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Summary The tracheal systems of five insect species (two species of ants, worker bee, housefly and the cabbage butterfly) have been studied by scanning electron microscopy of corrosion casts. This technique, which is commonly used for the investigation of vertebrate vasculature, is adapted to demonstrate the ultrastructure of the insect respiratory organ. The problem of filling a blind ending system was solved by injecting the resin Mercox into the evacuated tracheae through a thoracal spiracle. After polymerization of the resin, the tissue was digested enzymatically and chemically. The three-dimensional structure of the tracheal system was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The technique used here displays for the first time the complex morphology of the entire tracheal system in fine detail, especially the structure of spiracles, airsacs, tracheae and tracheoles. Smooth-walled terminal tracheoles show up in flight muscles. The finest tracheoles that could be identified have diameters of approximately 70 nm. This approaches the finest tracheoles portrayed by transmission electron micrographs.  相似文献   
Studies were undertaken on interactions between panicle size, insect density, host plant, and the environment for sorghum head bug,Calocoris angustatus Lethiery on five sorghum genotypes in terms of bug population increase, grain damage and loss in grain mass across four panicle sizes (5, 10 or 20 branches/panicle and whole panicle), and three infestation levels (5, 10 and 15 pairs of bugs/panicle). Head bug numbers increased and grain damage decreased with an increase in panicle size in the head bug susceptible cultivars, CSH 1 and CSH 5. However, the increase in bug numbers or decrease in grain damage was not significant in head bug resistant genotypes, IS 17610 and IS 17645. Head bug numbers increased with an increase in infestation level in CSH 1 and CSH 5, however, such an increase was not substantial in IS 17610 and IS 17645. Grain damage was significantly lower in IS 17610 and IS 17645 compared with CSH 1 and CSH 5 across infestation levels. Head bug population increased at a greater rate during the rainy season compared with the dry season. Panicle size and infestation levels accounted for greater variation in grain damage and percentage loss in grain mass during the rainy season than in the dry season. To identify reliable sources of resistance to insects, it is important to study insect host plant-interactions across panicle sizes (levels of food availability), infestation levels and seasons.  相似文献   
The large-scale inoculation of selected beneficial ectomycorrhizal fungi in forest nurseries has generated renewed interest in the ecology of these symbiotic fungi. However, information on the dissemination and persistence of introduced symbionts is scarce due to the limitation of the current identification methods. To identify ectomycorrhizal fungi on single root tips, we investigated the polymorphism of the PCR-amplified ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer (IGS) from a wide range of ectomycorrhizal fungi. To investigate the reliability of this molecular approach in large-scale surveys, the dissemination and persistence on Douglas fir seedlings of the introduced Laccaria bicolor S238N were assessed in a forest nursery in the Massif Central (France). Several hundred ectomycorrhizas and fruiting bodies were sampled from plots where control and L. bicolor inoculated-Douglas fir seedlings were grown for 1.5 years. PCR typing of mycorrhizas indicated that trees inoculated with L. bicolor S238N remained exclusively colonized by that isolate (or sexually derived isolates) for the entire test period. In contrast, control seedlings were infected by indigenous isolates of Laccaria laccata and Thelephora terrestris. The molecular evidence for the persistence of the introduced mycobiont despite the competition from indigenous isolates of the same species provides further illustration of the potential of exotic species for large-scale microbial application.  相似文献   
A relatively drought tolerant cultivar of maize ( Zea mays L. cv. Pioneer 3950) and a drought tolerant line of sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench cv. ICSV 112) were grown hydroponically for 11 days. Treatments for non-ionic osmotic and salt stresses were started at the 8th day by addition of polyethylene glycol 6000 and NaCl, respectively, at 200 mOsm equivalent concentrations in the presence or absence of 0. 1 μ M abscisic acid. Relative growth rate was depressed by both stress factors, more severely for maize than sorghum. Abscisic acid increased the growth rate and reverted the negative effect of NaCl in maize, while sorghum was only slightly affected. In general, sorghum had higher levels of K+ and lower levels of Na+ and the K+/Na+ ratio was further increased by abscisic acid treatment. From the pressure-volume curves, osmotic potential, the water potential at turgor loss point, bulk elastic modulus and the water saturation deficit at initial turgor loss were estimated. Most significantly, sorghum had a higher elastic modulus than maize and it decreased under osmotic treatment, while in maize it increased under NaCl stress. The results suggest that bulk tissue turgor was not limiting growth under these conditions and underscores the possible implications of changes in the elastic condition of the cell walls in stress responses.  相似文献   
The extent to which the parasitic angiosperm Striga hermonthica reduces the growth of its sorghum host is dependent on the concentration of nitrogen (as NH4NO3 in 40% Long Ashton Solution) supplied to the plants. The biomass of 0.5,1 and 2 mol m?3 N-grown infected plants was 22,30 and 66%, respectively, of uninfected plants after 140d growth. The biomass of 3 and 4 mol m?3 N-grown infected plants differed little from uninfected plants. No grain was set in 0.5 and 1 mol m?3 N-grown infected plants, grain yield reached 42 and 73% of controls in 2 and 3 mol m?3 N-grown plants, and was unaffected in 4 mol m?3 N-grown plants. Striga hermonthica also altered the allometry and architecture of the host, at all but the highest N concentration. Higher N concentration (3 and 4 mol m ?3 N) reduced the growth of S. hermonthica. Foliar N concentrations in sorghum ranged from 11 mg g?1 dwt. in 0.5 mol m?3 N-grown plants, to 28 mg g?1 dwt. in 4 mol m?3 N-grown plants, and were not affected by S. hermonthica. Higher N concentrations were measured in S. hermonthica, and ranged from 18 to 45 mg g?1 dwt. in 0.5 and 3 mol m?3 N-grown plants, respectively. The relationship between photosynthesis (CO2 flux) and N concentration differed between uninfected and infected sorghum. This was most apparent in 0.5 mol m?3 N-grown plants, with rates of 16 and 11 μmol m?2 s?1 in uninfected and infected plants, respectively (at 1500–1800 μmol m?2 s?1 photosynthetic photon flux density). At higher N concentrations, this difference was smaller, with both sets of plants reaching 26 μmol m?2 s?1 at 4 mol m?3 N. Varying the level of S. hermonthica infection showed that the effect of N on host photosynthesis cannot be explained by differences in the mass or number of parasites supported by the host. At low levels of infection in 1 mol m?3 N-grown plants, the negative effect of the parasite was reversed, and photosynthesis in infected plants exceeded that in uninfected plants by 20%. Photosynthesis in S. hermonthica at 3 mol m?3 N (8 μmol m?2 s?1) was double that in 0.5 mol m?3 N-grown plants. Stable carbon isotope and gas exchange measurements data demonstrated that this higher level of autotrophic carbon fixation was accompanied by a lower dependency on hetero trophic carbon. The latter ranged from 27 to 6% in 0 5 mol m?3 and 3 mol m?3 N-grown plants, respectively.  相似文献   
Summary Ecosystem management often proceeds within the context of sub‐optimal relationships between ecologists and ecosystem managers, and management outcomes could be improved with greater collaboration between members of these disciplines. This paper identifies an ecosystem management problem resulting from the interaction between timber harvesting and browsing wallabies, and this case study is used to exemplify how ecological data and expertise can contribute to the process of ecosystem management. It is argued that appropriate use of existing ecological data, establishment of strategic new research and the implementation of management actions as experimental hypothesis tests can facilitate achievement of management objectives, but greater collaboration between ecologists and managers is required before this can occur. Reasons for sub‐optimal relationships are outlined, and the potential for structural change within large State‐run ecosystem management agencies to improve interactions between managers and ecologists is discussed.  相似文献   
Cs accumulation characteristics by Sorghum bicolor were investigated in hydroponic system (Cs level at 50–1000 μmol/L) and in soil (Cs-spiked concentration was 100 and 400 mg/kg soil). Two varieties of S. bicolor Cowly and Nengsi 2# grown on pot soil during the entire growth period (100 days) did not show significant differences on the height, dry weight (DW), and Cs accumulation. S. bicolor showed the potential phytoextraction ability for Cs-contaminated soil with the bioaccumulation factor (BCF) and the translocation factor (TF) values usually higher than 1 in soil system and in hydroponic system. The aerial parts of S. bicolor contributed to 86–92% of the total removed amounts of Cs from soil. Cs level in solution at 100 μmol/L gave the highest BCF and TF values of S. bicolor. Cs at low level tended to transfer to the aerial parts, whereas Cs at high level decreased the transfer ratio from root to shoot. In soil, the plant grew well when Cs spiked level was 100 mg/kg soil, but was inhibited by Cs at 400 mg/kg soil with Cs content in sorghum reaching 1147 mg/kg (roots), 2473 mg/kg (stems), and 2939 mg/kg (leaves). In hydroponic system, average Cs level in sorghum reached 5270 mg/kg (roots) and 4513 mg/kg (aerial parts), without significant damages to its biomass at 30 days after starting Cs treatment. Cs accumulation in sorghum tissues was positively correlated with the metal concentration in medium.  相似文献   
可溶性酸性转化酶(SAI)是蔗糖代谢途径中的关键酶,对植物生长发育起着至关重要的调节作用,研究简捷快速克隆可溶性酸性转化酶基因方法,对于育种材料和品种资源的基因分型具有重要意义。本研究通过已知的高粱可溶性酸性转化酶基因序列及高粱基因组中该基因序列片段,设计引物,比较了分段克隆、基因全长克隆、巢式PCR克隆等方法克隆高粱SAI-1基因的效果,结果表明,直接扩增全长,扩增产物极其不稳定且扩增产物纯化、连接,转化后得不到阳性克隆;采用均等分段克隆,前半段扩增产物纯化、连接转化后得不到阳性克隆,但后半段克隆成功;针对高粱基因组信息中SAI-1基因上游的未知序列部分设计引物,进行单独克隆(635 bp),再单独克隆其其余序列,两段序列拼接后得到SAI-1基因全长。序列分析发现,SAI-1前段635 bp的扩增片段GC含量高达69.6%,而其后GC含量急剧下降至30%以下,所以推测全长克隆、均等片段克隆以及巢式PCR克隆失败的原因可能是SAI-1基因中GC分布不均匀,克隆高粱SAI-1基因较为适宜的方法为利用2对引物进行不均等分段扩增克隆,前段PCR退火温度较后段高1℃。该方法将为其他研究人员提供有益参考。  相似文献   
红凤菜(Gynura bicolor DC.)为菊科(Compositae)菊三七属(Gynura Cass.)植物,别名血皮菜、观音菜、观音苋、紫背天葵等,主要分布于中国南方各地,全草均可入药[1];也可作为蔬菜食用,在国内多个地区均有栽培和销售。目前已知红凤菜含有黄酮类、酚性酸类、萜类、甾醇类、脂肪酸类、生物碱类及花青素类等[2-7]成分。由于黄酮类成分多具有保护心血管、抗肿瘤、抗糖尿病、抗氧化、抗炎和抗病毒等作用[8],因此对红凤菜中黄酮类成分的研究具有深度开发价值。  相似文献   
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