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董贝  王素琴  李正西 《昆虫知识》2012,49(5):1210-1218
赤眼蜂是我国乃至世界范围内应用最广的卵寄生蜂,其中玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae Pang et Chen是我国玉米种植区重要的天敌昆虫,但其不同的地理种群在生物防治效果上存在较大差异。为了有效利用玉米螟赤眼蜂的优势种群,有必要对其进行准确的鉴别。然而,采用传统形态学方法对同一种赤眼蜂的不同种群进行鉴别是非常困难的。本研究首先采用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)标记对采自我国北京农科院、山东日照和山西太原的3个玉米螟赤眼蜂种群,进行了遗传差异分析,然后筛选了种群特异性位点,并通过克隆测序和引物设计构建了种群特异性分子标记,即序列特征性扩增区域(SCAR)标记。最后,利用SCAR标记对混合蜂群竞争试验结果进行了分子检测。该研究方法有助于玉米螟赤眼蜂优势种群的筛选,对于赤眼蜂的有效利用具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
The trichogrammatid Trichogramma bournieri Pintureau & Babault is a polyphagous parasitoid of eggs of several cereal stemborer species in eastern Africa. The effects of host species, host age and duration of host deprivation on the performance of the parasitoid were studied in the laboratory. Host acceptance and suitability were tested using five stemborer species. The noctuids Sesamia calamistis Hampson, Sesamia nonagrioides (Lefebvre), Busseola fusca (Fuller) the crambid Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) and the pyralid Eldana saccharina Walker were successfully parasitized by T. bournieri. Parasitism, number of progeny and developmental time varied significantly with host species. The eggs of S. calamistis and B. fusca were the most suitable, whereas those of E. saccharina were the least suitable. While parasitism and number of progeny tended to decrease with age of hosts, there were no significant differences in sex ratio. Longevity of the parasitoid increased with increase in deprivation of hosts from 0 to 12 days. Average lifetime fecundity per female decreased, indicating resorption of eggs.  相似文献   
Studies of host suitability and preferences of Trichogramma cordubensis Vargas and Cabello (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) were performed with eggs of six Lepidoptera (Noctuidae) species: Thysanoplusia orichalcea Fabricius, Peridroma saucia (Hübner), Xestia c-nigrum L., Phlogophora meticulosa (L.), Noctua pronuba (L.), and N. atlantica (Warren). Host suitability was studied by analysing separately the effects of the attacked host species and the influence of the rearing host species on different biological parameters of T. cordubensis. Host preference was analysed by offering eggs of two host species simultaneously to a single female wasp without previous oviposition experience (dual-choice tests). Results show that P. saucia, followed by P. meticulosa were the least suitable hosts for T. cordubensis, since on these species the preimaginal development of the parasitoids was significantly longer and, the number of parasitized eggs as well the number of offspring per female were significantly lower. Contrarily, T. cordubensis parasitized at a higher rate the eggs of the endemic non-target species, N. atlantica. Dual choice tests showed that the option of the first host to be accepted by the wasp was random; however, the mean number of parasitized eggs differed significantly when two host species were offered simultaneously to T. cordubensis, always being the host species with heavier eggs the most parasitized.  相似文献   
为了明确新烟碱类和大环内酯类杀虫剂对天敌赤眼蜂Trichogramma spp.的影响, 在室内采用药膜法测定了其对稻螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead、 亚洲玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae Pang et Chen、 拟澳洲赤眼蜂Trichogramma confusum Viggiani和广赤眼蜂Trichogramma evanescens Westwood成蜂的急性毒性, 并进行了安全性评价。急性毒性测定结果表明: 在测定的新烟碱类药剂中, 噻虫嗪对拟澳洲赤眼蜂和稻螟赤眼蜂表现出最高的急性毒性, 其LC50分别为0.24 (0.21~0.27) 和0.40 (0.37~0.44) mg a.i./L; 其次为烯啶虫胺, 该药剂对上述两种赤眼蜂的LC50分别为0.83 (0.74~0.96) 和0.72 (0.65~0.80) mg a.i./L; 而吡虫啉对亚洲玉米螟赤眼蜂和拟澳洲赤眼蜂的毒性最低, 其LC50分别为502.13 (459.80~549.62)和752.62 (687.51~828.63) mg a.i./L。在测定的大环内酯类药剂中, 阿维菌素对稻螟赤眼蜂的急性毒性最高, 其LC50为0.49 (0.46~0.65) mg a.i./L, 而甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐对拟澳洲赤眼蜂表现出最低的急性毒性, 其LC50为21.76 (19.59~24.40) mg a.i./L。安全性评价结果表明, 吡虫啉、 啶虫脒、 氯噻啉和甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐对4种赤眼蜂为低风险~中等风险性, 安全性系数为0.57~23.54; 噻虫啉和依维菌素对4种赤眼蜂却为中等风险~高风险性, 安全性系数为0.16~3.45; 而烯啶虫胺、 噻虫嗪和阿维菌素对4种赤眼蜂为高风险~极高风险性, 安全性系数为0.01~0.15。本研究测定的大部分杀虫剂对赤眼蜂都有一定的急性毒性风险。因此, 在害虫综合治理中应谨慎使用新烟碱类和大环内酯类杀虫剂尤其是烯啶虫胺、 噻虫嗪和阿维菌素, 以免造成对赤眼蜂的大量杀伤。  相似文献   
周金成  何玥  赵倩  董辉 《昆虫学报》2021,64(1):80-89
[目的]明确两性生殖品系和孤雌产雌品系松毛虫赤眼蜂Trichogramma dendrolimi在不同品种柞蚕Antheraea pernyi卵中的寄生及发育表现,为以柞蚕卵为替代寄主更好地规模化繁育赤眼蜂提供依据.[方法]测定两性生殖品系和孤雌产雌品系雌蜂在6个品种柞蚕卵[抗大(KD)、大四(DS)、高新(GX)、9...  相似文献   
松毛虫赤眼蜂对被害与未被害马尾松的趋性选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分别利用培养皿和“Y”形嗅觉仪的测定方法,研究了松毛虫赤眼蜂Trichogramma dendrolimiMatsumura对马尾松毛虫Dendrolimus punctatusWalker危害的马尾松针(Pinus massoniana)与未被害马尾松针的趋性选择反应。发现未被害松针和被害松针对松毛虫赤眼蜂均具显著的引诱作用,但是在被害与未被害松针两者之间,松毛虫赤眼蜂明显选择被害松针;对于不同被害程度而言,松毛虫赤眼蜂倾向于选择被害程度严重的松针,而与松针是否被马尾松毛虫连续危害的关系不明显。即松毛虫赤眼蜂可以通过马尾松毛虫被害后的寄主植物(马尾松)所散发的气味以对寄主栖息地定向,跟踪、寻找马尾松毛虫。  相似文献   
Two species-specific primers were designed depending on ITS2 sequence variation of 37 Trichogramma wasps, and these primers were applied to establish an assay,multiplex PCR (M-PCR), for molecular diagnosis of two important Trichogramma wasps,T. confusum and T. dendrolimi, in China. Multiplex-PCR results showed that only target species produced two PCR products, one product of ITS2 region species-specific amplification and one product of its ITS 1 region universal amplification, but other species produced only one ITS1 universal PCR product. Using this method, the target Trichogramma species can be distinguished from other Trichogramma species. Molecular identification based on M-PCR has particular value over morphological technology and other approaches, such as normal molecular and biochemical methods. Furthermore, because M-PCR assay can avoid false negative results, which frequently happen in PCR reaction, this method will be much more accurate and useful for Trichogramma identification, and can be developed as an easy and rapid diagnostic kit applied in the identification and quality monitoring of Trichogramma mass products both in the factory and in the field. Such an easy and rapid diagnostic kit will be valuable in the application of Trichogramma species as a biological control.  相似文献   
An artificial diet incorporating insect cells originally developed for Trichogramma australicum Girault (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) was successfully used to rear Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). To refine the diet, individual components were removed. Chicken egg yolk and the insect cells were identified as the most important components for T. pretiosum development. Their removal resulted in few pupae and no adults. Removal of Grace’s insect medium, a common component of artificial diets, was found to markedly improve the development of T. pretiosum, producing 60% larva to pupa transition and 19% pupa to adult transition. There was no significant difference in T. pretiosum development on diets in which milk powder, malt powder or infant formula were interchanged, despite differences in nutrient composition. The use of yeast extract resulted in significantly higher survival to the adult stage when compared with yeast hydrolysate enzymatic and a combination of yeast extract and yeast hydrolysate enzymatic. Comparison of four antimicrobial agents showed the antibacterial agent Gentamycin and the antifungal agent Nystatin had the least detrimental effect on T. pretiosum development. The use of insect cell line diets has the potential to simplify artificial diet production and significantly reduce T. pretiosum production costs in Australia compared to diets using insect hemolymph or the use of natural or factitious hosts.  相似文献   
Parasitoids learn olfactory and visual cues that are associated with their hosts, and use these cues to forage more efficiently. Classical conditioning theory predicts that encounters with high-quality hosts will lead to better learning of host-associated cues than encounters with low-quality hosts. We tested this prediction in a two-phase laboratory experiment with the parasitoid Trichogramma thalense Pinto & Oatman (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) and the host Anagasta kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).Host quality during the first exposure to hosts affected later foraging behavior for some experimental treatments, as predicted. We used a learning model, followed by patch-time optimization, to interpret our findings. We first simulated the parasitoids' host encounters during the experiment, and predicted their estimate of patch quality after each encounter. We then used dynamic optimization to predict the parasitoids' optimal patch residence times. The model reproduces the trends of the experimental results.  相似文献   
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