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I型干扰素在李斯特菌感染中的作用成为近年的研究热点。大量研究证实I型干扰素在李斯特菌感染中发挥免疫抑制作用,但其产生及作用机制仍不十分明确,本文就I型干扰素在单核细胞增多性李斯特菌感染中的产生及免疫抑制机制的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   
BACKGROUNDS AND AIMS: Eradication rates of Helicobacter pylori by a proton pump inhibitor-based triple therapy depend on CYP2C19 genotype status. We investigated whether gastric acid inhibition during an eradication therapy would influence the eradication rates attained by the triple therapy. METHODS: Thirty-two patients with H. pylori infection underwent the first-line triple therapy with lansoprazole 30 mg, amoxicillin 750 mg, and clarithromycin 400 mg b.i.d. for 1 week. In all 32 patients, the 24-hour intragastric pH monitoring was performed on day 6 during the treatment period. RESULTS: The intention-to-treat-based eradication rate by the first-line therapy was 75.0% (24/32, 95%CI: 56.60-88.54%). In patients with successful eradication, the median 24-hour pH was 6.4 (range; 5.0-7.6), which was significantly higher than that in patients without eradication [5.2 (2.2-6.2), p = .0131]. The median percentage time of pH < 4.0 during 24-hour postdose in patients with eradication [0.5% (0.0-31.6%)] was significantly shorter than that in patients without eradication [26.7% (6.0-72.2%), p = .0017]. These parameters for acid inhibition significantly differed among the different CYP2C19 genotype groups. When the percentage time of pH < 4.0 and 24-hour pH were attained < 10% and > 6.0, respectively, during the eradication treatment, the majority of patients could eradicate H. pylori infection, irrespective of the bacterial susceptibility to clarithromycin. CONCLUSIONS: The sustained intragastric pH > 4.0 for a longer postdose time appears to be required for a successful eradication of H. pylori with lansoprazole and acid-labile antibiotics.  相似文献   
Loss of mtDNA by the petite-negative yeast Kluyveromyces lactis is lethal (rho(o)-lethality). However, mutations in the alpha, beta and gamma subunits of F(1)-ATPase can suppress lethality by increasing intramitochondrial hydrolysis of ATP. Increased hydrolysis of ATP can also occur on inactivation of Inh1, the natural inhibitor of F(1)-ATPase. However, not all strains of K. lactis show suppression of rho(o)-lethality on inactivation of INH1. Genetic analysis indicates that one or more alleles of modifying factors are required for suppression. Papillae showing enhanced resistance to ethidium bromide (EB) in INH1 disruptants have mutations in the alpha, beta and gamma subunits of F(1)-ATPase. Increased growth of double mutants on EB has been investigated by disruption of INH1 in previously characterized atp suppressor mutants. Inactivation of Inh1, with one exception, results in better growth on EB and increased F(1)-ATPase activity, indicating that suppression of rho(o)-lethality is not due to atp mutations preventing Inh1 from interacting with the F(1)-complex. By contrast, in suppressor mutants altered in Arg435 of the beta subunit, disruption of INH1 did not change the kinetic properties of F(1)-ATPase or alter growth on EB. Consequently, Arg435 appears to be required for interaction of Inh1 with the beta subunit. In a previous study, a mex1-1 allele was found to enhance mgi(atp) expression. In accord with results from double mutants, it has been found that mex1-1 is a frameshift mutation in INH1 causing inactivation of Inh1p.  相似文献   
奉节脐橙果皮褐变差减文库的构建及初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以奉节脐橙果实为材料,采用抑制差减杂交技术,分别以褐变与未褐变柑橘果皮作为检测方和驱动方,成功构建了果皮褐变的差减cDNA文库,对部分克隆进行了序列测定并与GenBank进行了同源性比较。选择其中的4个基因:钙结合蛋白同源基因、半胱氨酸蛋白酶同源基因、NAC蛋白质家族同源基因和膨胀素同源基因进行半定量RT-PCR分析,结果表明它们在褐变果皮中的表达量均高于未褐变果皮,说明这些基因的增强表达可能与脐橙果皮褐变有密切关系。  相似文献   

Microbiomes composition, diversity, and variability into a collection of suppressive composts were investigated for effective biological control of soil-borne phytopathogens. Pyrosequencing resulted be a reliable and faster method for characterizing fungal and bacterial microbiomes into composts derived from a varied feedstock of different composition, origin and provenience. Differences in taxonomic structure assessed by bioinformatics analyses were related to feedstock origin. Green composts derived from agro-waste and agroindustrial co/byproducts provided the most varied microbiomes either related to suppression of Rhizoctonia damping-off in bean and Verticillium wilt in eggplant, either to control of Phytium damping-off in cucumber and Phytophthora root rot in tomato. On the other hand, composted municipal solid wastes and co-composted cow manure with household waste prevalently given a most specific microbiota related to suppression of Fusarium wilt in melon.  相似文献   
Much research has been conducted to discover novel techniques to reverse the process of tumorigenesis and, cure already stablished malignancies. One well-stablished approach has been the use of organic compounds and naturally found agents such as melatonin whose anticancer effects have been shown in multiple studies, signaling a unique opportunity regarding cancer prevention and treatment. Various agents use a variety of methods to exert their anticancer effects. Two of the most important of these methods are interfering with cell signaling pathways and changing cellular functions, such as autophagy, which is essential in maintaining cellular stability against multiple exogenous and endogenous sources of stress, and is a major tool to evade early cell death. In this study, the importance of melatonin and autophagy are discussed, and the effects of melatonin on autophagy, and its contribution in the process of tumorigenesis are then noted.  相似文献   
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) production is constrained by biotic and abiotic factors, among which Cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora) is ranked a key insect pest that severely limits its potential for provision of food and nutritional security to millions of people in sub‐Saharan Africa. The use of entomopathogenic fungi for A. craccivora management has been recently demonstrated at laboratory and field levels as alternative to synthetic insecticides, but with low adoption in Africa. This study assessed the efficacy of aqueous and oil formulations of Metarhizium anisopliae ICIPE 62 against A. craccivora under field conditions. Metarhizium anisopliae formulations and a commonly used insecticide Duduthrin® were applied using knapsack sprayers with target output of 350 L/ha. Data on aphid infestation levels were collected weekly. ICIPE 62 efficacy in inducing mortality was also assessed 24 hr post‐treatment coupled with mycosis test. Further, leaf and grain yields were determined. After six weeks post‐treatment in the wet season, there was no significant reduction in aphid density in fungus‐treated plots compared to control and Duduthrin®‐treated plots. However, in the dry season six weeks after applying the treatments, oil formulation spray resulted low aphid density compared to control and Duduthrin®‐treated plots. ICIPE 62 formulations did not negatively affect the natural enemies’ population. Leaf yield from the various treatments did not differ significantly in the wet season, but the two fungal formulations recorded higher yields in dry season compared to other treatments. Grain yields in wet and dry seasons were lower in control and Duduthrin®‐treated plots compared to both ICIPE 62 formulations. This study showed that both M. anisopliae ICIPE 62 formulations are effective in suppressing A. craccivora population under field conditions without adverse effects on its beneficial insects. The study also revealed that efficacy of fungal‐based biopesticides is highly dependent on environmental conditions.  相似文献   
完善的先天免疫系统使得昆虫成为分布最广、适应性最强、物种多样性最丰富的动物类群。在长期的进化过程中,昆虫建立了一套安全有效的先天免疫系统,一方面在面对外界微生物攻击的时候及时有效的发生免疫应答反应;另一方面通过免疫抑制来调控适度免疫应答,避免对自身发动攻击和控制环境共生菌刺激引起的免疫应答信号通路的持续激活。泛素-蛋白酶体系统在昆虫先天免疫中具有重要的调控作用,在Toll和IMD信号通路中,通过对免疫应答通路中信号分子的泛素化修饰加工,促进或抑制抗菌肽的表达,从而使免疫反应达到一个平衡。本文通过对泛素-蛋白酶体系统在Toll和IMD信号通路中的免疫应答和免疫抑制方面的研究进行综述,阐明了该系统在昆虫先天免疫中的调控作用,将有助于开展农业害虫与其天敌之间相互关系的深入研究,揭示其免疫调控机理,为开发生物农药,进行生物防控提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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