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Fossil hominid remains dating to the Upper Pleistocene in Yugoslavia are reviewed. Particular emphasis is placed on the assessment of a hominid frontal from the site of Velika Pe?ina in northwestern Croatia. This specimen represents the earliest absolutely-dated hominid associated with the Upper Paleolithic in Europe. Also the hominid material from the site of Veternica is discussed, and data are presented on the new remains from ?andalja. It is concluded that no Neandertal remains, except for Krapina, have been found in Yugoslavia.  相似文献   
Tree-ring research in the Altai-Sayan Mountains so far only considered a limited number of well-replicated site chronologies. The dendroecological and palaeoclimatological potential and limitations of large parts of south-central Russia therefore remain rather unexplored. Here, we present a newly updated network of 13 larch (Larix sibirica Ldb.) tree-ring width (TRW) chronologies from mid to higher elevations along a nearly 1000 km west-to-east transect across the greater Altai-Sayan region. All data were sampled between 2009 and 2014. The corresponding site chronologies cover periods from 440 to 860 years. The highest TRW agreement is found between chronologies ≥2200 m asl, whereas the material from lower elevations reveals overall less synchronized interannual to longer-term growth variability. While fluctuations in average June–July temperature predominantly contribute to the growth at higher elevations, arid air masses from Mongolia mainly affect TRW formation at lower elevations. Our results are indicative for the dendroclimatological potential of the Altai-Sayan Mountains, where both, variation in summer temperature and hydroclimate can be robustly reconstructed back in time. These findings are valid for a huge region in central Asia where reliable meteorological observations are spatially scarce and temporally restricted to the second half of the 20th century. The development of new high-resolution climate reconstruction over several centuries to millennia will further appear beneficial for timely endeavors at the interface of archaeology, climatology and history.  相似文献   
Ancient genomes can help us detect prehistoric migrations, population contractions, and admixture among populations. Knowing the dynamics of demography is invaluable for understanding culture change in prehistory, particularly the roles played by demic and cultural diffusion in transformations of material cultures. Prehistoric Europe is a region where ancient genome analyses can help illuminate the interplay between demography and culture change. In Europe, there is more archeological evidence, in terms of detailed studies, radiometric dates, and explanatory hypotheses that can be evaluated, than in any other region of the world. Here I show some important ways that ancient genomes have given us insights into population movements in European prehistory. I also propose that studies might be increasingly focused on specific questions of culture change, for example in evaluating the makers of “transitional” industries as well as the origins of the Gravettian and spread of the Magdalenian. I also discuss genomic evidence supporting the large role that demic expansion has played in the Neolithization of Europe and the formation of the European population during the Bronze Age.  相似文献   
Fragmentary remains of ornithomimids (Ornithomimidae indet.) from the Lower Santonian (Upper Cretaceous) Kansai locality in northwestern Fergana (Tajikistan) are described, and the composition of its dinosaurian assemblage is updated.  相似文献   
An essential clue to the uppermost Silurian in the submarine Baltic arca is the Beyrichienkalk. According to recent investigations it constitutes a glacial drift boulder sequence characterized by four ostracode associations with about sixty species. In the correlation of ostracode zones of Baltoscandia these associations form a connecting link and thus are also of biozonal character. In the terms of regional stratigraphic units (East Baltic arca). the lower stratigraphic boundary of this sequence lies approximately at the beginning of the Kuressaare beds and the top in the upper Ohesaare beds. The term Beyrichienkalk should be used for those glacial erratics that are characterized by typical ostracodes of the four associations defined here.  相似文献   
The present study compared three procedures for normalization of upper trapezius surface electromyographic (EMG) amplitudes: (a) a ramp procedure (providing data in per cent of maximal voluntary contraction, MVC); (b) a constant force procedure based on two reference contractions (two-force procedure) (%MVC) and (c) a procedure expressing muscle activation in per cent of a reference voluntary electrical activity (%RVE). The study also evaluated the repeatability of the ramp and the RVE procedures and estimated the force exertion (%MVC) corresponding to the RVE. To illustrate the ergonomic effect of different normalization procedures, trapezius EMG during two work tasks was compared after normalization by the two-force and the RVE procedures. Fifteen subjects participated in the whole study. We found that force estimates obtained by the ramp procedure equation could be translated to force estimates obtained by the two-force procedure by the equation: %MVC2force = − 0.6 + 0.9*%MVCramp, although with a considerable imprecision due to large inter-individual differences. In the ramp procedure, the intra-individual test-retest coefficient of variation (CV) depended on the force level; it was 45% at 5% MVC and 10% at 30% MVC. The CV of the RVE was 15%. The reference contraction used in the RVE procedure corresponded from 13–79% MVC (median 33%MVC). The load reducing effect of an ergonomic intervention was less obvious with the RVE procedure than with the two-force procedure due to a larger inter-individual variation. The advantages and disadvantages of the different procedures are discussed.  相似文献   
In this work, we present a synthetic panorama of the human occupations of northern Morocco, with an emphasis on the association of anthropological with cultural records, within the framework of the Middle Palaeolithic (MSA) and the Upper Palaeolithic. We also present the projects developed over the past 15 years and the most interesting results we have obtained. And we conclude bay providing some reflections on the cultural and historical evaluation of the archaeological records from the Tetouan region in the Middle and the Upper Palaeolithic phases.  相似文献   
The Upper Pleistocene in Tunisia is characterized by cyclic climatic alternations between rainy and arid phases. The steppic landscape occupies a large area of the country, in particular in the Centre and the South. Even during the humid phases, the savannah landscape still dominant. The Upper Pleistocene prehistoric sites in Tunisia, such as Oued el Akarit, Aïn Mhrotta, Oued el Bey, El Guettar, Aïn Métherchem and Aïn el Guettar, which are the subject of this study, are all open-air sites, located mainly in Central and southern Tunisia, usually to the south of the springs that are still functioning today, or on the border of the wadis from which their names derive. Prehistoric occupations and human behavior are mainly subject to the climatic shifts occurred during the Upper Pleistocene.  相似文献   
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