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西双版纳热带山地雨林群落乔木树种多样性研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
根据块样地资料对西双版纳热带山地雨林树种多样性特征进行了分析.结果表明,在2 500m2的样地上,随着起测胸径递增,各样地乔木个体数和树种丰富度均表现为依次递减;低海拔带上(850~1000 m)的山地雨林(1、2号样地)的各指数值无一定变化规律,较高海拔带上(1200~2000 m)的山地雨林(3~6号样地)的Shannon-Wiener指数和Simpson指数均表现为依次递减,而Pielou均匀度指数则呈依次递增的趋势.较高海拔带上的山地雨林在较小乔木起测胸径(≥2 cm、≥5 cm、≥10 cm)的树种丰富度、多样性和均匀度指数均要明显大于低海拔带上的山地雨林,而两者在较大乔木起测胸径(≥20 cm、≥30 cm、≥50 cm)的各指数值无明显差异.随着取样面积的递增,各样地树种丰富度、多样性和均匀度指数在取样面积递增到2 000m2处均已趋于平缓.  相似文献   
The development of tree-ring chronologies of tropical trees allows to reconstruct the environmental history of the Neotropics on extensive temporal and spatial scales. This article presents a historic, state-of -the-art overview/review of dendrochronological studies in Perú, a megadiverse country in its flora, types of climate and ecosystems. We reviewed all available information on dendrochronological studies by assessing scientific articles in indexed, and non-indexed journals as well university thesis repositories. Dendrochronological studies began in the late 1980s and have botanically involved 20 families, 34 genera and 52 tree species. The most studied families are Fabaceae (16 studies), Meliaceae (12), Rosaceae (06), and Bignoniaceae (04), and the most studied genera were Cedrela (13), Polylepis (08) and Prosopis (06). The development of chronologies was mainly applied in climatic reconstructions, forest conservation and management. We identify underrepresentation or sampling gaps regarding climatic and geographic complexity. The high tree diversity of Perú constitutes a natural laboratory to develop tree-ring studies to better understand the growth and functioning of tropical tree species, their interaction with climate, and to derive climate reconstructions during the last centuries. This review aims to contribute to the direction of future dendrochronological studies in Perú.  相似文献   


To test whether spatial turnover patterns of mountain madicolous insect communities in the Southern Hemisphere support the ‘mountain passes are higher in the Tropic’ hypothesis (MPHT). To do this, we compared madicolous communities in the Amazon Mountains (equator) and the Atlantic Forest Mountains (23°S).




We characterized madicolous insect communities in two elevational gradients between 90 to 3000 m a.s.l. separated by 23° of latitude, totalling 108 sampling sites. Since the MPHT predicts a more intense turnover along elevational gradients at lower latitudes than at higher latitudes, we evaluated beta diversity in the Amazon mountains, at the equator, and in the Atlantic Forest mountains, in the subtropical region. We quantified multiple-site abundance-based dissimilarity to assess whether beta diversity was different between both regions. We also performed constrained ordination (db-RDA) analyses to assess whether community dissimilarity (balanced variation in abundances) was uniquely or jointly explained by environmental, spatial and/or elevational predictors. Additionally, we independently assessed the relationship between community dissimilarity and altitudinal difference in each region and tested for differences in model parameters between regions.


Although we found high species turnover in both regions, the community variation explained by environmental factors and altitude was higher in the Amazon than in the Atlantic Forest, as evidenced by db-RDA and altitudinal difference models. In general, communities were remarkably constrained by spatial predictors, which result from low dispersion capacity of most madicolous insects and low connectivity of madicolous systems. Consequently, the composition of madicolous insects notably diverged between regions, highlighting the complementarity and high conservation value of both systems.

Main Conclusions

Our results indicate that the MPHT explains, at the community level, the differences between low- and high-latitude mountain systems in community turnover along elevational gradients, even within a relatively short latitudinal distance in the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
大气氮沉降或人类活动导致生态系统氮输入增加,可能会提高土壤氮含量水平,促进优势种的生长和减少环境异质性,从而使物种共存的生态位减少,群落物种多样性降低。为研究土壤氮含量的增加对森林群落乔木树种多样性的影响,本研究在西双版纳热带季节雨林随机设置了14个1 ha的样方,对各样方土壤总氮( TN)含量、乔木树种丰富度以及西双版纳热带季节雨林20 ha动态监测样地中各样方乔木树种及建群种望天树( Parashorea chinensis)生物量进行了调查。结果表明:土壤氮含量与乔木树种丰富度具有显著负相关而与群落及建群种望天树生物量具有显著正相关。我们推测其机制可能是:土壤氮含量增加促进了建群种望天树等的生长及群落生物量的积累,减少树种共存的生态位,由于竞争排斥等原因而导致群落树种丰富度降低。因此,减少生态系统人为氮输入,对于保护西双版纳热带季节雨林乔木树种多样性具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Continuous exploratory use of tree species is threatening the existence of several plants in South America. One of these threatened species is Myracroduron urundeuva, highly exploited due to the high quality and durability of its wood. The chloroplast (cp) has been used for several evolutionary studies as well traceability of timber origin, based on its gene sequences and simple sequence repeats (SSR) variability. Cp genome organization is usually consisting of a large single copy and a small single copy region separated by two inverted repeats regions. We sequenced the complete cp genome from M. urundeuva based on Illumina next-generation sequencing. Our results show that the cp genome is 159,883 bp in size. The 36 SSR identified ranging from mono- to hexanucleotides. Positive selection analysis revealed nine genes related to photosystem, protein synthesis, and DNA replication, and protease are under positive selection. Genome comparison a other Anacardiaceae chloroplast genomes showed great variability in the family. The phylogenetic analysis using complete chloroplast genome sequences of other Anacardiaceae family members showed a close relationship with two other economically important genera, Pistacia and Rhus. These results will help future investigations of timber monitoring and population and evolutionary studies. Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12298-021-00989-1.  相似文献   
The article discloses the AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon dating results of the historic Big Tree at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The research aimed to determine the age, growth and architecture of this renowned African baobab. The superlative baobab is composed of five main stems, three young stems and one false stem. It exhibits an open ring-shaped structure, an architecture that allows baobabs to reach large sizes and old ages. Several wood samples extracted from four stems were dated by radiocarbon. The oldest sample had a radiocarbon date of 978 ± 14 BP, corresponding to a calibrated age of 955 ± 20 calendar years. By this value, the Big Tree at Victoria Falls is 1150 ± 50 years old. We found that the eight common stems belong to three generations, which are 1000–1100, 600–700 and 200–250 years old, respectively. The false stem is 550 years old. The stems belonging to the oldest generation stopped growing over 100 years ago.  相似文献   
Texture information from passive remote sensing images provides surrogates for habitat structure, which is relevant for modeling biodiversity across space and time and for developing effective ecological indicators. However, the applicability of this information might differ among taxa and diversity measures. We compared the ability of indicators developed from texture analysis of remotely sensed images to predict species richness and species turnover of six taxa (trees, pyraloid moths, geometrid moths, arctiinae moths, ants, and birds) in a megadiverse Andean mountain rainforest ecosystem. Partial least-squares regression models were fitted using 12 predictors that characterize the habitat and included three topographical metrics derived from a high-resolution digital elevation model and nine texture metrics derived from very high-resolution multi-spectral orthophotos. We calculated image textures derived from mean, correlation, and entropy statistics within a relatively broad moving window (102 m × 102 m) of the near infra-red band and two vegetation indices. The model performances of species richness were taxon dependent, with the lowest predictive power for arctiinae moths (4%) and the highest for ants (78%). Topographical metrics sufficiently modeled species richness of pyraloid moths and ants, while models for species richness of trees, geometrid moths, and birds benefited from texture metrics. When more complexity was added to the model such as additional texture statistics calculated from a smaller moving window (18 m × 18 m), the predictive power for trees and birds increased significantly from 12% to 22% and 13% to 27%, respectively. Gradients of species turnover, assessed by non-metric two-dimensional scaling (NMDS) of Bray-Curtis dissimilarities, allowed the construction of models with far higher predictability than species richness across all taxonomic groups, with predictability for the first response variable of species turnover ranging from 64% (birds) to 98% (trees) of the explained change in species composition, and predictability for the second response variable of species turnover ranging from 33% (trees) to 74% (pyraloid moths). The two NMDS axes effectively separated compositional change along the elevational gradient, explained by a combination of elevation and texture metrics, from more subtle, local changes in habitat structure surrogated by varying combinations of texture metrics. The application of indicators arising from texture analysis of remote sensing images differed among taxa and diversity measures. However, these habitat indicators improved predictions of species diversity measures of most taxa, and therefore, we highly recommend their use in biodiversity research.  相似文献   
A new nodularin producing benthic cyanobacterium Iningainema pulvinus gen nov., sp nov. was isolated from a freshwater ambient spring wetland in tropical, north-eastern Australia and characterised using combined morphological and phylogenetic attributes. It formed conspicuous irregularly spherical to discoid, blue-green to olive-green cyanobacterial colonies across the substratum of shallow pools. Morphologically Iningainema is most similar to Scytonematopsis Kiseleva and Scytonema Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault. All three genera have isopolar filaments enveloped by a firm, often layered and coloured sheath; false branching is typically geminate, less commonly singly. Phylogenetic analyses using partial 16S rRNA sequences of three clones of Iningainema pulvinus strain ES0614 showed that it formed a well-supported monophyletic clade. All three clones were 99.7–99.9% similar, however they shared less than 93.9% nucleotide similarity with other cyanobacterial sequences including putatively related taxa within the Scytonemataceae. Amplification of a fragment of the ndaF gene involved in nodularin biosynthesis from Iningainema pulvinus confirmed that it has this genetic determinant. Consistent with these results, analysis of two extracts from strain ES0614 by HPLC–MS/MS confirmed the presence of nodularin at concentrations of 796 and 1096 μg g−1 dry weight. This is the third genus of cyanobacteria shown to produce the cyanotoxin nodularin and the first report of nodularin synthesis from the cyanobacterial family Scytonemataceae. These new findings may have implications for the aquatic biota at Edgbaston Reserve, a spring complex which has been identified as a priority conservation area in the central Australian arid and semiarid zones, based on patterns of endemicity.  相似文献   
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