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A model originally developed for transport of neutral substrates in bacterial systems was tested for its suitability for depicting sucrose transport across the plasmalemma of the maize scutellum cell. The model contains a sucrose—proton symporter, a negatively-charged free carrier and a neutral sucrose—proton—carrier complex. Sucrose transport is driven by the sucrose gradient and by a proton electrochemical gradient set up by a proton-translocating ATPase. The results of experiments on sucrose uptake in scutellum slices are in accord with predictions based on the model. Evidence was obtained for an electrogenic proton pump in the plasmalemma, for sucrose—proton symport and for a sucrose transport mechanism driven by both electrical potential and pH gradients. It was found that treatments (dinitrophenol, N-ethylmaleimide or HCl) causing a net proton influx into the slices also caused an efflux of sucrose. Interpretations of these results compatible with the model are given.  相似文献   
The inclusion of sub-lethal amounts ofthe herbicide atrazine [2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-s-triazine] in the nutrient solution supplied to maize and barley increased the growth of the root and shoot and the uptake of nitrate. The activities of nitrate and nitrite reductases, glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase were enhanced and the amino acid and nitrate contents of the xylem sap increased. All these effects of atrazine were found only in plants grown with nitrate as the nitrogen source. The uptake of 15NO3? and its incorporation into protein in the root and shoot of maize and barley seedlings was significantly greater in the atrazine treated plants. However, a stimulation in the incorporation of leucine-[14C] into TCA-precipitable protein of detached leaves from 7-day-old barley seedlings was obtained only in the absence of a supply of combined nitrogen either in the culture medium or in the in vitro incubation mixture containing the labelled amino acid.  相似文献   
刘杰  严建兵 《植物学报》1983,54(5):554-557
密植是提高作物单位面积产量、促进粮食增产的重要途径之一。叶夹角是影响玉米(Zea mays)密植的关键因子。中国农业大学田丰课题组最近克隆了2个调控玉米叶夹角的数量性状位点(QTL)——UPA1UPA2, 揭示了这2个位点的功能基因(brd1ZmRAVL1)通过油菜素内酯(BR)信号通路调控叶夹角。UPA2位于ZmRAVL1上游9.5 kb, 可与DRL1蛋白结合。另一个影响玉米叶夹角的蛋白LG1可以激活ZmRAVL1的表达; DRL1蛋白与LG1蛋白直接互作抑制LG1对ZmRAVL1的激活表达。玉米祖先种大刍草(teosinte)的UPA2位点序列与DRL1蛋白结合能力更强, 导致大刍草ZmRAVL1的表达受到更强的抑制, 下调表达的ZmRAVL1进一步使下游基因brd1的表达下调, 进而降低叶环区的内源BR水平, 导致叶夹角变小。将大刍草的UPA2等位基因导入到玉米中或对玉米中ZmRAVL1进行基因编辑, 在密植条件下均可显著提高玉米产量。上述发现为高产玉米品种的分子育种改良提供了重要理论基础和基因资源。  相似文献   
A case of somatic instability affecting aleurone colour in a strain of maize from India with flint background was analysed. The somatic instability is localized to theC 1 (Inhibitor) allele ofC locus on the short arm of chromosome 9. Molecular tests indicated thatAc is not present in the Indian stock and the evidence is consistent with the involvement of theEn (Spm) transposable element in the instability. The presence of theEn (Spm)-like element in the stock would suggest that these elements have been present in the maize genome for a long time. A new allele ofshrunken (sh1) gene with a somewhat unorthodox breeding behaviour is also described.  相似文献   
Oviposition by the African migratory locust, Locusta migratoria migratorioides (Orthoptera: Acrididae), was studied in maize and wheat crops on the Orange Free State Highveld. Maize was shown to be the most important oviposition habitat with peak laying taking place in autumn and early winter when highest pod densities were recorded. Laying was mainly concentrated along the middle of the crop interrows in maize and within clearings in the wheat crop. Despite the uniform layout of these crops, the distribution of egg pods was found to be aggregated. Non-reproductive behaviour, such as locust aggregation, basking and feeding, as well as environmental factors appeared to influence the distribution of egg pods in these crops. Secondary selection for optinum soil moisture and compaction on the laying site enhanced the aggregation of pods.  相似文献   
The vertical distribution of Pratylenchus scribneri populations was monitored under irrigated corn and potato grown in loamy sand soil. population estimates were based on the number of nematodes recovered from 100-cm³ soil samples and the roots contained therein. Reproduction was assessed by counting the number of second-stage juveniles. An index of population maturity was computed to evaluate the age structure of populations. At no time were nematodes distributed uniformly among five soil depths from 0 to 37.5 cm deep. During the summer (June-September), changes in the total number of P. scribneri and the number of second-stage juveniles recovered were not consistent among the depths sampled. Early (April-June) and late (September-November) in the season, changes in the abundance, reproduction, and maturity of populations were similar among depths. The timing and pattern of increases in numbers of nematodes suggests that variation in the abundance of P. scribneri in the soil profile beneath potato and corn was caused primarily by reproduction rather than the movement of nematodes.  相似文献   
Effects of legumes on soil physical quality in a maize crop   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The effect of intercropped legumes and three N fertilizer rates in a continuous maize (Zea mays L.) cropping system on the physical properties of two soils were investigated for three years. The legumes, being a mixture of alfalfa, clover and hairy vetch, had a significant cumulative effect on some physical properties of both soil. The lowest stability and smallest mean weight diameter of soil aggregates were associated with monoculture maize plots. Aggregate size and stability were not affected by N fertilization at any of the rates of 0, 70, and 140 kg ha-1 in intercropped plots, except that aggregate stability was actually reduced by N fertilization in one soil, the Ste. Rosalie clay. In maize plots in both soils, stability and size of soil aggregates were significantly increased with increased added N. Intercropped legumes significantly decreased dry bulk density and soil penetration resistance. Added N had no measurable influence on these compaction factors. Soil water properties were not significantly affected by either intercropping or N fertilization. Positive effects noted on soil aggregation and other physical properties in intercropped plots are the result of enhanced root activity, or incorporation of legumes as green manure, or both. Improvement of soil structure in maize plots associated with increasing N application was the result of increased maize-root residues.  相似文献   
Collaborative experiments were conducted to determine whether microbial populations associated with plant roots may artifactually affect the rates of Fe uptake and translocation from microbial siderophores and phytosiderophores. Results showed nonaxenic maize to have 2 to 34-fold higher Fe-uptake rates than axenically grown plants when supplied with 1 μM Fe as either the microbial siderophore, ferrioxamine B (FOB), or the barley phytosiderophore, epi-hydroxymugineic acid (HMA). In experiments with nonsterile plants, inoculation of maize or oat seedlings with soil microorganisms and amendment of the hydroponic nutrient solutions with sucrose resulted in an 8-fold increase in FOB-mediated Fe-uptake rates by Fe-stressed maize and a 150-fold increase in FOB iron uptake rates by Fe-stressed oat, but had no effect on iron uptake by Fe-sufficient plants. Conversely, Fe-stressed maize and oat plants supplied with HMA showed decreased uptake and translocation in response to microbial inoculation and sucrose amendment. The ability of root-associated microorganisms to affect Fe-uptake rates from siderophores and phytosiderophores, even in short-term uptake experiments, indicates that microorganisms can be an unpredictable confounding factor in experiments examining mechanisms for utilization of microbial siderophores or phytosiderophores under nonsterile conditions.  相似文献   
The isolation and characterization of cDNA and homologous genomic clones encoding the lignin O-methyltransferase (OMT) from maize is reported. The cDNA clone has been isolated by differential screening of maize root cDNA library. Southern analysis indicates that a single gene codes for this protein. The genomic sequence contains a single 916 bp intron. The deduced protein sequence from DNA shares significant homology with the recently reported lignin-bispecific caffeic acid/5-hydroxyferulic OMTs from alfalfa and aspen. It also shares homology with OMTs from bovine pineal glands and a purple non-sulfur photosynthetic bacterium. The mRNA of this gene is present at different levels in distinct organs of the plant with the highest accumulation detected in the elongation zone of roots. Bacterial extracts from clones containing the maize OMT cDNA show an activity in methylation of caffeic acid to ferulic acid comparable to that existing in the plant extracts. These results indicate that the described gene encodes the caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase (COMT) involved in the lignin biosynthesis of maize.  相似文献   
We have constructed a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library using high-molecular-weight DNA prepared from agarose-embedded leaf protoplasts of the maize inbred line UE95. This library contains 79 000 clones with an average insert size of 145 kb and should therefore represent approximately three haploid genome equivalents. The library is organised as an ordered array in duplicate microtitre plates. Forty-one pools of DNA from 1920 individual clones have been prepared for rapid screening of the library by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Using this approach, together with conventional colony hybridisation, we have been able to identify between one and eight positive clones for every probe used.  相似文献   
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