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儿童隐球菌性脑膜炎临床分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的分析并讨论儿童隐球菌性脑膜炎的临床特点、诊断及治疗方法等。方法回顾性分析上海长征医院皮肤科在1993年3月至2008年6月间16例经病原学确诊的隐球菌性脑膜炎患儿临床资料。结果患儿平均年龄7.25岁(2~15岁),男女比例2.2:1,主要症状包括头痛(87.5%)、发热(81.25%)、恶心呕吐(75%)等,10例颅内压升高。确诊依据脑脊液真菌涂片、培养或隐球菌抗原检查。治疗采用两性霉素B和(或)两性霉素B脂质体静滴,5一氟胞嘧啶口服,辅以两性霉素B鞘内注射,联合氟康唑、伊曲康唑等药物治疗。16例患儿痊愈9例,病情明显好转5例,死亡2例。结论儿童隐球菌性脑膜炎起病缓慢,临床症状缺乏特异性,对疑有中枢神经系统感染性疾病时,应及早行脑脊液检查,并反复多次检查、联合检查以确定诊断,减少误诊、漏诊。早期诊断和及时、系统、足量、长程的抗真菌治疗是提高治愈率和患儿生存质量的关键。  相似文献   
为了解单增李斯特菌株耐药后可能发生的生物学变化,以哈市生肉中分离到的1株对17种抗生素耐受的单增李斯特菌株L.M.B8为研究对象,对其生长及毒力特性进行研究。结果显示,L.M.B8的生长及毒力特性均与标准菌株有明显差异。在NaC l浓度为0.5%~5%、pH值为4.0~10.0及温度为20~45℃范围内,L.M.B8的生长速度均明显高于标准菌株。L.M.B8对高浓度盐的敏感性高于标准菌株,且对温度的适应能力强于标准菌株。从生长曲线看,L.M.B8的对数生长期与稳定期均较标准菌株提前2~3 h,且其稳定期较标准菌株明显缩短。L.M.B8小鼠腹腔注射半数致死量(LD50)较标准菌株明显降低。该研究为进一步探讨单增李斯特菌的耐药性与其他生物学特性的相关性奠定基础。  相似文献   
The ability to modulate feeding kinematics in response to prey items with different functional properties is likely a prerequisite for most organisms that feed on a variety of food items. Variation in prey properties is expected to reveal variation in feeding function and the functional role of the different phases in a transport cycle. Here we describe the kinematics of prey transport of two varanid species, Varanus niloticus and Varanus ornatus. These species were selected for analysis because of their highly specialised hyolingual system and food transport mechanism (inertial food transport). In these animals, tongue and hyoid movements are expected to make no, or only a minor, contribution to prey transport. We observed statistically significant prey type effects that could be associated with prey properties such as mass, size and mobility. These data show that both species are capable of modulating the kinematics of food transport in response to different prey types. Moreover, not only the kinematics of the jaws were modulated in response to prey characteristics but also the anterior/posterior movements of the tongue and hyoid. This suggests a more important role of the tongue and hyolingual movements in these animals than previously suspected. In contrast, head movements were rather stereotyped and were not modulated in response to changes in prey type.  相似文献   
榆中贝母(Fritillaria yuzhongensis)生长于马啣山的高山地带,全生育期约100 d左右,是一种生育期较短的类短命植物。在果实成熟时,种子的胚发育不全,具有后熟作用的特点,包括形态后熟和生理后热两个阶段;因此,需要一定时期的低温处理,才能完成后熟过程,以解除休眠,促使种子发芽。本试验表明:榆中贝母完成形态后熟过程的最佳温度是7℃左右,经过100d以上的低温处理才能使原胚发育成熟,继续在7℃低温下处理70d以上,才能完成生理后熟过程。榆中贝母种子休眠时间长,需要经过170d以上的低温处理,种子才能萌发。本试验结果为榆中贝母种子的萌发提出了适宜的温度范围和低温处理时间,为提高种子的出苗率和缩短栽培年限提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
通过透射电镜观察被长叶车前草花叶病毒(RMV)和烟草花叶病毒(TMV)不同株系感染的普通烟叶肉细胞的超微结构,发现两种病毒的粒子分布、内含体类型、被感染细胞超微结构的病变均存在差异.病毒粒子分布有成束、分散、环状、膜包被及角状成层或平行成层排列等类型,存在于细胞质及液泡中,但未见于细胞核、线粒体及叶绿体等细胞器中.内含体的X-小管形状有长杆状、短杆状及颗粒状,数量各异.细胞壁常引起增厚、结构松散及扭曲等变化.叶绿体聚集成堆或分布于细胞边缘,其数量、大小、形状及所含淀粉粒、嗜锇颗粒等存在差异,有些还有颗粒状物质积累.线粒体及内质网等在不同株系间也存在差异.本项研究表明,被感染细胞超微结构的差异可作为RMV和TMV株系区分的依据.  相似文献   
为确定小豆作为林果行间套种作物的适宜性,通过田间试验和盆栽试验,测定全光和弱光处理(全光的48%)下3个小豆品种(阜南绿小豆、早熟黑小豆、晚熟黑小豆)在初花期的叶片光合特征参数、光合色素含量和RuBPCase活性,研究小豆生长发育对弱光的响应.结果表明: 弱光使3个品种小豆叶片的最大净光合速率、光饱和点、光补偿点等光合参数不同程度地向耐荫的方向变化,净光合速率、水分利用效率和RuBPCase活性也显著下降;遮阴后,阜南绿小豆的叶绿素a和b含量显著增加,Chl a/b和类胡萝卜素含量显著降低,其他小豆的叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量无明显变化;弱光使3个品种小豆的生物量和干物质积累效率降低,根冠比降低,根瘤量减少,叶片数和叶面积指数减小;弱光胁迫下,阜南绿小豆提前开花、提前成熟,早熟黑小豆推迟开花、延迟成熟,而晚熟黑小豆只开花不结实.从遮阴后小豆的光合特性变化和生长发育差异等方面综合考虑,3个小豆品种的耐阴能力大小为:阜南绿小豆>早熟黑小豆>晚熟黑小豆.  相似文献   
采用4℃反复浸提、离心、硫酸铵沉淀、DEAE—Sepharose Fast Flow离子交换柱层析,从紫球藻(Porphyridium cruentum Naegeli)冻干粉中分离纯化藻红蛋白,分离纯度达到4.85,总收率51.9%;经羟基磷灰石柱层析纯化,藻红蛋白纯度达到5.10,总收率34.0%,聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳显示1条带。所分离纯化的藻红蛋白含有3个亚基(α、β、γ),在可见光区545nm和560nm处有2个吸收峰,在498nm处有1个吸收肩峰。实验结果说明所分离纯化的藻红蛋白纯度符合要求。  相似文献   
《Journal of Asia》2023,26(2):102057
In this study, we investigated the morphological and biological characteristics of a serious insect pest of conifer cones, the western conifer seed bug (WCSB), Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann (Heteroptera: Coreidae), in Korea. WCSB adults shared external morphology with overseas populations, including zig-zag fascia on the coria, dilation of the hind tibiae, and color pattern on the abdominal dorsum. The average body length and width of WCSB adults were 17.20 and 4.85 mm, respectively, in males and 19.05 and 5.55 mm in females. The average body weights were 111.27 and 169.89 mg in adult males and females, respectively. On average, eggs were 2.12 mm long and 1.17 mm wide. The average body lengths of the first- to fifth-instar nymphs were 3.07, 4.76, 8.77, 13.56, and 15.53 mm, respectively. For biological characteristics, developmental durations of the egg and five nymphal instar stages were 8.6, 3.7, 7.6, 5.8, 5.8, and 9.1 days, respectively, in laboratory conditions. Nymphal mortality was 47.5% in total. The average life expectancy of WCSB adults was 58.2 and 63.9 days in males and females, respectively. Oviposition of the adult females started 23.4 days after emergence, and the total number of eggs laid by a single adult female was 68.6 on average. The results of this study offer basic morphological and biological information that can be used to design an effective control strategy to manage the WCSB population in Korea.  相似文献   
The surface flow constructed wetland (SFCW) with Cyperus involucratus, Typha augustifolia and Thalia dealbata J. Fraser was applied to treat anaerobic treated-molasses wastewater (An-MWW) under the organic loading rates (OLRs) of 612, 696, 806, 929 and 1,213 kg BOD(5)ha(-1)day(-1). The results showed that both removal efficiency and plant growth rate were increased with the decrease of organic loading rate (OLR). All tested-plant species could not grow under OLR of higher than 696 kg BOD(5)mg l(-1) (p>0.05). Also, the plant-biomass of the systems was reduced by 10.4%, 26.5%, and 64.7% of initial plant-biomass under the OLR of 806, 929 and 1,213 kg BOD(5)ha(-1)day(-1), respectively. However, all tested-plant species showed the same pattern on the plant-biomass production yield and removal efficiency. The highest SS, BOD, COD, total phosphorus, NH(4)(+), NO(3)(-) and molasses pigments (MP) removal efficiencies of 90-93%, 88-89%, 67%, 70-76%, 77-82%, 94-95% and 72-77%, respectively were detected under the OLR of 612 kg BOD(5)ha(-1)day.  相似文献   
采用家蚕(Bombyx mori)H9品种作为实验动物,分别用转基因和非转基因大豆粉制作的人工饲料进行饲育。通过饲育试验,比较分析了不同处理后家蚕的龄期经过时间、全茧量、茧层量、茧层率、蛹体重、疏毛率、死亡率、每龄眠起体重等经济性状指标。同时采用PCR方法对转基因饲料饲育后家蚕组织中外源基因的表达情况进行了检测。结果显示,含转基因大豆粉的人工饲料对家蚕的生长发育并无显著影响,且不存在外源基因的污染。  相似文献   
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