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Under precise conditions, SDS PAGE allows purification of a photoactive P700-chla-protein complex from eucaryotic cells. The yield of P700 recovery is close to 100%. A total protein content equivalent to about 140 kD for one mole of P700 has been estimated by chemical analysis, and electrophoresis revealed the presence of two peptidic chains with MWs close to 65 kD. Photochemical and structural properties of this complex are given and compared with those of other complexes previously isolated.  相似文献   
Summary Tannic acid in glutaraldehyde was used to stain microtubules in myelinated and unmyelinated axons of rat sciatic nerve. In the majority of areas the tannic acid failed to penetrate the unmyelinated axons whilst penetrating neighbouring myelinated axons, suggesting a difference in the ability of the two types of nerves to exclude tannic acid. Where tannic acid had penetrated the unmyelinated axons the 13 protofilament substructure and size of the microtubules appeared identical to those seen in the myelinated axons.  相似文献   
Usually the presence of the quiescent centre in roots is demonstrated by the absence of labelled nuclei following treatment of the root with appropriate radioactive markers. By modification of the pulselabelling technique, a negative image of the quiescent center, showing more intense labelling from [3H]thymidine than the surrounding area, was obtained in regenerating root apices of Zea mays L.  相似文献   
We studied levels of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity and phosphorylation state in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and nucleus accumbens (NAc) in an effort to understand better the mechanisms by which these brain reward regions are influenced by opiates and cocaine. In the VTA, chronic, but not acute, administration of either morphine or cocaine increased levels of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity by 30-40%, with no change observed in the relative phosphorylation state of the enzyme. In the NAc, chronic, but not acute, morphine and cocaine treatments decreased the phosphorylation state of tyrosine hydroxylase, without a change in its total amount. In contrast, morphine and cocaine did not regulate tyrosine hydroxylase in the substantia nigra or caudate/putamen, brain regions generally not implicated in drug reward. Morphine and cocaine regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase could represent part of a common biochemical basis of morphine and cocaine addiction and craving.  相似文献   
Endopeptidase-24.11 is a 90-kDa surface glycoprotein with the ability to hydrolyze a variety of biologically active peptides. Interest in this enzyme is based on the consensus that it may play a role in the termination of peptide signals in the central nervous system. In the present study, we have investigated the distribution of endopeptidase-24.11 in two nerves of the peripheral nervous system of newborn pigs: the sciatic, composed of a mixture of myelinated and nonmyelinated axons, and cervical sympathetic trunk in which greater than 99% of the axons are nonmyelinated. The endopeptidase was monitored enzymatically, as well as by immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry using mono- and polyclonal anti-endopeptidase antibodies. Endopeptidase-24.11 was detected in both the sciatic nerve and the cervical sympathetic trunk. Membrane preparations from sciatic nerve hydrolyzed 125I-insulin B-chain, and more than 50% of the activity was inhibited by phosphoramidon with an IC50 concentration of 3.2 nM. Moreover, a 90-kDa polypeptide was detected by immunoblotting of sciatic nerve membranes. The type of cells expressing the endopeptidase was determined by immunohistochemistry. In teased nerve preparations, these cells were identified morphologically as myelin- and non-myelin-forming Schwann cells. Endopeptidase-24.11 was also expressed by cultured Schwann cells from sciatic nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk maintained for 3 h in vitro. The presence of endopeptidase-24.11 on the Schwann cell surface raises the possibility of a potential role for the enzyme in nerve development and/or regeneration.  相似文献   
Apolipoprotein E is synthesized and secreted by rat sciatic nerve consequent to several types of injury. It has been proposed that endoneurial apolipoprotein E, in analogy to its role in systemic cholesterol transport, is involved in the salvage and reutilization of myelin cholesterol during degeneration and regeneration. To test this hypothesis, nerve lipids were prelabeled via intraneural injection of [3H]acetate. Four weeks later the nerves were crushed. From 1 to 12 weeks later, crushed nerves were examined for extracellular lipoprotein-bound cholesterol label. By 2 weeks after injury, 10% of the endoneurial lipid label was in a soluble form that was releasable into incubation medium. This released fraction was enriched in labeled cholesterol, and its labeled lipid composition was constant, in contrast to the changing distribution of label in the nerve with time after injury. On a KBr gradient, the released lipid label cofractionated with the released apolipoprotein E at densities similar to that of lipoproteins. These data indicate that at least some myelin cholesterol in injured nerve becomes associated with apolipoprotein E-containing lipoproteins and thus is available for reutilization via the hypothesized model.  相似文献   
A fundamental issue in central nervous system development regards the effect of target tissue on the differentiation of innervating neurons. We address this issue by characterizing the role the retinal ganglion cell target, i.e., the optic tectum, plays in regulating expression of tubulin and nicotinic acetylcholine receptor genes in regenerating retinal ganglion cells. Tubulins are involved in axonal growth, whereas nicotinic acetylcholine receptors mediate communication across synapses. Retinal ganglion cell axons were induced to regenerate by crushing the optic nerve. Following crush, there was a rapid increase in alpha-tubulin RNAs (3 days), which preceded the increase in nicotinic acetylcholine receptor RNAs (10-15 days). Both classes of RNAs approached control levels by the time retinotectal synapses and functional recovery were restored (4-6 weeks). If the optic nerve was repeatedly crushed or its target ablated, tubulin RNAs remained elevated, and the increase in receptor RNAs that would otherwise be seen 2 weeks after a single nerve crush did not occur. The interaction of retinal ganglion cell axons with their targets in the optic tectum appears, then, to exert a suppressive effect on the RNA encoding a cytoskeletal protein, tubulin, and an inductive effect on RNAs encoding nicotinic acetylcholine receptors involved in synaptic communication.  相似文献   
A novel potassium-selective channel which is active at membrane potentials between -100 mV and +40 mV has been identified in peripheral myelinated axons of Xenopus laevis using the patch-clamp technique. At negative potentials with 105 mM-K on both sides of the membrane, the channel at 1 kHz resolution showed a series of brief openings and closings interrupted by longer closings, resulting in a flickery bursting activity. Measurements with resolution up to 10 kHz revealed a single-channel conductance of 49 pS with 105 mM-K and 17 pS with 2.5 mM-K on the outer side of the membrane. The channel was selective for K ions over Na ions (PNa/PK = 0.033). The probability of being within a burst in outside-out patches varied from patch to patch (> 0.2, but often > 0.9), and was independent of membrane potential. Open-time histograms were satisfactorily described with a single exponential (tau o = 0.09 msec), closed times with the sum of three exponentials (tau c = 0.13, 5.9, and 36.6 msec). Sensitivity to external tetraethylammonium was comparatively low (IC50 = 19.0 mM). External Cs ions reduced the apparent unitary conductance for inward currents at Em = -90 mV (IC50 = 1.1 mM). Ba and, more potently, Zn ions lowered not only the apparent single-channel conductance but also open probability. The local anesthetic bupivacaine with high potency reduced probability of being within a burst (IC50 = 165 nM). The flickering K channel is clearly different from the other five types of K channels identified so far in the same preparation. We suggest that this channel may form the molecular basis of the resting potential in vertebrate myelinated axons.  相似文献   
The electric fish, Eigenmannia, will smoothly shift the frequency of its electric organ discharge away from an interfering electric signal. This shift in frequency is called the jamming avoidance response (JAR). In this article, we analyze the behavioral development of the JAR and the anatomical development of structures critical for the performance of the JAR. The JAR first appears when juvenile Eigenmannia are approximately 1 month old, at a total length of 13–18 mm. We have found that the establishment of much of the sensory periphery and of central connections precedes the onset of the JAR. We describe three aspects of the behavioral development of the JAR: (a) the onset and development of the behavior is closely correlated with size, not age; (b) the magnitude (in Hz) of the JAR increases with size until the juveniles display values within the adult range (10–20 Hz) at a total length of 25–30 mm; and (3) the JAR does not require prior experience or exposure to electrical signals. Raised in total electrical isolation from the egg stage, animals tested at a total length of 25 mm performed a correct JAR when first exposed to the stimulus. We examine the development of anatomical areas important for the performance of the JAR: the peripheral electrosensory system (mechano- and electroreceptors and peripheral nerves); and central electrosensory pathways and nuclei [the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL), the lateral lemniscus, the torus semicircularis, and the pacemaker nucleus]. The first recognizable structures in the developing electrosensory system are the peripheral neurites of the anterior lateral line nerve. The afferent nerves are established by day 2, which is prior to the formation of receptors in the epidermis. Thus, the neurites wait for their targets. This sequence of events suggests that receptor formation may be induced by innervation of primordial cells within the epidermis. Mechanoreceptors are first formed between day 3 and 4, while electroreceptors are first formed on day 7. Electroreceptor multiplication is observed for the first time at an age of 25 days and correlates with the onset of the JAR. The somata of the anterior lateral line nerve ganglion project afferents out to peripheral electroreceptors and also send axons centrally into the ELL. The first electroreceptive axons invade the ELL by day 6, and presumably a rough somatotopic organization and segmentation within the ELL may arise as early as day 7. Axonal projections from the ELL to the torus develop after day 18. Within the torus semicircularis, giant cells are necessary for the performance of the JAR. Giant cell numbers increase exponentially during development and the onset of the JAR coincides with a minimum of at least 150 giant cells and the attainment of a total length of at least 15 mm and at least 150 giant cells. Pacemaker and relay cells comprise the adult Eigenmannia pacemaker nucleus. The growth and differentiation of these cell types also correlates with the onset of the JAR in developing animals. We describe a gradual improvement of sensory abilities, as opposed to an explosive onset of the mature JAR. We further suggest that this may be a rule common in most developing behavioral systems. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary The morphology and distribution of the sensory neurones of the pudendal nerve within the spinal ganglia of rats were investigated by use of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The labelling was visualized in diaminobenzidine (DAB) or tetramethyl-benzidine (TMB)-stained sections. Injection of HRP directly into the pudendal nerve labelled perikarya predominantly in the sixth lumbar DRG (L6). Following injection of HRP into the scrotal skin, however, additional cells were labelled in L5 and SI. Labelling was invariably unilateral. Approximately equal numbers of small (<30 m) and large neurones (>40 m) were labelled following subcutaneous injections although injections into the nerve marked twice as many small cells as large cells. This suggests that, in the rat, most of the small-diameter fibres within the pudendal nerve ascend through L6. Although a cluster of neurones was observed in one experiment, the remaining 25 experiments did not reveal any somatotopic arrangement since the labelled perikarya were distributed evenly throughout the ganglion. Similar numbers of retrogradely labelled neurones (somatopetal transport of the tracer) were observed in both DAB- and TMB-stained sections, although TMB allowed the demonstration of anterograde (somatofugal) HRP transport by terminal labelling in the superficial laminae of the lumbar spinal cord, extending into laminae II–IV.Partially supported by grants from the DFG to HWK (Ko 758/1)  相似文献   
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