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1. Bird nests are ubiquitous but patchy resources in many terrestrial habitats. Nests can support diverse communities of commensal invertebrates, especially moths (Lepidoptera). However, there is a shortage of information on the moths associated with bird nests, and the factors influencing their abundance, diversity and composition. 2. Two hundred and twenty‐four nests, from 16 bird species, were sampled from sites in mid‐Wales (UK) and the moths that emerged from them were recorded. 3. Seventy eight percent of nests produced moths, with 4657 individuals of ten species recorded. Moth communities were dominated by generalist species rather than bird nest specialists. 4. Open nests built in undergrowth supported significantly fewer moths than nests in enclosed spaces (for example, nesting boxes). The occurrence of fleas was positively associated with the incidence and abundance of moths. There was no evidence that different nest types supported different moth communities.  相似文献   
The central branchings of the sensory neurons in the noctuid moth ear have been investigated by introducing cobalt chloride through the cut ends of their axons. Three sensory axons stained, corresponding to the two auditory neurons (A cells) and the B neuron. The three axons were identified using physiological criteria. All three cells share the same basic morphology. Their axons divide into anterior and posterior branches, which contain numerous side branches. Their profiles lie ipsilateral, but A1 gives off some fine side branches that cross the midline. The profiles of A1 and B extend throughout all three thoracic ganglia, occupying a ventral, medial position. The branchings of A2 remain within the meso- and metathoracic ganglia occupying a more dorsal and lateral position. We compare our results with those of an earlier anatomical study, and discuss them in relation to described interneurones and to behaviour  相似文献   
Two of the major themes resulting from recent macroecological research are the central roles that body size and niche breadth may play as determinants of species geographical distribution. Unanswered questions, however, linger regarding how similarities in body size or niche breadth affect the allocation of α‐ and β‐diversity across spatial scales. Using data on moth diversity in the eastern deciduous forest of North America, we tested the predictions that smaller‐bodied and diet‐restricted species would have lower levels of α‐diversity within forest stands and greater β‐diversity at higher sampling scales compared to larger or more generalist species. Moths were sampled using a nested sampling design consisting of three hierarchical levels: 20 forest stands, 5 sites and 3 ecoregions. Body size for 492 species was estimated as mean forewing length, and diet breadth was assessed from the published literature. Moth species were then classified according to body size (small or large) or diet breadth (generalist or restricted), and partitioning was conducted on each group. Diversity partitions for large‐ and small‐bodied species yielded similar patterns. When observed diversity components differed from those derived from our null model, a consistent pattern was observed: α‐diversity was greater than expected, β‐diversity among forest stands was less than expected, and β‐diversity among sites and ecoregions was higher than expected. In contrast, diet‐restricted moths contributed significantly less to stand‐level α‐diversity than generalist feeders. Furthermore, specialists contributed to a greater proportion of β‐diversity across scales compared to generalist moths. Because absolute measures of β‐diversity among stands were greater for generalists than for restricted feeders, we suggest that regional β‐diversity of forest moths may be influenced by several possible factors: intraspecific aggregation of diet‐restricted species, local fluctuations in population size of eruptive generalists and small geographical distributions of generalist moths than predicted by the geographical extent of putative host plants  相似文献   
One of the major applications of transgenic crops in agriculture are the so‐called Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) plants, in particular Bt maizes, which produce insecticidal Cry proteins that target specific orders, such as the Lepidoptera or Coleoptera. We reviewed publications that reported on the direct toxic effects of Bt‐maize and/or Cry proteins of current Bt‐maize events on larvae of non‐target butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera). In total, 20 peer‐reviewed publications were identified, of which 16 papers contributed laboratory‐based data and seven field‐based data. An adverse effect on caterpillars was recorded in 52% of all laboratory‐based and in 21% of all field‐based observations. The variables most often studied and having the highest occurrence of effects were larval survival, body mass, and developmental time. Parameters of the adult stage were under‐represented in the studies. Overall, 11 lepidopteran species were tested. The majority of the studies originated from the USA, with the Monarch butterfly being the most studied, whereas other species and other parts of the world were widely neglected. Laboratory experiments were often run under unrealistic conditions from an ecological point of view. Although the papers we reviewed indicated a potential hazard for Lepidoptera that are exposed to and feed on lepidopteran‐specific Bt‐maize pollen, a general conclusion on the level of risk for butterflies and moths cannot as yet be drawn. A comprehensive risk characterization would require thorough hazard identification, exposure assessment, and impact assessment. However, our review showed that even the basic level of hazard characterization is as yet incomplete. Reasons for this are the still‐limited numbers of publications and concurrent lack of knowledge, the restriction of data to only a few species, the over‐representation of North American species, and the identified limitations of both laboratory and field experiments. The findings of this review suggest that more realistic, ecologically meaningful, and detailed experiments and analyses are crucial to improve the present assessment of Bt‐maize cultivation effects on Lepidoptera.  相似文献   
Nocturnal flight exposes insects to selection pressures thatinclude reduced light and the hunting behavior of insectivorousbats. Using a phylogenetically based selection of wild mothscollected from a Nearctic site, we report that earless speciesfly less throughout the night than eared species. This supportsthe hypothesis that this behavior has evolved as a passive defenseagainst the transient attacks of aerially foraging bats in insectsthat do not possess long-range auditory detection abilities.We measured the eyesize of a selection of moths whose 24-h flightactivities are known and confirm that nocturnal lifestyle resultsin larger eyes. With the exception of hawkmoths, there is noeyesize difference between eared and earless moths, suggestingthat earless moths do not preferentially use vision to detectthe approach of bats.  相似文献   
Field trials were carried out to evaluate the use of the pheromone (9Z,12E)‐tetradecadienyl acetate (TDA/ZETA) for mating disruption (MD) of Pyralidae moths associated with stored products, in most cases the Raisin moth, Ephestia cautella (Walker), Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller and Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner). The experiments were conducted in the Czech Republic, Greece and Italy during 2007 and 2008 in storage facilities that varied in their size and type, and included flour mills, retail stores, storage rooms with currants and raw grain stores. After a summer pre‐treatment monitoring period to assess moth population in, dispensers containing TDA were placed in the fall. Adjacent facilities without dispensers were used as control units. Pheromone‐baited traps were used to monitor the population fluctuation of the pyralid moths during the entire experimental periods. The presence of MD dispensers notably reduced the number of adults found in the traps in comparison with control rooms. Monitoring of female oviposition, measured as number of hatched larvae in cups containing food, indicated that there was a reduction in the number of larvae in the areas with MD dispensers. The results of the present work indicate that the use of mating disruption is feasible against pyralid moths in storage facilities, and should be further evaluated as a component of an integrated pest management based control strategy.  相似文献   
Although aquatic caterpillars are a globally rare lifestyle, we have found them in multiple, independent lineages of the endemic moth genus Hyposmocoma across all of the Hawaiian Islands with flowing water. We formally describe 11 new species of Hyposmocoma that belong to four different larval case types: cone, bugle, medium burrito, and large burrito: Hyposmocoma kahamanoa sp. nov. from Oahu Island, Hyposmocoma kamakou sp. nov. from Molokai Island, Hyposmocoma kahaiao sp. nov. , Hyposmocoma waihohonu sp. nov. , and Hyposmocoma moopalikea sp. nov. from Maui Island, and Hyposmocoma aumakuawai sp. nov. , Hyposmocoma eepawai sp. nov. , Hyposmocoma ipowainui sp. nov. , Hyposmocoma kawaikoi sp. nov. , Hyposmocoma uhauiole sp. nov. , and Hyposmocoma wailua sp. nov. from Kauai Island. We also illustrate and describe in detail the aquatic case‐bearing larva of Hyposmocoma kahamanoa. Despite having similar ecologies as algae and lichen grazers at and below the water line of streams, prior research indicates that species with each case type constitute an independent lineage, with terrestrial sister taxa, and therefore the different groups of species bearing unique case types each represent an independent aquatic invasion. The case‐bearing larvae often occur sympatrically, and on Kauai even species with similar case‐types occur together, suggesting complex patterns of speciation and either past periods of isolation or sympatric speciation. Phylogenetic analysis of 2243 base pairs from two nuclear and one mitochondrial gene for 18 species confirm that each species is endemic to a single volcano, and that morphological divergence within case‐types has not been dramatic. Diversification has been complex, and superficially similar case type lineages are not all monophyletic. Kauai, the oldest but smallest of the major high islands, supports more species in the aquatic guild than any other island, thus island age, rather than size, may be important in generating diversity in this group. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 15–42.  相似文献   
The Lepidoptera represent one of the most successful radiations of plant-feeding insects, which predominantly took place within angiosperms beginning in the Cretaceous period. Angiosperm colonization is thought to underlie the evolutionary success of the Lepidoptera because angiosperms provide an enormous range of niches for ecological speciation to take place. By contrast, the basal lepidopteran lineage, Micropterigidae, remained unassociated with angiosperms since Jurassic times but nevertheless achieved a modest diversity in the Japanese Archipelago. We explored the causes and processes of diversification of the Japanese micropterigid moths by performing molecular phylogenetic analysis and extensive ecological surveying. Phylogenetic analysis recovered a monophyletic group of approximately 25 East Asian endemic species that feed exclusively on the liverwort Conocephalum conicum, suggesting that niche shifts hardly played a role in their diversification. Consistent with the low flying ability of micropterigid moths, the distributions of the Conocephalum specialists are each localized and allopatric, indicating that speciation by geographical isolation has been the major process shaping the diversity of Japanese Micropterigidae. To our knowledge, this is the largest radiation of herbivorous insects that does not accompany any apparent niche differentiation. We suggest that the significance of non-ecological speciation during the diversification of the Lepidoptera is commonly underestimated.  相似文献   
虫草蝠蛾触角感觉器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文报道冬虫夏草的三种寄主昆虫白马蝠蛾(Hepialus baimaensis)、 人支蝠蛾(H.Renzhiensis)和中支蚯蛾(H.Zhongzhiensis)触角感觉器种类、形态和分布的扫描电镜观察结果。三种蝠蛾触角表面均缺少网状覆盖物。计有七种感觉器,名称为毛形感器、刺形感器、锥形感器、腔锥感器、Bohm氏鬃毛、鳞形感器和钟形感器。毛形感器分A和B型,数量最多。鞭节上每节具有2-3只刺形感器和l-5只锥形感器。腔锥感器分为长栓和短栓两种形态类型,腔周围都无缘栓。 Bohm氏鬃毛主要分布于基节,数量较多。钟形感器仅在雄蛾触角上见到。各类感觉器在种间无明显差异。  相似文献   
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