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Aims Rhododendron ponticum L. is reputed to be a post Plio‐Pleistocene relict plant species with a disjunct distribution that comprises the Iberian Peninsula to the west and the Euxinian region plus some restricted Mediterranean areas to the east. We analysed the ecological range (of subsp. baeticum) in the western area (Aljibe Mountains, north of the Strait of Gibraltar) to understand the factors determining the present area limitation. Location Sierra del Aljibe, north of the Strait of Gibraltar (Iberian Peninsula). Methods We selected 20 riparian sites where R. ponticum is common, and compiled data on the ecological diversity of associated woody species and ferns. We established a 500‐m main transect in each site, along the stream or river course, in which we placed five 20‐m‐long plots at regular intervals. We recorded physiographic habitat features, woody plants and fern abundance, and the number of R. ponticum individuals. Results Rhododendron ponticum in southern Spain is restricted to riparian forests in acidic soils (pH 4.0–6.4), and is mainly found on the banks of inclined and enclosed streams. In our inventory we recorded 59 woody taxa and 12 ferns, with R. ponticum being the dominant species of the understorey (mean abundance 78.6%). The communities are characterized by a high incidence of the humid warm temperate element, both in number of species (18.8 ± 3.7 per site) and abundance; meanwhile, the presence of the modern Mediterranean element (mean number of species 3.4 ± 3.8 per site) appears to be favoured by disturbance. These ecological–historical groups of taxa also show distinct patterns of typological habit, frequency of endemism, infrageneric diversity and geographical range. Populations of R. ponticum are characterized by a very variable density of seedlings in many sites, and the virtual lack of juveniles. Main conclusions Riparian forests of the Aljibe Mountains constitute a refuge for R. ponticum where the species persists, but populations appear to be in decline. The narrow ecological range of R. ponticum in the area strongly contrasts with its wide amplitude in the eastern natural area, mainly the Euxinian region, where R. ponticum probably finds better conditions due to the environmental heterogeneity of the region, and the lack of a hot dry season.  相似文献   
Some factors affecting the composition of tropical ichneumonid faunas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An increasing accumulation of data shows that tropical ichneumonid faunas are no more species-rich than extra-tropical ones, despite the fact that most of their host groups show increased tropical species-richness. This lack of increase in ichneumonid species-richness can be attributed to the absence of groups whose hosts are not present (e.g. Ctenopelmatinae) and poor tropical representation by many groups of diurnal koinobionts (e.g. Campopleginae). Low host density has been postulated as a barrier to tropical koinobiont species-richness, but it is here suggested that this is not the only limiting factor as groups of nocturnal koinobionts, such as the Ophioninae, show increased tropical species-richness. It is postulated that koinobionts have the capability of being able to locate sparse hosts, but as they host-search in flight, a prolonged daytime host-searching period in the tropics would expose them to a high level of predation pressure. By being active at night koinobionts can avoid diurnally active predators. It is also postulated that sparse hosts may be located more easily at night and more habitats may be climatically suitable for ichneumonid activity when they are not subject to direct sunlight. Idiobionts, such as the Mesostenini and Pimplini, are more species-rich and morphologically diverse in the tropics than they are in extra-tropical regions. It is suggested that this results from the fact that tropical idiobionts can be active during the whole of the diapausing period, when their hosts are available, whereas activity by temperate idiobionts is prevented by inclement weather. Although many idiobionts are probably less exposed to predators than koinobionts, many have evolved obvious protective devices.  相似文献   
Summary The occurrence of Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), as judged from 13C values, was investigated in epiphytes and some related plant species at a series of sites covering the approximate altitudinal range of epiphytes in Papua New Guinea. Comprehensive collections were made at each site and the occurrence of water storage tissue and blade thickness was also determined. Some 26% of epiphytic orchids from a lowland rainforest (2–300 m.a.s.l) showed 13C values typical of obligate CAM and possessed leaves thicker than 1 mm. A second group of orchids, mostly with succulent leaves, possessed intermediate 13C values between -23 and -26% and accounted for 25% of the total species number. Some species of this group may exhibit weak CAM or be facultative CAM plants. The remainder of the lowland rainforest species appeared to be C3 plants with 13C values between -28 and -35%. and generally possessed thin leaves. Obligate CAM species of orchids from a lower montane rainforest (1175 m.a.s.l) comprised 26% of the species total and mostly possessed thick leaves. The remainder of the species were generally thin-leaved with 13C values between -26 and -35%. largely indicative of C3 photosynthesis. Orchids with intermediate 13C values were not found in the lower montane rainforest. Obligate CAM appeared to be lacking in highland epiphytes from an upper montane rainforest and subalpine rainforest (2600–3600 m.a.s.l). However the fern, Microsorium cromwellii had a 13C value of -21.28%. suggesting some measure of CAM activity. Other highland ferns and orchids showed more negative °13C values, up to-33%., typical of C3 photosynthesis. The highland epiphytic orchids possessed a greater mean leaf thickness than their lowland C3 counterparts due to the frequent occurrence of water storage tissue located on the adaxial side of the leaf. It is suggested that low daytime temperatures in the highland microhabitats is a major factor in explaining the absence of CAM. The increased frequency of water storage tissue in highland epiphytes may be an adaptation to periodic water stress events in the dry season and/or an adaptation to increased levels of UV light in the tropicalpine environment.  相似文献   
K. Hövemeyer 《Oecologia》1987,73(4):537-542
Summary A population of Cheilosia fasciata Schin. & Egg., 1853 was studied in a beech forest (Melico-Fagetum allietosum) near Göttingen (FRG). This syrphid species is closely associated with ramson (Allium ursinum L.), as the larvae mine the plant's leaves. Adult abundance was determined using emergence traps (1981–1986); egg and larval abundance was determined by examining ramson leaves: puparia were extracted from soil samples (1984 and 1986). Cheilosia fasciata is a univoltine species; the imagines emerge in late April/early May. Larval development took five (1986) to six (1984) weeks. In late June/early July the larvae enter the soil for pupariation. A linear relationship was found between the area of the mines and larval biomass (dry wt.). It was concluded that one larva had to mine 51.90 cm2 of leaf area in order to gain the mean maximum dry weight (11.15 mg). Furthermore, it was shown that ovipositing females, laying just one egg per leaf, tended to select large leaves providing this minimum amount of food. It is hypothesized that females probably follow straight-lined routes on their oviposition flights, rather than ovipositing on leaves chosen at random. By applying such a strategy, females can almost completely avoid competition for food among their own offspring. Furthermore, competition among the progeny of the whole population is also reduced, particularly in years when adult abundance is very low. The significance of certain factors influencing the population dynamics of Cheilosia fasciata was evaluated by applying a rank correlation analysis. It was shown that high precipitation rates in April reduced the time available for mating and oviposition resulting in low emergence abundance in the next spring. Larval survivorship was enhanced by high precipitation rates in May and June, indicating that drought may be unfavourable to larvae and reduce food availability. Predation by a parasitoid Phygadeuon ursini Horstmann, 1986 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), appears to be just an imperfect (Milne 1984) density-dependent control mechanism; in fact, it was shown that food limitation is the only significant mechanism of density-dependent population control.  相似文献   
Summary Leaf water potentials, osmotic properties and structural characteristics were examined in the Australian tropical rainforest tree species, Castanospermum australe. These features were compared for individuals growing in the understorey and canopy of the undisturbed forest and in an open pasture from which the forest had been cleared. Leaf water potentials during the day declined to significantly lower values in the open-grown and canopy trees than in the understorey trees. During most of the day the opengrown tree experienced the lowest water potentials. These differences were paralleled by significant differences in tissue osmotic properties. The tissue osmotic potential at full hydration was lowest in the open-grown tree (-1.80 MPa), intermediate in the canopy trees (-1.38 MPa), and highest in the understorey trees (-0.80 MPa). As a result, the degree to which high and positive turgor pressures were maintained as water potentials declined was highest in the open-grown tree, intermediate in the canopy trees, and lowest in the understorey trees. The differences in tissue osmotic properties between individuals in the three crown positions were paralleled, in turn, by differences in leaf structual characteristics. Relative to leaves of the canopy and open-grown trees, leaves of the understorey trees had significantly larger epidermal cells with thinner cell walls, larger specific leaf areas and turgid weight: dry weight ratios, and a higher proportion of intercellular air space.Abbreviations 1 Leaf tissue water potential - min Lowest value of 1 during the day ( noon) - P=0 1 zero turgor - R Relative water content - P Tissue turgor pressure - Tissue osmotic potential - 0 at full hydration  相似文献   
Summary Growth and mineral uptake of twenty-four tropical forage legumes and grasses were compared under glasshouse conditions in a sterile low P oxisol, one part inoculated and the other not inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi. Shoot and root dry weights and total uptake of P, N, K, Ca, and Mg of all the test plants were significantly increased by mycorrhizal inoculation. Mycorrhizal inoculation, with few exceptions, decreased the root/shoot ratio. Non-mycorrhizal plants contained always lower quantities of mineral elements than mycorrhizal plants. Plant species showed differences in percentage mycorrhizal root length and there was no correlation between percentage mycorrhizal infection and plant growth parameters. A great variation in dependence on mycorrhiza was observed among forage species. Total uptake of all elements by non-mycorrhizal legumes and uptake of P, N and K by non-mycorrhizal grasses correlated inversely with mycorrhizal dependency. Mycorrhizal plants of all species used significantly greater quantities of soil P than the nonmycorrhizal plants. Utilization of soil P by non-mycorrhizal plants was correlated inversely with mycorrhizal dependency.  相似文献   
Summary Measurements of litter fall and litter removal by crabs, in conjunction with estimates of litter decay by microbes and tidal export of litter from three high-intertidal mangrove forests were made during a year-long study in tropical northeastern Australia. In forests dominated by Ceriops tagal and Bruguiera exaristata, litter standing stocks remained low on the forest floor (mean 6 g·m-2), although litter fall was high; 822 and 1022 g·m-2·y-1, respectively. Sesarmid crabs removed 580 (Ceriops) and 803 (Bruguiera) g·m-2·y-1, or 71 and 79%, of the total annual litter fall from the forest floor. Relative to the rate of litter removal by crabs, microbial turnover of whole, unshredded litter was insignificant, accounting for <1% of annual litter fall. Export of litter by tides was estimated to remove 194 (Ceriops) and 252 (Bruguiera) g·m-2·y-1 or 24 and 25% of annual litter fall. In a forest dominated by Avicenniamarina, in which an ocypodid crab was more abundant than sesarmids, litter standing stocks were higher (mean 84 g·m-2) and crabs removed less litter; 173 g·m-2·y-1 or 33% of the annual litter fall of 519 g·m-2·y-1. Microbial turnover of intact litter was more important in the Avicennia forest (168 g·m-2·y-1 or 32% of annual litter fall), and tides exported 107 g·m-2·y-1 or 21% of litter production. In areas where sesarmid crabs were absent or rare in Ceriops forests, there were significantly higher standing stocks of litter and slower rates of leaf removal. Taking into account the probable assimilation efficiencies of sesarmid crabs feeding on mangrove leaves, we estimate that in Ceriops and Bruguiera forests leaf processing by crabs turns litter over at >75 times the rate of microbial decay alone, thus facilitating the high sediment bacterial productivity in these forests. The importance of litter processing by crabs increases with height in the intertidal in tropical Australia, in contrast to New World mangrove forests, where the reverse is true.Contribution No. 445 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   
Two-year-old red spruce seedlings were exposed to various levels ot ozone, from 0.4 to 3 times ambient levels, in open-top chambers in Ithaca, NY, USA. Exposures, which varied with changes in day length, commenced on May 30, 1987 and continued until December 14, 1987. Seedling biomass, carbohydrate contents, pigment contents, and rate of electron transport were assessed twice monthly during the fumigation period. Orthogonal quadratic or cubic polynomials were used to model the response through time each variable measured. A one-way analysis of variance model was fitted to every regression coefficient in each polynomial model to test for ozone effects on seasonal physiological patterns. Ozone did not influence growth, foliar pigment content, foliar starch content, root carbohydrate content, or rate of electron transport. The seasonal change of needle raffinose content differed between exposed to low (0.4 ×, 1×) and high (2×, 3×) ozone levels. There was also a trend towards reduced total soluble sugar content foliage during late autumn in higher ozone treatments.  相似文献   
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