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Estrogen is involved in regulating the development and hormone secretion of the anterior pituitary gland following its binding to estrogen receptors (ERs) expressed on pituitary cells. However, the pituitary is comprised of several cell types, and to date, there is no data about the specific cell types expressing ERs in embyonic chick pituitary. We therefore followed, by immunohistochemistry, the ontogeny of the pituitary ER alpha (ER), and the cell types expressing ER throughout chick embryo development. ER immunoreacitivity was restricted to the nuclei of pituitary cells. ER-immunopositive (ER+) cells were first detected at embryonic day 6.5 (E6.5), after which ER+ cells were consistently detected throughout the anterior pituitary gland, although the density of ER+ cells in the caudal lobe of the pars distalis was higher than that in the cephalic lobe. The proportion of ER+ cells in the pituitary was about 6% at E8.5; expression increased to 22% by E18.5 of gestation, with no additional change until hatching. Double-labeling of ER and pituitary hormones showed that the dominant cell types expressing ER were gonadotrophs immunopositive for luteinizing hormone (LH); the proportion of ER+ cells expressing LH increased throughout gestation and reached approximately 57% at hatching. About 2%–6% of thyroid-stimulating-hormone-immunopositive and 1%–2% prolactin-immunopositive cells expressed ER at later stages of embryonic development, but no growth-hormone-positive or adrenocorticotropic-hormone-positive cells expressed ER during the embryonic period. Thus, gonadotrophs are the main cell population expressing ER in the anterior pituitary gland of chick embryo, and ER is involved in regulating the development of the pituitary gland and the maturation of the hormone-secreting function.This work was supported by grants from the Natural Science Foundation for Outstanding Young Scientists of China (30325034) and the Natural Science Foundation of China (30170693, 30471264).  相似文献   
It has been demonstrated that prolonged graft survival can be achieved through inhibiting the activation of T cells, and addition of soluble CTLA4Ig and OX40Ig proteins to mixed lymphocyte reactions can effectively inhibit T cell proliferation. To explore the potential of this type of treatment in xenotransplantation, we infected streptozotocin-induced diabetic BalB/c mice (H-2d) (200 mg/kg, IV) with 5×108 pfu AdCTLA4Ig-IRES-OX40Ig on day 1 before islets transplantation through the tail vein. The results showed that this treatment prolonged the islet xenografts survival significantly. The reaction to exogenous glucose stimulation was normal and the cytokine secretion of the type Th1 cells was inhibited. The AdCTLA4Ig-IRES-OX40Ig-mediated treatment effectively induced the T cells into anergy and the Th1/Th2 cells into deviation. These results strongly supported the therapeutic potential of blockade of costimulation by Ad-CTLA4Ig-IRES-OX40Ig genes transfer in inducing the organ transplantation tolerance.  相似文献   
We report the three-dimensional structure of a late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) protein from Arabidopsis thaliana gene At1g01470.1. This protein is a member of Pfam cluster PF03168, and has been classified as a LEA14 protein. LEA proteins are expressed under conditions of cellular stress, such as desiccation, cold, osmotic stress, and heat. The structure, which was determined by NMR spectroscopy, revealed that the At1g01470.1 protein has an alphabeta-fold consisting of one alpha-helix and seven beta-strands that form two antiparallel beta-sheets. The closest structural homologs were discovered to be fibronectin Type III domains, which have <7% sequence identity. Because fibronectins from animal cells have been shown to be involved in cell adhesion, cell motility, wound healing, and maintenance of cell shape, it is interesting to note that in plants wounding or stress results in the overexpression of a protein with fibronectin Type III structural features.  相似文献   
To investigate the role of type II alveolar epithelial cells during the T cell-dependent host immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), effects of MTB-infected A-549 human type II alveolar epithelial cells (A-549 cells) on T cell mitogenesis in response to concanavalin A (Con A) and purified protein derivatives (PPD) were studied. Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were cocultivated with uninfected or MTB-infected A-549 cells and Con A-and PPD-induced T cell mitogeneses were examined, and the following findings were obtained. T cell mitogenesis was inhibited by uninfected as well as MTB-infected A-549 cells, even when a dual-chamber culture system was used to prevent direct cell contact between PBMCs and A-549 cells. Therefore, it appears that A-549 cells suppress T cell mitogenesis by producing some unknown humoral suppressor factors.  相似文献   
Liu Q  Chi GY 《Biometrics》2001,57(1):172-177
Proschan and Hunsberger (1995, Biometrics 51, 1315-1324) proposed a two-stage adaptive design that maintains the Type I error rate. For practical applications, a two-stage adaptive design is also required to achieve a desired statistical power while limiting the maximum overall sample size. In our proposal, a two-stage adaptive design is comprised of a main stage and an extension stage, where the main stage has sufficient power to reject the null under the anticipated effect size and the extension stage allows increasing the sample size in case the true effect size is smaller than anticipated. For statistical inference, methods for obtaining the overall adjusted p-value, point estimate and confidence intervals are developed. An exact two-stage test procedure is also outlined for robust inference.  相似文献   
A homology model for the A2 domain of von Willebrand factor (VWF) is presented. A large number of target–template alignments were combined into a consensus alignment and used for constructing the model from the structures of six template proteins. Molecular dynamics simulation was used to study the structural and dynamic effects of eight mutations introduced into the model, all associated with type 2A von Willebrand disease. It was found that the group I mutations G1505R, L1540P and S1506L cause significant deviations over multiple regions of the protein, coupled to significant thermal fluctuations for G1505R and L1540P. This suggests that protein instability may be responsible for their intracellular retention. The group II mutations R1597W, E1638K and G1505E caused single loop displacements near the physiologic VWF proteolysis site between Y1605–M1606. These modest structural changes may affect interactions between VWF and the ADAMTS13 protease. The group II mutations I1628T and L1503Q caused no significant structural change in the protein, suggesting that inclusion of the protease in this model is necessary for understanding their effect.Figure Homology model of the von Willebrand factor A2 domainElectronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00894-004-0194-9  相似文献   
The facultative intracellular pathogen Salmonella enterica has evolved strategies to modify its fate inside host cells. One key virulence factor for the intracellular pathogenesis is the type III secretion system encoded by Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 2 (SPI2). We have previously described SPI2-encoded SseF and SseG as effector proteins that are translocated by intracellular Salmonella . Detailed analysis of the subcellular localization of SseF and SseG within the host cell indicated that these effector proteins are associated with endosomal membranes as well as with microtubules. Specific association with microtubules was observed after translocation by intracellular Salmonella as well as after expression by transfection vectors. In epithelial cells infected with Salmonella , both SseF and SseG are required for the aggregation of endosomal compartments along microtubules and to induce the formation of massive bundles of microtubules. These observations demonstrate that SPI2 effectors interfere with the microtubule cytoskeleton and suggest that microtubule-dependent host cell functions such as vesicle transport or organelle positioning are altered by intracellular Salmonella .  相似文献   
The crystal structure of the YrbI protein from Haemophilus influenzae (HI1679) was determined at a 1.67-A resolution. The function of the protein had not been assigned previously, and it is annotated as hypothetical in sequence databases. The protein exhibits the alpha/beta-hydrolase fold (also termed the Rossmann fold) and resembles most closely the fold of the L-2-haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily. Following this observation, a detailed sequence analysis revealed remote homology to two members of the HAD superfamily, the P-domain of Ca(2+) ATPase and phosphoserine phosphatase. The 19-kDa chains of HI1679 form a tetramer both in solution and in the crystalline form. The four monomers are arranged in a ring such that four beta-hairpin loops, each inserted after the first beta-strand of the core alpha/beta-fold, form an eight-stranded barrel at the center of the assembly. Four active sites are located at the subunit interfaces. Each active site is occupied by a cobalt ion, a metal used for crystallization. The cobalt is octahedrally coordinated to two aspartate side-chains, a backbone oxygen, and three solvent molecules, indicating that the physiological metal may be magnesium. HI1679 hydrolyzes a number of phosphates, including 6-phosphogluconate and phosphotyrosine, suggesting that it functions as a phosphatase in vivo. The physiological substrate is yet to be identified; however the location of the gene on the yrb operon suggests involvement in sugar metabolism.  相似文献   
A repetitive DNA motif was used as a marker to identify novel genes in the mucosal pathogen Moraxella catarrhalis. There is a high prevalence of such repetitive motifs in virulence genes that display phase variable expression. Two repeat containing loci were identified using a digoxigenin-labelled 5'-(CAAC)6-3' oligonucleotide probe. The repeats are located in the methylase components of two distinct type III restriction-modification (R-M) systems. We suggest that the phase variable nature of these R-M systems indicates that they have an important role in the biology of M. catarrhalis.  相似文献   
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