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滇西北亚高山针叶林带的外生菌根调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了滇西北亚高山针叶林带的外生菌根调查工作。对一些亚高山针叶树种的外生菌根及其形态学和解剖学等方面进行了比较。调查结果表明,该地主要树种如长苞冷杉(Abies georgeiOrr.)、丽江云杉(Picea likiangensis Pritz.)、高山松(Pinus densata Mast.)、垂枝云杉(Picea brachytyla(Fr.)Pritz.)以及少数大果红杉(Larix potaninii Batal.)与担子菌类真菌形成外生菌根。长苞冷杉根系所形成的菌根形态多为棍棒型;丽江云杉的菌根形态多为单轴式分枝型;高山松的菌根形态都是二叉状分枝型。  相似文献   
土壤有机质对土壤水分保持及其有效性的控制作用   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
如何基于常规测定因子评估森林在土壤水分保持方面的生态效益, 并建立森林固碳效益与水文效益的联系等科学问题, 在综合评估森林生态效益方面有着重要意义。该文以南亚热带地区的3种不同演替阶段的森林生态系统(人工恢复的马尾松针叶林(Pinus massoniana coniferous forest, PF)、马尾松针阔叶混交林(mixed Pinus massoniana-broad-leaved forest, PBF)和季风常绿阔叶林(monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest, MBF))为研究对象, 通过分析其土壤有机质及土壤水分状况在林内及林型间的分布格局差异, 探讨土壤有机质对土壤水分保持的控制作用。结果表明: 由PF至地带性顶级群落MBF的3种林分虽然相距很近且有关环境因子一致, 但0-30 cm土层的土壤含水量差异显著, MBF的最高, PBF其次; 3种林型林内土壤水分分布格局迥异, MBF的土壤水分随土层加深而递减的趋势明显, PBF土壤各层水分较为均一, PF则土壤表层水分含量较低, 与土壤有机质的状况一致。土壤水分特征曲线显示, 0-40 cm土层在相同基质吸力条件下的土壤水分含量: MBF > PBF > PF, MBF的保水性最好。进一步分析发现, 土壤孔隙度对土壤含水量的影响最大, 饱和含水量、土壤有机质次之, 同时, 考虑到土壤孔隙度和土壤饱和含水量对土壤有机质的高度依赖性, 我们认为土壤有机质控制着土壤含水量及其有效性( p= 0.014)。作为常规测定指标的土壤有机质, 不仅是森林固碳效益的关键指标, 而且可用来量度土壤水分保持及其有效性, 可以作为评价森林生态系统服务功能的一个综合指标。  相似文献   
Climate and forest structure are considered major drivers of forest demography and productivity. However, recent evidence suggests that the relationships between climate and tree growth are generally non‐stationary (i.e. non‐time stable), and it remains uncertain whether the relationships between climate, forest structure, demography and productivity are stationary or are being altered by recent climatic and structural changes. Here we analysed three surveys from the Spanish Forest Inventory covering c. 30 years of information and we applied mixed and structural equation models to assess temporal trends in forest structure (stand density, basal area, tree size and tree size inequality), forest demography (ingrowth, growth and mortality) and above‐ground forest productivity. We also quantified whether the interactive effects of climate and forest structure on forest demography and above‐ground forest productivity were stationary over two consecutive time periods. Since the 1980s, density, basal area and tree size increased in Iberian forests, and tree size inequality decreased. In addition, we observed reductions in ingrowth and growth, and increases in mortality. Initial forest structure and water availability mainly modulated the temporal trends in forest structure and demography. The magnitude and direction of the interactive effects of climate and forest structure on forest demography changed over the two time periods analysed indicating non‐stationary relationships between climate, forest structure and demography. Above‐ground forest productivity increased due to a positive balance between ingrowth, growth and mortality. Despite increasing productivity over time, we observed an aggravation of the negative effects of climate change and increased competition on forest demography, reducing ingrowth and growth, and increasing mortality. Interestingly, our results suggest that the negative effects of climate change on forest demography could be ameliorated through forest management, which has profound implications for forest adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   
We have compared the biodiversity variations in moth communities between unmanaged forests and commercial forests in a mountainous environment (Pyrenees France). The aim was to evaluate the impact of forestry activities on moth diversity. The data collected from the insects were analysed with a Bayesian specific similarity index (noted SSP index) and by statistical biodiversity indexes comparison. It was seen that diversity and richness were decreased in the plantation compared to the unmanaged forest. Interestingly, the composition of the communities of moths was shown to be not only related to the presence/absence of host plants, but also to be in relation with changes in the differences in forest architecture (i.e. the relative coverage by the different vegetation levels). However, the moth community in the commercial forest still has a high capacity to converge with the moth community present in more natural forests. We report here a list of 177 species of moths, providing information on the distribution of some uncommon species, poorly studied as yet in the Pyrenees.  相似文献   
由于城市化过程中人为活动的影响,城市林业土壤的性质发生了很大变化。城市林业土壤黑碳由于来源的多样性和受到人为活动的影响,其分布表现出独特的特征。以南京市为对象,调查分析了不同功能区城市林业土壤黑碳的含量及可能来源。结果表明:不同功能区城市林业土壤黑碳含量差异很大,其变幅为0.77-21.27g/kg。道路绿化带土壤黑碳含量显著高于其它功能区,居民区含量最低。黑碳在土壤表层中含量均高于表下层,黑碳富集于土壤表层。道路绿化带表层土壤黑碳含量与有机碳含量的比值(BC/SOC)为0.55,土壤黑碳的碳同位素比值(δ13CPDB)为-27.04‰,与其它功能区差异显著,城市交通污染对土壤黑碳积累产生强烈影响。  相似文献   
尖峰岭热带山地雨林主要神类能量背景值测定分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道了海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林主要树种67种、灌木及大型木质藤本植物16种的各器官的热值。结果表明,热带森林主要种类的热值差异甚大,即使相同属内的一些种类,均具有明显的差异,这种差异与植物种的生物学特性有关,即在生活型的分类系统中,芽位越高的植物其热值越高,但在同一树种中,不同个体大小的植株,其差异不明显;不同植物种的根系热值也差异不大。一般情况下,树叶的热值较大,树干、树皮、树枝和根系次之。已初步证明了部分热带植物含有较多的硅、锰、铁、钙等元素,它们在样品燃烧后形成了颗粒状的剩余物,这是一个值得更深入探讨的新问题。  相似文献   
Climate projections from 20 downscaled global climate models (GCMs) were used with the 3‐PG model to predict the future productivity and water use of planted loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) growing across the southeastern United States. Predictions were made using Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5. These represent scenarios in which total radiative forcing stabilizes before 2100 (RCP 4.5) or continues increasing throughout the century (RCP 8.5). Thirty‐six sites evenly distributed across the native range of the species were used in the analysis. These sites represent a range in current mean annual temperature (14.9–21.6°C) and precipitation (1,120–1,680 mm/year). The site index of each site, which is a measure of growth potential, was varied to represent different levels of management. The 3‐PG model predicted that aboveground biomass growth and net primary productivity will increase by 10%–40% in many parts of the region in the future. At cooler sites, the relative growth increase was greater than at warmer sites. By running the model with the baseline [CO2] or the anticipated elevated [CO2], the effect of CO2 on growth was separated from that of other climate factors. The growth increase at warmer sites was due almost entirely to elevated [CO2]. The growth increase at cooler sites was due to a combination of elevated [CO2] and increased air temperature. Low site index stands had a greater relative increase in growth under the climate change scenarios than those with a high site index. Water use increased in proportion to increases in leaf area and productivity but precipitation was still adequate, based on the downscaled GCM climate projections. We conclude that an increase in productivity can be expected for a large majority of the planted loblolly pine stands in the southeastern United States during this century.  相似文献   
The rates of anthropogenic climate change substantially exceed those at which forest ecosystems – dominated by immobile, long‐lived organisms – are able to adapt. The resulting maladaptation of forests has potentially detrimental effects on ecosystem functioning. Furthermore, as many forest‐dwelling species are highly dependent on the prevailing tree species, a delayed response of the latter to a changing climate can contribute to an extinction debt and mask climate‐induced biodiversity loss. However, climate change will likely also intensify forest disturbances. Here, we tested the hypothesis that disturbances foster the reorganization of ecosystems and catalyze the adaptation of forest composition to climate change. Our specific objectives were (i) to quantify the rate of autonomous forest adaptation to climate change, (ii) examine the role of disturbance in the adaptation process, and (iii) investigate spatial differences in climate‐induced species turnover in an unmanaged mountain forest landscape (Kalkalpen National Park, Austria). Simulations with a process‐based forest landscape model were performed for 36 unique combinations of climate and disturbance scenarios over 1000 years. We found that climate change strongly favored European beech and oak species (currently prevailing in mid‐ to low‐elevation areas), with novel species associations emerging on the landscape. Yet, it took between 357 and 706 years before the landscape attained a dynamic equilibrium with the climate system. Disturbances generally catalyzed adaptation and decreased the time needed to attain equilibrium by up to 211 years. However, while increasing disturbance frequency and severity accelerated adaptation, increasing disturbance size had the opposite effect. Spatial analyses suggest that particularly the lowest and highest elevation areas will be hotspots of future species change. We conclude that the growing maladaptation of forests to climate and the long lead times of autonomous adaptation need to be considered more explicitly in the ongoing efforts to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem services provisioning.  相似文献   
锐齿栎林年龄序列土壤呼吸组分特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王娟  尤业明  黄雪蔓  张建亮 《广西植物》2016,36(10):1205-1213
林龄作为影响土壤呼吸的因素已是碳循环关注的热点问题之一,且林龄在模拟演替及长期碳动态的监测过程中发挥重要作用。该研究采用Li-Co-r8100土壤呼吸仪,研究林龄对土壤呼吸通量及其组分的影响。结果表明:锐齿栎林年龄序列(40 a,80 a,>160 a)及不同组分的土壤呼吸速率都表现出明显的单峰型季节动态,且与5 cm土壤温度呈显著指数相关。这可能是由于温度变化影响土壤生物活性引起的,土壤温度与土壤呼吸关系的指数方程可以解释80%以上的土壤呼吸变化。土壤呼吸及其不同组分在林龄间均无明显差异,土壤呼吸对温度的敏感性在锐齿栎林年龄序列及各组分间也无显著差异,这可能与林龄间土壤特性、森林生产力、微环境条件等相差不大有关。加倍凋落物的累计土壤呼吸通量显著( P<0.05)高于对照、断根和去除凋落物处理的累积呼吸量,说明增加凋落物输入为土壤提供了更丰富的养分,改善了样地微环境,有利于激发土壤微生物活性。锐齿栎林累计土壤呼吸通量与土壤有机碳( SOC)、细根生物量( FR)和微生物呼吸( MR)也显著相关,表明该地区土壤特性以及地下新陈代谢能很好地解释锐齿栎林土壤呼吸格局。  相似文献   
北方针叶树CO2 的刺激和响应机制随光强而变化 黑云杉(Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.)和白云杉(Picea glauca [Moench] Voss.)是同属物种,两者都是适度耐阴,并且在北美北方针叶林中广泛分布。为了了解光照对CO2 浓度升高的生理生态反应的影响,在三种光照条件下(温室中光照设置为100%、50%和30%)将一年生的两种幼苗暴露在360和720 µmol mol–1 浓度的CO2环境中,测定了其中后期叶面气体交换量。研究结果表明,CO2的浓度升高提高了净光合速率 (Pn)和光合水分利用效率,但降低了气孔导度和蒸腾作用。CO2对光合作用的刺激在50%光照下最大, 在100%光照下最小。光合作用、最大羧化速率(Vcmax)和光饱和电子传递速率(Jmax)均随光照强度的 降低而降低。升高的CO2在所有光照处理中显著降低了Vcmax,在生长季节中期,两种云杉的Vcmax均显著 降低,但在生长季节后期,当光照达到30%时,这一影响变得不明显,而且黑云杉的响应大于白云杉。CO2 浓度升高也降低了白云杉的Jmax,但在生长季后期30%光照时,这种影响变得不显著。但CO2 浓度升高对 黑云杉的影响随时间而变化。在所有光照处理中,CO2 浓度升高降低了黑云杉生长中期的Jmax,且在生长后 期30%光照时影响不显著,但在100%和50%光照时,Jmax升高。这些研究结果表明,两个树种植物都受益于CO2 浓度的升高,但它们的响应机制随着光照的增加而变化:即在100%和50%光照下,它们的响应主要是生理上的,而在30%光照下,它们的响应主要是形态上的。  相似文献   
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