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Cuvillierinella salentina Papetti and Tedeschi, 1965 and its related species of the Rhapydioninidae family are widely distributed in the Western Mediterranean region by Campanian–Maastrichtian time. C. salentina, the type species of the genus, is studied in rich populations from its Italian type locality, and several other spots from Greece and Spain. It shows great variability: the well-known type coexists with streptospiral tests almost devoid of endoskeleton and wholly planispiral tests with fine mesh-like endoskeleton, as well as many intermediates. Such populations reflect the large capacity of evolution of at least the group of miliolids from which these populations are derived, if not the species itself. The genera Murciella and Cyclopseudedomia are probably the most direct offshoots, but other taxa appear to arise from this species or at least from the same stock of origin. In the same genus and at the same time (middle part of Campanian age, “CsB6a” zone), two new species are described, both hesitating between the streptospiral and planispiral coiling: – C. fluctuans nov. sp., from Greece, A tests being either streptospiral or planispiral, with primary and secondary chamberlets taking the aspect of polygonal isodiametric network and – C. perisalentina nov. sp., from Italy, with persistent streptospiral coiling and disordered arrangement of secondary chamberlets which allow us to consider its relation with species of the genus Pseudochubbina, hitherto of completely enigmatic origin. Assigned to the same genus, from Upper Campanian–Lower Maastrichtian time (“CsB6b” zone), C. aff. pylosensis, probably related to C. pylosensis, is studied from several populations, and constitutes, with the above mentioned species, what is called C. gr. salentina. Based on material from the CsB6b zone, the new genus Metacuvillierinella nov. gen. is introduced; M. decastroi nov. sp., type species of the new genus, known from Greece and Italy, shows characters common to C. gr. salentina, such as milioline to streptospiral nepionic coiling, large endoskeleton mesh, associated with some original characters, such as the unusual conjunction of the advolute coiling and absence of any final unrolling together with very low dimorphism of generation; this results in flat tests, often sigmoid shaped in axial section, very rare in the family. Thus, the genus Cuvillierinella, and especially C. salentina, appears as a possible source, or at least not far from the origin, of a number of taxa related to one another, constituting a large part of the Rhapydioninidae family. They are gathered together inside the new subfamily Cuvillierinellinae, distinct from the subfamily Rhapydionininae sensu stricto (comprising Rhapydionina and Fanrhapydionina) which makes a different and parallel branch, from Upper Campanian (CsB6b zone) to the end of Cretaceous time (CsB7 zone).  相似文献   
This study evaluates the severity of the poorly known and mostly underestimated foraminiferal extinction during the Frasnian–Famennian biotic crisis and its evolutionary aftermath. During this global event, worldwide, truly plurilocular planispiral (Nanicellidae) and uniseriate, palmate (Semitextulariidae) foraminifera associated with metazoan reefs died out entirely. Highly advanced test morphology such as that of nanicellids did not reappear in the earth's history until the Late Triassic. Moreover, morphotype comparable to that of the Devonian bilaterally flattened and palmate semitextularids appeared again until the Middle Jurassic (Frondicularia, Lagenida). In terms of the degree of test septation and chamber arrangement as well as general test shape, these foraminifera were ‘very far ahead of their time’. In consequence, foraminifera suffered a significant collapse during the F‐F biodiversity crisis, leading to an amazingly long evolutionary time lag in the case of plurilocular foraminifera lasting at least 150 million years.  相似文献   
New collections of pyritized axes of the lycophyte Wexfordia hookense have been made from the Upper Devonian (uppermost Famennian) type locality at Sandeel Bay, County Wexford, in south-eastern Ireland. The specimens reveal additional histological features that permit reinterpretation of the morphology of this taxon and reevaluation of its taxonomic affinities. Wexfordia is shown to possess both secondary xylem, with narrow, uni- to biseriate rays, and periderm. The range of variation in relative amounts of primary and secondary xylem can be correlated with position in the mature plant. This evidence indicates that Wexfordia was a small tree rather than an herbaceous form. Fine structure of tracheids and additional anatomical features strongly support affinities with Carboniferous arborescent Isoetales, rather than Devonian Protolepidodendrales, and further support the hypothesis that radiation in this lineage was well underway prior to the Carboniferous.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 275–287.  相似文献   
The cuticle of concavicarids (Arthropoda: Thylacocephala) from the early Famennian (Upper Devonian) of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland was studied with respect to its microstructural details. Investigated laminated cuticle with phosphatic/organic composition, possesses two different kinds of microstructure with assumed sensory functions. The first kind consists of circular depressions, each located in the central area of characteristic polygons forming the carapace exterior ornamentation. These depressions are interpreted as sealed during phosphatisation processes setal lumens. The second kind occurs exclusively in carapace margins. These intracuticular microstructures occur as elongated tubular structures, circular to oval in cross section, penetrating the cuticle interior but not reaching its surface. They form a thin belt with a kind of ‘sensory fields’ on the dorsum and a wider belt in the ventrocaudal part of the carapace. These belts are connected in the rostral and caudal area, forming a continuous sensory zone encompassing each valve. These structures are very similar to crustacean organule canals, and the dorsally situated ‘sensory fields’, suggest some similarity to crustacean sensory dorsal organs. This possible sensory system is the oldest of this kind found in Thylacocephala. Its morphology and presumed canal walls mineralogical composition suggests crustacean affinity of Thylacocephala.  相似文献   
长穗颈温敏核不育水稻穗颈节间长度及细胞学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以水稻培矮64S作对照,对隐性长穗颈温敏核不育水稻(Oryza sativa L.)长选3S幼穗各发育时期穗颈节间长度及细胞数量和长度进行比较分析。结果表明,长选3S在幼穗分化的二核期至始花期穗颈节间伸长速度最快,其节间伸长的长度是培矮64S的2.1倍;在花粉母细胞减数分裂期至二核期及始花当天至始花后第3天两个时段,穗颈节间伸长速度慢。穗颈节间的细胞个数和平均长度两者呈现相似的变化规律,但从花粉母细胞减数分裂期至始花期,长选3S穗颈节间薄壁细胞增加3759个,细胞平均长度为72.9μm,培矮64S增加3134个,细胞平均长度为38μm,长选3S穗颈节间的伸长主要是由幼穗分化的花粉母细胞减数分裂期至始花期细胞分裂和细胞伸长共同作用的结果,其中后者的作用更显著。  相似文献   
The Canning Basin of northwestern Australia is a key area for understanding global changes at the “Kellwasser Events” and the Frasnian‐Famennian boundary. Frasnian stromatoporoid‐coral‐cyanobacterial reef platforms stretched out for enormous distances along the palaeoshelf but in the early Famennian they were completely replaced by cyanobacterial reef platforms. An iridium anomaly in the sequence was formerly believed to be at or close to the boundary and was interpreted as possible evidence for an asteroid impact. Recent field work and detailed biostratigraphy in the area east and southeast of Fitzroy Crossing has given dating relevant to the timing and extent of sea level changes, hypoxic incursions and reef backstepping. Goniatites and conodonts provide correlations with the international biostratigraphy.

In the Horse Spring area the stage boundary falls within the Virgin Hills Formation which normally has a rich pelagic goniatite, nautiloid and conodont fauna. In the latest Frasnian (Zone 13 of Klapper 1989; regional Sphaeromanticoceras lindneri Zone) large allochthonous reef blocks moved downslope into the open marine basin. A diverse gastropod fauna is associated with the last atrypid brachiopods. The faunal record at the immediate boundary is obscured by dolomitisation but manticoceratid goniatites range into this level. There is no evidence for the organic‐rich dark Kellwasser limestone facies.

In the McWhae Ridge area two Frasnian goniatite horizons with Beloceras trilobites and the giant Mamicoceras guppyi and Sphaeromanticoceras lindneri transgress over the reef slope. Stromatolitic cyanobacterial beds mark condensations. Again there is no trace of the oxygen‐depleted Kellwasser facies. However, as at Horse Spring, manticoceratids persisted into dolomitic marker beds that have no other preserved macrofauna. The iridium anomaly associated with Frutexites postdates the Frasnian‐Famennian boundary and was formed by cyanobacterial concentration.  相似文献   
Plant fossils from the Avon Gorge originally identified as Rhacophyton sp. have been subjected to a detailed morphological study incorporating examination of both previously known material and new specimens. A single taxon, Chlidanophylon dublinensis, dominates the assemblage accounting for over 90% of the fossils encountered. Other plant organs identified include dispersed acupulate preovules and five less frequently occurring organs of which four are of unknown affinities; the leaf genus Platyphyllum, Alicomopleris sp., two kinds of novel and frequendy dichotomizing branching structures and the spermatophyte synangium Telangiopsis. Possible whole plant relationships between the components of the fossil assemblage are discussed and the stratigraphic, systematic and evolutionary position of the component taxa are considered.  相似文献   
The Frasnian–Famennian extinction witnessed the global devastation of both level‐bottom and reef communities in low latitudes. Marine extinctions in offshore level‐bottom communities are associated with two widespread, transgressive, anoxic ‘Kellwasser Events’ that support an anoxia–extinction link. Typical Kellwasser facies of bituminous limestones and shales are not obviously recorded in shallow‐water settings, and thus, it is unclear whether anoxia played a role in reef losses. We evaluate geochemical, petrographic and facies evidence for oxygen restriction from an extremely shallow‐water carbonate platform in Alberta. Sequence stratigraphy places the Frasnian–Famennian boundary at a sequence boundary that tops a laminated mudstone and interrupts carbonate platform deposition. Two transgressive pulses have been identified, one of which is associated with the second, major transgression of T‐R cycle IId of the Devonian eustatic sea‐level curve. Geochemical proxies indicate that these transgressions were accompanied by influx of dysoxic or anoxic waters. Organic carbon and U enrichment in the Frasnian, particularly just below the Frasnian–Famennian boundary, points to episodic dysoxic conditions that probably persisted into the basal Famennian and were coincidental with the global Upper Kellwasser Event. This study provides the first evidence for the smoking gun of an anoxia‐driven extinction in very shallow waters, implicating this potent killer in the demise of the Devonian reefs.  相似文献   
New bryozoans from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) of the borderlands of the Kuznetsk Coal Basin are described: Orthopora tomensis sp. nov. and Minussina incrustata sp. nov.  相似文献   
Enhao Jia  Haijun Song 《Geobios》2018,51(5):401-418
A new assemblage of calcareous algae and microproblematica is reported from the Changxing Formation at the Liangfengya section in Chongqing, South China. This assemblage comprises eighteen species of seven genera, including three genera of gymnocodiaceaens (Gymnocodium, Permocalculus, and Tauridium), three genera of dasycladaleans (Epimastopora, Macroporella, and Mizzia), and one genus of microproblematica (Pseudovermiporella). A new algal species, Tauridium elongatum nov. sp., is described. Quantitative analysis indicates that the last occurrences of 22% of the species (4 out of 18) fall into a 52 cm thick interval of the uppermost Changhsingian. No calcareous algae are found in the Permian-Triassic boundary (P-T boundary) beds and the overlying Feixianguan Formation. Four out of 10 species have a stratigraphic abundance greater than 10% and all vanished in the uppermost Changhsingian. An abrupt extinction for calcareous algae occurred in the Clarkina yini conodont Zone.  相似文献   
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