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The Pseudomonas aeruginosa type III secretion system (TTSS), enabling direct injection of toxins into host cells, has been shown to be crucial to virulence in several models of P. aeruginosa pathogenesis. Using the strain PA14 and its isogenic mutant, PA14exsA, we investigated the role of the TTSS during infection of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Although C. elegans N2 was killed by PA14 in an infection like process over 48 to 72 h the same effect was observed following infection with PA14exsA, implying that a functional TTSS was not essential for virulence. This was despite the TTSS being actively expressed during C. elegans infection as demonstrated by the use of green fluorescent reporter constructs and RT-PCR. However, compared to the wild type PA14, PA14exsA did display a reduced rate of killing of C. elegans strain AU1 which harbours a mutation in the sek-1 gene encoding a MAP kinase involved in nematode innate immunity. A fuller understanding of the mechanism of resistance to type III attack in C. elegans may lead to the identification and development of novel therapeutic targets affording protection to TTSS products in man.  相似文献   
The increasing availability of sequenced genomes enables the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of large protein complexes. Here, we trace the evolution of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Complex I), which has increased in size, by so-called supernumary subunits, from 14 subunits in the bacteria to 30 in the plants and algae, 37 in the fungi and 46 in the mammals. Using a combination of pair-wise and profile-based sequence comparisons at the levels of proteins and the DNA of the sequenced eukaryotic genomes, combined with phylogenetic analyses to establish orthology relationships, we were able to (1) trace the origin of six of the supernumerary subunits to the alpha-proteobacterial ancestor of the mitochondria, (2) detect previously unidentified homology relations between subunits from fungi and mammals, (3) detect previously unidentified subunits in the genomes of several species and (4) document several cases of gene duplications among supernumerary subunits in the eukaryotes. One of these, a duplication of N7BM (B17.2), is particularly interesting as it has been lost from genomes that have also lost Complex I proteins, making it a candidate for a Complex I interacting protein. A parsimonious reconstruction of eukaryotic Complex I evolution shows an initial increase in size that predates the separation of plants, fungi and metazoa, followed by a gradual adding and incidental losses of subunits in the various evolutionary lineages. This evolutionary scenario is in contrast to that for Complex I in the prokaryotes, for which the combination of several separate, and previously independently functioning modules into a single complex has been proposed.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I undergoes transitions from active to de-activated forms. We have investigated the phenomenon in sub-mitochondrial particles from Neurospora crassa wild-type and a null-mutant lacking the 29.9 kDa nuclear-coded subunit of complex I. Based on enzymatic activities, genetic crosses and analysis of mitochondrial proteins in sucrose gradients, we found that about one-fifth of complex I with catalytic properties similar to the wild-type enzyme is assembled in the mutant. Mutant complex I still displays active/de-active transitions, indicating that other proteins are involved in the phenomenon. However, the kinetic characteristics of complex I active/de-active transitions in nuo29.9 differ from wild-type. The spontaneous de-activation of the mutant enzyme is much slower, implicating the 29.9 kDa polypeptide in this event. We suggest that the fungal 29.9 kDa protein and its homologues in other organisms may modulate the active/de-active transitions of complex I.  相似文献   
Transforming growth factor-beta (TGFbeta) isoforms initiate signaling by assembling a heterotetrameric complex of paired type I (TbetaRI) and type II (TbetaRII) receptors on the cell surface. Because two of the ligand isoforms (TGFbetas 1, 3) must first bind TbetaRII to recruit TbetaRI into the complex, and a third (TGFbeta2) requires a co-receptor, assembly is known to be sequential, cooperative and isoform-dependent. However the source of the cooperativity leading to recruitment of TbetaRI and the universality of the assembly mechanism with respect to isoforms remain unclear. Here, we show that the extracellular domain of TbetaRI (TbetaRI-ED) binds in vitro with high affinity to complexes of the extracellular domain of TbetaRII (TbetaRII-ED) and TGFbetas 1 or 3, but not to either ligand or receptor alone. Thus, recruitment of TbetaRI requires combined interactions with TbetaRII-ED and ligand, but not membrane attachment of the receptors. Cell-based assays show that TbetaRI-ED, like TbetaRII-ED, acts as an antagonist of TGFbeta signaling, indicating that receptor-receptor interaction is sufficient to compete against endogenous, membrane-localized receptors. On the other hand, neither TbetaRII-ED, nor TbetaRII-ED and TbetaRI-ED combined, form a complex with TGFbeta2, showing that receptor-receptor interaction is insufficient to compensate for weak ligand-receptor interaction. However, TbetaRII-ED does bind with high affinity to TGFbeta2-TM, a TGFbeta2 variant substituted at three positions to mimic TGFbetas 1 and 3 at the TbetaRII binding interface. This proves both necessary and sufficient for recruitment of TbetaRI-ED, suggesting that the three different TGFbeta isoforms induce assembly of the heterotetrameric receptor complex in the same general manner.  相似文献   
Summary. Molecular mechanisms underlying the unique locomotion of the highly motile Amoeba proteus still remain poorly understood. Recently, we have shown that blocking the endogenous amoebal Rac-like protein(s) leads to distinct and irreversible changes in the appearance of these large migrating cells as well as to a significant inhibition of their locomotion. To elucidate the mechanism of the Rac pathway in Amoeba proteus, we tested the effects of blocking the endogenous myosin I heavy chain kinase (MIHCK), one of the Rac effectors in Acanthamoeba castellanii and Dictyostelium discoideum, with anti-MIHCK antibodies in migrating amoebae, as well as the effect of inhibiting Rac and MIHCK on the actin polymerisation process. Antibodies against A. castellanii MIHCK detected an A. proteus protein with a molecular mass (ca. 95 kDa) similar to the A. castellanii kinase. The cellular distribution of MIHCK in A. proteus was very similar to those of Rac-like protein in amoebae and MIHCK in A. castellanii. Amoebae microinjected with anti-MIHCK antibodies moved slower and protruded fewer wide pseudopodia (5–6) than the control cells (9–10), resembling to some extent the phenotype of cells microinjected with anti-Rac antibodies. The in vitro studies indicate that the A. proteus Rac-like protein, but not the MIHCK isoform, is engaged in the regulation of the nucleation step of the actin polymerisation process. These observations suggest that MIHCK may be one of the effectors for Rac in these extremely large cells. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Muscle Biochemistry, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, 3 Pasteur ulica, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland.  相似文献   
This article focuses on recent findings that the type V TGF-beta receptor (TbetaR-V), which co-expresses with other TGF-beta receptors (TbetaR-I, TbetaR-II, and TbetaR-III) in all normal cell types studied, is involved in growth inhibition by IGFBP-3 and TGF-beta and that TGF-beta activity is regulated by two distinct endocytic pathways (clathrin- and caveolar/lipid-raft-mediated). TGF-beta is a potent growth inhibitor for most cell types, including epithelial and endothelial cells. The signaling by which TGF-beta controls cell proliferation is not well understood. Many lines of evidence indicate that other signaling pathways, in addition to the prominent TbetaR-I/TbetaR-II/Smad2/3/4 signaling cascade, are required for mediating TGF-beta-induced growth inhibition. Recent studies revealed that TbetaR-V, which is identical to LRP-1, mediates IGF-independent growth inhibition by IGFBP-3 and mediates TGF-beta-induced growth inhibition in concert with TbetaR-I and TbetaR-II. In addition, IRS proteins and a Ser/Thr-specific protein phosphatase(s) are involved in the TbetaR-V-mediated growth inhibitory signaling cascade. The TbetaR-V signaling cascade appears to cross-talk with the TbetaR-I/TbetaR-II, insulin receptor (IR), IGF-I receptor (IGF-IR), integrin and c-Met signaling cascades. Attenuation or loss of the TbetaR-V signaling cascade may enable carcinoma cells to escape from TGF-beta growth control and may contribute to the aggressiveness and invasiveness of these cells via promoting epithelial-to-mesenchymal transdifferentiation (EMT). Finally, the ratio of TGF-beta binding to TbetaR-II and TbetaR-I is a signal controlling TGF-beta partitioning between two distinct endocytosis pathways and resultant TGF-beta responsiveness. These recent studies have provided new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying TGF-beta-induced cellular growth inhibition, cross-talk between the TbetaR-V and other signaling cascades, the signal that controls TGF-beta responsiveness and the role of TbetaR-V in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   
The MHC class I molecule plays an important role in immune response, pathogen recognition and response against vaccines and self- versus non-self-recognition. Studying MHC class I characteristics thus became a priority when dealing with Aotus to ensure its use as an animal model for biomedical research. Isolation, cloning and sequencing of exons 1–8 from 27 MHC class I alleles obtained from 13 individuals classified as belonging to three owl monkey species (A. nancymaae, A. nigriceps and A. vociferans) were carried out to establish similarities between Aotus MHC class I genes and those expressed by other New and Old World primates. Six Aotus MHC class I sequence groups (Ao-g1, Ao-g2, Ao-g3, Ao-g4, Ao-g5 and Ao-g6) weakly related to non-classical Catarrhini MHC were identified. An allelic lineage was also identified in one A. nancymaae and two A. vociferans monkeys, exhibiting a high degree of conservation, negative selection along the molecule and premature termination of the open reading frame at exon 5 (Ao-g5). These sequences high conservation suggests that they more likely correspond to a soluble form of Aotus MHC class I molecules than to a new group of processed pseudogenes. Another group, named Ao-g6, exhibited a strong relationship with Catarrhinis classical MHC-B-C loci. Sequence evolution and variability analysis indicated that Aotus MHC class I molecules experience inter-locus gene conversion phenomena, contributing towards their high variability.  相似文献   
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is present at a single chromosomal locus of all jawed vertebrate analyzed so far, from sharks to mammals, except for teleosts whose orthologs of the mammalian MHC-encoded genes are dispersed at several chromosomal loci. Even in teleosts, several class IA genes and those genes directly involved in class I antigen presentation preserve their linkage, defining the teleost MHC class I region. We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the MHC class I region of the inbred HNI strain of medaka, Oryzias latipes (northern Japan population-derived), from four overlapping bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones spanning 540,982 bp, and compared it with the published sequence of the corresponding region of the inbred Hd-rR strain of medaka (425,935 bp, southern Japan population-derived) as the first extensive study of intraspecies polymorphisms of the ectotherm MHC regions. A segment of about 100 kb in the middle of the compared sequences encompassing two class Ia genes and two immunoproteasome subunit genes, PSMB8 and PSMB10, was so divergent between these two inbred strains that a reliable sequence alignment could not be made. The rest of the compared region (about 320 kb) showed a fair correspondence, and an approximately 96% nucleotide identity was observed upon gap-free segmental alignment. These results indicate that the medaka MHC class I region contains an ∼100-kb polymorphic core, which is most probably evolving adaptively by accumulation of point mutations and extensive genetic rearrangements such as insertions, deletions and duplications. The nucleotide sequence data of HNI MHC class I region reported in this paper have been submitted to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank and were assigned the accession number AB183488.  相似文献   
The 16 African large barb fish species of Lake Tana inhabit different ecological niches, exploit different food webs and have different temporal and spatial spawning patterns within the lake. This unique fish species flock is thought to be the result of adaptive radiation within the past 5 million years. Previous analyses of major histocompatibility class II B exon 2 sequences in four Lake Tana African large barb species revealed that these sequences are indeed under selection. No sharing of class II B alleles was observed among the four Lake Tana African large barb species. In this study we analysed the class II B exon 2 sequences of seven additional Lake Tana African large barb species and African large barbs from the Blue Nile and its tributaries. In addition, the presence and variability of major histocompatibility complex class I UA exon 3 sequences in six Lake Tana and Blue Nile African large barb species was analysed. Phylogenetic lineages are maintained by purifying or neutral selection on non-peptide binding regions. Class II B intron 1 and exon 2 sequences were not shared among the different Lake Tana African large barb species or with the riverine barb species. In contrast, identical class I UA exon 3 sequences were found both in the lacustrine and riverine barb species. Our analyses demonstrate complete partitioning of class II B alleles among Lake Tana African large barb species. In contrast, class I alleles remain for the large part shared among species. These different modes of evolution probably reflect the unlinked nature of major histocompatibility genes in teleost fishes.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at .An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
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