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吴燕梅  胡伟平 《生态科学》2007,26(5):447-451
基于GIS的梯度分析与景观格局定量分析相结合的方法,研究了广州市萝岗区景观在城市化梯度上的空间特征。结果表明:①萝岗区的景观结构中,林地为优势景观,占整个景观比例53%左右,而占2.57%的推平未利用地则表明萝岗区的景观结构并不稳定;②类型水平上的景观格局指数分析表明各种景观类型沿着梯度区表现出独特的空间特征,明显反映了城市化的梯度和前沿;③景观水平的格局分析表明城市化导致景观的破碎化程度增大,异质性增高,并且景观形状越来越复杂,景观向多样化和均匀化发展。  相似文献   
海神石类新种Cymaclymenia acuminata产于桂林南边村Ⅰ剖面,属于Wocklumeria 带上部Parawocklumeria paradoxa亚带的分子,是中国南方上泥盆统顶部三个已知的菊石种之一。  相似文献   
蒙古南部新金斯特地区萨克黑尔剖面察甘安布拉格组上部发现的牙形刺, 包括Caudicriodusneowos chmidtisp. nov., Caudicriodussp. A, Kimognathussp., “Ozarkodina”planilingua, Pandorinellinaoptima, Ozarkodinaexcavata, 清楚地表明察甘安布拉格组上部应当归到中洛霍考夫阶(泥盆系)而不是像以往那样归到中-上志留统。海相温洛克统和罗德洛统地层在蒙古南部是否存在还需要寻找证据。文章描写了一个新种Caudicriodusneowos chmidtisp. nov.和一个未定种Caudicriodussp. A。  相似文献   
Karyotypes of 25 populations of 15 species in Allium section Rhiziridium from China were analyzed to discuss the evolutionary mechanisms of Allium section Rhiziridium and cytogeography of some species. Root tips for the study of mitotic chromosomes were obtained from potted plants and pretreated with paradichlorobenzene at room temperature for 9 hours. After 12-24 hours fixation in 1∶3 acetic alcohol, the root tips were macerated in 1mol·L-1 HC1 for 9 minutes at 60℃ and then stained and squashed in carbol fuchsin. Karyotype asymmetry was assessed by As.K%. Results showed that taxa investigated were diploid or tetraploid. Furthermore, the karyotype types were 1A, 2A or 2B according to Stebbins’ karyotype classification. Karyotypes of A.tekesicola, A.tianschanicum, A.beesianum and A.spirale were reported for the first time. Combined with previous karyotype studies, we suggested that: (1) The basic chromosome number of Allium section Rhiziridium from China is x=8. (2) The karyotype types evolutionary trend of Allium section Rhiziridium from China is 1A→2A→2B→2C . (3) Satellite chromosomes of Allium section Rhiziridium from China are varied in numbers and shapes. (4) Polyploidy and chromosome structural rearrangement are two important evolution patterns in Allium section Rhiziridium from China. (5) A.cyaneum and A.nu tans have exploited new niches through polyploidy and asexual reproduction.  相似文献   
Kinetic analysis of 3H-serotonin accumulation by crude synaptosomal suspensions of neocortex, hippocampus and caudate or by whole homogenates of cerebellum revealed the presence of a high affinity uptake component having an apparent Km for serotonin which ranged from 2.8 to 6.0 × 10?8 M. A second, low affinity, uptake component with an apparent Km of 7 × 10?6 M was present in caudate. A comparable low affinity uptake component for serotonin was not observed in neocortex, hippocampus or cerebellum. Lesions in the medial forebrain bundle produced significant decreases in serotonin comtent of neocortes, hippocampus and caudate (66 to 75%) and a significant increase in serotonin content of cerebellum (25%). The lesions did not affect the apparent Km of the high affinity uptake system but did produce change in Vmax which paralleled the changes in content of serotonin. The lesions also produced decreases in dopamine and norepinephrine content of caudate and a comparable decrease in the Vmax of the low affinity uptake system with no change in the apparent Km. There was a correlation of 0.97 between the endogenous content of serotonin and the Vmax of the high affinity uptake system. These results support the view that the high and low affinity components of serotonin uptake represent accumulation into serotonergic and catecholaminergic neurons, respectively.  相似文献   
芍药属牡丹组的分类历史和分类处理   总被引:95,自引:7,他引:95  
芍药属Paeonia木本类群,即牡丹组sect.Moutan DC.,为中国特有;广泛栽培的牡丹也起源于 中国。遗憾的是我国学者对牡丹类群的分类一直未予重视,野生类群的标本也很少。90年代以来对该 类群的分类突然热起来,中外学者连续发表了多个新种、新亚种和新等级,但仍然没有一个全面的修订。 在美国地理学会基金资助下,我们几乎踏遇了该类群分布区的各个角落,拜访了所有模式产地(仅一个 例外),对64个居群进行了考察和取样。在性状分析的基础上检查了各个分类群的问题,考证了全部模 式,最后对该类群作出分类修订。本文是对分类历史的回顾,并表述了我们的分类处理:牡丹组共有8个种,其中3个种各包含两个亚种,另有两个杂种。  相似文献   
21株马特组镰刀菌遗传多样性的ISSR分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为明确马特组镰刀菌种间和种内的遗传差异与亲缘关系,本文利用ISSR分子标记技术对21个马特组菌株进行了遗传多样性分析.结果表明:利用筛选出的15条引物对3种供试菌株进行扩增,共扩增出239条条带,其中多态性条带230条,多态性位点比例为96.2%,平均每条引物产生条带数为15.3条.21个菌株间的遗传相似系数范围为0.494~0.933,平均为0.640.在遗传相似系数为0.593时,供试的21株马特组镰刀菌可明显分成2个ISSR类群(IG),IG-Ⅰ包括1~17号菌株,为Fusarium solani和F solani var.coeruleum;IG-Ⅱ包括18 ~21号菌株,全部为F.ventricosum.在遗传相似系数为0.933时,供试的21个菌株可被全部区分开.供试的镰刀菌基因组在SSR区域具有丰富的多态性;ISSR类群划分与菌种分类之间存在一定相关性,但与菌株的地理来源没有相关性;而同一类群中,不同菌株之间的遗传相似性与菌株的地理来源存在一定的相关性.同一地区同种寄主的相同菌种,其菌株间也存在一定的遗传差异.  相似文献   
采用常规压片法,对15种25居群葱属根茎组植物进行核型研究,首次报道荒漠韭Allium tekesicola、蓝花韭A.beesianum的染色体数目和核型,并增补了一些根茎组植物的细胞学资料。结果表明:供试类群为二倍体或四倍体,核型类型为1A、2A或2B;高山韭A.sikkimense壤塘居群和荒漠韭具短臂随体,宽苞韭A.platyspathum的和布克赛尔居群、奇台居群具居间随体;野黄韭A.rude雅江居群和荒漠韭中各存在1条B染色体。结合前人研究结果,我们讨论了中国根茎组植物的染色体基数、随体染色体的多型性、B染色体的进化意义和该组植物的进化方式,探讨了天蓝韭A.cyaneum、齿丝山韭A.nutans的地理分布成因,得到了如下推论:(1)中国根茎组植物的染色体基数x=8;(2)中国根茎组植物的核型进化趋势为:1A→2A→2B→2C;(3)中国根茎组植物的随体染色体具多型性;(4)多倍化和结构变异是中国根茎组植物进化的两种重要方式;(5)天蓝韭和齿丝山韭以多倍化和无性生殖来克服扩大新的生存空间遇到的困难。  相似文献   
Seventeen B-lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-LCLs) have been studied for their ability to intereact with normal T cells and produce IgG and IgM in culture. All B-LCLs were HLA homozygous, having been derived from consanguineous donors by in vitro transformation with Epstein-Barr virus, 1 × 104 B-LCLs were cultured with 0, 5, 10, or 20 times as many normal peripheral blood T cells in a 0.2-ml culture. Culture supernatants were removed after 3 and 6 days and assayed for IgG and IgM by a radioimmunoassay. Thirteen of the cell lines were able to secrete immunoglobulin (50–6000 ng/ml), primarily IgG, when cultured without T cells. Addition of T cells (sheep erythrocyte rosette-forming cells) modulated immunoglobulin production, causing either marked enhancement or suppression depending upon the B-cell line. T cells cultured without the B-LCLs did not secrete immunoglobulin above the background level of the immunoassays (6.25 ng/ml). Cell lines which did not secrete IgM when cultured alone could frequently be induced to do so when T cells from select donors were added. Under these conditions, IgM was generally found only in the supernatant fluid removed after 6 days. Taken together, these results suggest that B-LCLs contain cells of at least two stages, those that secrete IgG and resting cells capable of secreting IgM. Furthermore, cells at both stages can be regulated by normal T cells.  相似文献   
Riassunto Si sono allestite le schede morfopalinologiche compilate secondo le norme della ?Flora Palinologica Italiana?, perCorylus avellana L. cv. TGL eCorylus maxima Miller per polline acetolizzato e fresco. Le due specie rivestono interesse agronomico anche per l'ottenimento di ibridi interspecifici. La differenza del rapporto P/E fra le due entità risulta altamente significativa Tuttavia non è possibile un riconoscimento dei due tipi pollinici direttamente in analisi aerosporologiche.
Summary Palynological cards ofCorylus avellana cv. TGL andCorylus maxima Miller are presented for fresh and acetolyzed pollens, according to the project ?Flora Palinologica Italiana?. Both species are interesting from the agricultural point of view, also for the possibility to obtain interspecific hybrids. The difference of the P/E ratio between the two entities is highly significant. In sprite of this fact, is not possible to discriminate the two pollen types in aerosporological analysis for their extreme similarity.
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