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Aims:  The aim was to characterize the viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state of Vibrio cincinnatiensis and its resuscitation.
Methods and Results:  Vibrio cincinnatiensis VIB287 was cultured in sterilized seawater microcosms at 4°C. Plate counts, direct viable counts and total counts were used. A large population of the V. cincinnatiensis became nonculturable after approx. 50 day at 4°C. Electron microscopy revealed that the VBNC cells changed from rod to coccoid and decreased in size. Resuscitation of VBNC cells was achieved by temperature upshift in nutrition of yeast extract and peptone by addition of catalase or compound vitamin B. The VBNC and resuscitative cells were intraperitoneally injected into zebra fish separately. No death was observed in the group inoculated with the VBNC cells.
Conclusions:  Vibrio cincinnatiensis VIB287 could enter VBNC state in adverse environments. Resuscitation of VBNC cells occurred by addition of compound vitamin B or catalase to VBNC cells containing nutrient. The resuscitative cells might retain their pathogenicity.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The study confirmed that V. cincinnatiensis could enter into VBNC state in seawater at low temperature and resuscitated. The resuscitative cells retained their pathogenicity, which may be important in future studies of ecology of V. cincinnatiensis .  相似文献   
Aims:  The ability to transform Vibrio spp. is limited by the extracellular nuclease that their cells secrete. The reported transformation efficiency of this organism is 102–105 transformants per microgram DNA. We tried different buffers and conditions, aiming to elevate its transformation efficiency.
Methods and Results:  MgCl2 and sucrose are often included in the washing and/or electroporation buffers to stabilize the cell membrane. However, Mg2+ is required for production and activity of the extracellular nuclease. A simple electroporation buffer lacking Mg2+ was found to increase transformation efficiency dramatically, to levels 50-fold more than the buffers containing Mg2+. To maintain the stability of the cell membranes, Mg2+ was replaced with high concentrations of sucrose, from 272 to 408 mmol l−1. With the new buffers, the transformation efficiency of Vibrio parahaemolyticus was increased to 2·2 × 106 transformants per microgram DNA.
Conclusions:  Mg2+ in the buffer adversely affected transformation of V. parahaemolyticus by electroporation. The cell membranes of vibrio can be stabilized by high concentration of sucrose when Mg2+ is absent.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  A greater transformation efficiency can facilitate the genetic analysis of an organism and its pathogenicity. Buffers lacking Mg2+ can be used for other nuclease-producing organisms.  相似文献   
This study compared the effect of heat stress on coral‐associated bacterial communities among juveniles of the coral, Acropora tenuis, hosting different Symbiodinium types. In comparison to a control temperature treatment (28 °C), we documented dramatic changes in bacterial associates on juvenile corals harbouring ITS 1 type D Symbiodinium when placed in a high (32 °C) temperature treatment. In particular, there was a marked increase in the number of retrieved Vibrio affiliated sequences, which coincided with a 44% decline in the photochemical efficiency of the D‐juveniles. Interestingly, these Vibrio sequences affiliated most closely with the coral pathogen, Vibrio coralliilyticus, which has been implicated in some coral disease outbreaks. In contrast, A. tenuis hosting ITS 1 type C1 Symbiodinium did not exhibit major bacterial shifts in the elevated temperature treatment, indicating a more stable bacterial community during thermal stress; concomitantly a decline (10%) in photochemical efficiency was minimal for this group. D juveniles that had been exposed to moderately elevated sea temperatures (30 °C) in the field before being placed in the control temperature treatment displayed a decrease in the number of Vibrio affiliated sequences and bacterial profiles shifted to become more similar to profiles of corals harbouring type C1 Symbiodinium. In combination, these results demonstrate that thermal stress can result in shifts in coral‐associated bacterial communities, which may lead to deteriorating coral health. The lower resilience of A. tenuis to thermal stress when harbouring Symbiodinium D highlights the importance of inter‐kingdom interactions among the coral host, dinoflagellate endosymbiont and bacterial associates for coral health and resilience.  相似文献   
智舌快速鉴定水产品多种致病性弧菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探索研究能很好显示被检测液态食品样品综合信息的电子舌是否也能很好的显示致病性弧菌液体培养物的综合信息,籍此探讨一类致病性弧菌的快速鉴定鉴别新技术。【方法】基于多频脉冲伏安法的智舌,结合主成分分析,对源自水产品的11种致病性弧菌进行区分鉴定研究,得到最佳电极阵列和频率段组合。【结果】结果显示,区分致病性弧菌效果好的电极和频率段分别是:钛电极的100Hz、银电极的100Hz和钨电极的1Hz、10Hz。钨电极的1Hz频率段能够独立的把11种致病性弧菌在同一张主成分得分图上区分开;钛电极的100Hz、银电极的100Hz和钨电极的10Hz两两组合也能把11种致病性弧菌主成分得分图上区分开。【结论】研究结果表明,智舌伏安法结合主成分分析法区分致病性弧菌是可行的,具有很大的持续研究价值,有望发展成一类很有发展优势的快速鉴定致病性弧菌乃至延伸至其他致病菌的新技术。  相似文献   
Three kinds of enzymes, agarase, β-1,4-mannanase, and β-1,3-xylanase, required for isolation of protoplasts from the red alga Bangia atropurpurea (Roth) C. Ag. were prepared from bacterial culture fluids of Vibrio sp. PO-303, Vibrio sp. MA-138, and Alcaligenes sp. XY-234, respectively, isolated from the sea environment. The optimal pH of all enzymes was around 7.5. Suitable conditions for protoplast isolation from B. atropurpurea were examined. The pretreatment of the fronds with pa-pain solution (20 mM Mes buffer, pH 7.5, containing 2% papain and 0.5 M mannitol) contributed to successful protoplast isolation. When razor-cut fragments of the fronds (about 200 mg in fresh weight) immersed in 20 mM Mes buffer, 7.5, containing 0.5 M mannitol and one unit each of agarase, β-1,4-mannanase, and β-1,3-xylanase were incubated at 22°C for 90 min with gentle agitation, 5.7 × 106 protoplasts were released from them. Many protoplasts regenerated into fronds of regular or irregular shape.  相似文献   
Xiong Y  Santini CL  Kan B  Xu J  Filloux A  Wu LF 《Biochimie》2007,89(5):676-685
The Tat system has the remarkable capacity of exporting proteins in folded conformation across the cytoplasmic membrane. The functional Tat translocase from Gram-negative bacteria consists of TatA, TatB and TatC proteins. To gain information about the species specificity of the Tat translocase, we cloned tat genes from Gram-negative pathogens Shigella flexneri 2a str. 301, Vibrio cholerae El Tor N16961, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, thermophilic Sulfolobus solfataricus P2, Thermus thermophilus HB8 and from three Magnetospirillum species (AMB-1, MS-1 and MSR-1), and assessed the capacity of these Tat systems to restore the Tat-dependent growth defect of Escherichia coli tat mutants. We found that whereas the tat genes from the thermophilic bacterial and archaeal species were not functional in E. coli, other tat genes could all complement the phenotype of the E. coli tat mutants. In addition, a chimera composed of the N-terminus of V. cholerae TatE and C-terminus of M. magneticum TatA was functional. Whereas the expression of the tatABC genes from P. aeruginosa and Magnetospirillum strains must be induced to obtain a functional Tat system, overproduction of the V. cholerae TatABC proteins abolished the complementation. The complementation impairment seemed to be correlated with increasing level of slow-migrating TatC isoforms. In vitro studies showed that slow-migrating TatC isoforms in the purified V. cholerae TatABC complex increased with storage time. Together these results showed that the Tat translocases from the Gram-negative bacteria are generally functional in E. coli and the expression level is crucial for in vivo reconstitution of a functional Tat translocase.  相似文献   
The fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum is the causative agent of a fatal hemorrhagic septicemia in salmonid fish. Many serotype O1 strains harbors a 65 Kbp plasmid (pJM1 encoding an iron sequestering system essential for virulence. The genes involved in the biosynthesis of the indigenous siderophore anguibactin are encoded by both the pJM1 plasmid and the chromosome, while those involved in the transport of the ferric-siderophore complex, including the outer membrane receptor, are plasmid-encoded. This work describes the role of specific amino acid residues of the outer membrane receptor FatA in the mechanism of transport of ferric-anguibactin. FatA modeling indicated that this protein has a 22 stranded ß-barrel blocked by the plug domain, the latter being formed by residues 51–54. Deletion of the plug domain resulted in a receptor unable to act as an open channel for the transport of the ferric anguibactin complex.  相似文献   
The anti-infectious potential of a selection of putative immunostimulants including six commercial beta-glucans (all extracted from baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae except for Laminarin) and chitin particles were verified in Artemia nauplii by challenging them under gnotobiotic conditions with the pathogen Vibrio campbellii. Under the described experimental conditions, no differential macroscopic nutritional effect (e.g. growth) was observed among the products. Significant increased survival was observed with beta-glucan (Sigma) and Zymosan and to a lesser extent with MacroGard in challenged nauplii. A poor correlation was found between survival values of the challenged Artemia and the product compositions (such as chitin, mannose and beta-glucan content) indicating that the quality of beta-glucans (e.g. the ratio of beta-1,3 and beta-1,6 glucan, the molecular weight, the dimensional structure, type and frequency of branches), eventually in combination with other unidentified compounds, is more important than the amount of product offered. This small-scale testing under gnotobiotic conditions using freshly hatched Artemia nauplii allows for a rapid and simultaneous screening of anti-infectious and/or putative immunostimulatory polymers, and should be combined with studies on cellular and humoral immune responses in order to gain more quantitative insight into their functional properties.  相似文献   
AIMS: To evaluate the effect of Vibrio harveyi strains on the growth rate of the gnotobiotically cultured rotifer Brachionus plicatilis, and to establish whether quorum sensing is involved in the observed phenomena. METHODS AND RESULTS: Gnotobiotic B. plicatilis sensu strictu, obtained by hatching glutaraldehyde-treated amictic eggs, were used as test organisms. Challenge tests were performed with 11 V. harveyi strains and different quorum sensing mutants derived from the V. harveyi BB120 strain. Brominated furanone [(5Z)-4-bromo-5-(bromomethylene)-3-butyl-2(5H)-furanone] as a quorum sensing inhibitor was tested in Brachionus challenge tests. Some V. harveyi strains, such as strain BB120, had a significantly negative effect on the Brachionus growth rate. In the challenge test with MM77, an isogenic strain of BB120 in which the two autoinducers (HAI-1 and AI-2) are both inactivated, no negative effect was observed. The effect of single mutants was the same as that observed in the BB120 strain. This indicates that both systems are responsible for the growth-retarding (GR) effect of the BB120 strain towards Brachionus. Moreover, the addition of an exogenous source of HAI-1 or AI-2 could restore the GR effect in the HAI-1 and AI-2 nonproducing mutant MM77. The addition of brominated furanone at a concentration of 2.5 mg l(-1) could neutralize the GR effect of some strains such as BB120 and VH-014. CONCLUSIONS: Two quorum sensing systems in V. harveyi strain BB120 (namely HAI-1 and AI-2-mediated) are necessary for its GR effect on B. plicatilis. With some other V. harveyi strains, however, growth inhibition towards Brachionus does not seem to be related to quorum sensing. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Interference with the quorum sensing system might help to counteract the GR effect of some V. harveyi strains on Brachionus. However, further studies are needed to demonstrate the positive effect of halogenated furanone in nongnotobiotic Brachionus cultures and eventually, in other segments of the aquaculture industry.  相似文献   
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