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The thermal range for viability is quite variable among Drosophila species and it has long been known that these variations are correlated with geographic distribution: temperate species are on average more cold tolerant but more heat sensitive than tropical species. At both ends of their viability range, sterile males have been observed in all species investigated so far. This symmetrical phenomenon restricts the temperature limits within which permanent cultures can be kept in the laboratory. Thermal heat sterility thresholds are very variable across species from 23 degrees C in heat sensitive species up to 31 degrees C in heat tolerant species. In Drosophila melanogaster, genetic variations are observed among geographic populations. Tropical populations are more tolerant to heat induced sterility and recover more rapidly than temperate ones. A genetic analysis revealed that about 50% of the difference observed between natural populations was due to the Y chromosome. Natural populations have not reached a selection limit, however: thermal tolerance was still increased by keeping strains at a high temperature, close to the sterility threshold. On the low temperature side, a symmetrical reverse phenomenon seems to exist: temperate populations are more tolerant to cold than tropical ones. Compared to Mammals, drosophilids exhibit two major differences: first, male sterility occurs not only at high temperature, but also at a low temperature; second, sterility thresholds are not evolutionarily constrained, but highly variable. Altogether, significant and sometimes major genetic variations have been observed between species, between geographic races of the same species, and even between strains kept in the laboratory under different thermal regimes. In each case, it is easily argued that the observed variations correspond to adaptations to climatic conditions, and that male sterility is a significant component of fitness and a target of natural selection.  相似文献   
Causal connections between dipeptidyl peptidase IV, also known as CD26 molecule (DPP IV/CD26) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have been shown, but mechanisms of these interactions are unclear. Our hypothesis was that DPP IV/CD26 could affect the neuroimmune response during inflammatory events. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate its possible role and the relevance of the gut-brain axis in a model of IBD in mice. Trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid-induced (TNBS) colitis was induced in CD26-deficient (CD26(-/-) ) and wild-type (C57BL/6) mice. Pathohistological and histomorphometrical measurements were done. Concentrations and protein expressions of DPP IV/CD26 substrates neuropeptide Y (NPY) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) were determined. Concentrations of IL-6 and IL-10 were evaluated. Investigations were conducted at systemic and local levels. Acute inflammation induced increased serum NPY concentrations in both mice strains, more enhanced in CD26(-/-) mice. Increased NPY concentrations were found in colon and brain of C57BL/6 mice, while in CD26(-/-) animals only in colon. VIP and IL-6 serum and tissue concentrations were increased in both mice strains in acute inflammation, more pronouncedly in CD26(-/-) mice. IL-10 concentrations, after a decrease in serum of both mice strains, increased promptly in CD26(-/-) mice. Decreased IL-10 concentration was found in brain of C57BL/6 mice, while it was increased in colon of CD26(-/-) mice in acute inflammation. DPP IV/CD26 deficiency affects the neuroimmune response at systemic and local levels during colitis development and resolution in mice. Inflammatory changes in the colon reflected on investigated parameters in the brain, suggesting an important role of the gut-brain axis in IBD pathogenesis.  相似文献   
WRKY 蛋白质是一个植物特有的超级转录调控因子家族, 在拟南芥和水稻基因组中分别拥有至少74 个和97 个成员。最古老的WRKY 转录调控因子拥有2 个高度保守的WRKY 结构域, 可能起源于15~ 20 亿年前的真核生物。虽然所有WRKY 蛋白质主要通过特异地结合靶基因启动子区域的W 盒序列而调控其表达, 但各家族成员基因的生物学功能存在着各自的特异性。本文详细总结了WRKY 蛋白质在调控植物发育和逆境诱导反应的信号转导途径建立等方面的分子生物学功能。  相似文献   
Regulation of neuropeptide expression in the brain by neurotrophins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Neurotrophins, which are structurally related to nerve growth factor, have been shown to promote survival of various neurons. Recently, we found a novel activity of a neurotrophin in the brain: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) enhances expression of various neuropeptides. The neuropeptide differentiation activity was then compared among neurotrophins both in vivo and in vitro. In cultured neocortical neurons, BDNF and neurotrophin-5 (NT-5) remarkably increased levels of neuropeptide Y and somatostatin, and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) also increased these peptides but required higher concentrations. At elevating substance P, however, NT-3 was as potent as BDNF. In contrast, NGF had negligible or no effect. Neurotrophins administered into neonatal brain exhibited slightly different potencies for increasing these neuropeptides: The most marked increase in neuropeptide Y levels was obtained in the neocortex by NT-5, whereas in the striatum and hippocampus by BDNF, although all three neurotrophins increased somatostatin similarly in all the brain regions examined. Overall spatial patterns of the neuropeptide induction were similar among the neurotrophins. Neurons in adult rat brain can also react with the neurotrophins and alter neuropeptide expression in a slightly different fashion. Excitatory neuronal activity and hormones are known to change expression of neurotrophins. Therefore, neurotrophins, neuronal activity, and hormones influence each other and all regulate neurotransmitter/peptide expression in developing and mature brain. Physiological implication of the neurotransmitter/peptide differentiation activities is also discussed.  相似文献   
It is noteworthy that exposure to opiates during fetal development results in permanent changes in adults related to morphological, behavioral and biochemical measures; however little is known concerning the effects of such drugs in early postnatal life. We investigated in newborn rats the effects of prenatal morphine-exposure on both—the hypothalamic metabolism of norepinephrine (NE), serotonin (5 HT) and neuropeptide Y (NPY)—the activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary gonadal and adrenal axes. In a previous study performed in newborns of untreated mothers, we reported some sex-dependent changes in the metabolism of NE, 5 HT and NPY in the hypothalamus and an early activation of the gonadostimulating function and of the corticostimulating one. In control newborns from saline-treated mothers, a slight increase in the hypothalamic metabolism of NE (males) and 5 HT (males and females) was observed and it was comparable in both sexes. On the other hand, the hypothalamic content of NPY was unaffected in early postnatal period in newborn males as well as in females. These changes observed on hypothalamic metabolisms are temporally correlated with the early postnatal activation of the corticostimulating function in neonates of both sexes and that of the gonadostimulating one, mainly in males. Prenatal morphine exposure altered the hypothalamic metabolism of 5 HT which was increased mainly in newborn females but did not affect either the metabolism of NE or the NPY content of the hypothalamus. The more drastic effect of the prenatal morphine treatment is the atrophy and hypoactivity of the adrenals in newborns of both sexes at birth time and during the early postnatal period. In contrast morphine did not impair postnatal surge of the plasma testosterone level in male pups as well as late and slight increase of plasma estradiol in female ones.  相似文献   
马铃薯Y病毒蚜传辅助成分介导PVX/PVY协生作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
构建了马铃薯Y病毒中国株系(PVY-C)蚜传辅助成分(HC-Pro)基因的正义、反义和缺失三种植物表达载体,通过农杆菌介导法转化烟草品种NC89。Southern blot分析表明,HC-Pro基因及其突变体已经整合到烟草染色体中,Western blot分析证明,正义HC-Pro基因及其缺失突变体在转基因烟草中有表达产物,攻毒试验结果表明,转正义,HC-Pro基因及其缺失突变体不仅能够提高T1转基因烟草中PVY-C的病毒积累和致病,而且对异源病毒PVX具有同样的作用,而转反义HC-Pro基因烟草对PVY-C和PVX的致病性无影响,因此,PVY-C HC-Pro基因介导PVX/PVY的协作作用。  相似文献   
Potato virus Y (PVY) is an important pathogen of potato (Solanum tuberosum). Although the PBS1–RPS5 immune system is well documented in Arabidopsis thaliana, it has not been reported in potato. In Arabidopsis, the bacterial effector AvrPphB cleaves AtPBS1 to trigger an immune response. Here, we show that the AvrPphB-triggered immune response is mediated by StPBS1, a close homologue of AtPBS1 in potato. However, downstream signalling of StPBS1 was mediated by unknown resistance (R) proteins other than potato orthologues of AtRPS5 and HvPBR1, which is important for HvPBS1 signalling in barley. Immune signalling of StPBS1 is mediated by the AvrPphB C-terminal cleavage domain and an STKPQ motif, in contrast to AtPBS1-mediated immunity in which both AvrPphB cleavage fragments and an SEMPH motif are essential. The cleavage sequence of AvrPphB in StPBS1 was replaced with that of the PVY NIa-Pro protease to obtain StPBS1NIa. StPBS1NIa overexpression potato displayed stronger immunity to PVY infection than did the StPBS1 transgenic lines. StPBS1NIa was cleaved at the expected target site by NIa-Pro protease from PVY. Thus, we characterized the function of StPBS1 in potato immunity and provide a biotechnology control method for PVY via transformation of decoy-engineered StPBS1NIa.  相似文献   
Objectives:Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is involved in the coordination of bone mass and adiposity. However, multiple NPY sources exist and their individual contribution to the skeleton and adiposity not known. The objectives of our study were to evaluate the effects of peripheral mesenchymal derived NPY to the skeleton and adiposity and to compare them to the global NPYKO model.Methods:To study the role of mesenchymal-derived NPY, we crossed conditional NPY (NPYfl/fl) mice with Prx1cre to generate PrxNPYKO mice. The bone phenotype was assessed using micro-CT. The skeletal phenotype of PrxNPYKO mice was subsequently compared to global NPYKO model. We evaluated body weight, adiposity and functionally assessed the feeding response of NPY neurons to determine whether central NPY signaling was altered by Prx1cre.Results:We identified the increase in cortical parameters in PrxNPYKO mice with no changes to cancellous bone. This was the opposite phenotype to global NPYKO mice generated from the same conditional allele. Male NPYKO mice have increased adiposity, while PrxNPYKO mice showed no difference, demonstrating that local mesenchymal-derived NPY does not influence adiposity.Conclusion:NPY mediates both positive and negative effects on bone mass via separate regulatory pathways. Deletion of mesenchymal-derived NPY had a positive effect on bone mass.  相似文献   
视觉感知的一系列研究都支持大范围拓扑感知的理论.拓扑性质作为整体性质,是视觉感知的基础.视觉对图形拓扑特征差异的感知要优先于对局部特征差异的感知.采用Y迷宫研究了小鼠对不同拓扑性质图形的识别.训练小鼠学习识别圆环和实心矩形这一对拓扑性质不同的图形,之后用拓扑特征相同或不同的其他图形测试小鼠,这些图形包括空心矩形、实心圆、缺口的圆环、缺口的空心矩形.实验结果表明,学会识别圆环(奖励)和实心矩形(无奖励)的小鼠无法区分实心圆和实心矩形以及圆环和空心矩形,但是能够分别从缺口圆环、缺口的空心矩形、实心圆与空心矩形组成的图形对中识别出空心矩形.因此证实了小鼠的视觉系统能够感知拓扑特征的差异并且具有对拓扑性质的概括能力.结果为拓扑知觉对视觉系统来说是基本的这一假设提供了证据.  相似文献   
Immunocytochemical techniques have been used to study neuropeptide Y (NPY) distribution in the human visual cortex (Brodman's areas 17, 18 and 19) NYP cell bodies belong mostly to inhibitory (multipolar and bitufted) but also to excitatory (bipolar and some pyramidal) neuronal types. Their distribution is similar in the three cortical areas studied: 20 to 40% of the NPY perikarya are located in the cortical gray matter, mostly in the deep layers, while the remaining 60 to 80% are located in the underlying white matter. Immunoreactive NPY processes form a rich network of intersecting fibers throughout the entire visual cortex. A superficial plexus (layers I and II) and a deep plexus (deep layer V and layer VI) of NPY fibers are present in areas 17, 18 and 19. In area 17, an additional well developed plexus is present in layers IVb and IVc. These plexuses receive branches from long parallel fibers arising from deep cortical layers or underlying white matter and terminating in superficial layers. Local or extrinsic NPY terminals wind around vessels in the cortex as well as in the white matter, and either penetrate them or form clusters of club endings on their walls. Our results suggest a role for NPY in human visual circuitry and in cortical blood flow regulation.  相似文献   
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