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I analyzed the rates of net N mineralization and nitrification of soils from seven sites in a Hawaiian wet montane forest. The sites differ in age, ranging from 400 to 4,100,000 yr, but are comparable in other variables (all at 1200 miasl with 4000 mm or more mean annual rainfall), and the chronosequence simulated a development of soils from basaltic lava. Soils were incubated for 20 days at 17.5 °C, which is nearly equivalent to a mean field air temperature of the sites, and at an elevated temperature of 25.5 °C under three treatments: 1) field-wet without amendments, 2) air dried to a permanent wilting point, and 3) fertilized with phosphate (NaH2PO4) at the rate of 50 g P per g dry soil. Both mineralization and nitrification rates varied significantly among the sites at the field temperature (p<.00001). Fractions of the mineralized organic matter (indexed by the N produced per g organic C) increased sharply from the youngest to the 5000-yr site before declining abruptly to a near constant value from the 9000 to the 1,400,000-yr sites. Total organic C in the top soils (<15 cm deep) increased almost linearly with age across the sites. Consequently, net NH4- and NO3-N produced on an area basis (g m-2 20 d-1) increased sharply from 0.2 in the youngest site to 1.2 in the 5000-yr site, then both became depressed once but steadily increased again. The fraction of organic matter mineralized, and the net N turnover rates were outstandingly high in the oldest site where a large amount of organic matter was observed; the topsoil organic matter which was used in this analysis appeared to be highly labile, whereas the subsurface organic matter could be relatively recalcitrant. As suggested by earlier workers, the initial increase in N turnover seemed to correspond to the increasing quantity of N in the soils through atmospheric deposition and biological fixation. The later decline in fraction of organic matter mineralized seemed to relate to increasing soil C/N ratios, increasingly recalcitrant organic matter, and poorer soil drainage with age. The elevated temperature treatment produced significantly higher amounts of N mineralization, except for the youngest site where N was most limiting, and for two sites where soil waterlogging might be severe. P fertilization invariably resulted in slower N turnovers, suggesting that soil microbes responded to added P causing N immobilization. The youngest site did not significantly respond to added P. The magnitude of immobilization was higher in older than in younger soils, suggesting that P more strongly limits microbial populations in the older soils.  相似文献   
The dynamic properties of water in phosphatidylcholine lipid/water dispersions have been studied, applying a combination of 2H-NMR techniques (quadrupole splitting and spin-lattice relaxation time) and self-diffusion measurements using pulsed field gradient (PFG) 1H-NMR. The hydration properties of POPC (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine) were compared with those of DOPC (1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine) and EYL (egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (lecithin)). A model is presented that assumes an exponentially decaying influence of the bilayer surface on water dynamics as well as on water orientation with increasing hydration. This assumption is based on an exponentially decaying hydration potential which results from direct lipid-water and water-water interactions. The model describes successfully the experimental data for a large water concentration range, especially at low hydration, where other models failed. With the exception of a small fraction of water which is significantly influenced by the surface in slowing down the mobility, the interbilayer water has isotropic, free water characteristics in terms of correlation times and molecular order. Hydration properties of POPC are comparable with those of EYL but differ from DOPC. At very low water content the correlation times of headgroup segmental reorientation and water are similar, indicating a strong coupling of this water to the lipid lattice. The hydration properties of the three lipids studied are explained in terms of slightly different headgroup conformations due to different lateral packing of the molecules by their fatty-acid chain composition.  相似文献   
Metabolic shift analysis at high cell densities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: In high cell density cultures it is virtually inevitable that the environment to which the cells are exposed is heterogeneous. Thus, with suspended cultures, individual cells are subject to temporal changes in their environment whereas with aggregated or immobilized cells, the culture can be considered as being formed by a number of subpopulations, each with its own environmental characteristics. In addition, in a high cell density environment, high concentrations of end products may negatively influence the growth rate. This may result in the selection of organisms with an altered metabolic behaviour or with a decreased sensitivity to the adverse effects of the product. We discuss the consequences of this heterogeneity with regard to carbon source metabolism in view of the ability of many bacterial species to adapt to environmental conditions. Selection of variant organisms was found to occur with Clostridium butyricum when grown for a prolonged time in a medium containing approx. I-50 mM glucose. In contrast to the original strain, these variants could sustain a high maximal growth rate in the presence of butyric acid. In addition, they had acquired the capacity to spontaneously form aggregates and were able to carry out a completely solventogenic fermentation. Heterogeneous metabolic activity in aggregated cells is demonstrated with cultures of Lactobacillus laevolacticus , an aggregateforming lactic acid bacterium that converts glucose completely to o-lactate. By using microelectrodes, we show that the fraction of metabolically active cells decreases with increasing aggregate size: in larger aggregates steep pH gradients occur with the effect that only the outer layer of the aggregate is metabolically active, i.e. contributes to lactic acid formation, whereas with smaller aggregates all cells remain active. As a result, the net specific lactic acid production rate of the population as a whole is not invariably increased with increased aggregate size.  相似文献   
Abstract: Populations of northern sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) in the vicinity of Marmot Island, Alaska declined during 1975–1985 at about 5% per year (Merrick et al. 1987). The cause of this decline is not known. A life table for the northern sea lion was calculated assuming that life spans follow a Weibull distribution. Samples of northern sea lions taken in the vicinity of Marmot Island, Alaska during 1975–1978 and 1985–1986 indicate that the average age of females older than 3 yr increased about 1.55 yr (SD = 0.35 yr) while the population was declining at about 5% per year. Fecundity rates decreased by 10% over the same period, but the decrease was not statistically significant (Calkins and Goodwin 1988). Possible causes of the population decline and the change in age structure were examined by writing the Leslie matrix population equation in terms of changes in juvenile and adult survival rates and fecundity, and examining the short–term behavior of the trajectories of the average age of adult females, total number of females, and total number of pups with respect to those changes in the vital parameters. From the observed rate of declines of adults and the changes in average age of adult females and fecundity, estimates of the changes in adult and juvenile survival were calculated; estimates of the standard deviations of these changes were estimated via a bootstrap procedure. One purpose of this exercise is to aid in setting priorities for research for determining the cause of the decline. An explanation for the observed declines in numbers of adult sea lions consistent with the observed fecundity rates, a rate of decrease of 5% in the number of adults, and the corresponding increase in average age (of females age 3 yr and older) was a 10%–20% decrease in the survival of juveniles (age 0-3 yr) coupled with an insignificant change in adult survival (0.03%, SD = 1%).  相似文献   
Past work on tree-to-tree interactions in semi-arid savannas, through the use of nearest neighbour analysis, has shown both a regular dispersion pattern and a positive correlation between the size of a tree and the distance to its nearest neighbour. From these results, the importance of competition has been inferred. In the present study, tree-to-tree interactions in a mesic savanna woodland at Marondera, Zimbabwe, dominated by relatively small-sized individuals of Brachystegia spiciformis and Julbernardia globiflora, were examined. Results show that the regular dispersion pattern is uncommon; that there are few significant positive correlations between size of individual and distance to nearest neighbour; and that growth rate is not consistently correlated with size and distance of nearest neighbour. Results of a study of regeneration relative to canopy cover suggest a possible mechanism for these findings: unlike semi-arid savannas, young plants often grow in under-canopy environments so that early spacing of young trees does not occur. Significant positive correlations between the size of a tree and the distance to its nearest neighbour were found in a stand of larger, presumably older, trees, suggesting that such a relationship only develops in mesic miombo woodland through a thinning process as the trees mature. Familial clumping, which is common in the study area, may mask spatial patterns.Abbreviations RBAI Relative basal area increment  相似文献   
Throughout southeastern North America, the annual morning glory Ipomoea purpurea exhibits a polymorphism at a locus that influences the intensity of floral pigmentation. Previous studies have shown that when rare, the homozygous white genotype has a greater selfing rate than the homozygous dark genotype. In the absence of pollen discounting (a reduction in transmission of pollen to other plants by genotypes that exhibit increased selfing) and inbreeding depression, this increased selfing rate should favor the white allele. Experiments reported here confirm that the white genotype has elevated selfing rates when rare but indicate pollen discounting is not associated with elevated selfing. Rather, white genotypes contribute more pollen to the outcross pollen pool. The disparity between genotypes in both selfing rates and success at pollen contribution to other plants disappears at intermediate to high frequencies of the white allele. Pollinator movements are consistent with the pattern of selfing. These results suggest that elevated selfing and enhanced success at pollen donation contribute to maintenance of the white allele in natural populations of morning glories.  相似文献   
Abstract: This paper presents an estimate of the total number of sea otters that died as a direct consequence of the oil spill that occurred when the T/V Exxon Valdez grounded in Prince William Sound, Alaska on 24 March 1989. We compared sea otter counts conducted from small boats throughout the Sound during the summers of 1984 and 1985 to counts made after the spill during the summer of 1989. We used ratio estimators, corrected for sighting probability, to calculate otter densities and population estimates for portions of the Sound affected by the oil spill. We estimated the otter population in the portion of Prince William Sound affected by the oil was 6,546 at the time of the spill and that the post-spill population in the summer of 1989 was 3,898, yielding a loss estimate of approximately 2,650. Bootstrapping techniques were used to approximate confidence limits on the loss estimate of about 500–5,000 otters. The wide confidence limits are a result of the complex scheme required to estimate losses and limitations of the data. Despite the uncertainty of the loss estimate it is clear that a significant fraction of the otters in the spill zone survived. We observed otters persisting in relatively clean embayments throughout the oil spill zone suggesting that the highly convoluted coastline of Prince William Sound produced refuges that allowed some sea otters in the oil spill area to survive.  相似文献   
We have used [2-13C]d-glucose and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to investigate metabolic fluxes through the major pathways of glucose metabolism in intact human erythrocytes and to determine the interactions among these pathways under conditions that perturb metabolism. Using the method described, we have been able to measure fluxes through the pentose phosphate pathway, phosphofructokinase, the 2,3-diphosphoglycerate bypass, and phosphoglycerate kinase, as well as glucose uptake, concurrently and in a single experiment. We have measured these fluxes in normal human erythrocytes under the following conditions: (1) fully oxygenated; (2) treated with methylene blue; and (3) deoxygenated. This method makes it possible to monitor various metabolic effects of stresses in normal and pathological states. Not only has 13C-NMR spectroscopy proved to be a useful method for measuring in vivo flux through the pentose phosphate pathway, but it has also provided additional information about the cycling of metabolites through the non-oxidative portion of the pentose phosphate pathway. Our evidence from experiments with [1-13C]-, [2-13C]-, and [3-13C]d-glucoses indicates that there is an observable reverse flux of fructose 6-phosphate through the reactions catalyzed by transketolase and transaldolase, even in the presence of a net flux through the pentose phosphate pathway.  相似文献   
Summary A new method, a restrained Monte Carlo (rMC) calculation, is demonstrated for generating high-resolution structures of DNA oligonucleotides in solution from interproton distance restraints and bounds derived from complete relaxation matrix analysis of two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) spectral peak intensities. As in the case of restrained molecular dynamics (rMD) refinement of structures, the experimental distance restraints and bounds are incorporated as a pseudo-energy term (or penalty function) into the mathematical expression for the molecular energy. However, the use of generalized helical parameters, rather than Cartesian coordinates, to define DNA conformation increases efficiency by decreasing by an order of magnitude the number of parameters needed to describe a conformation and by simplifying the potential energy profile. The Metropolis Monte Carlo method is employed to simulate an annealing process. The rMC method was applied to experimental 2D NOE data from the octamer duplex d(GTA-TAATG)·d(CATTATAC). Using starting structures from different locations in conformational space (e.g. A-DNA and B-DNA), the rMC calculations readily converged, with a root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of <0.3 Å between structures generated using different protocols and starting structures. Theoretical 2D NOE peak intensities were calculated for the rMC-generated structures using the complete relaxation matrix program CORMA, enabling a comparison with experimental intensities via residual indices. Simulation of the vicinal proton coupling constants was carried out for the structures generated, enabling a comparison with the experimental deoxyribose ring coupling constants, which were not utilized in the structure determination in the case of the rMC simulations. Agreement with experimental 2D NOE and scalar coupling data was good in all cases. The rMC structures are quite similar to that refined by a traditional restrained MD approach (RMSD<0.5 Å) despite the different force fields used and despite the fact that MD refinement was conducted with additional restraints imposed on the endocyclic torsion angles of deoxyriboses. The computational time required for the rMC and rMD calculations is about the same. A comparison of structural parameters is made and some limitations of both methods are discussed with regard to the average nature of the experimental restraints used in the refinement.Abbreviations MC Monte Carlo - rMC restrained Monte Carlo - MD molecular dynamics - rMD restrained molecular dynamics - DG distance geometry - EM energy minimization - 2D NOE two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect - DQF-COSY double-quantum-filtered correlation spectroscopy - RMSD root-mean-square deviation To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
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