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In situ measurements of leaf level photosynthetic response to light were collected from seedlings of ten tree species from a tropical montane wet forest, the John Crow Mountains, Jamaica. A model-based recursive partitioning ('mob') algorithm was then used to identify species associations based on their fitted photosynthetic response curves. Leaf area dark respiration (RD) and light saturated maximum photosynthetic (Amax) rates were also used as 'mob' partitioning variables, to identify species associations based on seedling demographic patterns (from June 2007 to May 2010) following a hurricane (Aug. 2007) and the spatiotemporal distribution patterns of stems in 2006 and 2012. RD and Amax rates ranged from 1.14 to 2.02 μmol (CO2) m−2s−1 and 2.97–5.87 μmol (CO2) m−2s−1, respectively, placing the ten species in the range of intermediate shade tolerance. Several parsimonious species 'mob' groups were formed based on 1) interspecific differences among species response curves, 2) variations in post-hurricane seedling demographic trends and 3) RD rates and species spatiotemporal distribution patterns at aspects that are more or less exposed to hurricanes. The composition of parsimonious groupings based on photosynthetic curves was not concordant with the groups based on demographic trends but was partially concordant with the RD - species spatiotemporal distribution groups. Our results indicated that the influence of photosynthetic characteristics on demographic traits and species distributions was not straightforward. Rather, there was a complex pattern of interaction between ecophysiological and demographic traits, which determined species successional status, post-hurricane response and ultimately, species distribution at our study site.  相似文献   
Biotic interactions play an important role in the assembly and stability of communities. All orchids depend on mycobionts for early establishment, but whether individual orchid species depend on a specific or broad spectrum of mycobionts is still a matter of debate. Tulasnellaceae (Basidiomycota) is the richest and most widespread mycobiont worldwide. We assessed Tulasnellaceae richness in epiphytic and terrestrial orchids in different habitats, and evaluated the degree of generalism in orchid-Tulasnellaceae interactions and the robustness of this mutualistic system to the extinction of mycobiont partners. We sampled 114 orchid individuals including all common and rare species in 56 plots of 1 m2 in 3 habitats: pristine forest, regenerating forest and a landslide site in a tropical montane rainforest in Southern Ecuador. We found 52 orchid and 29 Tulasnellaceae species. The composition of Tulasnellaceae OTUs was moderately to highly similar across habitats and between orchid growth forms. A significantly nested network architecture indicated the existence of a core of generalist Tulasnellaceae OTUs interacting with both rare and common orchids. Terrestrial and epiphytic orchids showed significant differences in robustness to the extinction of their Tulasnellaceae mycobionts. Thus, generalist mycobionts may be relevant for the preservation of hyperdiverse orchid communities in the tropics.  相似文献   
Width is an essential element of the spatial configuration of riparian forests and may be fundamental in determining their corridor function. In the present study we tested the effect of forest width on floristic structure (tree species composition and diversity) in 15 fragments of riparian forest in an agricultural fragmented landscape of SE Brazil. All these fragments were chosen in a geomorphological homogeneous river reach under similar soil, topographic and human disturbance conditions in order to minimize the influence of these factors. The forest widths considered ranged from 30 to 650 m. The results showed that total species richness and climax species richness were significantly greater when we consider larger fragments, as has been observed in other studies. Nevertheless, species diversity and evenness were not significantly correlated with forest width. The analysis of species composition showed that the narrowest fragments were characterized by species well adapted to temporary flood conditions, while medium and wide fragments showed a composition typical of drier upland areas. Therefore, the effect of forest width on floristic structure appears to be more strongly linked to the effect of river floods in the case of the fragments studied. The existence in riparian corridors of a drier forest, in general richer and more diversified than the annually flooded forest, seems to favor the maintenance of regional species diversity in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   
The impact of soil cover organization on the forest community has been studied in a 19-ha tract at Piste de St Elie station in French Guiana. 195 species each represented by at least 10 individuals were chosen from records of the position, diameter at breast height (dbh) and precise identification by botanical sampling of 12104 ligneous plants (dbh 10 cm).Spatial variations in the soil were mapped using the method proposed by Boulet et al. (1982). The soil mapping units correspond to the successive stages of evolution of a currently unbalanced ferralitic cover. These stages describe firstly the thinning by erosion of the microaggregated upper horizon and secondly the mineralogical changes under more or less extended hydromorphic conditions. The degree of evolution of ferralitic cover is also related to the hydrodynamic functioning and chemical properties of the soil. Geological substrate, topography and slope have also been taken into account.Analysis of the influence of environmental variables on plant cover has been performed using the Ecological Profiles method and Correspondence Analysis (CA) of the table of ecological profiles.The forest community seems to be dependent on the soil and the topographical features that govern it. There are significant, exclusive soil-species links for each soil functioning mapping unit. However, the highest proportion of significant positive links is connected with a thick microaggregated horizon (25%). Several species are of real value as indicators and more particularly enable differentiation between the forest stands of typical ferralitic soil and the ones of thinned out, transformed and hydromorphic soils. The CA of the species by environmental variables matrices reveals two significant factorial axes. The first can be associated with the drainage mainly related to the thinning of the soil and the second with the hydromorphic conditions related to the topography. The vegetation ordination of the stands ( 0.25 ha) delimited in the various soil domains clearly shows that changes in ferralitic cover and in particular the transition from soil with deep vertical drainage to soil with superficial lateral drainage is accompanied by substantial changes in the forest community.  相似文献   
Modern yew ( Taxus baccata ) is demonstrated to have considerable potential for dendrochronological use. A replicated 303 yr chronology has been formed from Hampton Court Palace yew and cross-matches well with a number of different tree species, including oak. Growth is positively correlated with rainfall but inversely related to late summer temperature. Range limits and present and prehistoric sources of yew are also briefly discussed, highlighting the future potential of yew to become the third major tree species for British dendrochronological study.  相似文献   
Global seagrass distribution and diversity: A bioregional model   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Seagrasses, marine flowering plants, are widely distributed along temperate and tropical coastlines of the world. Seagrasses have key ecological roles in coastal ecosystems and can form extensive meadows supporting high biodiversity. The global species diversity of seagrasses is low (< 60 species), but species can have ranges that extend for thousands of kilometers of coastline. Seagrass bioregions are defined here, based on species assemblages, species distributional ranges, and tropical and temperate influences. Six global bioregions are presented: four temperate and two tropical. The temperate bioregions include the Temperate North Atlantic, the Temperate North Pacific, the Mediterranean, and the Temperate Southern Oceans. The Temperate North Atlantic has low seagrass diversity, the major species being Zostera marina, typically occurring in estuaries and lagoons. The Temperate North Pacific has high seagrass diversity with Zostera spp. in estuaries and lagoons as well as Phyllospadix spp. in the surf zone. The Mediterranean region has clear water with vast meadows of moderate diversity of both temperate and tropical seagrasses, dominated by deep-growing Posidonia oceanica. The Temperate Southern Oceans bioregion includes the temperate southern coastlines of Australia, Africa and South America. Extensive meadows of low-to-high diversity temperate seagrasses are found in this bioregion, dominated by various species of Posidonia and Zostera. The tropical bioregions are the Tropical Atlantic and the Tropical Indo-Pacific, both supporting mega-herbivore grazers, including sea turtles and sirenia. The Tropical Atlantic bioregion has clear water with a high diversity of seagrasses on reefs and shallow banks, dominated by Thalassia testudinum. The vast Tropical Indo-Pacific has the highest seagrass diversity in the world, with as many as 14 species growing together on reef flats although seagrasses also occur in very deep waters. The global distribution of seagrass genera is remarkably consistent north and south of the equator; the northern and southern hemispheres share ten seagrass genera and only have one unique genus each. Some genera are much more speciose than others, with the genus Halophila having the most seagrass species. There are roughly the same number of temperate and tropical seagrass genera as well as species. The most widely distributed seagrass is Ruppia maritima, which occurs in tropical and temperate zones in a wide variety of habitats. Seagrass bioregions at the scale of ocean basins are identified based on species distributions which are supported by genetic patterns of diversity. Seagrass bioregions provide a useful framework for interpreting ecological, physiological and genetic results collected in specific locations or from particular species.  相似文献   
Evidence of an atmospheric CO2‐fertilization effect on radial growth rates was uncovered for open‐grown white spruce in a mixed‐grass prairie of southwestern Manitoba, Canada. Consistent upward trends of the residuals from dendroclimatic models indicated a decreased ability for climatic parameters to predict radial growth. Despite that a similar amount (61%) of the total variation in radial growth index was explained by climate for both young and old trees, residuals from young trees for the period of 1955–1999 demonstrated a stronger upward trend (R2=0.551, P<0.0001) than old trees for the period of 1900–1996 (R2=0.020, P=0.167). Similar to young trees, the residuals from the early growth period (1900–1929) of old trees also demonstrated a stronger upward trend (R2=0.480, P<0.0001) than the period of 1900–1996. Likewise, a comparable period (1970–1999) of young trees also demonstrated a stronger upward trend (R2=0.619, P<0.0001) than the early growth period (1900–1929) of old trees. In addition, postdrought growth response was much stronger for young trees (1970–1999) compared with old trees at the same development stage (1900–1929) (P=0.011) or within the same time period (1970–1999) (P=0.014). There was no difference (P=0.221) in drought recovery between the early (1900–1929) period and the late (1970–1999) period within old trees. Together, our results suggest that (1) open‐grown white spruce trees improved their growth with time at the early developmental stage, and (2) at the same developmental stage, a greater growth response occurred in the late period when atmospheric CO2 concentration, and the rate of atmospheric CO2 increase were both relatively high. While it is impossible to rule out other factors, these results are consistent with expectations for CO2‐fertilization effects.  相似文献   
Semiarid environments throughout the world have lost a major part of their woody vegetation and biodiversity due to the effects of wood cutting, cattle grazing and subsistence agriculture. The resulting state is typically used for cattle production, but the productivity of these systems is often very low, and erosion of the unprotected soil is a common problem. Such dry‐land degradation is of great international concern, not only because the resulting state is hardly productive but also because it paves the way to desertification. The natural distribution of the genus Prosopis includes arid and semiarid zones of the Americas, Africa and Asia, but the majority of the Prosopis species are, however, native to the Americas. In order to assess a likely gradient in the response of tree species to precipitation, temperature and their connection to El Niño southern oscillation (ENSO) events, two Prosopis species were chosen along a latitudinal gradient in Latin America, from northern Peru to central Chile: Prosopis pallida from a semi‐arid land in northern and southern Peru and P. chilensis from a semiarid land in central Chile. Growth rings of each species were crossdated at each sampling site using classical dendrochronological techniques. Chronologies were related with instrumental climatic records in each site, as well as with SOI and N34 series. Cross‐correlation, spectral and wavelet analysis techniques were used to assess the relation of growth with precipitation and temperature. Despite the long distance among sites, the two Prosopis species presented similar responses. Thus, the two species' growth is positively correlated to precipitation, while with temperature it is not. In northern Peru, precipitation and growth of P. pallida present a similar cyclic pattern, with a period of around 3 years. On the other hand, P. pallida in southern Peru, and P. chilensis also present this cyclic pattern, but also another one with lower frequency, coinciding with the pattern of precipitation. Both cycles are within the range of the ENSO band.  相似文献   
Growth, biomass allocation, and photosynthetic characteristics of seedlings of five invasive non-indigenous and four native species grown under different light regimes were studied to help explain the success of invasive species in Hawaiian rainforests. Plants were grown under three greenhouse light levels representative of those found in the center and edge of gaps and in the understory of Hawaiian rainforests, and under an additional treatment with unaltered shade. Relative growth rates (RGRs) of invasive species grown in sun and partial shade were significantly higher than those for native species, averaging 0.25 and 0.17 g g−1 week−1, respectively, while native species averaged only 0.09 and 0.06 g g−1 week−1, respectively. The RGR of invasive species under the shade treatment was 40% higher than that of native species. Leaf area ratios (LARs) of sun and partial-shade-grown invasive and native species were similar but the LAR of invasive species in the shade was, on average, 20% higher than that of native species. There were no differences between invasive and native species in biomass allocation to shoots and roots, or in leaf mass per area across light environments. Light-saturated photosynthetic rates (Pmax) were higher for invasive species than for native species in all light treatments. Pmax of invasive species grown in the sun treatment, for example, ranged from 5.5 to 11.9 μmol m−2 s−1 as compared with 3.0−4.5 μmol m−2 s−1 for native species grown under similar light conditions. The slope of the linear relationship between Pmax and dark respiration was steeper for invasive than for native species, indicating that invasive species assimilate more CO2 at a lower respiratory cost than native species. These results suggest that the invasive species may have higher growth rates than the native species as a consequence of higher photosynthetic capacities under sun and partial shade, lower dark respiration under all light treatments, and higher LARs when growing under shade conditions. Overall, invasive species appear to be better suited than native species to capturing and utilizing light resources, particularly in high-light environments such as those characterized by relatively high levels of disturbance. Received: 30 December 1997 / Accepted: 1 September 1998  相似文献   
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