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The paper is concerned with expected type I errors of some stepwise multiple test procedures based on independent p‐values controlling the so‐called false discovery rate (FDR). We derive an asymptotic result for the supremum of the expected type I error rate(EER) when the number of hypotheses tends to infinity. Among others, it will be shown that when the original Benjamini‐Hochberg step‐up procedure controls the FDR at level α, its EER may approach a value being slightly larger than α/4 when the number of hypotheses increases. Moreover, we derive some least favourable parameter configuration results, some bounds for the FDR and the EER as well as easily computable formulae for the familywise error rate (FWER) of two FDR‐controlling procedures. Finally, we discuss some undesirable properties of the FDR concept, especially the problem of cheating.  相似文献   
In 2002 phocine distemper virus (PDV) reappeared in the European harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) population. This outbreak seems to have followed a similar pattern to the 1988 one which killed almost 60% of individuals in most localities. Harding et al. (2002) suggested that there is a relatively high (18%) risk that recurrent outbreaks of PDV could reduce the European harbour seal population by 90%. We show that incorporating the effects of observation error during population surveys and of the long‐term immunity of survivors of morbillivirus outbreaks indicate a much lower level of risk (<1%). This suggests that, while the immediate effects of the disease are dramatic, it is unlikely that recurrent epidemics will pose serious conservation problems for this species under current conditions.  相似文献   
The relationship between nutrient consumption and chronic disease risk is the focus of a large number of epidemiological studies where food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) and food records are commonly used to assess dietary intake. However, these self-assessment tools are known to involve substantial random error for most nutrients, and probably important systematic error as well. Study subject selection in dietary intervention studies is sometimes conducted in two stages. At the first stage, FFQ-measured dietary intakes are observed and at the second stage another instrument, such as a 4-day food record, is administered only to participants who have fulfilled a prespecified criterion that is based on the baseline FFQ-measured dietary intake (e.g., only those reporting percent energy intake from fat above a prespecified quantity). Performing analysis without adjusting for this truncated sample design and for the measurement error in the nutrient consumption assessments will usually provide biased estimates for the population parameters. In this work we provide a general statistical analysis technique for such data with the classical additive measurement error that corrects for the two sources of bias. The proposed technique is based on multiple imputation for longitudinal data. Results of a simulation study along with a sensitivity analysis are presented, showing the performance of the proposed method under a simple linear regression model.  相似文献   
The population of Irrawaddy dolphins that occupies the Mekong River in southern Lao People's Democratic Republic and Cambodia is classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN. Based on capture‐recapture of photo‐identified individuals, we estimated that the total population numbered 93 ±  SE 3.90 individuals (95% CI 86–101), as of April 2007. The combined photo‐identification and carcass recovery program undertaken from 2001 to 2007 established that the Irrawaddy dolphin population inhabiting the Mekong River has reached a critical point with regards to its continued survival, where immediate research and management actions are required to greatly reduce adult mortality, and establish the cause of newborn mortality. In addition, community consultation is required to initiate, and evaluate, urgently required conservation measures. An ongoing well‐designed combined program of abundance estimation (i.e., photo‐identification) and carcass recovery is required to monitor total population size and mortality rates, to inform and evaluate management initiatives. The conclusions of this paper are likely generic to river dolphin populations, particularly where photo‐identification is possible.  相似文献   
Group formation in humpback whales has been described in relation to different components of the migratory cycle, yet it is debated whether such groups represent real social bonding or ephemeral aggregations. Cooperative behaviours are exhibited during feeding activities, and it has been suggested that males may cooperate during competition for mates. Since most cooperative behaviours are expected to originate among kin, genetic relatedness represents a critical variable in the understanding of any social phenomenon, especially when cooperation cannot be confirmed unequivocally. Using an approach combining multi-locus microsatellite genotyping and several genetic relatedness estimators, we analyzed whale associations for two different wintering grounds in the Southern Hemisphere. The analyses included 648 whales sampled from 292 groups off the coast of Gabon and Northeast Madagascar, and screened for eleven microsatellite loci. Through simulations, we assessed the performance of three pairwise relatedness estimators. The individuals were molecularly sexed and their associations were investigated in the context of sex and group type. No significant association among relatives was found with the exception of mother-offspring pairs, supporting previous indications of extended maternal care. The analysis from the Gabon population also suggests that related males may avoid each other during competitive activities. Our results demonstrate that if cooperative behaviours occur on wintering grounds they are not favoured by kin selection.  相似文献   
Length growth, instar durations, fecundity and mortality rates of fivespecies of microcrustacean zooplankton from a tropical reservoir weremeasured in relation to food quantity and temperature in laboratorycultures. Three cladocerans (Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Moina micrura,Diaphanosoma excisum), one calanoid copepod (Heliodiaptomus viduus), and onecyclopoid copepod (Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides) were studied. Filteredseston (45 µm mesh) from a local pond was used for food. Two foodconcentrations were employed: (1) 10 µg chlorophyll l–1(ca 0.25 mg Cl–1), and (2) 50 µg chlorophylll–1 (ca 1.25 mg C l–1). Food levels and watertemperature (22.5, 27.5, and 32.5 °C) used, roughly covered the rangesfound in the reservoir. Although all the three growth parameters were oftenaffected to some degree by temperature and food, the quantitative responseof the species differed. Also, the species reacted differently to the threepossible interactions (i.e. food×temperature,food×instar, andtemperature×instar). This contributed to the overalldifferences in the species responses. For the cladocerans, instar durationswere always affected by temperature. The food did not affect the durationtime of the adults and that of the combined juvenile instars, the latterexcept in one case significantly. For the two copepods food level affectedthe duration times of naupliar and copepodite instars, but the effect oftemperature was only significant for H. viduus. The development timesobserved for H. viduus were extraordinary long compared with values reportedin the literature for other tropical calanoids. This suggests that foodconditions in our culture were adversely affecting its growth rates.  相似文献   
Cynthia A. Heil   《Harmful algae》2005,4(3):603-618
Blooms of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum often occur in coastal regions characterized by variable salinity and elevated concentrations of terrestrially derived dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Humic, fulvic and hydrophilic acid fractions of DOC were isolated from runoff entering lower Narragansett Bay immediately after a rainfall event and the influence of these fractions upon P. minimum growth, cell yield, photosynthesis and respiration was examined. All organic fractions stimulated growth rates and cell yields compared with controls (no organic additions), but the extent of stimulation varied with the fraction and its molecular weight. Greatest stimulations were observed with humic and fulvic acids additions; cell yields were more than 2.5 and 3.5 times higher than with hydrophilic acid additions while growth rates were 21 and 44% higher, respectively. Responses to additions of different molecular weight fractions of each DOC fraction suggest that growth rate effects were attributable to specific molecular weight fractions: the >10,000 fraction of humic acids, both the >10,000 and <500 fractions of fulvic acids and the <10,000 fraction of hydrophilic acids. The form and concentration of nitrogen (as NO3 or NH4+) present also influenced P. minimum response to DOC; 10–20 μg ml−1 additions of fulvic acid had no effect upon growth rates in the presence of NH4+ but significantly increased growth rates in the presence of NO3, a relationship probably related to fulvic acid effects upon trace metal bioavailability and subsequent regulation of the biosynthesis of enzymes required for NO3 assimilation. The influence of DOC additions on P. minimum respiration and production rates also varied with the organic fraction and its concentration. Production rates ranged from 1.1 to 3.4 pg O2 cell−1 h−1, with highest rates observed upon exposure to fulvic and hydrophilic acid concentrations of >10 μm ml−1. Low concentrations (5–10 μg ml−1) of humic acid had no statistically significant effect upon production, but exposure to concentrations >25 μg ml−1 resulted in a 30% decrease in O2 evolution, probably due to light attenuation by the highly colored humic acid fraction. Respiration rates ranged from 1.2 to 2.7 pg O2 cell−1 h−1 and were elevated upon exposure to both fulvic and hydrophilic acids, but not to humic acid. These results demonstrate that terrestrially derived DOC fractions play an active role in stimulation of P. minimum growth via direct effects upon growth, yield and photosynthesis as well as via indirect influences such as interactions with nitrogen and effects upon light attenuation.  相似文献   
Documenting local space use of birds that move rapidly, but are too small to carry GPS tags, such as swallows and swifts, can be challenging. For these species, tracking methods such as manual radio‐telemetry and visual observation are either inadequate or labor‐ and time‐intensive. Another option is use of an automated telemetry system, but equipment for such systems can be costly when many receivers are used. Our objective, therefore, was to determine if an automated radio‐telemetry system, consisting of just two receivers, could provide an alternative to manual tracking for gathering data on local space use of six individuals of three species of aerial insectivores, including one Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota), one Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe), and four Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica). We established automated radio‐telemetry systems at three sites near the city of Peterborough in eastern Ontario, Canada, from May to August 2015. We evaluated the location error of our two‐receiver system using data from moving and stationary test transmitters at known locations, and used telemetry data from the aerial insectivores as a test of the system's ability to track rapidly moving birds under field conditions. Median location error was ~250 m for automated telemetry test locations after filtering. More than 90% of estimated locations had large location errors and were removed from analysis, including all locations > 1 km from receiver stations. Our automated telemetry receivers recorded 17,634 detections of the six radio‐tagged birds. However, filtering removed an average of 89% of bird location estimates, leaving only the Cliff Swallow with enough locations for analysis of space use. Our results demonstrate that a minimal automated radio‐telemetry system can be used to assess local space use by small, highly mobile birds, but the resolution of the data collected using only two receiver stations was coarse and had a limited range. To improve both location accuracy and increase the percentage of usable location estimates collected, we suggest that, in future studies, investigators use receivers that simultaneously record signals detected by all antennas, and use of a minimum of three receiver stations with more antennas at each station.  相似文献   
To establish α-tropomyosin (Tm)'s structure–function relationships in cooperative regulation of muscle contraction, thin filaments were reconstituted with a variety of Tm mutants (Δ2Tm, Δ3Tm, Δ6Tm, P2sTm, P3sTm, P2P3sTm, P1P5Tm, and wtTm), and force and sliding velocity of the thin filament were studied using an in vitro motility assay. In the case of deletion mutants, Δ indicates which of the quasi-equivalent repeats in Tm was deleted. In the case of period (P) mutants, an Ala cluster was introduced into the indicated period to strengthen the Tm–actin interaction. In P1P5Tm, the N-terminal half of period 5 was substituted with that of period 1 to test the quasi-equivalence of these two Tm periods. The reconstitution included bovine cardiac troponin. Deletion studies revealed that period 3 is important for the positive cooperative effect of Tm on actin filament regulation and that period 2 also contributes to this effect at low ionic strength, but to a lesser degree. Furthermore, Tm with one extra Ala cluster at period 2 (P2s) or period 3 (P3s) did not increase force or velocity, whereas Tm with two extra Ala clusters (P2P3s) increased both force and velocity, demonstrating interaction between these periods. Most mutants did not move in the absence of Ca2+. Notable exceptions were Δ6Tm and P1P5Tm, which moved near at the full velocity, but with reduced force, which indicate impaired relaxation. These results are consistent with the mechanism that the Tm–actin interaction cooperatively affects actin to result in generation of greater force and velocity.  相似文献   
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