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Embryo implantation is a complicated event that relies on two critical factors: the competent blastocyst and the receptive uterus. Successful implantation results from tight coordination of these two factors. The maternal hormone environment of the uterus and molecular cross‐talk between the embryo and uterine tissue play pivotal roles in implantation. Here we showed that regulator of G‐protein signaling 2 (RGS2), a member of ubiquitous family of proteins that regulate G‐protein activation, plays an important role in embryo implantation by interfering in the cross‐talk between the embryo and uterine tissue. RGS2 expression increased during the implantation process, and was higher in the implant site than at the nonimplantation site. Meanwhile, ovariectomized (OVX) mice exhibited higher expression of RGS2 in the uterus. Exogenous 17β‐estradiol and progesterone in OVX mice downregulated the expression of RGS2. Treatment with exogenous 17β‐estradiol alone caused uterine RGS2 messenger RNA levels of OVX mice to return to those of normal female mice; when these mice were treated with progesterone or 17β‐estradiol plus progesterone, RGS2 levels rose. Downregulation of Rgs2 by small interfering RNA in an in vitro coculture system of decidualized endometrial stromal cells and blastocysts inhibited blastocyst outgrowth by restricting trophoblast spreading, suggesting a mechanism by which RGS2 regulates embryo implantation.  相似文献   
吞噬和细胞活力蛋白1(engulfment and cell motility protein 1,ELMO1)可以促进多种癌细胞的侵袭和转移,但ELMO1的表达是否受miRNA的调控鲜有研究。本研究旨在探讨miR-145与ELMO1表达的相关性,以及miR-145通过结合ELMO1的mRNA对乳腺癌侵袭的影响。通过TargetScan (http://www.targetscan.org/)靶基因预测软件预测与ELMO1的3′UTR结合的miR-145。荧光素酶结果证实两者互补结合。Transwell侵袭结果显示,miR-145组和siELMO1+miR-145组MDA-231乳腺癌细胞穿膜数较对照组分别降低40%(P<0.05)和79%(P<0.05)。siELMO1+miR-145组和siELMO1组细胞穿膜数则无显著差异(P>0.05)。结果提示,miR-145通过与ELMO1的mRNA结合抑制细胞侵袭。qRT-PCR显示,低侵袭的MCF-7乳腺癌细胞miR-145的表达量较高侵袭的MDA-435细胞高80%(P<0.05),较MDA-231乳腺癌细胞高75%(P<0.05),即miR-145与癌细胞侵袭能力呈负相关。Western印迹结果表明,miR-145组ELMO1表达量低于阴性对照组,miR-145 抑制组ELMO1表达量高于抑制剂NC组(P<0.05),证明miR-145抑制ELMO1的表达。qRT-PCR显示,过表达miR-145后ELMO1 mRNA含量与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05)。结果提示,miR-145对ELMO1的调控作用通过抑制其翻译实现。F-肌动蛋白聚合实验表明,miR-145组和阴性对照组于20 s和60 s时F-肌动蛋白聚合结果存在明显区别(P<0.05)。Western 印迹结果表明,miR-145组活化的Rac1表达量较阴性对照组降低60%(P<0.05),抑制剂NC组活化的Rac1较miR-145 抑制组降低55%(P<0.05);miR-145组磷酸化的整合素β1较对照组于15 min时降低42%(P<0.05),于30 min时降低31%(P<0.05)。由此得出的miR-145过表达显著促进乳腺癌细胞F-肌动蛋白聚合、Rac1活化和整合素β1磷酸化结论。综上所述,miR-145通过靶向ELMO1的 mRNA抑制ELMO1翻译,从而抑制乳腺癌的侵袭。  相似文献   
One of the most remarkable aspects of Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD) is its infectious nature, and for successful transmission it must avoid detection by the devil’s immune system. For this to occur, the devil either is severely immunosuppressed or factors produced by the tumor contribute to its avoidance of immune detection. An analysis of the devil’s immune system revealed the presence of normal-looking lymphoid organs and lymphoid cells. At a functional level the lymphocytes proliferated in response to mitogen stimulation. Subcutaneous injection of a cellular antigen produced a strong antibody response, providing compelling evidence that the devil has a competent immune system. Tumor cell analysis demonstrated that the tumor expresses the genes of the major histocompatibility complex; however, there was a limited diversity. Therefore, the most likely explanation for devil-to-devil transmission of DFTD is that the tumor is not recognized by the devil as “non-self” because of the limited genetic diversity. With its consistent morphology and relatively stable genome, this tumor would provide a reasonable target for a vaccine approach, provided the immune system can be coaxed into recognizing the tumor as “non-self.”  相似文献   
The physiological mechanisms by which parasites with complex life cycles manipulate the behaviour of their intermediate hosts are still poorly understood. In Burgundy, eastern France, the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevis inverses reaction to light in its amphipod host Gammarus pulex, but not in Gammarus roeseli, a recent invasive species. Here, we show that this difference in manipulation actually reflects a difference in the ability of the parasite to alter brain serotonergic (5-HT) activity of the two host species. Injection of 5-HT in uninfected individuals of both host species was sufficient to inverse reaction to light. However, a difference in brain 5-HT immunocytochemical staining levels between infected and uninfected individuals was observed only in G. pulex. Local adaptation of the parasite to the local host species might explain its inability to manipulate the behaviour and nervous system of the invasive species.  相似文献   
Question: Plant invasions result from complex interactions between species traits, community characteristics and environmental variations. We examined the effect of these interactions on the invasion potential of two invasive Senecio species, S. inaequidens and S. pterophorus, across three Mediterranean plant communities in a natural park. Location: Catalonia, NE Spain. Methods: We carried out two series of experimental seedling transplantations, in the spring and fall of 2003, in grassland, shrubland and Quercus ilex forest. Competition with neighbouring plants and water availability were manipulated. We evaluated the survival, growth and reproduction with respect to each treatment combination. Results: Any habitat can be colonised if disturbance occurs. In the absence of disturbance, shrubland enhanced the survival of seedlings. Competition with resident vegetation dramatically reduced survival in grassland and forest when establishment occurred in the spring. However, establishment in the fall promoted invasion in grassland and shrubland, even in the undisturbed treatment. Grassland allowed the highest growth and reproductive performance of both species while forest was the most resistant habitat to invasion. S. inaequidens had a higher growth rate and a shorter pre‐reproductive period than S. pterophorus. S. pterophorus produced more biomass and was more dependent on water availability than S. inaequidens. Conclusions: In the light of our results, we recommend surveying open shrublands and grasslands after periods of rainfall. Special attention should be paid to S. pterophorus, which is currently spreading. A preliminary assessment of the invasive‐ness of this plant is given in this study.  相似文献   
Carcinoma invasion implies potentiality to metastasize distantly but, despite its clinical importance, it is still a poorly understood process. There is increasing evidence pointing to a role of epithelial–mesenchymal transition by which tumour cells would weaken E-cadherin-dependent intercellular adhesion and enhance motility, thus becoming able to penetrate into surrounding tissues. The activated tissue microenvironment at the advancing tumour front seems to provide the appropriate stimuli for triggering this change. The binding of growth factors and extracellular matrix molecules to tumour cell membrane receptors generates cascades of intracellular signals that could ultimately promote the down-regulation of E-cadherin and the activation of the cytoskeleton. Therefore, cells lose intercellular junctions and emanate cytoplasmic extensions that protrude from the basal surface into the stromal compartment through interruptions of the basement membrane. These protrusions establish new contacts with the interstitial matrix and, finally, the contraction of the cytoskeleton allows cell translocation into the stroma. Here, repeated cycles of spatially and temporally coordinated protrusive and contractile events ensure the locomotion of invading cells. Invasion predicts the ability to generate metastasis, therefore epithelial–mesenchymal transition could provide new insights on the mechanisms underlying this detrimental process. Furthermore, since deregulated proteins known to be involved in epithelial–mesenchymal transition seem associated with cancer progression, they could potentially be utilized as prognostic markers or therapeutic targets. Thus, in addition to increasing our knowledge of tumour invasion biology, studying epithelial–mesenchymal transition will, in the future, offer novel opportunities to define clinical parameters and pharmacological treatment.  相似文献   
AIMS: Campylobacter isolates from turkeys were genotyped and characterized by their in vitro virulence properties. Relationships between bacterial genotypes and virulence properties were analysed. METHODS AND RESULTS: Isolates were analysed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and fla typing. The toxin production was determined on the phenotypic level using a CHO-K1 cell culture model and on the genotypic level using PCR for detection of the cdtA, cdtB and cdtC genes. Although the cdtB gene was detected from 100% of the Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolates we observed three different morphological pictures on the cells. Cytotoxicity was associated with cell distension or cell rounding. All four Camp. coli strains and one Camp. jejuni strain did not produce any cytotoxic changes on the cells. Adhesion, invasion and survival of Campylobacter isolates were determined in a Caco-2 cell culture model. All isolates adhered to and invaded Caco-2 cells, whereas 64.7% of the strains survived for 48 h in the cells. CONCLUSION: Seventeen Campylobacter isolates from turkeys were classified into four groups with regard to their in vitro abilities. Jackknife analysis revealed a strong association between these groups and genotype clusters. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Typing methods have generally failed to identify strains with specific virulence properties. This study suggests that a relationship between subgroups of Campylobacter with common in vitro virulence characteristics and genotypes exist.  相似文献   
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