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W D Davies  J Pittard  B E Davidson 《Gene》1985,33(3):323-331
Defective transducing phages carrying aroG, the structural gene for phenylalanine (phe)-inhibitable phospho-2-keto-heptonate aldolase (EC; previously known as 3-deoxy-D-arabinoheptulosonate-7-phosphate synthetase[phe]), have been isolated, and DNA from two of these phages has been used to construct a restriction map of the region from att lambda to aroG. A 7.6-kb PstI-HindIII fragment from one of these phages was cloned into pBR322 and shown to contain aroG. The location of aroG within the 7.6 kb was established by subcloning and Tn3 transpositional mutagenesis. A fragment carrying the aroG promoter and operator has been cloned into a high copy number promoter-cloning vector (pMC489), and the resulting aroGpo-LacZ' (alpha) fusion subcloned in a low copy number vector. Strains with this fusion on the low copy number vector exhibit negative regulation of beta-galactosidase expression by both phenylalanine and tryptophan and positive regulation by tyrosine in a tyrR+ background.  相似文献   
Several unit-length minicircles from the kinetoplast DNA of Leishmania tarentolae were cloned into pBR322 and into M13 phage vectors. The complete nucleotide sequences of three different partially homologous minicircles were obtained. The molecules contained a region of approx. 80% sequence homology extending for 160–270 bp and a region unique to each minicircle. A 14-mer was found to be conserved in all kinetoplast minicircle sequences reported to date. The frequency distributions of various minicircle sequence classes in L. tarentolae were obtained by quantitative gel electrophoresis and by examination of the “T ladder” patterns of minicircles randomly cloned into M13 at several sites. By these methods we could assign approx. 50% of the total minicircle DNA into a minimum of five sequence classes. A sequence-dependent polyacrylamide gel migration abnormality was observed with several minicircle fragments both cloned and uncloned. The abnormality was dependent on the presence of a portion of the conserved region of the minicircle.  相似文献   
A new brain protein is described which forms an insoluble complex with tubulin, with concomitant stoichiometric hydrolysis of GTP. The complex contains a maximum of one tubulin-binding protein (MW 52,500) per two tubulin dimers. The tubulin-binding protein (TBP) does not compete with colchicine, but in the presence of microtubule-associated proteins tubulin appeared less accessible to it. Proteins such as TBP might sequester tubulin and thereby function either to inhibit indiscriminate polymerization, or to promote ordered nucleation by maintaining high local concentrations.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies against chick embryonic beta-galactoside-binding lectin were obtained. One of the monoclonal antibodies was ineffective in Western blotting and seemed to be unable to bind the SDS-denatured lectin. When the native lectin was dotted on a nitrocellulose filter and subjected to denaturation by treatment with SDS, urea or heat, binding of this antibody no longer occurred, though other monoclonal antibodies bound normally. This antibody seems to have been raised against an epitope which is destroyed upon denaturation.  相似文献   
The effect of temperature on the maximum specific growth rate and the cell yield was studied during cultivation of two bacterial strains (LPM-4 and Pseudomonas sp. LPM-410) on EDTA under unlimited cell growth conditions in a pH-auxostat. Both strains displayed linear dependence of reciprocal biomass yield against reciprocal specific growth rate, from which the values of rate of substrate expenditure for cell maintenance and the “maximum” yield (i.e., hypothetical yield without cell maintenance processes) were estimated. Analysis of the maximum yield values based on mass–energy balance theory suggested that oxidation of the carboxylic acid side chains of EDTA by a monooxygenase had zero or low energetic efficiency. An Arrhenius equation with different values of Arrhenius parameters within different temperature ranges gave a good fit with the temperature dependence of both growth rate and biomass yield. Specific growth rates of both strains showed a more pronounced temperature dependence than did the cell yields. A possible kinetic mechanism was suggested which might be responsible for the modes of the temperature dependences of specific growth rate and yield that were found. The mechanism is based on a hypothetical key substance governing the metabolic flows, which is formed in a zero-order reaction and destroyed in a first-order reaction, both rate constants depending on temperature according to the Arrhenius law.  相似文献   
A possibly physiologically significant inhibition of yeast enolase by fluoride occurs in the absence of inorganic phosphate. The inhibition increases with time, is strongly dependent on fluoride concentration and requires substrate and “catalytic” Mg2+. The inhibition increases more slowly in the presence of product (phosphoenolpyruvate) than substrate (2-phosphoglycerate). The dependence on fluoride concentration and the spans of substrate analogue displacement titrations suggest the inhibition is produced by two moles of fluoride per active site.  相似文献   
A new approach to the study of the molecular arrangements of proteins in membranes is described. Irradiation with visible light of native erythrocytes or washed erythrocyte membranes suspended in buffers containing a) riboflavin, fluorescein or fluorescein coupled to dextran and b) 3H-labelled tryptophan resulted in incorporation of radioactivity into the membrane proteins. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of solubilized membranes followed by radioactivity measurements of the separated membrane proteins revealed that in native erythrocytes the protein components known to be located at the exterior cell surface, Band 3 and the major sialoglycoproteins became specifically labelled, whereas in washed lysed cells all of the major membrane proteins were labelled.  相似文献   
S Soulier  P Gaye 《Biochimie》1981,63(7):619-628
The results of subcellular fractionation of sheep mammary gland membranes indicate that N-acetylgalactosaminyl polypeptide transferase and galactosyl-N-acetylgalactosaminyl transferase, which are involved in the assembly of disaccharide units of kappa-casein, are localized chiefly in Golgi membranes. The glycosyltransferase activities incorporating N-acetyl [1-14C] galactosamine and [U-14C] galactose from uridine diphosphate N-acetyl [1-14C] galactosamine and uridine diphosphate [U-14C] galactose, respectively, were measured after membrane solubilization with Triton X-100 either with unglycosylated caseinomacropeptide, or with this polypeptide containing the N-acetylgalactosamine side chain residues (desialylated and degalactosylated caseinomacropeptide). Radioactive N-acetylgalactosamine was incorporated in the unglycosylated acceptor peptide, and the glycosidic bonds in the product were alkali labile, suggesting that they were linked to the hydroxyamino acid residues. In addition radioactive N-acetylgalactosamine was released after alpha N-acetyl-D-galactosaminidase treatment of labelled caseinomacropeptide. [U-14C] galactose was incorporated in the desialylated and degalactosylated acceptor peptide. Reductive alkaline treatment of [U-14C] galactose peptide resulted in the release of a major product, the chromatographic properties of which in TLC were identical with authentic galactosyl (1 leads to 3) N-acetylgalactosaminitol. The structure of the labelled disacchariditol determined after periodate oxidation (two equivalents) by gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed that the [U-14C] galactose was linked to position C-3 on the N-acetylgalactosaminyl-residue. The anomery of the galactose, as determined by a chemical method, indicates unambiguously a beta configuration.  相似文献   
Nickel was found to be required for expression of urease activity in batch cultures of Thiocapsa roseopersicina strain 6311, Chromatium vinosum strain 1611 and Thiocystis violacea strain 2311, grown photolithotrophically with NH4Cl as nitrogen source. In a growth medium originally free of added nickel and EDTA, the addition of 0.1–10 M nickel chloride caused an increase in urease activity, while addition of EDTA (0.01–2 mM) caused a strong reduction. Variation of the nitrogen source had no pronounced influence on the level of urease activity in T. roseopersicina grown with 0.1 M nickel in the absence of EDTA. Only nickel, of several heavy metal ions tested, could reverse suppression of urease activity by EDTA. Nickel, however, did not stimulate and EDTA did not inhibit the enzyme in vitro. When nickel was added to cultures already growing in a nickel-deficient, EDTA-containing medium, urease activity showed a rapid increase which was not inhibited by chloramphenicol. It is concluded that the (inactive) urease apoprotein may be synthesized in the absence of nickel and can be activated in vivo without de novo protein synthesis by insertion of nickel into the pre-formed enzyme protein.  相似文献   
A Chinese hamster ovary triple auxotroph (CHO AUXB1) requires glycine, adenosine, and thymidine (GAT) for growth and survival due to a defect in the structural gene for folylpolyglutamate synthetase (FPGS). This auxotroph and others like it contain less than 3% of the parental amounts of FPGS activity. In order to develop a reverse mutation assay with CHO AUXB1, we determined the optimal conditions for measuring reversion and characterized some of the revertants. We also obtained quantitative mutagenicity data for several direct-acting mutagens for comparison to the parental CHO-S/HGPRT locus. Induced revertants appear in the culture immediately following 20-22 h exposures in +GAT complete medium, indicative of dominant genetic changes. They are maximally expressed after 2 population doublings and can be conveniently selected after 44-48 h of expression growth by plating 1 X 10(6) cells/100-mm dish into -GAT-deficient medium and incubating 12-13 days. Plating reconstruction experiments show that the cloning efficiencies of revertants in -GAT medium are not influenced by the presence of up to 1 X 10(6) CHO AUXB1 cells. Dose-dependent increases above the spontaneous revertant frequency (average = 5 X 10(7)) are induced with cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 (14-fold) (but not trans-Pt(NH3)2Cl2), PtCl4(10-fold), Pt(SO4)2 (14-fold), K2CrO4 (8-fold), EMS (10-fold), 4-NQO (53-fold), ICR-191 (60-fold), and ICR-170 (30-fold). All of the revertants that have been isolated are stable to repeated subculturing in -GAT medium; 40 out of 42 that have been analyzed are characterized by an increased 72-h growth incorporation of labeled folate and their extracts contain 5-94% as much FPGS as the original, parental CHO-S line. Spontaneous and induced reversion to the GAT+ phenotype primarily reflects mutations involving the FPGS gene locus. But the re-acquisition by most of the revertants of much less than normal amounts of FPGS activity suggests that they arise from compensatory second-site mutations within this gene. Comparison of the mutagenicity patterns of the foregoing compounds as a function of the applied concentration and the relative percent survival reveals some interesting similarities, as well as differences, between the CHO AUXB1/FPGS and CHO-S/HGPRT loci. In particular, the FPGS locus is rather insensitive to EMS (or other simple alkylating agents). However, it seems to be quite susceptible to reversion by other chemicals that are known to react selectively with guanine bases in DNA. CHO AUXBI is a useful supplemental mammalian assay system for assessing quantitatively the generally weak mutagenic activities of metal compounds.  相似文献   
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