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Abstract Polysphondylium pallidum strain PPHU8 grown in association with bacteria contains aspartic and cysteine proteinases. When myxamoebae were grown in axenic medium the contribution of cysteine proteinases was much lower. The proteinase activity could be altered by addition of heat-killed bacteria to axenically growing cells. This was detected as an increase in the specific activity towards N -benzoyl-L-prolyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-arginine- p -nitroanilide, a cysteine proteinase substrate, and by the appearance of cysteine proteinase bands after electrophoretic analysis. The changes were inhibited by cycloheximide, azide and dinitrophenol. All the available evidence suggests that they are due to the de novo synthesis of cysteine proteinases.  相似文献   
An extracellular protein-polysaccharide-lipide (PPL) complex from exponentially growing cultures of Myxococcus virescens was purified by phosphate precipitation and gel chromatography. The high molecular weight slime polymer appeared homogenous upon isoelectric focusing. The PPL complex exhibited proteolytic activity against gelatin and the activity was only partly reduced by heat treatment. The function of the slime polymer as protein denatured was studied. The complex formed micelles similar to anionic detergents and it inhibited the precipitation and coagulation of proteins by trichloroacetic acid. Lysozyme was totally inactivated when treated with the PPL complex. By gel chromatography binding studies, the PPl complex was found to bind lysozyme in the ratio of 1 to 5.8 (w/w). After separation of added protein from the complex the anticoagulation effect on the protein remained. The biological function of the PPL complex was demonstrated with hemoglobin. When all susceptible peptide bonds in PPL-treated hemoglobin were hydrolyzed by trypsin only 20% in the urea-denatured protein were attacked. The combined role of slime and proteolytic activity is discussed.Abbreviations Used PPL protein-polysaccharide-lipide - TCA trichloroacetic acid - BSA bovine serum albumin - Tris tris-(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - CMC critical micelle concentration - DNFB 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene - DNP N-dinitrophenyl - SDS sodium dodecylsulphate - H.U. Hultin units  相似文献   
Endogenous lectins in both cellular slime molds and chicken tissues have been localized primarily intracellularly, in contrast with the predominantly extracellular localization of the glycoproteins, glycolipids, and glycosaminoglycans with which they might interact. Here we present evidence that lectins in both of these organisms may be externalized and become associated with the cell surface and/or extracellular materials. In chicken intestine, chicken-lactose-lectin-II is shown to be localized in the secretory granules of the goblet cells, along with mucin, and to be secreted onto the intestinal surface. In embryonic muscle, chicken-lactose-lectin-I is shown to be externalized with differentiation, ultimately becoming localized on the surface of myotubes and in the extracellular spaces. In a cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium purpureum, externalization of lectin is elicited by either polyvalent glycoproteins that bind the small amount of endogenous cell surface lectin, or by slime mold or plant lectins that bind unoccupied complementary cell surface oligosaccharides. These results suggest that externalization of endogenous lectin may be a response to specific external signals. We conclude that lectins are frequently held in intracellular reserves awaiting release for specific external functions.  相似文献   
Mutants were selected that are incapable of differentiating microcysts, a resting stage formed in response to high osmotic conditions. In the selection procedure amebae that failed to encyst were removed by flotation in 46% Percoll. Genetic crosses among 15 mutant strains were made by means of the macrocyst sexual cycle. Eleven of the strains mapped to three loci. Mutations at two of these loci (cysA and cysB) produced no observable alteration in the aggregation-fruiting pathway, although one set of strains altered at the cysA locus carried defects at a second unlinked site which blocked aggregation. The single strain that defined the third locus (cysC) is aggregateless. These results confirm the conclusion that there are several genes whose function is essential to microcyst development and is exclusive to this pathway. It remains uncertain whether there are other genes whose action is crucial to both encystment and to aggregation/fruiting.  相似文献   
Amoebae of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum (strain AX2) produce a pigment with an absorption spectrum that closely resembles the action spectrum for phototaxis. The protein-pigment complex was isolated and purified by sucrose gradient centrifugation, fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). It is tightly membrane-bound and the bulk of it is located in the mitochondrial membrane fraction, while a small part is located in the cytoplasmic membrane fraction, as indicated by marker enzyme tests (succinate dehydrogenase for mitochondria and alkaline phosphatase for the cytoplasmic membrane). It is speculated that the pigment bound to the cytoplasmic membrane acts as photoreceptor and that bound to the mitochondria operates as a shading pigment in the light direction perception mechanism of Dictyostelium amoebae.  相似文献   
Sylvie Secretan 《Geobios》1980,13(3):411-433
Are the Eumalacostraca issued from a model of Crustacea which the carapace would have disapeared later on in some of them, and persisted in others, or from one without carapace that some of its decendants would have acquired? In the two instances this ancestor would goes far back, seeing that, already, in the Devonian, Syncarida, Stomatopoda, Phyllocarida and Eocarida were differenciated. With regard to the preliminary survey on a fine material of Syncarida from the Stephanian of the region of Autun, comparisons between two models of Crustaceans from which the cephalon includes only sensorial and gnathal segments, without adjunction of any thoracic metamere, allow to specify the notion of carapace, and to surround the question. The great oldness of the origin of the phyla possessing or not possessing a carapace seems to exclude the hypothesis of a passing over from one model to the other and suggests a representation of the common ancestor which have to be searched in the Cambrian period.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Twenty different isolates of the cellular slime mold Acrasis rosea, obtained from diverse sources and geographic regions, were studied to determine similarities and differences in their development and structure in culture and their sensitivity or resistance to selected chemicals incorporated into the culture media. Six different classes of fruiting were defined based on the size, distribution, and type of sorocarps formed on the yeast, Rhodotorula, streaked on agar. In the course of these studies a significant mutant, NC-18V (variant), developed spontaneously from the wild type, normal parent strain NC-18N. The mutant differed considerably from all other Acrasis isolates, appeared several times in purified parental cultures, and represents the first laboratory derived variant of A. rosea to be described. Purified strains of the variant (V) and normal (N) cultures were obtained by single-spore isolation. Normal and variant amebae were mixed in ratios of 10:1 and 100:1 (N:V) and spore and stalk cells were selected from different sorocarps in various regions of the culture plate for analysis. The results of these selection experiments clearly indicate that the individual variant amebae have increased migratory ability and that they develop smaller, morphologically different, and more numerous sorocarps that form at distances further from the food source than NC-18N. Some isolates of Acrasis no longer were able to fruit and were classified as “non-fruiters” and a few other isolates formed only a few, small sorocarps on rare occasions. These isolates were mixed together in various combinations of 2 and 3 to screen for cell interaction, but no synergism contributing to fruiting was found. Although fruiting of many A. rosea isolates was inhibited by exposure to continuous light or constant darkness, some “escape”fruiting was noted in certain isolates even when small inocula were used. Single spore isolates of these escape fruiters still fruited in continuous light or dark, but fruiting was always greatly enhanced by a routine 12 hr light : 12 hr dark incubation cycle. It was shown by biochemical studies that actidione, crystal violet, malachite green, ethyl violet, and 5-fluorodeoxyuridine selectively killed some isolates and permitted a classification of isolates as either sensitive or resistant. In a further study of cell interaction between 2 different sets of Acrasis isolates with contrasting biochemical and morphologic markers the formation of neotypes or recombinants could not be demonstrated. The results of this study clearly indicate the existence of significant variation in A. rosea and the potential for application of these differences to developmental studies.  相似文献   
Tree‐bark, foliose lichens occur widely on a global scale. In some locales, such as forests, they contribute a substantial amount of biomass. However, there are few research reports on microbial communities including eukaryotic microbes associated with foliose lichens. Lichens collected from tree bark at 11 locations (Florida, New York State, Germany, Australia, and the Arctic) were examined to determine the density and C‐biomass of bacteria and some eukaryotic microbes, i.e. heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) and amoeboid protists. A rich microbial diversity was found, including large plasmodial slime molds, in some cases exceeding 100 μm in size. The densities of HNF and amoeboid protists were each positively correlated with densities of bacteria, r = 0.84 and 0.80, respectively (p < 0.01, N = 11 for each analysis) indicating a likely bacterial‐based food web. Microbial densities (number/g lichen dry weight) varied markedly across the geographic sampling sites: bacteria (0.7–13.1 × 108), HNF (0.2–6.8 × 106) and amoeboid protists (0.4–4.6 × 103). The ranges in C‐biomass (μg/g lichen dry weight) across the 11 sites were: bacteria (8.8–158.5), HNF (0.03–0.85), and amoeboid protists (0.08–540), the latter broad range was due particularly to absence or presence of large slime mold plasmodia.  相似文献   
Plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum (P. polycephalum) is a large single cell visible by an unaided eye. It shows sophisticated behavioural traits in foraging for nutrients and developing an optimal transport network of protoplasmic tubes spanning sources of nutrients. When placed in an environment with distributed sources of nutrients the cell ‘computes’ an optimal graph spanning the nutrients by growing a network of protoplasmic tubes. P. polycephalum imitates development of man-made transport networks of a country when configuration of nutrients represents major urban areas. We employed this feature of the slime mould to imitate mexican migration to USA. The Mexican migration to USA is the World's largest migration system. We bio-physically imitated the migration using slime mould P. polycephalum. In laboratory experiments with 3D Nylon terrains of USA we imitated development of migratory routes from Mexico-USA border to ten urban areas with high concentration of Mexican migrants. From results of laboratory experiments we extracted topologies of migratory routes, and highlighted a role of elevations in shaping the human movement networks.  相似文献   
For the production of D-amino acids using stable N-carbamyl-D-amino acid amidohydrolase (DCase) in an immobilized form, the DCase gene of Agrobacterium sp. KNK712 was mutagenized to increase its enzymatic thermostability. In a search for thermostability-related amino acid sites besides the two known sites of DCase, i.e., the 57th and 203rd amino acids, the new mutant enzyme found, in which the 236th amino acid, valine, had been changed to alanine, showed a 10°C increase in thermostability. These known three thermostability-related amino acids were changed to other amino acids by the PCR technique, and it was proved that the thermostability of the DCase increased when the 57th amino acid of DCase, histidine, was changed to leucine, the 203rd amino acid, proline, to asparagine, glutamate, alanine, isoleucine, histidine, or threonine, and the 236th amino acid, valine, to threonine or serine, in addition to the known mutations.  相似文献   
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