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Artemisia douglasiana afforded, in addition to known compounds, two new C14-acetylenes, five longipinene derivatives, three nerolidol derivatives, a lactone and a ketone with a new carbon skeleton and lavendulol-2-methylbutyrate. The structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods and some chemical transformations. The configurations of several oxo longipinene-7, 9-di- and 7, 8, 9-triesters isolated previously were corrected. The biogenesis of the new lactones is discussed briefly.  相似文献   
The method proposed for measuring glutathione peroxydase (GSH-Px) activity is based on the determination of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) using o-phtalaldehyde (OPT) as a fluorescent reagent. This method makes it possible to study the kinetics of both substrates (peroxide and reduced glutathione, GSH), and allosteric kinetics were found for GSH, with human platelets as the source of GSH-Px. Different methods for platelet disruption were compared. The reference values obtained for GSH-Px activity in human blood platelets by this fluorimetric procedure and the conventional enzymatic method were very similar and significantly higher than those previously reported; the reasons for this difference are discussed.  相似文献   
Transfer of Lemna minor fronds to culture medium containing 50% (v/v) deuterium oxide induces a large increase in the rate of protein breakdown, which is not due to an increase in the activity of acidic or neutral proteolytic enzymes or peptidases. Biochemical and ultrastructural evidence indicates that deuterium oxide affects the properties of certain membranes, particularly the tonoplast, and allows vacuolar proteolytic enzymes to pass into the cytoplasm and cause the increased protein breakdown.Abbreviations BAPA benzylarginine-p-nitroanilide - LPA leucine-p-nitroanilide - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   
The herbicides amiprophosmethyl (APM) trifluralin, and oryzalin as well as the fungicides methylbenzimidazolyl carbamate (MBC), O-isopropyl N-phenyl carbamate (IPC), and chlorisopropyl N-phenyl carbamate (CIPC), which are known to cause the destruction of microtubules in vivo but do not interfere with tubulin polymerization in vitro, have been examined with respect to their ability to affect Ca2+ transport in isolated cell organelles. In contrast to colchicine which has no effect on Ca2+ transport in isolated mitochondrial and microsomal fractions, all of the substances investigated caused considerable reduction of ca2+ net uptake into mitochondrial but not into microsomal fractions. This reduction has been shown to be due to an increase in passive Ca2+ efflux. These results have been extrapolated to in vivo situations where they are postulated to act by raising cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels.Abbreviations APM amiprophosmethyl - CIPC chlorisopropyl N-phenyl carbamate - IPC O-isopropyl N-phenyl carbamate - MBC methylbenzimidazolyl carbamate - Mops 3-(N-Morpholino) propanesulfonic acid - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide  相似文献   
S. B. Ku  G. E. Edwards 《Planta》1980,147(4):277-282
In the C4 plant, Amaranthus graecizans, increasing [O2] from 2% up to 100% inhibited photosynthesis, quantum yield, and the carboxylation efficiency, and increased the CO2 compensation point () from 2 to about 12 l/l. The O2 inhibition of photosynthesis was fully reversible. When changing from 2.5 to 40% O2 and vice versa, about 1 h was required for full equilibration with an O2 inhibition of 18%; whereas in wheat, a C3 species, inhibition of photosynthesis and its reversal occurs within minutes after changing [O2], resulting in 63% inhibition of photosynthesis by 45% O2. These differences in O2 inhibition between a C4 and C3 species can be explained by high diffusive resistance across bundle-sheath cells of C4 plants and the increased CO2/O2 ratio in bundle-sheath cells which is the consequence of the C4 cycle. In A. graecizans, increased with increasing [O2] but tended to reach a maximum at relatively high O2 levels. The lack of a linear increase in as previously observed for C3 species indicates that a considerable amount of photorespired CO2 may be re-fixed with increasing levels of O2. In comparison to previous reports with other C4 species, photosynthesis of A. graecizans shows greater sensitivity to O2, with a noticeable inhibition occurring with shifts from 2 to 21% O2. A. graecizans has characteristics of other C4 species with respect to Kranz anatomy, localization of PEP carboxylase in mesophyll cells and RuBP carboxylase in bundle-sheath cells, and little fractionation among carbon isotopes during CO2 fixation. The basis for the higher sensitivity of photosynthesis of A. graecizans to O2 may be based upon a lower diffusive resistance of gases across bundle-sheath cells than in some other C4 species.Abbreviations CE carboxylation efficiency - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - CO2 compensation point  相似文献   
Effects of taurine or γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on akinesia and analgesia induced by D-Ala2-Met-enkephalinamide were investigated in rats. Administration of taurine (dose range: 2.375×10?2 M–9.5×10?2 M/10 μl) into the left lateral ventricle 10 min prior to the injection of D-Ala2-Met-enkephalinamide (50 μg/10 μl) produced a dose-dependent reduction in the duration of akinesia and to some extent of analgesia, as estimated at 30 min and 60 min following the enkephalinamide injection; at the first estimation-time (10 min), taurine did not alter the duration of akinesia or that of analgesia. The median effective dose (ED50) for akinesia determined at 60 min after D-Ala2-Met-enkephalinamide was 5 times greater and that for analgesia assessed at the same time was 1.7 times greater in taurine-treated rats than the respective doses in control animals. Administration of GABA under similar experimental conditions produced a dose-dependent reduction in the duration of analgesia from the initial estimation time (10 min) following the injection of D-Ala2-Met-enkephalinamide. The ED50 for analgesia determined at 30 min after D-Ala2-Met-enkephalinamide was 3 times greater in GABA-treated rats than in control animals. Unlike the effects of taurine, GABA did not alter the duration of akinesia. Neither the duration of akinesia nor that of analgesia was modified by taurine or GABA alone in rats tested 9 min after the injection of each amino acid. These findings suggest that taurine may promote a recovery from both akinesia and analgesia, while GABA decreases only the analgesia induced by D-Ala2-Met-enkephalinamide.  相似文献   
The degenerative changes in the spermatids as measured by changes in fine structure abnormalities increased with time following injection of Cd2+ into rat testis. The spermatids in the twelve hours group appear as peculiarly club shaped and elongated structures with one or two small but perceptible vacuoles. The subacrosomal area and the space between the nucleus and the middle piece are seen abnormally dilated. In the 30 day group, the central filaments are the most susceptible unit of 9+2 axoneme complex. The plasma membrane, the cytoplasmic matrix, the mitochondria of the middle piece and the fibrous sheath appear shrunken, discontinuous and degenerative.  相似文献   
Mg2 + dependent —adenosine triphosphatase activity has been studied in the muscle, brain, kidney and liver tissues of frog,Rana hexadactyla (Lesson) after sciatectomy and induced chronic ammonia stress. The enzyme activity decreased in the tissues of the denervated frog. The activity of the enzyme increased in all the tissues of the normal and denervated frogs except in the denervated muscle when ammonium lactate was infused intraperitoneally.  相似文献   
1. (1) VO3 combines with high affinity to the Ca2+-ATPase and fully inhibits Ca2+-ATPase and Ca2+-phosphatase activities. Inhibition is associated with a parallel decrease in the steady-state level of the Ca2+-dependent phosphoenzyme.
2. (2) VO3 blocks hydrolysis of ATP at the catalytic site. The sites for VO3 also exhibit negative interactions in affinity with the regulatory sites for ATP of the Ca2+-ATPase.
3. (3) The sites for VO3 show positive interactions in affinity with sites for Mg2+ and K+. This accounts for the dependence on Mg2+ and K+ of the inhibition by VO3. Although, with less effectiveness, Na+ substitutes for K+ whereas Li+ does not. The apparent affinities for Mg2+ and K+ for inhibition by VO3 seem to be less than those for activation of the Ca2+-ATPase.
4. (4) Inhibition by VO3 is independent of Ca2+ at concentrations up to 50 μM. Higher concentrations of Ca2+ lead to a progressive release of the inhibitory effect of VO3.
Keywords: Ca2+-ATPase; Vanadate inhibition; K+; Li+; (Red cell membrane)  相似文献   
1. 1. The 31P-NMR characteristics of intact rat liver mitochondria, mitoplasts and isolated inner mitochondrial membranes, as well as mitochondrial phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine, have been examined.
2. 2. Rat liver mitochondrial phosphatidylethanolamine hydrated in excess aqueous buffer undergoes a bilayer-to-hexagonal (HII) polymorphic phase transition as the temperature is increased through 10°C, and thus prefers the HII) arrangement at 37°C. Rat liver mitochondrial phosphatidylcholine, on the other hand, adopts the bilayer phase at 37°C.
3. 3. Total inner mitochondrial membrane lipids, dispersed in an excess of aqueous buffer, exhibit 31P-NMR spectra consistent with a bilayer arrangement for the majority of the endogeneous phospholipids; the remainder exhibit spectra consistent with structure allowing isotropic motional averaging. Addition of Ca2+ results in hexagonal (HII) phase formation for a portion of the phospholipids, as well as formation of ‘lipidic particles’ as detected by freeze-fracture techniques.
4. 4. Preparations of inner mitochondrial membrane at 4 and 37°C exhibit 31P-NMR spectra consistent with a bilayer arrangement of the large majority of the endogenous phospholipids which are detected. Approx. 10% of the signal intensity has characteristics indicating isotropic motional averaging processes. Addition of Ca2+ results in an increase in the size of this component, which can become the dominant spectral feature.
5. 5. Intact mitochondria, at 4°C, exhibit 31P-NMR spectra arising from both phospholipid and small water-soluble molecules (ADP, Pi, etc.). The phospholipid spectrum is characteristic of a bilayer arrangement. At 37°C the phospholipids again give spectra consistent with a bilayer; however, the labile nature of these systems is reflected by increased isotropic motion at longer (at least 30 min) incubation times.
6. 6. It is suggested that the uncoupling action of high Ca2+ concentrations on intact mitochondria may be related to a Ca2+-induced disruption of the integrity of the inner mitochondrial phospholipid bilayer. Further, the possibility that non-bilayer lipid structures such as inverted micelles occur in the inner mitochondrial membrane cannot be excluded.
Keywords: 31P-NMR; Inner mitochondrial membrane; Phosphatidylethanolamine; Ca2+; Hexagonal (HII) phase; Lipidic particle  相似文献   
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