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Summary The topography, external structure and ultrastructure of a cephalic sense organ, described for the first time, were studied by light and electron microscopy in the parasitic copepod Pachypygus gibber. This species is unusual in that it has three reproductive sexual forms (two males, one female).The cephalic organ, present only in the atypical male, is made up of numerous functional units, each composed of 4 cells: two sensory cells, one basal enveloping cell and one apical canal-forming cell opening outside via a pore. Many hundred pores are situated within the cuticle of the ventral pleural borders. Through each pore protrude two ciliary endings.An interesting feature is that the ciliary ends are without cuticular cover and thus, directly exposed to the surroundings, a situation unique in arthropods.The structural characteristics of this sense organ and the particular mode of life of the atypical male (with an additional free planktonic phase), lead to the hypothesis that its function is linked to chemical reception in the complex behavioural patterns such as host and sex recognition, during the free life.  相似文献   
Summary Ultrastructural analyses of retinal development in the guppy embryo show that at midgestation all types of photoreceptors are differntiated in the fundus, and at birth differentiation extends over the whole retina. Formation of discs of outer segments is more rapid in rods than in cones. Double cones differentiate simultaneously with long single cones and are formed by the adhesion of two primordial inner segments; short single cones develop last. Wherever cones are differentiated, they are arranged in an adult-type square mosaic. The rods in the embryo, as opposed to the adult, are likewise regularly arranged within the mosaic unit.These results are at variance with the generally held opinion that adult teleosts which possess duplex retinae have larvae with pure cone retinae, and that rods, double cones and mosaics appear in late larval life or only at metamorphosis.In the double cones of the guppy embryo subsurface cisternae develop along the adjoining primordial inner segments. Additionally, regularly distributed subsurface cisternae are formed in the regions of intimate contact of long single cones with double cones and rods.We suggest that the early development of rods and double cones, and a square-mosaic with regular distribution of rods and subsurface cisternae, provide the newly born with a fully functional optical apparatus, especially suited to perception of movements. This is necessary for its survival against predatory, especially maternal, attacks.This work was in part subsidized by a grant from the Medical Research Council of Ireland to Y.W.K.  相似文献   
Résumé L'étude du chorion cytogène de 15 endomètres humains normaux prélevés à divers moments du cycle menstruel a précisé d'importantes variations des vaisseaux et des cellules.Les vaisseaux subissent une maturation progressive: en phase proliferative moyenne, des pointes d'accroissement se forment à partir du réseau vasculaire profond activé; au milieu du cycle, elles se transforment en capillaires typiques; en phases sécrétoires moyenne et avancée, des péricytes migrent dans le chorion cytogène et se différencient en cellules choriales.Ces cellules choriales, dites fixes, ont une évolution biphasique au cours du cycle menstruel. Au milieu de chacune des phases, proliférative et surtout sécrétoire, les cellules choriales fixes, dites alors fibroblastoïdes, montrent une intense activité de synthèse. A ces périodes de synthèse succède une involution cellulaire, peu marquée en fin de phase proliferative, intense en phase sécrétoire avancée.Les cellules dites prédéciduales sont des cellules choriales fixes involuées et hyperhydratées; elles vont, en phase menstruelle, évoluer de plusieurs façons: la plupart d'entre elles régénèrent, certaines se nécrosent focalement ou totalement, d'autres font preuve d'activité macrophagique, en particulier collagénolytique.
Ultrastructure of the normal human endometriumI. The stroma
Summary 15 human endometria during the normal menstrual cycle have been investigated. Important alterations of the vessels and the stroma cells occur.The vessels are the site of gradual maturation. In the mid proliferative phase, growing capillaries rise from the deep-seated vascular system. In the middle of the cycle, they change into typical capillaries. In the mid and late secretory phases, pericytes leave the walls of the capillaries and differentiate into stroma cells.These stroma cells undergo a biphasic cyclic evolution. The middle of the proliferative and particularly of the secretory phase is marked by an intensive synthetic activity of the stroma cells which are called, at this time, fibroblastoïd stroma cells. These two periods of synthesis are followed by cellular involution, mild in the proliferative, intense in the secretory phase.The so-called predecidual cells are hyperhydrated involuted stroma cells. In the menstrual phase they behave very differently of: the majority regenerates, some predecidual cells are the site of focal or total necrosis, others show a macrophagic activity which is conspicuous in some cells having a collagenolytic activity.
Nous remercions Monsieur le Professeur Gandar, Directeur de la Clinique Gynécologique et Obstétricale 1 de la Faculté de Médecine de Strasbourg de nous avoir confié, pour examen ultrastructural, le matériel nécessaire à cette étude.  相似文献   
The Casparian strip, which is specific to roots, was studied in the epicotyls of dark-grown seedlings of pea (Pisum sativum L.) where it was found to have the same morphology and properties as the strip in roots. In dark-grown seedlings, the distance between the upper-most position of the Casparian strip and the bending point of the hook (about 37 mm) did not change during growth of the seedlings. In the uppermost 0.5-mm region of the region in which the Casparian strip could be detected by fluorescence microscopy, the plasma membrane was not firmly attached to the cell wall. The development of the Casparian strip continued for about 42 h after dark-grown seedlings were transferred to the light, indicating that (i) the cells that have been determined to form the Casparian strip in darkness form the strip in the light, and that (ii) it takes about 42 h for the cells to complete formation of the strip. Cells in the hook of dark-grown seedlings did not form a Casparian strip when such seedlings were transferred to the light. The Casparian strip was formed in rapidly elongating internodes of light-grown seedlings when the seedlings were transferred to darkness. Light did not control the formation of the Casparian strip in roots.Abbreviation PBS phosphate-buffered saline  相似文献   
The medullary pacemaker nucleus of Hypopomus triggers each electric organ discharge (EOD) by a single command pulse. It consists of electrotonically coupled pacemaker cells, which generate the rhythm, and relay cells, which follow the pacemaker cells and excite the spinal motoneurons of the electric organ. The pacemaker cells receive two inputs from the complex of the diencephalic prepacemaker nucleus (PPn), a GABA-ergic inhibition and a glutamatergic excitation. Relay cells, on the other hand, receive two glutamatergic inputs, one from a subnucleus of the PPn, the PPn-C, and a second from the sublemniscal prepacemaker nucleus (SPPn).We have labelled afferents to the pacemaker nucleus by injecting HRP to specific sites of the prepacemaker complex. By using immunogold-labelled antibodies and en-grid staining techniques, we demonstrated GABA and glutamate immunoreactivity in labelled synaptic profiles of ultra-thin sections of the pacemaker nucleus. The two types of synapses were interspersed on the surfaces of pacemaker cells, with GABA-immunoreactive synapses apparently representing the GABA-mediated input of the PPn-I, an inhibitory subdivision of the PPn, and glutamate-immunoreactive synapses representing the input of the PPn-G, an excitatory subdivision of the PPn. Only glutamate-immunoreactive synapses were found on relay cells.Abbreviations AMPA -Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid - CP central posterior nucleus - EOD electric organ discharge - GABA -aminobutyric acid - GAD L-glutamate decarboxylase - HRP horseradish peroxidase - JAR jamming avoidance response - NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate - PPn (diencephalic) prepacemaker nucleus - SPPn sublemniscal prepacemaker nucleus  相似文献   
The effects of aluminium chloride (AICI3) treatments (50 and 150 mg/l) on 3-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings were studied in a sand culture during 2 growing periods in an open field experiment. Even by the end of the first growing period, a decline was observed in the concentrations of Ca, Mg and P within the needles, and of Ca and Mg in the roots. After the second growing period, increased N and K concentrations were observed in the needles of Al-treated seedlings. Both the needles and roots of Al-treated seedlings showed, after the second growing period, a decline in growth and increased concentrations of AI as the amount of AICI3 in the nutrient solution increased. Al-induced changes in needle structure were found to be symptomatic of a nutrient imbalance, particularly of Mg and P. Al-stress did not result in any observable changes in root anatomy or in the number of mycorrhizas. Scots pine proved to be rather resistant to Al-stress, indicating that direct Al-injuries are not likely in the field, though Al-stress may be a contributing factor in the formation of nutrient imbalances.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure of gametogenesis was studied inCoelomomyces dodgei Couch (Blastocladiales, Chytridiomycetes), an obligate parasite of anopheline mosquito larvae and the copepod,Acanthocyclops vernalis. In infected copepods reared under a 16/8 hours light/dark photoperiod at 25 +2 °C., the gametophyte develops over a period of approximately seven days, and gametogenesis is triggered by the onset of the dark period during the last day of development. The initial step of gametogenesis is the elongation of the centriole to form the kinetosome, and measuring time from the onset of the final dark period (0 hours), this occurs prior to the beginning of the light period (8 hours). Subsequently, small vesicles that appear to originate from elements of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) fuse at the distal end of the kinetosome forming the flagellar vesicle into which the axonemal microtubules elongate to form the flagellum (8–12 hours). Similar small vesicles apparently also derived from rER align in planes and fuse to form cleavage furrows which delineate the gamete initials (12–14 hours). As the gamete initials begin forming, the mitochondria within each initial fuse to form a single mitochondrion that associates with the lipid globules and microbodies forming the microbody-lipid globule complex (12–16 hours). The time elapsed between the formation of the flagellar vesicle to the release of mature gametes from the copepod host is about 8.5 hours. No differences were observed in the processes or timing of gametogenesis in male and female gametophytes.  相似文献   
Summary In the bullfrog, the meninges surrounding the central nervous system include an arachnoid mater that contains layers of cells with abundant intermediate filaments (IFs) having unique organizational characteristics. This membrane contains an inner lamina of cells that resemble fibroblasts and an outer lamina of flattened cells that are almost filled with IFs. The IFs of the outer arachnoid are arranged in compact, arching bundles that lie parallel to the outer surface of the central nervous system. Thus, sections cut tangentially to the membrane reveal bending of filament bundles, whereas transverse sections do not. In some cells bordering the subdural space, bundles of filaments are organized into highly-ordered spiral arrays. Attachments to the numerous desmosomes and, apparently, to the nuclear envelope suggest anchoring of cytoplasmic structures by the IF system. Microtubules occur primarily near the plasma membrane and the nucleus. Numerous caveolae also are associated with the plasma membrane.The unusual abundance, organization, and cytoplasmic relations of IFs in the bullfrog arachnoid suggest that this membrane may serve as an important model for study of fundamental cytoskeletal relations and function.  相似文献   
Summary The neuropil located ventral to the SON was investigated by the use of immunoperoxidase staining for neurophysins, oxytocin and vasopressin, and electron miroscopy. The study was performed in six groups of rats: 1) control; 2) infusion of isotonic saline into the CSF; 3) infusion of hypertonic saline into the CSF; 4) drinking hypertonic saline for 4 days; 5) same as group 4 but injection of colchicine into the CSF on second day of dehydration; 6) salt loading for 3 months. In the control rats the ventral neuropil contained a few immunoreactive processes, the general morphology of which was completely different from that of the neurosecretory axons emerging from the SON at its dorsal aspect. In rats of groups 3 to 6 the ventral processes (VP) became loaded with neurosecretory granules, whereas the perikarya and axons were depleted. Based on their general morphology and reactivity pattern it is suggested that the VP are dendrites. Most of these dendrites were embedded in a glial cushion formed by the processes of a particular type of marginal glia. Some of these dendrites enveloped an arteriole penetrating the optic tract. All VP were rich in synaptic contacts. The possibility that the VP of neurosecretory cells may be functionally related to the subarachnoid CSF and the arteriolar blood flow is discussed.Supported by Grant RS-82-18 from Direccíon de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral de Chile  相似文献   
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