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Summary Bluegill (Lepomis macrochira) growth varies inconsistently with plant density. In laboratory and field experiments, we explored mechanisms underlying bluegill growth as a function of plant and invertebrate density. In the laboratory, bluegills captured more chironomids (Chironomus riparius) than damselflies (Enallagma spp. and Ischnura spp.), but energy intake per time spent searching did not differ between damselfly and chironomid treatments. From laboratory data, we described prey encounter rates as functions of plant and invertebrate density. In Clark Lake, Ohio, we created 0.05-ha mesocosms of inshore vegetation to generate macrophyte densities of 125, 270, and 385 stems/m2 of Potamogeton and Ceratophyllum and added 46-mm bluegill (1/m2). In these mesocosms, invertebrate density increased as a function of macrophyte density. Combining this function with encounter rate functions derived from laboratory data, we predicted that bluegill growth should peak at a high macrophyte density, greater than 1000 stems/m2, even though growth should change only slightly beyond 100 stems/m2. Consistent with our predictions, bluegills did not grow differentially, nor did their use of different prey taxa differ, across macrophyte densities in the field. Bluegills preferred chironomid pupae, which were relatively few in numbers but vulnerable to predation, whereas more cryptic, chironomid larvae, which were associated with vegetation but were relatively abundant, were eaten as encountered. Bluegills avoided physid snails, which were abundant. Contrary to previous work, vegetation did not influence growth or diet of bluegill beyond relatively low densities owing to the interaction between capture probabilities and macroinvertebrate densities.The unit is sponsored jointly by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, and The Wildlife Management Institute  相似文献   
Summary A total of 25 potato isozymes were characterized by the numbers and relative mobilities of their allozymes, the subunit number, the subcellular localization, and the patterns of tissue expression. Using hierarchically ordered phenotype arrays at 9 of these isozymes, we were able to construct a dichotomous classification table for a total of 74 potato varieties, including those of most agronomical interest in Europe and North America.  相似文献   
Omura H  Honda K 《Oecologia》2005,142(4):588-596
Most flower visitors innately prefer a particular color and scent, and use them as cues for flower recognition and selection. However, in most cases, since color and scent serve as a combined signal, not only does the preference for an individual cue, but also the preference hierarchy among different cues, influence their flower visitation. In the present study, we attempted to reveal (1) the chromatic and (2) the olfactory cues that stimulate flower visiting, and (3) the preference hierarchy between these cues, using the naïve adult butterfly Vanessa indica. When we offered 12 different-colored (six chromatic and six achromatic) paper flower models, V. indica showed a color preference for yellow and blue. When we examined the proboscis extension reflex (PER) of V. indica towards 16 individual compounds identified in the floral scents from two nectar plants belonging to the family Compositae, Taraxacum officinale and Cirsium japonicum, six compounds were found to have relatively high PER-eliciting activities, including benzaldehyde, acetophenone, and (E+Z)-nerolidol. When we combined color and scent cues in two-choice bioassays, where butterflies were offered flower models that were purple (a relatively unattractive color), the models scented with these active compounds were significantly more attractive than the odorless controls. In addition, synthetic blends mimicking the floral scents of T. officinale and C. japonicum (at doses equivalent to that of ten flowers) enhanced the number of visits to the scented models. However, the effect of odorizing was not conspicuous in parallel bioassays when yellow flower models were used, and the butterflies also significantly preferred odorless yellow models to scented purple models. These results demonstrate that V. indica depends primarily on color and secondarily on scent during flower visitation.  相似文献   
Joakim Hjältén 《Oecologia》1997,109(4):571-574
To test hypotheses of herbivore response to hybrid plants, I determined the preference of the generalist beetle Lochmeae capreae for individuals of Salix caprea, Salix phylicifolia and F1 hybrids between these species. F1 hybrids and pure individuals were created by hand-pollination of willow individuals in the field. The preference tests were performed in 1994 and 1995 and in both years there was a tendency for higher leaf area consumption from hybrids than from the parental species. However, statistically significant differences in consumption were only found in 1995 between hybrids and S. phylicifolia. The result from this study therefore lends most support to the dominance hypothesis: hybrid susceptibility was similar to that of one of the parental species. This is one of the first strict preference tests showing that a generalist herbivore can detect differences in palatability between hybrids and parental species. Furthermore, the experimental design used in the study minimized environmental variation. The results should therefore primarily reflect genetically based quality differences between hybrids and parental species. Received: 4 March 1996 / Accepted: 12 August 1996  相似文献   
Alternating poly(Glu-Leu) exhibits a random coilstructure in pure water at neutral pH. The addition of 0.5 equiv of Ca2+ induces a coil-to--sheet transitionand the addition of 0.15 equivof Fe3+ induces a coil-to--helixtransition. Conformational competition between thesetwo structures was studied by mixing preformed-sheets and -helices in differentproportions. Circular dichroism spectra clearly show that-sheets are favored at the expense of-helices in -sheet-rich mixtures.  相似文献   
Prey preference in stoneflies: a comparative analysis of prey vulnerability   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Laboratory feeding trials were conducted with the predaceous stonefly Hesperoperla pacifica and a number of mayfly and dipteran prey species to investigate the effects of predator size, and prey size and morphology, on the predator's success. Observations under dim red light permitted estimation of encounter rate (E/min), attack propensity (A/E), capture success (C/A) and handling time (HT). For prey of a particular species and size, HT decreased log-linearly with increasing predator size. Across all prey categories, HT increased log-linearly with increasing values of the ratio prey dry wt/predator dry wt, and differences among species appeared to be small. Overall, capture success was low, but C/A was higher for dipterans than for mayflies, especially with large H. pacifica. Predator size affected C/A when prey fell within a certain size range, but was not a detectable influence with very small or very large prey. Values of A/E of near 10% typified many predatorprey combinations; however, ephemerellid mayflies suffered markedly fewer attacks, and values of A/E up to 30% were obtained with some species-size combinations. We estimated benefit to the predator first as prey wt ingested per unit time (dry wt/HT), and second by mutliplying the former term by capture success. Values increased with increasing size of the predator, and inclusion of the C/A term indicated that predators would obtain greater reward from small relative to large prey, and from dipterans relative to mayflies. Howerver, there was little evidence that attacks were biased toward more profitable prey. We compare the relative contributions of E/min, A/E and C/A to prey choice, and discuss their applicability to predation events in nature.  相似文献   
A note on piglets’ preferences for drinker types at two weaning ages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Piglets weaned younger than 3 weeks of age often exhibit excessive amounts of drinking behaviour compared to pigs weaned at later ages. Piglets of different ages may be attracted to different drinking devices because of the oral motor patterns used for drinking from them or because they provide different amounts of tactile stimulation to the snout. Therefore, this study was designed to examine individual piglet preference for drinker type when piglets were weaned at two different ages. In three separate experiments, newly weaned piglets’ preferences for drinker devices were examined through 10 days after weaning. In all three experiments, individually housed piglets were weaned at either 19 or 26 days of age and given access to two drinker devices (either a nipple drinker and a push-lever bowl drinker or a push-lever bowl drinker and a float bowl drinker). According to both drinking behaviour and water intake, pigs preferred the nipple drinker or the float bowl drinker rather than the push-lever bowl drinker. These results suggest that piglets prefer a drinker that is easy to find or simply provides easier access to water.  相似文献   
Past studies using the concurrent-chain procedure showed that pigeons and humans generally prefer an unsegmented schedule to a segmented schedule. This finding is ostensibly inconsistent with theories of conditioned reinforcement such as delay-reduction theory. In the present study with humans, two changes in the basic segmented schedule were implemented to resolve this inconsistency. The first change was that in the segmented schedule the terminal-link stimulus (S+ stimulus) changed late in the terminal-link, close to reinforcement presentation. The second change was that the presentation of the segmenting stimulus, S+, was brief allowing a reinstatement of the early terminal-link stimulus, which is contiguous with reinforcement. Our data constitute the first demonstration of preference for the segmented schedule when a brief S+ is correlated with a greater reduction in delay to reinforcement.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine which of four different models of automatic waterbowls naïve horses prefer. Two groups of horses (n = 8 and 11, respectively) and three individual horses were used to determine the percentage of daily water consumption from two float valve (Lister SB NT 100, Little Giant) and two push valve (Lister SB-1, Suevia 10P) waterbowls. The waterbowls were mounted on a panel 1.1 m above ground and spaced 0.8 m apart. Waterbowl positions were rotated every 48 h until each had been at all locations. Almost no consumption occurred from the push valve waterbowls during any trial. Though there was no significant difference between the two float valve waterbowls during the first group trial, there was a trend suggesting a preference (P = 0.060) for the SB NT 100 over the Little Giant in the second group trial. Because the horses came to drink as a group, individual preference trials were also conducted. The percentage of daily consumption was significantly greater (P = 0.001) from the SB NT 100 compared to the Little Giant in the individual trials. The larger, more open bowl, the greater volume of water that was maintained in the bowl due to the float valve, and the lack of a tendency to startle horses when the bowl refilled were most likely the reasons the Lister SB NT 100 was preferred.  相似文献   
Summary Different methods of classification, based on total protein patterns as well as on specific isoenzyme patterns, were compared in order to establish an identification system for sugar beet varieties and lines. Single seed patterns and bulk extractions of total and fractionated proteins were compared on SDS-PAGE. Due to important intra-populational variation contrasting with similarity at the varietal level no method proved to be sufficiently discriminatory. Twelve sugar beet lines have been genotypically fingerprinted on the basis of five allozyme systems. The allele frequencies of each variety have been measured by using 60–100 individuals. From the data, genetic distance coefficients have been calculated in order to group the different entries by cluster analysis. In addition, a comparison has been made between two seed lots independently obtained from the same parental lines, to test the stability over years. Seeds from the same parental lines, but produced in different localities (Denmark, Italia and USA), were compared to test the influence of the environment on the classification. It has been concluded that isozymes could provide a useful tool for cultivar distinction. The variability at the level of allele frequencies within localities was small. The stability of different generations of the strains was relatively constant. Different strains originating from the same seed firm were less distinct than strains originating from different seed firms.  相似文献   
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