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High‐resolution leaf growth is rarely studied despite its importance as a metric for plant performance and resource use efficiency. This is in part due to methodological challenges. Here, we present a method for in situ leaf growth measurements in a natural environment. We measured instantaneous leaf growth on a mature Avicennia marina subsp. australasica tree over several weeks. We measured leaf expansion by taking time‐lapse images and analysing them using marker tracking software. A custom‐made instrument was designed to enable long‐term field studies. We detected a distinct diel growth pattern with leaf area shrinkage in the morning and leaf expansion in the afternoon and at night. On average, the observed daily shrinkage was 37% of the net growth. Most of the net growth occurred at night. Diel leaf area shrinkage and recovery continued after growth cessation. The amount of daily growth was negatively correlated with shrinkage, and instantaneous leaf growth and shrinkage were correlated with changes in leaf turgor. We conclude that, at least in this tree species, instantaneous leaf growth patterns are very strongly linked to, and most likely driven by, leaf water relations, suggesting decoupling of short‐term growth patterns from carbon assimilation.  相似文献   
美国白蛾是原产于北美地区的世界性植物检疫性害虫,自1979年发现入侵我国以来,严重威胁我国的生态安全。近年来,随着全球气候变暖,美国白蛾疫情不断南扩,其化性在一些地区出现新的变化。本文根据1979—2021年该虫发生扩散情况和各地区监测普查结果,结合部分地区温度变化数据,全面分析了美国白蛾入侵我国以来的发生扩散过程,对比分析了各地区发生世代数及变化情况,阐明部分地区世代数增加的原因。针对美国白蛾世代数演变规律和反复暴发成灾的情况,提出了当前应关注的几个重点问题:世代数增加引发的扩张速率显著上升;扩张潜力与沿长江地区扩散趋势减缓关系;暴发成灾时有发生与本土化趋势不明显。鉴于当前外来入侵物种管理要求提高及多年来美国白蛾防控工作中暴露的一些问题,提出要在守护国家生物安全底线前提下制定防治策略、在统筹生物多样性保护下实现控制目标、在做好应急准备下摸清暴发成灾规律、在强化疫情检疫管理中提高疫情认定效率等对策。  相似文献   
Thermal stability of mutant proteins has been investigated using temperature dependent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in vacuo. The numerical modeling was aimed at mimicking protein expansion upon heating. After the conditions for an expanding protein accessible surface area were established for T4 lysozyme and barnase wild-type proteins, MD simulations were carried out under the same conditions using the crystal structures of several mutant proteins. The computed thermal expansion of the accessible surface area of mutant proteins was found to be strongly correlated with their experimentally measured stabilities. A similar, albeit weaker, correlation was observed for model mutant proteins. This opens the possibility of obtaining stability information directly from protein structure.  相似文献   
 In the presence of stimulatory concentrations of glucose, the membrane potential of pancreatic β-cells may experience a transition from periods of rapid spike-like oscillations alternating with a pseudo-steady state to spike-only oscillations. Insulin secretion from β-cells closely correlates the periods of spike-like oscillations. The purpose of this paper is to study the mathematical structure which underlines this transitional stage in a pancreatic β-cell model. It is demonstrated that the transition can be chaotic but becomes more and more regular with increase in glucose. In particular, the system undergoes a reversed period-doubling cascade leading to the spike-only oscillations as the glucose concentration crosses a threshold. The transition interval in glucose concentration is estimated to be extremely small in terms of the rate of change for the calcium dynamics in the β-cells. The methods are based on the theory of unimodal maps and the geometric and asymptotic theories of singular perturbations. Received: 25 October 1996/Revised version: 18 August 1997  相似文献   
Fricke W 《Planta》2004,219(3):515-525
The aim of the present study was to test whether rapid accumulation of solutes in response to salinity in leaf tissues of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) contributes to recovery and maintenance of residual elongation growth. Addition of 100 mM NaCl to the root medium caused an immediate reduction close to zero in elongation velocity of the growing leaf 3. After 20–30 min, elongation velocity recovered suddenly, to 40–50% of the pre-stress level. Bulk osmolality increased first, after 60 min, significantly in the proximal half of the elongation zone. Over the following 3 days, osmolality increases became significant in the distal half of the elongation zone, the adjacent, enclosed non-elongation zone and finally in the emerged portion of the blade. The developmental gradient and time course in osmolality increase along the growing leaf was reflected in the pattern of solute (Cl, Na and K) accumulation in bulk tissue and epidermal cells. The partitioning of newly accumulated solutes between epidermis and bulk tissue changed with time. Even though solute accumulation does not contribute to the sudden and partial growth recovery 20–30 min after exposure to salt, it does facilitate residual growth from 1 h onwards. This is due to a high sink strength for solutes of the proximal part of the growth zone and its ability to accumulate solutes rapidly and at high rates.Abbreviations EDX analysis Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis - LEV Leaf elongation velocity - LVDT Linear variable differential transformer - REGR Relative elemental growth rate  相似文献   
The purpose of this research was to form stable suspensions of submicron particles of cyclosporine A, a water-insoluble drug, by rapid expansion from supercritical to aqueous solution (RESAS). A solution of cyclosporine A in CO2 was expanded into an aqueous solution containing phospholipid vesicles mixed with nonionic surfactants to provide stabilization against particle growth resulting from collisions in the expanding jet. The products were evaluated by measuring drug loading with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), particle sizing by dynamic light scattering (DLS), and particle morphology by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and x-ray diffraction. The ability of the surfactant molecules to orient at the surface of the particles and provide steric stabilization could be manipulated by changing process variables including temperature and suspension concentration. Suspensions with high payloads (up to 54 mg/mL) could be achieved with a mean diameter of 500 nm and particle size distribution ranging from 40 to 920 nm. This size range is several hundred nanometers smaller than that produced by RESAS for particles stabilized by Tween 80 alone. The high drug payloads (≈10 times greater than the equilibrium solubility), the small particle sizes, and the long-term stability make this process attractive for development.  相似文献   
Alts three-dimensional cell balance equation characterizing the chemotactic bacteria was analyzed under the presence of one-dimensional spatial chemoattractant gradients. Our work differs from that of others who have developed rather general models for chemotaxis in the use of a non-smooth anisotropic tumbling frequency function that responds biphasically to the combined temporal and spatial chemoattractant gradients. General three-dimensional expressions for the bacterial transport parameters were derived for chemotactic bacteria, followed by a perturbation analysis under the planar geometry. The bacterial random motility and chemotaxis were summarized by a motility tensor and a chemotactic velocity vector, respectively. The consequence of invoking the diffusion-approximation assumption and using intrinsic one-dimensional models with modified cellular swimming speeds was investigated by numerical simulations. Characterizing the bacterial random orientation after tumbles by a turn angle probability distribution function, we found that only the first-order angular moment of this turn angle probability distribution is important in influencing the bacterial long-term transport. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000):60G05, 60J60, 82A70  相似文献   
Lloyd BD 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(7):1895-1911
Short-tailed bats Mystacina tuberculata were widespread throughout the forest that dominated prehuman New Zealand, but extensive deforestation has restricted them to scattered populations in forest fragments. In a previous study, the species' intraspecific phylogeny was investigated using multiple mitochondrial gene sequences. Six phylogroups were identified with estimated divergences of 0.93-0.68 Ma. In the current study, the phylogeographical structure and demographic history of the phylogroups were investigated using control region sequences modified by removing homoplasic sites. Phylogeographical structure in the North Island was generally consistent with an isolation-by-distance dispersal model. Coalescent-based analyses (i.e. mismatch distributions, skyline plots, lineage dispersal analysis and nested clade analysis) indicated that the three phylogroups found in central and southern North Island expanded before the last glacial maximum, presumably during interstadials when Nothofagus forest was most extensive. Genetic structure within a central North Island hybrid zone was consistent with range expansion from separate refugia following reforestation after catastrophic volcanic eruptions. Phylogeographical structure in the South Island was consistent with southern populations originating during rapid southward range expansion from refugia in northern South Island following postglacial reforestation of the South Island 10-9 kya.  相似文献   
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