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The aerial part of Geophila repens (L.) I.M. Johnst (Rubiaceae) has been used in India to improve intelligence and memory for a long time. As part of our ongoing efforts in discovering potential bioactive compounds from G. repens, we have studied the isolation, identification, and quantification of a new class of cholinesterase inhibitor from G. repens for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Terpene was isolated from hydroalcohol extract of G. repens (GRHA) and its structure was identified “Pentylcurcumene” by spectroscopic data. HPTLC fingerprint analysis was performed and good separation was achieved in mobile phase (benzene:methanol; 7.5:2.5, v/v, 254 and 366 nm; Rf 0.51). The method was validated using ICH guidelines in terms of linearity, specificity, sensitivity, accuracy, precision, robustness and stability. In cellular antioxidant studies e.g. DPPH, oxygen-radical-absorbance-capacity (ORAC) and cell-based-antioxidant-protection-in-erythrocytes (CAP-e) assays showed that, Pentylcurcumene showed remarkably different degrees of antioxidant activities in dose-dependent manner. Pentylcurcumene demonstrated anticholinesterase activities e.g. IC50 of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) inhibition were 73.12 ± 0.56 and 97.65 ± 0.46 μg/ml, respectively. To better understand enzyme kinetics, Lineweaver-Burk plot of Pentylcurcumene displayed the highest affinity with competitive inhibition (reversible) towards both AChE (Vmax 0.8) and BChE (Vmax 0.6). An improved and advanced HPTLC tool of bioautography detection of Pentylcurcumene has been successfully demonstrated its anticholinesterase activities. Molecular docking simulations of Pentylcurcumene (ligand) and enzymes (proteins) exhibited the binding of ligand at active sites of AChE (human/rat) and BChE (human/homology) efficiently and also predicted the hydrophobic interaction of drug towards different amino acid residue within proteins. As per the results of antioxidant study and with the support of molecular docking analysis, it is concluded that Pentylcurcumene could be a potential first-line cholinesterase-inhibitor for AD.  相似文献   
Natural transfer of mitochondrial DNA has occurred between three western Palaearctic waterfrog taxa: Pelophylax lessonae, Pelophylax ridibundus and their hybridogenetic hybrid, Pelophylax kl. esculentus. The transfer is asymmetric with most P. kl. esculentus and approximately one third of all central European P. ridibundus having mtDNA derived from P. lessonae (L-mtDNA). We obtained complete nucleotide sequences of multiple mitochondrial genomes (15,376-78 bp without control regions) from all 3 taxa, including a P. ridibundus frog with introgressed L-mtDNA. The gene content and organization of the mitogenomes correspond to those typical of neobatrachians. Divergence between the mtDNAs of P. lessonae and P. ridibundus is high with an uncorrected p-distance of 11.9% across the entire mitogenome. However, the rate of nucleotide substitution depends on the degree of functional constraint with up to 30-fold differences in levels of divergence. In general, mitochondrial genes encoding the translational machinery evolve very slowly, whereas genes encoding polypeptides of the electron transport system, especially the ND genes, evolve rapidly. Only 25 of 211-213 observed amino acid replacements could be classified as radical and are therefore more likely to be exposed to selection. A disproportionately high number of amino acid substitutions has occurred in the ND4, ND4L and cytb genes of the P. lessonae lineage (including 36% of all radical changes). In contrast to the interspecific divergence, nucleotide polymorphism within L- and R-mtDNA is very low: L-mtDNA haplotypes differed on average by only 19 nucleotides, while there was no variation within two mtDNAs derived from P. ridibundus. This is an expected finding considering that we have sampled a post-glacial expansion area. Moreover, the introgressed L-mtDNA on a P. ridibundus background differed from other L-mtDNAs by only a few substitutions, indicative of a very recent introgression event. We discuss our findings in the context of natural selection acting on L-mtDNA and its potential significance in cytonuclear epistasis.  相似文献   
Albinism represents a group of genetic disorders with a broad spectrum of hypopigmentary phenotypes dependent on the genetic background of the patients. Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) patients have little or no pigment in their eyes, skin and hair, whereas ocular albinism (OA) primarily presents the ocular symptoms, and the skin and hair color may vary from near normal to very fair. Mutations in genes directly or indirectly regulating melanin production are responsible for different forms of albinism with overlapping clinical features. In this study, 27 albinistic individuals from 24 families were screened for causal variants by a PCR-sequencing based approach. TYR, OCA2, TYRP1, SLC45A2, SLC24A5, TYRP2 and SILV were selected as candidate genes. We identified 5 TYR and 3 OCA2 mutations, majority in homozygous state, in 8 unrelated patients including a case of autosomal recessive ocular albinism (AROA). A homozygous 4-nucleotide novel insertion in SLC24A5 was detected in a person showing with extreme cutaneous hypopigmentation. A potential causal variant was identified in the TYRP2 gene in a single patient. Haplotype analyses in the patients carrying homozygous mutations in the classical OCA genes suggested founder effect. This is the first report of an Indian AROA patient harboring a mutation in OCA2. Our results also reveal for the first time that mutations in SLC24A5 could contribute to extreme hypopigmentation in humans.  相似文献   
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by recurrent attacks of fever and serositis. Mutations in the Mediterranean fever gene (MEFV) localized on the short arm of chromosome 16 cause FMF. Over 90 MEFV missense/nonsense mutations have been identified so far in FMF patients, mostly in the 10th exon of the gene.  相似文献   
The Val66Met, G196A (rs6265) polymorphism in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene, BDNF, located at 11p13, has been associated with a wide range of cognitive functions. Yet, the pattern of results is complex and conflicting. In this study, we conducted a meta-analysis that included 23 publications containing 31 independent samples comprised of 7095 individuals. The phenotypes that were examined in this analysis covered a wide variety of cognitive functions and included indicators of general cognitive ability, memory, executive function, visual processing skills and cognitive fluency. The meta-analysis did not establish significant genetic associations between the Val66Met polymorphism and any of the phenotypes that were included.  相似文献   
Mutations of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) cause CF disease by altering the biosynthesis, maturation, folding and ion conductance of this protein. Our laboratory has focused on expression and structural analysis of the CFTR transmembrane (TM) domains using two-TM segments (i.e., helix-loop-helix constructs) which we term ‘helical hairpins’; these represent the minimal model of tertiary contacts between two helices in a membrane. Previous studies on a library of TM3/4 hairpins of the first CFTR TM domain suggested that introduction of non-native polar residues into TM4 can compromise CFTR function through side chain-side chain H-bonding interactions with native Q207 in TM3 [Choi, M. Y., Cardarelli, L., Therien, A. G., and Deber, C. M. Non-native interhelical hydrogen bonds in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator domain modulated by polar mutations, Biochemistry 43 (2004) 8077-8083]. In the present work, we combine gel shift assays with a series of NMR experiments for comparative structural characterization of the wild type TM3/4 hairpin and its mutants V232D, I231D, Q207N/V232E. Over 95% of the backbone resonances of a 15N,13C-labelled V232D-TM3/4 construct in the membrane-mimetic environment of perfluorooctanoate (PFO) micelles were successfully assigned, and the presence and boundaries of helical segments within TM3 and TM4 were defined under these conditions. Comparative analysis of 15N and 1H chemical shift variations among HSQC spectra of WT-, V232D-, I231D- and Q207N/V232E-TM3/4 indicated that hairpin conformations vary with the position of a polar mutation (i.e., V232D and I231D vs. WT), but remain similar when hairpins with identically-positioned polar partners are compared (i.e., V232D vs. Q207N-V232E). The overall findings suggest that a polar mutation in a TM helix can potentially distort native interfacial packing determinants in membrane proteins such as CFTR, with consequences that may lead to disease.  相似文献   
According to recent data, the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is involved in schizophrenia. An association of the Val66Met polymorphism of the BDNF gene has been reported, but the results of different studies are discrepant. The allele and genotype frequency distributions of BDNF were studied in 783 schizophrenics and 633 mentally healthy controls. Significant between-group differences were not detected. When the patients were stratified by sex and schizophrenia form, men with continuous (chronic) schizophrenia were found to have a significantly higher frequency of the Val/Val genotype as compared to men with the episodic form (P = 0.047). Clinical symptoms assessed by the PANSS in men with the Val/Val genotype were more severe than in men with the Met/Met genotype (P = 0.044). No difference in BDNF genotype frequency distribution was observed between female groups differing in disease form or the severity of clinical symptoms. It was concluded that the association of the Val66Met polymorphism with schizophrenia is affected by the sex of patients and clinical heterogeneity of the disease and that the Val/Val genotype is associated with more severe schizophrenia in males.  相似文献   
An isotope labeling scheme is described in which specific protonation of methine and methyl protons of leucine and valine is obtained on a 15N/13C labeled background with uniform deuteration of all other non-exchangeable protons. The presence of a protonated methine group has little effect on the favorable relaxation properties of the methyl protons of Leu and Val. This labeling scheme permits the rotameric state of leucine side-chains to be readily determined by simple inspection of the pattern of Hγ(i)–HN(i) and Hγ(i)–HN(i+1) NOEs in a 3D 15N-separated NOE spectrum free of complications arising from spectral overlap and spin-diffusion. In addition, one-bond residual dipolar couplings for the methine 13C–1H bond vectors of Leu and Val can be accurately determined from an intensity J-modulated constant-time HCCH-COSY experiment and used to accurately orient the side-chains of Leu and Val. Incorporation of these data into structure refinement improves the accuracy with which the conformations of Leu and Val side-chains can be established. This is important to ensure optimal packing both within the protein core and at intermolecular interfaces. The impact of the method on protein structure determination is illustrated by application to enzyme IIAChitobiose, a 34 kDa homotrimeric phosphotransferase protein.  相似文献   
Children with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) usually display deficits in executive function (EF), which are primarily mediated by prefrontal cortex (PFC). The functional polymorphism of catechol‐O‐methyltransferase (COMT), Val158Met (rs4680), leads to observed polymorphic differences in the degradation of dopamine within PFC. This study aimed to explore the effect of rs4680 on EF using case–control design. In addition, considering the dynamic development of EF, we also attempted to investigate whether this genetic influence changes during development or not. A total of 597 ADHD children and 154 unaffected controls were recruited. The EF was evaluated using Rey–Osterrieth complex figure test (RCFT), trail making test (TMT) and Stroop color and word test for working memory, shifting and inhibition. Association between genotype and EF was analyzed using analysis of covariance (ancova ). The results showed significant interaction effect of genotype and ADHD diagnosis on RCFT performance (P < 0.001). However, the associated genotypes between ADHD and controls were divergent. In ADHD, the Met carriers performed better than the Val homozygotes on detail immediate [(10.38 ± 6.90) vs. (9.33 ± 6.92), P = 0.007] and detail delay [(9.96 ± 6.86) vs. (8.86 ± 6.89), P = 0.004], while Val homozygotes showed better performance compared with Met carrier controls [for detail immediate (14.55 ± 6.18) vs. (11.10 ± 6.45), P<0.001; for detail delay (14.31 ± 5.96) vs. (11.31 ± 6.96), P = 0.001]. We did not find significant interaction between genetic variant and development. COMT Val158Met (rs4680) may have divergent effect on working memory in ADHD children compared with healthy controls.  相似文献   
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