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Hearing thresholds of the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus for tonal and composite underwater sounds within 50 kHz were ascertained in fully or partly submerged (head out of water) animals (trained by operant conditioning with food reinforcement). Perception of sounds conducted through the body deteriorated in all cases (thresholds for 75%-correct response rose typically by 6-24 dB); the least changes were observed for 10 and 20 kHz tones. The aggregate data also suggested significant individual variations.  相似文献   
<正>南瓶鼻海豚(Tursiops aduncus)是我国二级重点保护的水生哺乳动物,属于鲸目(Cetacea),海豚科(Delphinidae),瓶鼻海豚属(Tursiops)(Mller and Beheregaray,2001;Wells and Scott,2002)。南瓶鼻海豚是人工主要饲养的鲸类品种之一(刘仁俊等,2002;Zhang et al.,2012)。2011年4月30日,厦门市小嶝岛休闲渔村从福建东山引进两头南瓶鼻海豚进行人工饲养。饲养池位于北  相似文献   
Despite much research on bottlenose dolphin signature whistles, few have investigated the role of maternal whistles in early calf development. We investigated maternal whistle use in the first weeks postpartum for captive dolphins. The overall whistling rate increased by a factor of ten when the calves were born and then decreased again in the third week of the one surviving calf. Adult whistles were distinguished from calf whistles based on the extent of frequency modulation and were further classified into signature and non-signature whistles by comparison to a dictionary of known whistles. The average rate of maternal signature whistle production increased significantly from 0.02 whistles per dolphin-minute before the calves were born to 0.2 and 0.3 whistles in weeks 1 and 2, decreasing again to 0.06 in week 3 for the mother of the surviving calf. Percent maternal signature whistles changed similarly. Signature whistle production by non-mothers did not change when the calves were born. A likely function of this increase in maternal signature whistle production is that it enables the calf to learn to identify the mother in the first weeks of life.  相似文献   
Interactions between marine mammals and fisheries are a growing problem, and effective management requires assessment of the factors driving the interaction and of the impacts on fisheries. We used data from interactions between artisanal fisheries and bottlenose dolphins around the Balearic Islands to assess these factors and impacts. Observers collected data during 1,040 fishing operations over 3 yr. Location and year were important factors affecting interaction probability, with some areas showing large increases over the study period. We estimated the combined cost of catch loss and net damage as 6.5% of the total catch value (95% CI ?12.3%, ?1.6%), and the annual loss to be 3.4% (95% CI ?6.5%, ?0.1%) of the total catch by weight. This weight equates to the dietary needs of ~12 dolphins (95% CI 0.2, 22), suggesting the fishery is not a vital food source for the dolphin population. Two dolphins died through entanglement during the observed fishing operations. We observed 3% of the total fishing activity, by weight, in 2003; scaling up this mortality directly suggests that as many as sixty dolphins may be dying in nets each year. This interaction likely has serious conservation implications for the dolphin population.  相似文献   
Spectral sensitivity was measured in air in a bottlenose dolphin using a behavioral training technique. The spectral sensitivity curve shows two maxima in sensitivity, one in the near ultraviolet part of the spectrum and the other one in the bluegreen part at about 490 nm. Two wavelength discrimination tasks showed that the dolphin could discriminate two wavelengths from the peak regions of the two maxima of the spectral sensitivity function, but not between two wavelengths lying within the broad maximum of the curve in the bluegreen part of the spectrum. Possible underlying mechanisms for the shape of the function are discussed.  相似文献   
In the Northwest Atlantic the distribution of coastal bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) overlaps with that of the offshore ecotype. We hypothesized that the distribution of the two ecotypes could be delineated by depth and/or distance from shore, facilitating their identification during surveys. We obtained 304 skin biopsy samples and identified each as either coastal or offshore using analysis of mitochondrial DNA. We then interpreted the spatial distribution of coastal and offshore forms using spatial analysis. Using a Classification and Regression Tree (CART) analysis, we found a statistically significant break in ecotype distribution at 34 km from shore. In waters beyond 34 km from shore and deeper than 34 m, all bottlenose dolphins were of the offshore ecotype. Within 7.5 km of shore, all 65 samples were of the coastal ecotype. Between these two areas only nine samples were collected, so the genetic composition of bottlenose dolphins in this area remains poorly known. To enhance our understanding of the spatial distribution of the two ecotypes, future research should obtain more biopsy samples in this zone. Nevertheless, our results indicate that a conservative abundance estimate for the coastal ecotype could be generated from surveys of bottlenose dolphins within 7.5 km of shore.  相似文献   
Acoustic methods may improve the ability to identify cetacean species during shipboard surveys. Whistles were recorded from nine odontocete species in the eastern tropical Pacific to determine how reliably these vocalizations can be classified to species based on simple spectrographic measurements. Twelve variables were measured from each whistle ( n = 908). Parametric multivariate discriminant function analysis (DFA) correctly classified 41.1% of whistles to species. Non-parametric classification and regression tree (CART) analysis resulted in 51.4% correct classification. Striped dolphin whistles were most difficult to classify. Whistles of bottlenose dolphins, false killer whales, and pilot whales were most distinctive. Correct classification scores may be improved by adding prior probabilities that reflect species distribution to classification models, by measuring alternative whistle variables, using alternative classification techniques, and by localizing vocalizing dolphins when collecting data for classification models.  相似文献   
Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region was used to clarify the taxonomic status of two coastal bottlenose dolphin populations from southeastern Australia currently classified as Tursiops truncatus . A 368-bp segment of the control region of 57 biopsy-sampled, photo-identified dolphins of Jervis Bay and Port Stephens was compared to published sequences of T. truncatus and T. aduncus from different oceanic regions. Sequence divergence between haplotypes from southeastern Australia and T. aduncus was much lower than that from T. truncatus . Analyses using two different methods of phylogenetic reconstruction unambiguously placed all haplotypes from southeastern Australia in a group composed exclusively of T. aduncus . The results strongly indicated that these two bottlenose dolphin populations belong to T. aduncus , extending the range of the species to subtropical waters of the Western South Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   
Gompertz growth models were fitted to total lengths and ages from tooth sections of 199 stranded bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) from the Indian River Lagoon system, eastern Florida. Based on the model, dolphins from this population are estimated to be born at 119 cm and reach asymptotic length at 250 cm. No apparent pubescent growth acceleration was noted for either sex. Males appeared to grow to slightly longer lengths than females. There were small size differences between Indian River dolphins and those in Texas and Sarasota, indicating general size similarities between North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico bottlenose dolphins stocks.  相似文献   
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