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Summary A greenhouse study in which 24, 54 and 71 per cent roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were pruned on the 73rd day from the date of planting (anthesis stage) showed that during a 7-day period following root pruning, total transpiration and leaf water potential were significantly lower (P=0.05) and the stomatal resistance was significantly higher (P=0.05) where 54 and 71 per cent roots were pruned, as compared to no root pruning or 24 per cent root pruning. The leaf relative water content, however, showed no significant differences. Thus about one-fourth root sytem could be reduced without adversely affecting the plant-water status.  相似文献   
Ripley BS  Pammenter NW 《Oecologia》2004,139(4):535-544
Water status in relation to standing biomass and leaf area indices (LAI) of the subtropical foredune species Arctotheca populifolia, Ipomoea pes-caprae and Scaevola plumieri were studied in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The plants showed little evidence of water stress, never developing leaf water potentials more negative than –1.55 MPa, a value which is typical of mesophytes rather than xerophytes. The plants showed no seasonal changes in osmotic potential, an indication that they did not need to osmoregulate, nor were there significant alterations in tissue elasticity. Turgor potential for the most part remained positive throughout the day or recovered positive values at night, a condition suitable for the maintenance of growth that may be essential to cope with sand accretion. All three species show relatively high transpiration rates and only I. pes-caprae showed any evidence of strong limitations of transpiration rate through reductions in midday stomatal conductance. All three species had relatively high instantaneous water use efficiencies as a result of high assimilation rates rather than low transpiration rates. Simple water budgets, accounting for losses by transpiration and inputs from rainfall, suggest that the water stored in the dune sands is sufficient to meet the requirements of the plants, although water budgets calculated for I. pes-caprae suggest that this species may on occasion be water limited. The results suggest that it is the low biomass and LAI that lead to these favourable water relations.  相似文献   
接种外生菌根对辽东栎幼苗生长的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
 辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)是中国特有的栎林树种,也是中国暖温带落叶阔叶林的主要优势树种之一。铆钉菇(Gomphidius viscidus)和臭红菇(Russula foetens)是在自然环境中与其共生形成外生菌根的真菌。在温室花盆中播种辽东栎种子获得辽东栎幼苗,并对幼苗接种铆钉菇和臭红菇合成外生菌根,比较了有菌根和无菌根辽东栎幼苗生长、光合蒸腾特性、氮磷含量的差异。外生菌根对辽东栎幼苗的生长有明显的促进作用,有菌根幼苗的生物量、株高、净光合速率和水分利用效率高于无菌根幼苗,蒸腾速率则相反。有菌根幼苗的氮磷含量分别为无菌根幼苗的1.7倍和2.2倍,外生菌根的合成还改变了氮磷在幼苗器官间的分配比例,与无菌根幼苗相比,有菌根幼苗茎中的氮磷减少,而叶片中的磷显著增加。同时接种铆钉菇和臭红菇的生长促进效果优于单独接种。  相似文献   
Physiological responses to salt stress in young umbu plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil salinity affects plant growth and development due to harmful ion effects and water stress caused by reduced osmotic potential in the soil solution. In order to evaluate the effects of salt stress in young umbu plants, research was performed in green house conditions at the Laboratory of Plant Physiology at Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil. Growth, stomatal behaviour, water relations, and both inorganic and organic solutes were studied aiming for a better understanding of the responses of umbu plants to increasing salinity. Plants were grown in washed sand with Hoagland and Arnon nutrient solution with 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 mM NaCl. Growth, leaf water potential, transpiration, and diffusive resistance were evaluated. Na+, K+, Cl, soluble carbohydrates, and free amino acid contents were measured in several plant organs. Most variables were affected with salinity above 50 mM NaCl showing decreases in: number of leaves, plant height, stems diameter, and dry masses, and increases in root-to-shoot ratio. Reductions in ψpd were observed in plants grown under 75 and 100 mM NaCl. All salt levels above zero increased Na+ and Cl contents in leaves. However, K+ content was not affected. Na+ and Cl in stems and roots reached saturation in treatments above 50 mM NaCl. Organic solute accumulation in response to salt stress was not observed in umbu plants. These results suggest that umbu plants tolerate salt levels up to 50 mM NaCl without showing significant physio-morphological alterations.  相似文献   
在2005年春季、夏季和秋季,对10a生拟单性木兰(Parakmeriaomeiensis)进行断根和剪枝处理,模拟移栽,用LICOR-6400测定了植株叶片的蒸腾速率、光合速率等生理指标,探讨这些生理指标对不同季节移栽成活率的影响。结果表明,春季处理后叶片能迅速关闭部分气孔,蒸腾速率和光合速率都减小,两者最低时约为对照的60%,生理机能的减弱有利于维持地上、地下部分的平衡,因而最有利于植株成活。夏季处理后叶片气孔导度显著增加,光合速率和蒸腾速率也随之增大,最高时约为对照的2倍左右,此时,若主要依靠剪枝来降低水分消耗,很难保证水分代谢平衡,移栽成活率低。秋季处理后植株叶片气孔导度高于对照,光合速率和蒸腾速率也增加,但增加幅度相对夏季较小,前期最高约增加40%,此时移栽可以通过适当的剪枝和增加土壤水分含量等措施提高成活率。可见,与水分相关的生理机能的调节机制,决定了移栽后的成活水平,即处理后能迅速调节自身生理机能、减少水分消耗的植株,成活率就高,反之就低。  相似文献   
蒋高明 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1999,41(10):1114-1124
报道了内蒙古毛乌素沙地不同生境下66种不同科属植物的光合作用、蒸腾作用和水分利用效率特征。这几种生境包括流动沙丘、固定沙丘、滩地和湿地,所分布的植物与表现的生理生态特征不同。研究结果表明:藜科、禾本科、豆科等具有C4光合碳同化途径或具固氮能力的植物具有较高的光合能力,其净光合速率20~30μmolCO2·m-2·s-1;而松柏科的常绿植物具最低的光合速率,0~5μmolCO2·m-2·s-1。菊科、玄参科、禾本科等具C3途径和无固氮能力的植物蒸腾作用最高,为20~30mmolH2O·m-2·s-1;松柏科、杨柳科和菊科的个别植物蒸腾速率很低,为0~5mmolH2O·m-2·s-1。豆科、禾本科和藜科中具C4光合途径或固氮能力的一些植物(灌木或草本植物)具有较高的水分利用效率。然而,植物的这些生理生态指标随不同季节和生境表现出不同的特点,在晚夏季所测的净光合速率、蒸腾速率分别比初夏季高26%和40%,而水分利用效率下降12%。从总体趋势来看,随着生境沿着由湿到干的不同水分供应等级,如从湿地、滩地、固定沙丘至流动沙丘,光合作用和蒸腾作用呈现减弱的趋势,而水分利用效率则呈现升高的趋势  相似文献   
以玉米 1 7个自交系和 1 0个杂交种为试材 ,在田间条件下研究了不同光强、不同叶位、不同生育期、不同源库比例和株间差异状态下的气孔阻力及其与光合 (PH)、蒸腾(TR)和叶片水分利用效率 (WUE)的关系 ,结果表明 ,不同自交系之间RS具有显著的差异 ,相差最大可达 2 .3倍以上 ;光照条件变弱、穗叶位差增加、生育期推延和源 /库比例改变等均可引起RS值的增加 ;在各种情况下导致RS变化的同时也引起TR和PH产生相应的变化 ,RS与TR、PH表现出显著或极显著的负相关 ,且相关系数rRS TR>rRS PH;RS与WUE的相关关系在不同的条件下表现出不稳定性  相似文献   
Using an improved gas-exchange technique for leaf chamber the authors' conclusions derived from electrical analogy analysis and simulation have been tested. In most devices for gas-exchange measurements, a fixed ventilation speed is used, which results in a fixed boundary layer conductance of leaf, but the results of experiments are often used to predict canopy transpiration or photosynthesis where the boundary layer conductance changes with the position of the leaf in the canopy and the wind speed above the canopy. To change the boundary layer conductance of a leaf, a barrier of variable size was inserted into the leaf chamber to decrease the wind speed over the leaf. The responses of stomatal conductance, net photosynthetic rate, and transpiration rate to light were then measured. The relationships amongst them have been tested. The experimental results matched well with the results predicted by electrical analogy analysis and simulation in most cases.  相似文献   
Re-examination of the electro-radicogram (ERG) obtained during past 10 years research (Masaki and Okamoto in Trees (Berl) 21:433–442, 2007) enabled us to discriminate the excess activity of the electrogenic ion pump in the root surface cell membrane over that of the xylem pump during most of the foliate phase. The trans-root electric potential (TRP) is defined as the difference between V ps (electric potential difference between symplast and bulk water phase surrounding the root) and V px (electric potential difference between symplast and xylem apoplast). The diurnal oscillation of TRP followed that of the air temperature and/or light intensity with a delay of several hours during defoliate phase. This means the superiority of the electrogenic activity of the xylem pump over that of the root surface pump. However, after leaf expansion, TRP began to oscillate inversely with the temperature change with a short delay, indicating the superiority of the electrogenic activity of the surface ion pump over that of the xylem pump. An experimental lumbering of the surroundings of the kaki tree in foliate phase prominently increased the ERG amplitude, keeping the inverted phase relation, with the increase in transpiration caused by the increased illumination. An incidental sudden fall of the temperature and illumination caused an inverse reaction.  相似文献   
 采用LI—6000便携式光合分析系统对毛乌素沙区主要植物种油蒿、中间锦鸡儿、旱柳进行了不同时期光合作用,蒸腾作用日进程的测定,并同步测定有效光辐射、空气相对湿度、叶温、气温、胞间CO2浓度、气孔阻力、叶片水势及土壤水势等因子;结果表明:不同时期、不同植物种其光合、蒸腾特征各异;植物的光合、蒸腾与环境因子和植物内部因子之间有密切关系,其中有效光辐射是影响光合作用、蒸腾作用诸因子中的主导因子,而气孔阻力变化则在调节光合和蒸腾中起着重要作用;不同植物种间气孔对环境条件变化的响应程度不同,以中间锦鸡儿最为灵敏;3种植物的水分利用效率表明,中间锦鸡儿的水分利用效率较油蒿、旱柳为高。  相似文献   
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