully achieve the desired beneficial effects.  相似文献   
Tibetan goats, Taihang goats, Jining grey goats, and Meigu goats are the representative indigenous goats in China, found in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Western pastoral area, Northern and Southern agricultural regions. Very few studies have conducted a comprehensive analysis of the genomic diversity and selection of these breeds. We genotyped 96 unrelated individuals, using goat 53 K Illumina BeadChip array, of the following goat breeds: Tibetan (TG), Taihang (THG), Jining grey (JGG), and Meigu (MGG). A total of 45 951 single nucleotide polymorphisms were filtered to estimate the genetic diversity and selection signatures. All breeds had a high proportion (over 95%) of polymorphic loci. The observed and excepted heterozygosity ranged from 0.338 (MGG) to 0.402 (JGG) and 0.339 (MGG) to 0.395 (JGG), respectively. Clustering analysis displayed a genetically distinct lineage for each breed, and their Fst were greater than 0.25, indicating that they had a higher genetic differentiation between groups. Furthermore, effective population size reduced in all four populations, indicating a loss of genetic diversity. In addition, runs of homozygosity were mainly distributed in 5–10 Mb. Lastly, we identified signature genes, which were closely related to high-altitude adaptation (ADIRF) and prolificity (CNTROB, SMC3, and PTEN). This study provides a valuable resource for future studies on genome-wide perspectives on the diversity and selection signatures of Chinese indigenous goats.  相似文献   
研究表明,无视异绒螨种群密度与棉田连作年限之间呈正相关,与棉田海拔高度和水位之间呈负相关.露地棉田螨量明显高于地膜覆盖棉田.若螨在静水中的浮水时间可持续5.2h.成螨产卵的最适土壤含水量为12.5%.不同杀虫剂对幼螨杀伤力为溴氰菊酯喷雾>氧化乐果喷雾>三氯杀螨醇喷雾>氧化乐果缓释剂涂茎.因此,发展灌溉棉田、棉花适当连作、棉花生长期采取药剂涂茎治蚜对壮大无视异绒螨种群密度有重要作用.  相似文献   
生物种群动态微分方程模型参数估计方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以数值分析和最优化技术的有机结合为基础,提出了一种新的对动态微分方程模型直接进行数据拟合和参数估计方法,并以Logistic微分方程、生物种间竞争关系微分方程以及一种复合形态的Logistic微分方程为例进行了数据拟合试验.结果表明,该方法对各种动态微分方程模型均能进行最优拟合分析并求解其参数.同时发现,以前有的作者〔1,2,3,4,5〕提出的方法所得到的参数估计值存在系统误差且误差较大.  相似文献   
An oil palm experiment was set up in the Ivory Coast to compare the effects of crossing and selfing within two origins, Deli and La Mé, on the mean and the variability of Deli x between-origin hybrids. The originality of the experiment lay in the crossing plan, which provided access to genetic parameters related to additivity, dominance and different components of epistasis. This first part covers the analysis of the components of the mean. The parents used were obtained from four palms, two from each origin. Those of La Mé origin were half-sibs. The common parent came from a wild stand in the Ivory Coast. Those of Deli origin were from two different populations bred in Southeast Asia for several generations from a narrow genetic base. These four parents gave rise to nine Deli x La Mé hybrid populations with double-cousintype links. The additive component is more important within the Deli origin than within the La Mé origin. This may be explained by the large genetic divergence between the two Deli parent palms. On the other hand, the additive* additive epistasis is more substantial within the La Mé origin, probably because of inbreeding. The discussion concentrates on how this information should be used when choosing parents to be crossed and tested and to produce improved populations. The crossing plan proposed can be of general use and is suitable for other species in a reciprocal recurrent selection programme.  相似文献   
Abstract: The specific activities of esterases and certain other molecular properties including immunospecificity indicate that the electrophoretic variations of these enzymes in bacterial populations are the result of allelic variations at specific gene loci. The esterase polymorphism of Enterobacteriaceae and some other species isolated from man or animals demonstrates that esterases can distinguish between bacteria at the species or subspecies level, both by their biochemical properties and by their electrophoretic differences. The esterase data complement DNA hybridization studies and agree with ribosomal DNA polymorphism, especially for delineating a phylogenetically distinct group of highly pathogenic strains in Escherichia coli . A two-dimensional electrophoretic profile obtained by establishing a direct correspondence between homologous esterase bands resolved by independent runs of isoelectric focusing and standard electrophoresis considerably improves the detection of allelic variations, whereas protein titration curves (electrophoresis in pH gradient) can be used to demonstrate the real electrophoretic homogeneity of allozymes or evalue their molecular relationship in terms of apparent amino acid substitutions. This overview establishes that esterases, by their significant electrophoretic polymorphism, are reliable molecular markers for systematics and epidemiology, and are suitable enzyme systems for studying population genetics and phylogeny.  相似文献   
Abstract: A deterministic one-dimensional reaction diffusion model was constructed to simulate benthic stratification patterns and population dynamics of cyanobacteria, purple and colorless sulfur bacteria as found in marine microbial mats. The model involves the major biogeochemical processes of the sulfur cycle and includes growth metabolism and their kinetic parameters as described from laboratory experimentation. Hence, the metabolic production and consumption processes are coupled to population growth. The model is used to calculate benthic oxygen, sulfide and light profiles and to infer spatial relationships and interactions among the different populations. Furthermore, the model is used to explore the effect of different abiotic and biotic environmental parameters on the community structure. A strikingly clear pattern emerged of the interaction between purple and colorless sulfur bacteria: either colorless sulfur bacteria dominate or a coexistence is found of colorless and purple sulfur bacteria. The model predicts that purple sulfur bacteria only proliferate when the studied environmental parameters surpass well-defined threshold levels. However, once the appropriate conditions do occur, the purple sulfur bacteria are extremely successful as their biomass outweighs that of colorless sulfur bacteria by a factor of up to 17. The typical stratification pattern predicted closely resembles the often described bilayer communities which comprise a layer of purple sulfur bacteria below a cyanobacterial top-layer; colorless sulfur bacteria are predicted to sandwich in between both layers. The profiles of oxygen and sulfide shift on a diel basis similarly as observed in real systems.  相似文献   
We fed prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) rat chow diluted with variable amounts of -cellulose to determine 1) how much fiber the voles could tolerate in their diet; 2) changes in food intake and digestibility of dry matter and of fiber; 3) the extent to which voles utilized fiber as an energy source; and 4) whether any of these variables differed between groups of animals maintained at 5 or 22°C. Fiber content of the diets ranged from 20 to 84%. Animals held at 5°C maintained body mass through a diet containing 69% fiber, while animals held at 22°C maintained body mass through the 84% fiber diet. Dry matter intake increased with fiber level from 9.3 to 15.0 g·day-1 for animals at 5°C and from 5.6 to 14.0 g·day-1 for animals at 22°C; intake on the highest fiber diet eaten by either group was not different. Dry matter digestibility decreased significantly as the fiber in the diets increased, but was not affected by temperature treatments. Digestible dry matter intake for each group remained constant regardless of diet quality, but on each diet digestible dry matter intake for animals at 5°C was significantly higher than that of the animals held at 22°C. Digestibility of the fiber portion of the experimental diets remained constant as food quality decreased, so the percent of daily energy need met by fiber utilization increased with higher food intake. On the lowest quality diet each group tolerated, fiber digestion provided approximately 42 and 68% of the energy needs of voles at 5 and 22°C, respectively.Abbreviations BM body mass - BMR basal metabolic rate - DE digestible energy - DM dry matter - DMD dry matter digestibility - DDMI digestible dry matter intake - MR metabolic rate - NDF neutral detergent fiber (=cell walls) - NDS neutral detergent solubles (=cell solubles) - SEM standard error of mean - T a ambient temperature  相似文献   
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