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This paper is focused on the model identification of a Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) in straight steady flight condition. The identification is based on input-output data collected from flight tests using both frequency and time dorrtain techniques. The vehicle is an in-house 40 cm wingspan airplane. Because of the complex coupled, multivariable and nonlinear dynamics of the aircraft, linear SISO structures for both the lateral and longitudinal models around a reference state were derived. The aim of the identification is to provide models that can be used in future development of control techniques for the MAV.  相似文献   
Blue‐winged grasshoppers Oedipoda caerulescens (Linnaeus, 1758) are commonly found in flat, open, unprotected areas. In the event of immediate danger, they leave their camouflaged position and jump away at the last moment. The present study conducted in a flight arena shows that, despite jumping at short notice from a crouching position, the grasshoppers achieve the correct timing for an optimal leap. If both compound eyes are blinded and the animals are stimulated by touch to execute an unprepared jump, the take‐off of the flightless nymphs is delayed, and adults are delayed in raising their wings; the animals tumble backward during the leap (in the case of adults, if they do not open their wings). This is a result of the unprepared take‐off position; because the entire length of the hind legs cannot be used for acceleration, the body is rotated backward. However, the escape path is not ultimately affected because, in the air, physical processes compensate for the unfavourable starting conditions. In addition, no disadvantage is evident upon landing. In each case, a hook landing was completed safely (i.e. the grasshopper landed and swung round to face the direction it had come from). The impact force is reduced and the grasshopper stabilizes itself by rotating from a forward to a backward position, immediately after the first contact with the ground. The hook landing also serves to confuse the potential attacker, and the disappearance of the bright blue hind wings of the adult makes it difficult for predators to shift quickly enough to a different kind of search to relocate their prey. In conclusion, the present study shows that the escape behaviour of blue‐winged grasshoppers is adapted to extremely short escape distances.  相似文献   
Two flight parameters (take-off and duration) and respiration level were measured, in two years in summer and early autumn, in dormant Coccinella septempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) collected while hidden in grass tussocks in hibernation sites (HID) and in beetles collected on plants (PLA). The duration of tethered flight of HID beetles measured in the laboratory in late August and September 1995 (range of geometric means 190–440 s) was slightly longer than the flight of PLA beetles (80–310 s), both being much longer than trivial flight recorded in beetles foraging for prey during the breeding season (35 s). In general, the flight performance had a tendency to increase in September and to decrease in October.The oxygen consumption in HID beetles increased throughout September 1994 from 430 to 780 l g–1 h–1 and throughout October 1995 from 710 to 1060 l g–1 h–1. This increase is ascribed to a concomitant decrease in diapause intensity. A similar increase was observed also in PLA beetles in 1994 and oxygen consumption was always higher than in HID beetles, most probably due to feeding and digestion in PLA beetles.Laboratory feeding of HID beetles on aphids induced maturation of ovaries and increased oxygen uptake (from 680 to 1110 l g–1 h–1). Feeding on honey and pollen left their oxygen uptake unchanged. Effect of feeding on the flight parameters was mostly not significant. In agreement with its less suitable body shape and usually less distant dormancy sites, C. septempunctata was found a less apt flier than long-distance migrating coccinellid species.  相似文献   
The wing loading of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), was found to decrease slightly with increasing size over a wide range of individual sizes and independent of sex. This makes it possible to use tags of the same weight for beetles of all sizes and suggests that if the addition of light electronic tags has any effect on the beetle's flight it will be similar across beetle size. The wing loading of individual potato beetles ranged from an average minimum 10.9 N m–2 to an average maximum of 15.6 N m–2 as their weights fluctuated over time following water and food uptake or dispersal. However, tests carried out in flight chambers indicate that beetles become incapable of upward flight as they go beyond an average wing loading of 11.8 N m–2, that is 101 N (10.3 mg) beyond their minimum weight. It is estimated from our results that electronic tags should weigh no more than 23–33% of the potato beetle's acceptable extra loading for the technique to have no or minimal impact on the number and quality of upward flights taken.  相似文献   
Three groups of specialist nectar-feeders covering a continuous size range from insects, birds and bats have evolved the ability for hovering flight. Among birds and bats these groups generally comprise small species, suggesting a relationship between hovering ability and size. In this study we established the scaling relationship of hovering power with body mass for nectar-feeding glossophagine bats (Phyllostomidae). Employing both standard and fast-response respirometry, we determined rates of gas exchange in Hylonycteris underwoodi (7 g) and Choeronycteris mexicana (13–18 g) during hover-feeding flights at an artificial flower that served as a respirometric mask to estimate metabolic power input. The O2 uptake rate ( o2) in ml g−1 h−1 (and derived power input) was 27.3 (1.12 W or 160 W kg−1) in 7-g Hylonycteris and 27.3 (2.63 W or 160 W kg−1) in 16.5-g Choeronycteris and thus consistent with measurements in 11.9-g Glossophagasoricina (158 W kg−1, Winter 1998). o2 at the onset of hovering was also used to estimate power during forward flight, because after a transition from level forward to hovering flight gas exchange rates initially still reflect forward flight rates. o2 during short hovering events (<1.5 s) was 19.0 ml g−1 h−1 (1.8 W) in 16-g Choeronycteris, which was not significantly different from a previous, indirect estimate of the cost of level forward flight (2.1 W, Winter and von Helversen 1998). Our estimates suggest that power input during hovering flight P h (W) increased with body mass M (kg) within 13–18-g Choeronycteris (n = 4) as P h  = 3544 (±2057 SE) M 1.76 (±0.21 SE) and between different glossophagine bat species (n = 3) as P h  = 128 (±2.4 SE) M 0.95 (±0.034 SE). The slopes of three scaling functions for flight power (hovering, level forward flight at intermediate speed and submaximal flight power) indicate that: 1. The relationship between flight power to flight speed may change with body mass in the 6–30-g bats from a J- towards a U-shaped curve. 2. A metabolic constraint (hovering flight power equal maximal flight power) may influence the upper size limit of 30–35 g for this group of flower specialists. Mass-specific power input (W kg−1) during hovering flight appeared constant with regard to body size (for the mass ranges considered), but differed significantly (P < 0.001) between groups. Group means were 393 W kg−1 (sphingid moths), 261 W kg−1 (hummingbirds) and 159 W kg−1 (glossophagine bats). Thus, glossophagine bats expend the least metabolic power per unit of body mass supported during hovering flight. At a metabolic power input of 1.1 W a glossophagine bat can generate the lift forces necessary for balancing 7 g against gravitation, whereas a hummingbird can support 4 g and a sphingid moth only 3 g of body mass with the same amount of metabolic energy. These differences in power input were not fully explained by differences in induced power output estimated from Rankine-Froude momentum-jet theory. Accepted: 10 November 1998  相似文献   
The structure and function of the hemelytra-to-hindwing locking mechanism of the bug Coreus marginatus were analysed. The system consists of a cuticular protrusion in the ventral side of the hemelytra, which locks the subcostal border of the hindwing in flight. The speed and distance slid by both surfaces against one another during flight were assessed using a combination of high-speed video recordings and a 2D geometrical model. The friction coefficient between sliding surfaces was assessed using a micromanipulator, coupled with force transducers. This was done under three experimental conditions: freshly dissected, air dried and rehydrated ethanol preserved samples. The results showed a high speed of sliding, approximately 0.18 m s–1, with a relatively low friction coefficient (0.2 ). There was no evident difference in the friction measured under the various treatments, with the exception of the rehydrated condition, which was lower. The surface morphology of the wing locking mechanism, namely outgrowths of one part having rounded edges, and completely flat surface on the counterpart, effectively aids in the reduction of friction at the microscopic level. The structure is effective even dry, and after being preserved in ethanol, suggesting that no cuticle secreted lubrication substance is responsible for its effectiveness. The ultrastructure presumably confers mechanical stability to the system under the high load it is subjected to in flight.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) was used to investigate tumor-specific changes in the proteome of human colorectal cancers and adjacent normal mucosa. For each of six patients with different stages of colon cancer, Cy5-labeled proteins isolated from tumor tissue were combined with Cy3-labeled proteins isolated from neighboring normal mucosa and separated on the same 2-D gel along with a Cy2-labeled mixture of all 12 normal/tumor samples as an internal standard. Over 1500 protein spot-features were analyzed in each paired normal/tumor comparison, and using DIGE technology with the mixed-sample internal standard, statistically significant quantitative comparisons of each protein abundance change could be made across multiple samples simultaneously without interference due to gel-to-gel variation. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) and tandem (TOF/TOF) MS provided sensitive and accurate mass spectral data for database interrogation, resulting in the identification of 52 unique proteins (including redundancies due to proteolysis and post-translationally modified isoforms) that were changing in abundance across the cohort. Without the benefit of the Cy2-labeled 12 sample mixture internal standard, 42 of these proteins would have been overlooked due to the large degree of variation inherent between normal and tumor samples.  相似文献   
Proteomics provide potential in the discovery of new sensitive biomarkers for environmental pollution. To evaluate this potential, we have utilized ProteinChip® technology to analyze the proteomic profile of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) from polluted marine habitats surrounding the island of Karmøy, Norway. Two different types of contamination, heavy metals and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), were compared to a clean reference site. Differentially expressed proteins/peptides were found, which showed a specific induction or a general suppression associated with the field site of origin. By combining sets of protein markers in a tree-building algorithm, we were able to correctly classify samples from these sites with an accuracy of 90%.  相似文献   
A novel extraction protocol is described with which metabolites, proteins and RNA are sequentially extracted from the same sample, thereby providing a convenient procedure for the analysis of replicates as well as exploiting the inherent biological variation of independent samples for multivariate data analysis. A detection of 652 metabolites, 297 proteins and clear RNA bands in a single Arabidopsis thaliana leaf sample was validated by analysis with gas chromatography coupled to a time of flight mass spectrometer for metabolites, two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for proteins, and Northern blot analysis for RNA. A subset of the most abundant proteins and metabolites from replicate analysis of different Arabidopsis accessions was merged to form an integrative dataset allowing both classification of different genotypes and the unbiased analysis of the hierarchical organization of proteins and metabolites within a real biochemical network.  相似文献   
Neither flapping and running to take-off nor gliding from heights can be disproved as the assured evolutionary origin of self-powered flight observed in modern vertebrates. Gliding with set wings would utilize available potential energy from gravity but gain little from flapping. Bipedal running, important in avian phylogeny, possibly facilitated the evolution of flight. Based on physical principles, gliding is a better process for the origin of powered flight than the "ground-up" process, which physically is not feasible in space or time (considering air resistance, metabolic energy costs, and mechanical resistance to bipedal running). Proto-avian ancestors of Archaeopteryx and Microraptor probably flapped their sparsely feathered limbs synchronously while descending from leaps or heights, with such "flutter-gliding" presented as a synthesis of the two earlier theories of flight origin (making use of the available potential energy from gravity, involving wing thrusts and flapping, coping with air resistance that slows air speed, but effecting positive fitness value in providing lift and slowing dangerous falls).  相似文献   
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