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Three isoflavanones, 5,7,2',4'-tetrahydroxy-6-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)isoflavanone (1), 4",5"-dihydro-5,2',4'-trihydroxy-5"-isopropenylfurano-(2",3";7,6)-isoflavanone (2) and 4",5"-dihydro-2'-methoxy-5,4'-dihydroxy-5"-isopropenylfurano-(2",3";7,6)-isoflavanone (3) and a previously known isoflavone 5,7,4'-trihydroxyisoflavone [genistein (4)] were isolated and characterised spectroscopically from the root exudate of the legume Desmodium uncinatum (Jacq.) DC. We propose the names uncinanone A, B, and C for compounds 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Isolated fractions containing uncinanone B (2) induced germination of seeds from the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. and fractions containing uncinanone C (3) moderately inhibited radical growth, the first example of a newly identified potential allelopathic mechanism to prevent S. hermonthica parasitism.  相似文献   
Oviposition preference and offspring survival relative to the location of the host embryo was tested in the egg parasitoid Trichogramma nubilale on European corn borer host eggs. Females preferentially oviposited near to the embryo on hosts about 24 h old. Survival of Trichogramma was lower when females oviposited far from the embryo, and a higher proportion of host embryos hatched. Females did not show preferences for drilling or oviposition within very young hosts relative to where the embryo would develop, and these eggs did not produce wasps or host larvae. Female behavior was apparently adaptive in day-old hosts, not to very young hosts.  相似文献   
Résumé A Cuba, les oeufs h?tes parasités parTrichogramma fuentesi Torre (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) deviennent soit noirs, soit marrons. Une série de croisements entre Trichogrammes a permis de montrer que le déterminisme de ce caractère est sous la dépendance d'un locus portant deux allèles: Bh, dominant, confère une couleur noire à l'h?te; bh, récessif, confère une couleur marron. L'allèle bh étant plus fréquent dans la région orientale de Cuba, la plus chaude, nous avons suivi l'évolution des fréquences des deux allèles dans des populations expérimentales polymorphes placées à 23 °C et 30 °C. Dans toutes les conditions testées, bh a été désavantagé par rapport à Bh, sauf à 30 °C lorsque sa fréquence initiale était élevée (90%). La température n'explique donc certainement pas à elle seule le maintien du polymorphisme à Cuba.
In Cuba, during its larval development inside its host egg,Trichogramma fuentesi turns its host egg either black or brown. Crossings carried out between the two forms ofT. fuentesi allowed to show that this character is determined by one locus with two alleles: Bh, dominant, colours the host black; and bh, recessive, colours the host brown. The bh allele is more frequent in the eastern region of Cuba which is also the warmest, than in the western region. We studied the evolution of frequencies of the two alleles in different experimental polymorphic populations at 23 °C and at 30 °C. In all tested conditions, bh was at a disadvantage by comparison with Bh, except at 30 °C when its initial frequency was high (90%). Thus, temperature alone should certainly not explain the maintenance of the observed polymorphism in Cuba.
Anthopleurin-A (AP-A) is a member of a family of sea anemone-derived polypeptides that interact with sodium channels in a voltage-dependent manner, producing a positive inotropic effect on the mammalian heart. There has been considerable interest in this molecule as a lead compound for the development of novel therapeutic agents. Earlier attempts to define the 3-dimensional structure of AP-A were complicated by the fact that it was found to exist in 2 conformations in solution. Using 1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy, we have now shown that this conformational heterogeneity arises from cis-trans isomerization about the Gly 40-Pro 41 peptide bond and that in the major form of the protein this peptide bond adopts a cis conformation. Furthermore, the increased sensitivity afforded by higher-field NMR has allowed identification of additional minor conformations of AP-A, the origin of which is presently unknown. We believe there will be many more examples of the detection by high-field NMR of previously unobserved minor conformations of proteins in solution.  相似文献   
The swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus L., feeds exclusively on members of the plant family, Rutaceae. Female butterflies lay eggs in response to specific chemicals contained in their host plants. They perceive a variety of polar compounds as oviposition stimulants through the tarsal chemosensilla of the foreleg by drumming upon the leaf surface. Some biogenic amine analogs have been characterized as oviposition stimulants. We have cloned three amine receptors, serotonin, tyramine, and dopamine, from cDNA derived from foreleg tarsus of P. xuthus, and determined structures of both cDNA and genomic genes. The phenylethylamine (tyramine and dopamine) receptors were expressed preferentially in brain and chemosensory organs. Moreover, we observed the localized expression of dopamine receptors at the base of tarsal chemosensilla by in situ hybridization. These results suggest that amine receptors in tarsal chemosensilla have a functional role in chemoreception for host plant recognition.  相似文献   
Histological investigations of the pathology of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) eggs after attack by the egg parasitoid, Trichogramma australicum (Girault), indicate that the developing embryo is immediately killed by envenomation. Soon afterward the histological staining characteristics of parasitized host embryos change and the embryonic germ band dissociates into a mass of individual rounded cells. Hosts attacked by females sterilized by gamma-irradiation showed the same pathological effects as normally parasitized hosts, indicating that host degeneration is due to female venom rather than factors derived from the parasitoid embryo or larva. Cell death also occurred in older host embryos although tissue breakdown was delayed. These findings have allowed us to determine not just that the host dies but what happens to the cells and tissues, i.e., their physical appearance, the time course of their degeneration, and that the process is retarded in older hosts. These processes can possibly be emulated in artificial diets.  相似文献   
European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae); western corn rootworm (WCRW), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte; and northern corn rootworm (NCRW), Diabrotica barberi (Smith & Lawrence) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) are important pests of corn, Zea mays L., that occur simultaneously in the US Corn Belt. Areawide management strategies for northern and western corn rootworm in Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, Illinois, and Indiana, and for the Mexican strain in Texas, use SLAM®, which contains cucurbitacin, a feeding stimulant, and a small amount of the insecticide carbaryl. This management strategy is environmentally sound because it introduces a substantially lesser amount of chemical insecticide into the environment than prophylactic soil insecticide applications for WCRW management. To develop a management program for both corn pests, the compatibility of SLAM® to control CRW, along with a biological agent to manage European corn borer, was investigated. Laboratory studies were conducted using the egg parasitoid Trichogramma brassicae (Bezdenko) (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). In experiments in which SLAM® and T. brassicae were evaluated as components of a management system, SLAM® did not affect parasitism or parasitoid emergence rates. Trichogramma brassicae displayed vigorous biotic fitness, emergence rates, sex ratios, and fecundity over the duration of the study. Data collected under these laboratory conditions indicated that SLAM® had no adverse effect on the quality of T. brassicae, indicated by its ability to reproduce in the filial generation.  相似文献   
The patch exploitation strategy of females of the insect parasitoid Trichogramma brassicae was studied on patches containing different proportions of hosts that were previously attacked by conspecificfemales. On average, T. brassicae females spent more time onpatches of higher quality, and all patches were reduced tothe same level of profitability before being left. This appearedto be in accordance to the optimal predictions of the CharnovMarginal Value Theorem. The proximate leaving mechanisms involvedwere analyzed by means of a Cox proportional hazards model.Each oviposition in a healthy host appeared to have an incremental influence on the patch residence time, whereas each rejectionof a healthy host or of a host that was previously attackedby the same female (i.e., self-superparasitism) had a decrementaleffect. These patch leaving mechanisms did not change accordingto the quality of the patch the females were exploiting. AMonte Carlo simulation was developed around the results of the Cox regression model. The results suggest that this set of patchleaving rules seems to provide the females with a sufficientway to reach the predictions of the Charnov model. Among thedifferent mechanisms involved, the incremental effect associatedwith each oviposition in a healthy host appeared to play the most important role. The relationship between the proximatemechanistic rules adopted by the females and the ultimate predictionof the Charnov model is discussed.  相似文献   
1. The relationships between parasitoid egg load, size, and age (3–72 h) for Trichogramma minutum, T. platneri, and T. pretiosum, reared from two factitious hosts, Ephestia kuehniella and Sitotroga cerealella, were evaluated to test the hypothesis that 24‐h egg load can be used to estimate the fecundity of Trichogramma parasitoids. 2. Egg load increased in relation to female age over the first 3 days of adult life for all three Trichogramma species to a mean egg storage capacity of 46.7 eggs for T. minutum, 41.1 for T. pretiosum, and 35.7 for T. platneri. At 24 h of age, T. minutum had matured enough eggs to fill 67% of its storage capacity, in comparison with 74% for T. pretiosum and 91% for T. platneri. There was a positive relationship between egg load and parasitoid size for all ages of the three Trichogramma species reared from both hosts (with the exception of T. platneri at 3 h post emergence), accounting for 14–69% of the variance in egg load. 3. The potential fecundity, realised (3 day cumulative) fecundity, and oviposition rate (potential fecundity/longevity) of T. platneri were all related linearly to size‐dependent variation in 24‐h egg load, but only the realised fecundity of T. pretiosum, and none of the reproductive characteristics of T. minutum. It is suggested that 24‐h egg load may not be an accurate measure of egg storage capacity in parasitoids and should be used cautiously to represent fecundity. 4. The potential fecundity of seven Trichogramma species reared from E. kuehniella varied from 55 to 150, but neither potential fecundity nor oviposition rate was related significantly to egg load (represented by eggs laid during first 24 h). Selection to avoid egg depletion in the attack of gregarious hosts appears most likely to account for the variation in potential fecundity among Trichogramma species.  相似文献   
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