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采用原子吸收分光光度法研究了东方对虾在蜕皮过程中,壳、肌肉、肝胰脏和蜕下壳中Ca,P,Mg和K含量的变化。蜕皮间期壳中的各元素含量显著高于蜕皮后矿化期,蜕皮后矿期肝胰脏中的P和K的含量显著高于蜕皮前期。  相似文献   
东方杯叶吸虫囊蚴的体外培养和发育的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郎所 《动物学报》1993,39(3):307-314
本文用含小鸡血清的培养基将东方杯叶吸虫脱囊后尾蚴体外培养至怀卵成虫,但虫卵不正常。添加小鸡小肠粘膜浸出液能明显提高怀卵率和产卵量,但不影响怀卵量,41℃比37℃培养结果更好;后尾蚴的发育经历了精巢、阴茎囊、卵巢和卵黄腺的形成及怀卵和产卵的过程,体外培养中虫体发育延缓。  相似文献   
In order to culture the regenerated stamens of hyacinth in vitro to maturity, the effects of temperature on regeneration of stamens, microsporogenesis and pollen development were studied. Results showed: the proper temperature for stamen regeneration was 25℃. The temperature going down gradually was advantageous to the microsporogenesis and pollen development. The most suitable temperatures for differentiation of microsporocyte, meiotic division and pollen first mitosis were 20–25℃, 20℃ and 10℃ respectively. Under such temperature condition, it was possible to culture the regenerated stamens to maturity, and pollen grains in the stamens had the higher germination frequency. On the contrary, unsuitable temperature condition will make microsporogenesis and pollen development stop at certain development stage, it will finally result in pollen abortion.  相似文献   
The morphogenesis of regenerated ovule and cytological changes of its megasporogenesis and embryo sac development were studied. Results showed as follows: 1. the differentiation of the regenerated ovule had followed a normal process in the order of inner integument , outer integument and then funiculus. But the form of the regenerated ovules in vitro was quite different from that of ovule in vivo. Most of the regenerated ovules were orthotropous and hemianatropous , only a few were anatropous which are the same with that in vivo. 2. the megasporogenesis and the embryo sac development also had normal cytological process ,and the Polygonum type-embryo sac consisted of one egg, two synergids , one central cell and three antipodals could be seen in mature regenerated ovule. These ex-perimental results make clear that the regenerated ovule differentiated directly from explant could accomplish the complex processes of megasporogenesis and embryo sac development. By this fact ,authors infer that once the differentiation of ovule primordium, the complex biochemical programs for the megasorogenesis and embryo sac development can be controlled by the ovule itself and need no more information from flower bud and /or plant.  相似文献   
The sandfly Phlebotomus orientalis Parrot (Diptera: Psychodidae) is the vector of visceral leishmaniasis in eastern and Upper Nile regions of Sudan, where vector infection rates of over 7% have been reported. Sugars are known to be important for development of the parasite and for increasing the survival and oviposition rates of several species of sandflies. In the present study we have analysed the sugars present in the guts of individuals and groups of male and female P. orientalis and compared these with sugars from several potential local plant sources: Acacia seyal, Balanites aegyptiaca and Combretum kordofanum. The distribution of these trees in Sudan is closely correlated with that of P. orientalis. Only 20% of individually analysed female sandflies had significant amounts of sugars present suggesting that P. orientalis either digest their sugar meal quickly or do not require regular sugar meals. Interestingly, the sugars present in the males were significantly different to those found in the females, indicating that they had fed on different sugar sources. There was evidence that fruit sugars from Balanites aegyptiaca, Combretum kordofanum and aphid or coccid honeydew are utilized by male and female P. orientalis. There was evidence to indicate that female P. orientalis feeds directly on honeydew. There was no evidence to indicate that direct feeding on leaves is a typical source for the sugar meal. There was no melizitose and only a very small amount of turanose present in the male, suggesting that honeydew was not an important sugar source for males.  相似文献   
《Chronobiology international》2013,30(7):1348-1364
The phase and period responses to short light pulses were studied in the jerboa, a seasonal, hibernating, nocturnal rodent from the Atlas region in Morocco. The jerboa, which is a saltatory species, showed precise activity onsets and offsets under a light-dark (LD) cycle using infrared captors to record locomotor activity. When released into constant darkness (DD), the majority of animals showed a circadian period (τ) <24?h (mean τ?=?23.89?±?0.13?h) and a lengthening of the activity span, α. Animals were subsequently exposed to up to eight 15-min light pulses, each separated by at least 2 wks, for up to 160 days in DD. During this span, most individuals maintained robust circadian rhythmicity, with clearly defined activity onsets and offsets, similar levels of total activity, duration of α, and percent activity occurring during the subjective night. The phase response curve (PRC) is typical of other nocturnal rodents, with light eliciting delays during late subjective day and early subjective night (CT8–CT19) and advances during late subjective night to early subjective day (CT19–CT2). A dead zone, when light had no effect on phase, is observed during mid-subjective day (CT3–CT8). A few individuals showed large (>9?h) Type 0 phase resetting near the singularity region (CT19) that resulted in a complete phase reversal, but otherwise displayed normal phase-shifting responses at other CT times. The τ response curve showed a decrease in period from early to late subjective night with increases at other times, but these changes were small (maximum <9?min) and highly variable. There was a distinct tendency for animals that had an initial short τ in DD to conserve a short τ during the series of light pulses and, inversely, for animals with long τ to conserve a long τ. This suggests possible constraints on the plasticity of variation of τ in relation to the endogenous period of the animal. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   
The Hyrcanian forest of northern Iran is considered one of the potential centres for the evolution and domestication of the genus Malus (Rosaceae). However, the biogeography, phylogenetic position, and taxonomic status of the Hyrcanian wild apples have never been evaluated. In our study, the nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the trnH-psbA intergenic spacer region from 14 natural populations were analysed. Phylogenetic analysis based on the ITS and the Maximum-likelihood (ML) tree showed that all Hyrcanian samples were closely related to M. orientalis and M. asiatica and can be placed within section Malus and series Malus. Furthermore, based on a comparison of ITS2 secondary structures, the Hyrcanian samples were identical to M. orientalis and M. sieversii. Biogeographic scenarios constructed using Statistical Dispersal-Vicariance Analysis (S-DIVA) and the Bayesian Binary Method (BBM) indicated that the ancestor of Malus originated during the Eocene, ~53 million years ago (Ma), and that China played a vital role in the expansion of the range of the genus. The members of Malus colonized the Hyrcanian region from China during the Miocene, ~22-10?Ma.  相似文献   
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