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The pattern of ontogenetic development of tryptophan (TP), tryptamine (T), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; serotonin), and 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid (5-HIAA) in the brains of rats aged 1-45 days is presented. Analysis of the five components in each brain allows the calculation of the acid/amine and amine/amino acid ratios. These metabolic indexes are a useful tool to study and compare the metabolic origins and fates of both amines. The ontogenetic patterns of TP, T, and IAA are very similar, especially during the first week postpartum. The highest and lowest levels found for T were 2.2 ng/g and 0.1 ng/g at the 1st and 5th day, respectively. The temporal relationship between the T/TP and IAA/T ratios suggests the existence of mechanisms protecting T against monoamine oxidase (MAO) which develop in parallel to synaptogenesis. Significant correlations were found between TP and IAA during the whole period studied and between TP and T during the first week after birth. The 5-HT peak found during the first postpartum week could be due to a non-neuronal pool of 5-HT protected against MAO and possibly contained in mast cells. Preliminary determinations on leptomeningeal membranes suggest the existence of such a pool.  相似文献   
Murine embryonal carcinoma cells can be induced to differentiate in vitro by various physical and chemical means. We report here that inhibition of ornithine decarboxylase activity with a specific enzyme-activated inhibitor, alpha-difluoromethylornithine, can induce differentiation in embryonal carcinoma cells. The differentiated phenotype can be distinguished from undifferentiated embryonal carcinoma cells by altered cellular morphology, biochemical and cell surface antigenic properties. These results suggest that alterations in the levels of cellular polyamines may play a role in embryonal carcinoma cell differentiation.  相似文献   
The nonenzymatic decarboxylation of dopa was completely blocked by both 2-mercaptoethanol and EDTA together over the wide range of pH. This finding made it possible to measure the activity of dopa decarboxylase precisely even at an alkaline pH value. The pH optimum of dopa decarboxylase was found to be pH 7.0 and the Km value for dopa was determined to be 4 X 10(-5) M.  相似文献   
Abstract: The concentration of γ-aminobutyrate (GABA) and the activity of glutamate decarboxylase and GABA-transaminase were measured in extracts of mouse brain before the onset and during the course of generalized seizures induced by systemic administration of homocysteine thiolactone. The results indicate that whole brain GABA metabolism is unaffected by subconvulsive and convulsive doses of homocysteine at all stages of the generalized seizure. Electroencephalographic monitoring of rat brain electrical activity via hippocampal electrode implantation allowed the course of homocysteine-induced seizures to be followed and afforded a means of quantifying such seizures.  相似文献   
Effects of Light on Dopamine Metabolism in the Chick Retina   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
The effect of prolonged exposure to light on the activity of dopaminergic neurons and dopamine (DA) metabolism of chick retinae was investigated. alpha-Fluoromethyldopa, a potent and specific irreversible inactivator of aromatic amino acid decarboxylase, was used to assess DA turnover after inhibition of synthesis, and also to assess in vivo tyrosine hydroxylase activity by dihydroxyphenylalanine accumulation. After 48 h of light exposure, retinal DNA in 12-day-old chicks was about 30% higher (p less than 0.005) whereas dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA) were elevated two to three times (p less than 0.005) the level of controls kept in the dark for the same period. DA turnover was about twofold faster in the light (t 1/2 = 31 min) than in the dark (t 1/2 = 65 min). Tyrosine hydroxylase, assayed in vitro with saturating levels of cofactor and substrate, increased by about 50% after light exposure. The apparent tyrosine hydroxylase activity in vivo was approximately sixfold higher in the light than the dark. These results are interpreted and discussed in terms of the regulation of DA synthesis, and the use of DOPAC and HVA as indices of DA function in the retina.  相似文献   
The effect of a stressful manipulation on the metabolism of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the rat brain was studied. Application of an immobilized stress to animals induced a significant increase in the striatal and hypothalamic GABA contents without affecting those in other central structures examined. It was also found that the increase in striatal GABA level preceded that in the hypothalamus. This increase in steady-state levels of GABA in the striatum and hypothalamus disappeared at 12 h after the termination of the application of stress for 3 h, which exhibited a maximal stimulatory action on the GABA contents in both central areas. The activity of L-glutamic acid decarboxylase was found to be significantly elevated in the striatum and hypothalamus following the stress application with a concomitant decrease in the content of L-glutamic acid, which is converted to GABA by the catalytic action of the latter enzyme. The in vivo turnover of GABA in the brain was estimated by taking advantages of the postmortem accumulation of GABA following decapitation and of the selective inhibitory action of a low dose of aminooxyacetic acid on the GABA degrading system, respectively. Analysis using these two different methods revealed that the cerebral turnover of GABA in vivo was not significantly altered under stressful situations despite of the increase in its steady-state level. These results suggest that central GABA system may respond to the input of painful stimuli resulting from the application of a severe physical and psychological stressor, in addition to the well-known functional alterations in catecholamine neurons. The functional significance of these alterations in the central GABA neurons is also discussed.  相似文献   
Summary A database search has revealed significant and extensive sequence similarities among prokaryotic and eukaryotic pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)-dependent decarboxylases, includingDrosophila glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and bacterial histidine decarboxylase (HDC). Based on these findings, the sequences of seven PLP-dependent decarboxylases from five different organisms have been aligned to derive a consensus sequence for this family of enzymes. In addition, quantitative methods have been employed to calculate the relative evolutionary distances between pairs of the decarboxylases comprising this family. The multiple sequence analysis together with the quantitative results strongly suggest an ancient and common origin for all PLP-dependent decarboxylases. This analysis also indicates that prokaryotic and eukaryotic HDC activities evolved independently. Finally, a sensitive search algorithm (PROFILE) was unable to detect additional members of this decarboxylase family in protein sequence databases.  相似文献   
Analysis of the mammalian retina for serotonin immunoreactivity suggests an absence of the amine. However, following an intraocular injection of forskolin (1 microM) into a rabbit eye 1 h before analysis of the retina, serotonin immunoreactivity is associated with a subpopulation of amacrine cells. These cells correspond in size and position to the "indoleamine-accumulating cells" of the retina. Biochemical experiments show that forskolin treatment produces an increase in levels of endogenous serotonin and 5-hydroxytryptophan but has no effect on the uptake of serotonin or tryptophan or the metabolism of 5-hydroxytryptophan. These results suggest that the "indoleamine-accumulating cells" in the retina are "serotonergic cells" and that the level of amine is elevated sufficiently for localisation following forskolin treatment. It would appear that forskolin either directly or indirectly activates tryptophan hydroxylase.  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated that a weak, extremely-low-frequency magnetic field must be coherent for some minimum length of time (≈? 10 s) in order to affect the specific activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) in L929 mouse cells. In this study we explore whether or not the superposition of an incoherent (noise) magnetic field can block the bioeffect of a coherent 60 Hz magnetic field, since the sum of the two fields is incoherent. An experimental test of this idea was conducted using as a biological marker the twofold enhancement of ODC activity found in L929 murine cells after exposure to a 60 Hz, 10 μTrms magnetic field. We superimposed an incoherent magnetic noise field, containing frequencies from 30 to 90 Hz, whose rms amplitude was comparable to that of the 60 Hz field. Under these conditions the ODC activity observed after exposure was equal to control levels. It is concluded that the superposition of incoherent magnetic fields can block the enhancement of ODC activity by a coherent magnetic field if the strength of the incoherent field is equal to or greater than that of the coherent field. When the superimposed, incoherent noise field was reduced in strength, the enhancement of ODC activity by the coherent field increased. Full ODC enhancement was obtained when the rms value of the applied EM noise was less than one-tenth that of the coherent field. These results are discussed in relation to the question of cellular detection of weak EM fields in the presence of endogenous thermal noise fields. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary 1. During early ontogeny, the serotonergic neurons in the brain stem of the three-spined stickleback shows a temporal and spatial developmental pattern that closely resembles that of amniotes.2. However, in the adult fish, only the midline nuclei of the rostral group (dorsal and median raphe nuclei) and the dorsal lateral tegmental nucleus are consistently serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HTir), whereas the groups of the upper and lower rhombencephalon (raphe pontis, raphe magnus, and raphe pallidus/obscurus nuclei) are variable and, when present, contain relatively small numbers of 5-HTir neurons.3. Using specific antisera against tryptophan 5-hydroxylase and aromaticl-amino acid decarboxylase, we have shown that the lateral B9 group and the groups of the upper and lower rhombencephalon are consistently present in adult sticklebacks. The results are discussed in relation to other known instances of neurotransmitter plasticity or transient neurotransmitter expression in teleost fish.4. While there are several instances of transient expression of neurotransmitter markers by discrete neuronal populations, there is so far no evidence of changes from one neurotransmitter phenotype to another in the brain of teleost fish. However, there are indications of plasticity of expression of catecholamines and indoleamines, and their respective synthesizing enzymes, as reflected in age-dependent changes and variation between individuals of different physiological status.5. As the brain grows continuously in teleost fish, and new neurons are added from proliferative regions, synaptic connections may be expected to undergo remodeling in all brain regions throughout life. Thus, the teleostean brain may be considered a suitable model for experimental studies of different aspects of neural plasticity.  相似文献   
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