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Summary The types and quantities of defense compounds found in plants occupying ecologically distinct habitats have received much theoretical and little empirical attention. Here we characterize the leaf phenolic chemistry of eight species in two genera of tropical rainforest shrubs; four species in each genus are typical of disturbed sites, and four are typical of mature forest understory. Two Miconia species growing in light gaps had significantly higher leaf tannin and total phenolic contents than congenors growing in the primary forest; this pattern was not found among the gap- and forest-adapted Piper species. Tannin patterns were not mirrored by leaf cinnamic acids. These results indicate that plant phylogeny must be considered when predicting plant defense investment.  相似文献   
Tropical lotus (Nelumbo) is an important and unique ecological type of lotus germplasm. Understanding the genetic relationship and diversity of the tropical lotus is necessary for its sustainable conservation and utilization. Using 42 EST-SSR (expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeats) and 30 SRAP (sequence-related amplified polymorphism) markers, we assessed the genetic diversity and inferred the ancestry of representative tropical lotus from Thailand and Vietnam. In total, 164 and 41 polymorphic bands were detected in 69 accessions by 36 EST-SSR and seven SRAP makers, respectively. Higher genetic diversity was revealed in Thai lotus than in Vietnamese lotus. A Neighbor-Joining tree of five main clusters was constructed using combined EST-SSR and SRAP markers. Cluster I included 17 accessions of Thai lotus; cluster II contained three Thai accessions and 11 accessions from southern Vietnam; and cluster III was constituted by 13 accessions of seed lotus. Consistent with the results from the Neighbor-Joining tree, the genetic structure analysis showed that the genetic background of most Thai and Vietnamese lotus was pure, as artificial breeding has been rare in both countries. Furthermore, these analyses indicate that Thai and Vietnamese lotus germplasms belong to two different gene pools or populations. Most lotus accessions are genetically related to geographical distribution patterns in Thailand or Vietnam. Our findings showed that the origin or genetic relationships of some unidentified lotus sources can be evaluated by comparing morphological characteristics and the data of molecular markers. In addition, these findings provide reliable information for the targeted conservation of tropical lotus and parent selection in breeding novel cultivars of lotus.  相似文献   
The Neotropical leaf litter frog genus Pristimantis is very species-rich, with 526 species described to date, but the full extent of its diversity is much higher and remains unknown. This study explores the phylogenetic processes and resulting evolutionary patterns of diversification in Pristimantis. Given the well-recognised failure of morphology- and community-based species groups to describe diversity within the genus, we apply a new test for the presence and phylogenetic distribution of higher evolutionary units. We developed a phylogeny based on 260 individuals encompassing 149 Pristimantis presumed species, sampled at mitochondrial and nuclear genes (3718 base pair alignment), combining new and available sequence data. Our phylogeny broadly agrees with previous studies, both in topology and age estimates, with the origin of Pristimantis at 28.97 (95% HDP =21.59 – 37.33) million years ago (MYA). New taxa that we add to the genus, which had not previously been included in Pristimantis phylogenies, suggest considerable diversity remains to be described. We assessed patterns of lineage origin and recovered 14 most likely (95% CI: 13–19) phylogenetic clusters or higher evolutionary significant units (hESUs) within Pristimantis. Diversification rates decrease towards the present following a density-dependent pattern for Pristimantis overall and for most hESU clusters, reflecting historical evolutionary radiation. The timing of diversification suggests that geological events in the Miocene, such as Andes orogenesis and Pebas system formation and drainage, may have had a direct or indirect impact on the evolution of Pristimantis and thus contributed to the origins of evolutionary independent phylogenetic clusters.  相似文献   
Vertebrate ectotherms may deal with changes of environmental temperatures by behavioral and/or physiological mechanisms. Reptiles inhabiting tropical highlands face extreme fluctuating daily temperatures, and extreme values and intervals of fluctuations vary with altitude. Anolis heterodermus occurs between 1800 m to 3750 m elevation in the tropical Andes, and is the Anolis species found at the highest altitude known. We evaluated which strategies populations from elevations of 2200 m, 2650 m and 3400 m use to cope with environmental temperatures. We measured body, preferred, critical maximum and minimum temperatures, and sprint speed at different body temperatures of individuals, as well as operative temperatures. Anolis heterodermus exhibits behavioral adjustments in response to changes in environmental temperatures across altitudes. Likewise, physiological traits exhibit intrapopulation variations, but they are similar among populations, tended to the “static” side of the evolution of thermal traits spectrum. The thermoregulatory behavioral strategy in this species is extremely plastic, and lizards adjust even to fluctuating environmental conditions from day to day. Unlike other Anolis species, at low thermal quality of the habitat, lizards are thermoconformers, particularly at the highest altitudes, where cloudy days can intensify this strategy even more. Our study reveals that the pattern of strategies for dealing with thermal ambient variations and their relation to extinction risks in the tropics that are caused by global warming is perhaps more complex for lizards than previously thought.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to evaluate the thermal comfort of sows in a free-range system in the Brazilian Savanna, based on behavior observation, availability of shading resources, meteorological and physiological variables. The sows were analyzed in the gestation sector at Água Limpa Farm from University of Brasília; the sows were housed in paddocks of 1000 m2 each containing artificial and natural shading structures, where air temperature (Tair, °C), wind speed, relative humidity (RH, %) and black globe temperatures (TG, °C) were collected for the environment characterization in 20-min-intervals. From the black globe temperature, the Mean Radiant Temperature (TMR, °C) and the Radiant Heat Load (RHL, W m−2) were calculated in the sun and under the shade structures. The total short-wave irradiance was calculated through the sum of direct, diffuse and reflected radiations. For the behavioral evaluation, an ethogram was elaborated, taking in consideration where the animals were in the paddocks, body posture, and the activity performed. The physiological variables such as respiratory rate (breaths.min−1), surface and rectal temperatures (°C) were measured during the experiment. The data was statistically analyzed through analysis of variance and frequency analysis. There was a difference at 11a.m., 2 and 3p.m., with values above 40 °C under the shade and above 70 °C in the sun for the TMR. The preferential choice was for natural shading by the sows, due to the lower TMR and RHL throughout the day and resting activity had been predominated. The rectal temperature did not differ between the animals and the days evaluated, respiratory rate varied according to air temperature, and surface temperature only among the evaluated animals. It was concluded that even when there is a greater radiation incidence and meteorological variables above the condition of comfort for sows, they did not express any abnormal behavior that could indicate discomfort.  相似文献   

Bryophyte biomass and diversity vary strongly with altitude in the tropics. Low abundance and low species numbers in lowland rain forests are most likely due to reduced diurnal activity times combined with high nocturnal respiration rates at high temperatures. This may exclude many montane species from the warm lowlands. However, an alternative hypothesis explains the observed pattern, namely a limited desiccation tolerance of montane species, precipitation being more concentrated but less frequent in most lowland forests compared to montane cloud forests. To test this hypothesis, we studied the desiccation tolerance of four montane and four lowland bryophyte species. The effects of prolonged drought were quantified with chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) and the extent of electrolyte leakage. Both montane and lowland species survived dry periods of ≧80 days, which far exceeds the duration of dry periods in the wet lowland tropics. We can thus exclude intolerance to long dry spells as an explaination for the absence of the tested montane species in the lowlands. We should continue to focus on other mechanisms to explain the altitudinal gradient of bryophyte abundance and diversity in the tropics, in order to understand this pattern, as well as to predict future trends under climatic warming.  相似文献   
The effects of increased temperature were tested in Amphiprion ocellaris, using a cellular diagnostics approach (in several tissues) combined with an organismal approach (body condition). Clownfish were exposed to a one month experiment following two temperature treatments: control (26 °C) and elevated temperature (30 °C). Fish were sampled at 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days for (1) assessment of stress biomarkers (catalase, lipid peroxidation, glutathione-S-transferase, superoxide dismutase, acetylcholinesterase, heat shock protein 70 kDa and ubiquitin – in brain, gills, liver, intestine and muscle), (2) estimation of integrated biomarker response index based on the biomarkers tested and (3) assessment of Fulton’s K index. Results show all biomarkers except acetylcholinesterase responded consistently and significantly to elevated temperature across tissue types suggesting they are suitable indicators of thermal stress in A. ocellaris. Biomarker levels were tissue-specific, and in addition, the most reactive tissues to temperature were muscle, gills and liver which suggest that highly oxygenated tissues seem to be the most responsive under thermal stress. The most responsive sampling times to increased temperature were T7 and T28: thermal stress was observed after 7 days of exposure (biomarker levels increased), then a pattern of decrease in biomarker levels towards the end of the experiment was observed, which may suggest fish were able to acclimate to exposure conditions. This indicates that A. ocellaris probably lives far from its upper thermal limit and is capable of adjusting the protein quality control system and enzymes’ activities to protect cell functions under elevated temperatures. The temperature treatment did not significantly influence body condition of the animals but biomarkers were negatively correlated to wet body weight. This suggests that thermal acclimation incurs at some energetic cost. In conclusion, these results suggest that this coral reef fish species presents a significant acclimation potential under ocean warming scenarios of +4 °C.  相似文献   
Porites panamensis is a hermatypic brooder coral endemic to, and distributed along, the Eastern Tropical Pacific, and is considered a species vulnerable to local effects because it has limited capacity for long‐distance dispersal (and low genetic diversity). Although larvae of P. panamensis have been previously shown to recruit to artificial settlement platforms, they have never been observed in the water column. The present study describes the reproductive behavior of P. panamensis, with a focus on using molecular tools to document evidence for a larval planktonic stage and for successful recruitment. Larvae collected from the water column, and recruitment on natural and artificial substrata were documented. Phylogenetic analysis of two ribosomal markers, 18s rRNA and ITS (ITS1‐5.8‐ITS2), and one mitochondrial marker, cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox1), confirmed the taxonomic identity of larvae, and showed that larvae and recruits have genotypes similar to adults of P. panamensis. Lipid vacuoles and Symbiodinium sp. were present in the gastrodermis of all larvae. A total of 12 and 371 recruits settled on artificial and natural substrates, respectively, and the recruitment rate differed significantly over time. By documenting the reproductive success of the species, we show the potential for existing individuals both to maintain the population in the study area and to contribute to maintenance of the coral reef community in the coming decades.  相似文献   
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