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In this paper we discuss diet and health changes of millet agriculturists in Northern China, Shaanxi province, during the period 7,000-4,000 BP. An episode of intensive climatic oscillations that preceded the onset of colder climate circa the fifth millennium BP divides the period (Shi et al. [1993] Global Planet. Change 7:219-233). The onset of the cooler climate marks the decline of the egalitarian society of Yangshao and the rise of the chiefdom-like society of Longshan. Skeletal materials from the two sites of Beiliu and Jiangzhai are from the earlier phases of Yangshao culture (7,000-6,000 BP), while remains from the Shijia site were excavated from the terminal phase of Yangshao culture (6,000-5,000 BP), a phase that would be expected to show adjustments to strong climatic fluctuations. Human remains from the Longshan culture (5,000-4,000, BP) were found at the Kangjia site. In order to investigate whether the trajectory of diet and health changes persisted beyond the Longshan, a skeletal sample from the Xicun site of the Western Zhao Dynastic period (3,800-2,200 BP) is included in our analyses. All Yangshao sites in our study are characterized by low frequencies of anemia and carious lesions. Some subsistence changes probably occurred during the later phase of Yangshao culture that resulted in elevated masticatory stress and occlusal macrowear among the Shijia people. However, deterioration of community health did not begin until the Longshan, when increased occurrence of porotic hyperostosis and caries is accompanied by decreased adult stature. The transition to softer, more extensively processed food during Longshan is evident in decreased rates of occlusal wear. Increased population density and diminished food values were most likely responsible for these changes. Poor health persisted into the subsequent Dynastic period of Western Zhao.  相似文献   
Here we present a detailed palaeopathological study of the hominin mandible ATE9-1 found at the Sima del Elefante site (TE), Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain. This fossil represents the earliest hominin remains from Western Europe with an age of ca. 1.3 Ma. The specimen displays several dento-gnathic lesions; the antiquity and geographic location of this fossil justifies a detailed palaeopathological study to determine if the pathologies have significantly altered taxonomically relevant features. Our study reveals severe dental attrition combined with generalized hypercementosis, alveolar root exposure, mild periodontal disease, tooth dislocation, and an anomalous occlusal plane. We have also observed calculus deposits, two cystic lesions and an anomalous wear facet compatible with tooth picking. The majority of these pathological signs can be explained by compensatory eruption. We propose that these lesions are associated as causes, consequences, and amplifiers of one another within the framework of heavy and even traumatic occlusion, masticatory habits, or both traumatic occlusion and masticatory habits. Despite the severity of these lesions, occlusion was at least partially functional so it was unlikely to influence the survival of this individual. In addition, the lesions do not prohibit the taxonomic assessment of the mandible.  相似文献   
本研究通过对山东烟台市午台遗址人牙结石淀粉粒的分析,发现了来自禾本科的粟(Setaria italica L.)、小麦族(Triticeae)、壳斗科栎属(Quercus sp.)、豆科(Fabaceae)及块根块茎类植物的淀粉粒,数量较为丰富,种属来源较为多样,显示了午台遗址先民利用植物性食物资源的多样性。研究表明午台先民除了利用粟黍类农作物作为主要食物资源外,还广泛采集一些野生果类和块根块茎类作为食物的补充。本研究中发现了大遗存中没有发现的壳斗科栎属等,弥补了大遗存研究的不足。  相似文献   
大辛庄遗址位于济南市历城区大辛庄村,是山东省内已知面积最大的一处商代遗址,甲骨文及其他丰富遗存的出土对于鲁北及整个山东地区商文化研究具有重要意义。本文主要从人骨的牙齿健康状况入手,对济南大辛庄商代遗址2003、2010年出土的45例人骨标本的牙病情况,尤其是龋病、牙周病、牙结石以及牙齿磨耗情况进行统计与分析,得知大辛遗址商代人群牙齿疾病的基本情况:1)牙结石的出现率男女之间存在明显的性别差异,除此之外其他牙病在罹患率的性别分组上的差异不显著,但均为女性的罹患率要高于男性;2)牙病的罹患率在年龄分组上存在显著差异,随年龄的增长罹患牙病的风险增高;3)龋病、牙周病及牙结石多好发于臼齿;4)重度磨耗牙齿患牙病的风险增加,牙周病表现尤为明显;5)牙病的罹患率不仅受到性别、年龄、牙位以及齿冠磨耗程度的影响,而且与大辛庄商代人群农业经济发展的食物结构有关。  相似文献   
目的观察工业原料三聚氰胺连续给药诱发SD大鼠尿结石的成模情况。方法60日龄SPF级SD大鼠130只,雌雄各半,体质量(200+24)g,随机分为给药5个组和空白对照组各20只,溶媒对照组10只。给药组分别给予三聚氰胺0.05、0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4g/(kg·d)连续灌胃;溶媒对照组灌胃10g/L甲基纤维素蒸馏水2mL/(只·d),空白对照组灌胃无菌水2mL/(只·d)。采用体视显微镜观察大鼠肾脏、输尿管和膀胱形态改变,比较各组肾脏、膀胱的质量和脏器指数,观察大鼠CREA、BUN、UA、Ca、P、Mg含量变化。结果0.4g/kg组给药20d,0.2、0.4g/kg组给药30d,肌酐高于空白对照组;0.4g/kg组给药30d,尿素氮、尿酸高于空白对照组。给药20d各组血钙、磷、镁均偏低。给药30d,0.05、0.2、0.3、0.4g/kg组左肾质量比空白对照组增加。各组肾脏大小、颜色均与正常对照组比较接近,未见结石和明显黄色沉淀物,但有部份肾脏在皮、髓质交界处有点状或片状出血灶。输尿管未见结石。部分膀胱粘膜充血,部分雄性大鼠出现膀胱结石,其中给药20d各组雄性大鼠出现率为52%(13/25),30d各组出现率为56%(14/25),膀胱结石颜色多为淡黄色混合白色、白色。结论(0.05~0.4)g/kg三聚氰胺连续给药30d,对肾脏损害轻微,可诱发雄性大鼠产生膀胱结石。  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨输尿管单发结石患者体外冲击波碎石术(ESWL)的最佳冲击波频率,并分析碎石效果的影响因素。方法:选取2020年4月~2022年4月期间来空军第九八六医院接受治疗的输尿管单发结石患者148例作为研究对象,按照不同治疗频率将患者分为低频组(48例,频率为60~70次/min)、中频组(51例,频率为80~90次/min)和高频组(49例,频率为100~120次/min),观察三组患者的碎石结局、肾功能指标以及并发症发生情况。统计三组患者的碎石结局,按照碎石结局的不同分为成功组和失败组。收集所有患者的一般资料,采用多因素Logistic回归分析输尿管单发结石患者碎石效果的影响因素。结果:三组碎石成功率组间对比无统计学差异(P>0.05)。三组术后1 d、术后14 d尿素氮(BUN)、血肌酐(Scr)均升高后下降(P<0.05)。高频组、中频组术后1 d BUN、Scr均高于低频组,且高频组高于中频组(P<0.05)。高频组、中频组的并发症总发生率高于低频组(P<0.05)。单因素分析显示,输尿管单发结石患者ESWL术后碎石失败与病程、结石位置、结石直径、肾绞痛、结石嵌顿、服用坦索罗辛有关(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,病程偏长、结石位置中下段、结石直径偏大、结石嵌顿、未服用坦索罗辛是碎石失败的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:低、中、高三种频率下的ESWL用于输尿管单发结石患者,均有较好的碎石效果。但随着频率的增加,患者一过性肾功能损伤增大,且并发症发生风险也相应增加。此外,病程偏长、结石位置中下段、结石直径偏大、结石嵌顿、未服用坦索罗辛是碎石失败的危险因素,可考虑结合上述因素进行综合评估选择最佳治疗方式。  相似文献   
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