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Enzymic changes in response to zinc nutrition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With a view to evaluating the suitability of Zn induced changes in enzyme activities and for assessing Zn nutrient status, black gram (Vigna mungo L. cv. IPU 94) was grown under controlled sand culture at five levels of Zn supply ranging from 0.01 to 10 μmol/L. Leaves of 60 d old plants were examined for Zn concentration and activities of fructose 1,6 biphosphate aldolase, carbonic anhydrase, total superoxide dismutase, Cu-Zn SOD, acid phosphatase and ribonuclease, which have been shown to be activated/inhibited by Zn deficiency. Sub-optimal supply of Zn decreased the activities of FBPAse, CA, total SOD and Cu-Zn SOD and increased the activities of APase and RNAse. Activities of the Zn enzymes CA and Cu-Zn SOD, are highly correlated with Zn supply, and suitable as indicators of Zn nutrient status of plants. Activation of APase and RNAse by other micronutrient deficiencies and stress conditions does not favour their use as indicators of Zn nutrient stress.  相似文献   
超干对种子活力及水分热力学特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以耐干的菜心种子和不耐干的豇豆种子为材料,研究了超干对其活力和水分吸附等温线及热力学参数(△S、△H、△G)的影响。超干使红豇豆种子活力下降,SOD、POD活性降低,膜结构受损,这些变化即发生在水分降低的干燥过程中又发生在眼干状态下的贮藏过程中,菜心种子的活力和SOD,POD的活性受超干的影响小,超干对细胞膜的轻微损伤可在萌发吸胀时得到修复,超干种子水分吸附等温线上区段1和区段2的含水量明显下降;超干种子除-△S和-△H在区段1略有所升高外,-△S、-△H在区段和2和区段3和-△G在各区段均有程度不同的下降;这些改变尤以豇豆种子较显著,说明豇豆种子的水分束缚能力低,较易失去水分吸附等温线上的强吸附水,继而引起大分子结构的改变,降低种子活力;而菜心种子则相反,能在超干状态下较好地保持酶的活性和细胞膜的结构,故适宜超干贮藏。  相似文献   
Summary A plant regeneration system applicable to 17 cowpea genotypes was developed. Cotyledons were initiated on 1/3 MS medium containing 15 to 35 mg N6-benzyladenine (BA) per 1 (66.6 to 155.3 μM) for 5 to 15 d. For shoot regeneration, the explants were transferred to a medium containing 1 mg BA per 1 (4.4 μM). Within 1 wk, shoot formation was visible at the proximal end of the cotyledons. Regeneration percentages (1% to 11%) and the numbers of shoots (4 to 12 per explant) were significantly influenced by genotype. Culture duration and BA concentration in the initiation stage significantly affected regeneration capacity. Explants initiated on media containing 15 mg BA per 1 for 5 d resulted in the highest percentage of explants capable of regeneration. Conversely, the highest number of shoots was obtained from explants initiated on media supplemented with 35 mg BA per 1. Whole plants were obtained on a plant growth regulator-free medium. To our knowledge, this is the first report of plant regeneration from U.S. commercial cowpea cultivars and breeding lines. This system is adaptable to diverse cowpea genotypes and will facilitate cowpea genetic transformation. Published with the approval of the Director of the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   
Cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata L.) leaf discs incubated in the dark in CaCl2 and benzyladenine maintained higher levels of chlorophyll and protein than controls. The CaCl2 or benzyladenine treatments reduced lipoxygenase activity, and the effect of these compounds in combination was additive. HPLC analysis of the product profile of lipoxygenase activity with arachidonic acid as a substrate showed a single peak comigrating with standard 15-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid. There appears to be a strong temporal correlation between the CaCl2+ benzyladenine delay of senescence and lipoxygenase activity.  相似文献   
Actin like protein, extracted and purified fromVigna radiata (mung bean) seedling, has been found to give positive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with mouse monoclonal antiactin antibody. In vivo studies show that cytochalasin B at sublethal dose inhibits the chromosomal movement at metaphase stage during germination. Fromin vitro studies it is found that the actin like protein isolated from mung bean seedling has a cytochalasin B binding property with a Kd value 1.2 × 10−5 M. From these two specific observations it appears probable that the biological function of mung bean actin like protein is to take part in cell division process directly or indirectly during the time of seedling development.  相似文献   
The presence of α-amylase inhibitor (αAI), phytohemagglutinin (PHA), and phaseolin was determined by immunochemical and biochemical methods in different members of the subtribe Phaseolinae (Phaseoleae: Fabaceae). Active αAI was present in taxa from the Phaseolus vulgaris–P. coccineus complex (P. vulgaris, P. coccineus, and P. polyanthus), as well as in P. acutifolius in accordance with previous molecular data separating these groups of species from others in the genus. All other Phaseolus species tested lacked α-amylase inhibitory activity, although some of them had immunoreactive polypeptides. αAI was found to be a polymorphic trait among wild and cultivated accessions of P. vulgaris, P. coccineus, and P. acutifolius. The presence of αAI is not exclusive of the genus Phaseolus as one of the Vigna species sampled, V. linearis, also contained α-amylase inhibitory activity.  相似文献   
Ether analogues of a plant growth regulator isolated from Botrytis squamosa, (2S,2′S)- and (2S,3′S)-dimethyl 3-phenyl-2,2′-oxydipro-pionate (1), were prepared by the Williamson synthesis, and the two diastereomers were separated. The absolute configurations of both diastereomers were determined by chemical transformation. The promoting effect of both synthesize analogues on lettuce seedling growth was similar to that of the natural plant growth regulator.  相似文献   
Bruchidius atrolineatus (Pic) présente en zone sahélienne une diapause reproductrice durant la saison sèche et une partie de la saison des pluies. Les femelles diapausantes ne produisent pas de vitellogénine et le germarium des ovarioles est seul développé. Chez les mâles la spermatogenèse est très ralentie et les glandes annexes sont inactives. Lorsque les insectes diapausants sont placés en présence d'inflorescences de Vigna unguiculata Walp, leurs organes reproducteurs deviennent fonctionnels après un temps de latence de 15 à 20 jours. Il n'y a par contre aucune levée de la diapause chez des bruches placées en présence de gousses sèches de V. unguiculata dans une atmosphère saturée. Des informations sensorielles issues des pièces florales ou (et) des facteurs nutritionnels sans doute liés a la consommation de nectar semblent être à l'origine de cette levée de la diapause. Le pollen fort peu consommé n'a par contre aucun rôle. Cette régulation du cycle reproducteur de B. atrolineatus par les inflorescences de V. unguiculata permet l'émission des oeufs dès que les gousses commencent à se former à la fin de la saison des pluies.
Summary Bruchidius atrolineatus (Pic) is a widely distributed bruchid in the Sahelian zone which shows a reproductive diapause during the dry season and part of the rainy season. Diapausing females do not produce vitellogenin and their ovaries are reduced to the germarium. Spermatogenesis is very much reduced and male accessory glands are inactive. When these insects were placed in the presence of inflorescences of Vigna unguiculata which were renewed daily, the reproductive diapause of both males and females was interrupted after 15–20 days. Vitellogenesis occurred in the females and spermatogenesis increased in the males whilst their accessory glands became functional. When diapausing bruchids, found in stores of on V. unguiculata seeds during the dry season, were placed near the host plant's inflorescences, diapause was also terminated. In all cases, diapause was not interrupted when the insects were offered dry pods of V. unguiculata in a water-saturated atmosphere. The pollen, which is hardly eaten by this bruchid, did not seem to stimulate termination of diapause. Sensory stimulations derived from the flowers or/and nutritional factors may be the cause of the development of the reproductive organs. After termination of the diapause the males showed normal sexual activity whereas female fecundity was rather low, at least in our experimental conditions. This type of reproductive regulation allows this sahelian bruchid to resume its sexual activity when the host plant's flowers appear in the field at the end of the rainy season. Then the beetles lay their eggs on the pods as soon as the pods are developed.
Received 20 September 2001/ Accepted in revised form 10 October 2001  相似文献   
Prior to implementing biological control, knowledge on availability of the possible enemies of pest(s) is important. Therefore, as part of a larger on-farm study whose main objective was to develop a farmer-friendly package for the management of cowpea pests, the diversity and abundance of insect predators within cowpea cropping systems (sole crops and intercrops) were monitored at three diverse locations in eastern Uganda. Coccinellids, syrphid larvae, spiders, Orius sp. and earwigs were observed at all locations. Abundance of Coccinellids and syrphid larvae were not influenced by the cowpea genotype nor cropping systems. Contrastingly, the abundance of predatory Orius sp., spiders and earwigs differed significantly among the cowpea cropping systems, being more common in the cowpea pure stands and cowpea + greengram than in the cowpea + sorghum intercrops.  相似文献   
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