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转基因番木瓜作为抗结核植物口服疫苗的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
转基因植物疫苗的研制,可改变传统的疫苗接种方式和接种手段,大大降低疫苗的生产成本,具有广阔的应用前景。结核病的泛滥使抗结核的免疫预防急需开发新型的疫苗,研制抗结核的转基因植物疫苗具有重大的理论和实践意义。本文对具有良好免疫原性的结核杆菌分泌蛋白ESAT—6基因,进行了修饰改造,构建了带潮霉素选择抗性基因的植物表达载体和根癌农杆菌工程菌;采用叶盘法转化热带水果番木瓜,获得了13株抗性植株,通过PCR、Southern blot和RNA dot blot分子检测,确认了4株为转基因植株。番木瓜ESAT—6转基因植株的获得,为进一步的结核病植物口服疫苗的免疫研究和新型抗结核疫苗的研制与开发奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Transgenic potato plants overexpressing and repressing enzymes of flavonoids biosynthesis were created and analyzed. The selected plants clearly showed the expected changes in anthocyanins synthesis level. Overexpression of a DNA encoding dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) in sense orientation resulted in an increase in tuber anthocyanins, a 4-fold increase in petunidin and pelargonidin derivatives. A significant decrease in anthocyanin level was observed when the plant was transformed with a corresponding antisense construct. The transformation of potato plants was also accompanied by significant changes in steroid alkaloid glycosides (SAG) level in transgenic potato tuber. The changes in SAGs content was not dependent on flavonoid composition in transgenic potato. However, in an extreme situation where the highest (DFR11) or the lowest (DFRa3) anthocyanin level was detected the positive correlation with steroid alkaloid content was clearly visible. It is suggested that the changes in SAGs content resulted from chromatin stressed upon transformation. A liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) system with electrospray ionization was applied for profiling qualitative and quantitative changes of steroid alkaloid glycosides in tubers of twelve lines of transgenic potato plants. Except alpha-chaconine and alpha-solanine, in the extracts from dried tuber skin alpha-solamargine and alpha-solasonine, triglycosides of solasonine, were identified in minor amounts, triglycosides of solanidine dehydrodimers were also recognized.  相似文献   
体细胞介导制备转基因动物的新途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体细胞介导制备转基因动物的技术路线是在核移植技术的基础上建立起来的。它的问世不过只有四五年时间 ,但显示了其具有广泛的应用前景。本综述比较了不同制备转基因动物技术的优缺点 ,介绍了体细胞介导制备转基因动物的基本技术路线 ,着重阐述了体细胞转染和整合细胞的克隆 ,以及体细胞介导的转基因技术的局限性和应用前景  相似文献   
The antiviral activity of the type-2 ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) IRAb from Iris was analyzed by expressing IRAb in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun NN) plants and challenging the transgenic plants with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Although constitutive expression of IRAb resulted in an aberrant phenotype, the plants were fertile. Transgenic tobacco lines expressing IRAb showed a dose-dependent enhanced resistance against TMV infection but the level of protection was markedly lower than in plants expressing IRIP, the type-1 RIP from Iris that closely resembles the A-chain of IRAb. To verify whether IRIP or IRAb can also confer systemic protection against viruses, transgenic RIP-expressing scions were grafted onto control rootstocks and leaves of the rootstocks challenged with tobacco etch virus (TEV). In spite of the strong local antiviral effect of IRIP and IRAb the RIPs could not provide systemic protection against TEV. Hence our results demonstrate that expression of the type-1 and type-2 RIPs from Iris confers tobacco plants local protection against two unrelated viruses. The antiviral activity of both RIPs was not accompanied by an induction of pathogenesis-related proteins. It is suggested that the observed antiviral activity of both Iris RIPs relies on their RNA N-glycohydrolase activity towards TMV RNA and plant rRNA.Abbreviations GUS -Glucuronidase - IRAb Iris agglutinin b - IRIP Iris type-1 RIP - PAG Polynucleotide:adenosine glycosylase - PAP Phytolacca americana antiviral protein - PR Pathogenesis-related - RIP Ribosome-inactivating protein - TCS Trichosanthin - TEV Tobacco etch virus - TMV Tobacco mosaic virus  相似文献   
Ammonium sulfate (5 mM) had no effect on nitrate reductase activity during a 3 hr dark incubation, but the enzyme was increased 2.5-fold during a subsequent 24 hr incubation of the maize leaves in light. The enzyme activity induced by ammonium ion declined at a slower rate under non-inducing conditions than that induced by nitrate. The decline in ammonium stimulated enzyme activity in the dark was also slower than that with nitrate. Further. cycloheximide accelerated the dark inactivation of the ammonium-enzyme while it had no effect on the nitrate-enzyme. The experiments demonstrate that increase in nitrate reductase activity by ammonium ion is different from the action of nitrate action.  相似文献   
A recombinant dog gastric lipase with therapeutic potential for the treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency was expressed in transgenic tobacco plants. We targeted the protein using two different signal sequences for either vacuolar retention or secretion. In both cases, an active glycosylated recombinant protein was obtained. The recombinant enzymes and the native enzyme displayed similar properties including acid resistance and acidic optimum pH. The proteolytic maturation and the specific activity of the recombinant proteins, however, were found to be dependent on subcellular compartmentalization. Expression levels of recombinant dog gastric lipase were about 5% and 7% of acid extractable plant proteins for vacuolar retention and secretion respectively. This expression system already has allowed the production of tens of grams of purified lipase through open-field culture of transgenic tobacco plants.  相似文献   
弱光胁迫对不同基因型玉米生长发育和产量的影响   总被引:54,自引:5,他引:54  
以不同基因型玉米为材料,在玉米生长发育的3个主要阶段(苗期、穗期、粒期)进行分期遮光试验,研究不同时期弱光胁迫对不同基因型玉米生长发育和产量的影响。结果表明,遮光延缓了玉米叶片的出生速度,使叶片变薄;遮光可以延缓叶片的衰老,但遮光解除后则加速叶片的衰老;遮光造成植株高度增加,但恢复正常光照后,其株高却逐渐低于对照;遮光使干物质积累下降,抽雄吐丝日期推迟,尤其是吐丝日期推迟更多,并使产量降低,但不同基因型玉米不同遮光处理下降程度不同。试验的4个品种中,掖单2 2和豫玉2号受遮光影响较小,而掖单36 38和丹玉13受影响较大,即不同基因型玉米对弱光胁迫的敏感性不同  相似文献   
植物对干旱胁迫的分子反应   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33  
干旱胁迫是影响植物生长发育的主要因子,渗透保护剂的合成和积累,脱水伤害的修复,自由基清除酶和LEA蛋白基因表达的增量调节能增加植物的耐干旱性。植物在干旱条件下至少有4条信号转导途径,其中2条信号途径是依赖ABA的,另外2条途径是不依赖ABA的,在植物干旱胁迫的信号转导中,双组分的组氨酸激酶可能起渗透感受器的作用,Ca^2 和IP3可能是脱水信号的第2信使,转基因植物是一种评价编码蛋白功能的良好系统。  相似文献   
以供试的5个高油玉米优良自交系为材料,建立了一个高效的高油玉米幼胚再生体系.研究表明,高油玉米幼胚组织培养的最适幼胚长轴长度在0.5 mm~2.0 mm左右;MB培养基是最适的胚性愈伤组织诱导培养基;各材料胚性愈伤组织诱导率差异较大,以4K261和4K296的胚性愈伤诱导率较高;不同材料最适的继代培养条件存在差异,但基因型仍然是决定各自交系胚性愈伤组织的继代能力的主导因素,其中以4K261最佳.5个自交系均能分化出幼苗,但分化率差异较大,以4K059分化率最高,达82.0 %;其次是4K261和4K296,分别为63.2 %和59.0 %;4K060和4K061表现最差.所以4K059、4K261和4K296均可作为遗传转化的受体材料.该体系的建立为高油玉米的遗传转化奠定了基础.  相似文献   
根癌农杆菌对甘蓝型油菜的转化及转基因植株的再生   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
用根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tum efaciens)共培养法把外源基因导入甘蓝型油菜(Brassi-ca napusL.)主要栽培品种“云北2 号”,获得转基因植株。所用外植体为带有1—2 m m 子叶柄的完整子叶,根癌农杆菌为A208SE(pTiT37-SE, pROA93)。Ti质粒pROA93 带有NPTⅡ及GUS嵌合基因。共培养2 天后转到附加25 m g/L卡那霉素的分化培养基(MS+ 4.5 m g/LBAP)上。AgNO3 和羧苄青霉素促进芽的分化,头孢霉素则有抑制作用。最高转化频率为27% 。把分化出的茎芽切下,插入含有25 m g/L卡那霉素的生根培养基中。羧苄青霉素不利于根的形成。把完整抗性植株移入盛土壤的盆中,生长状况良好。测定β-葡糖苷酸酶活性,84% 明显高于对照。以NPTⅡ基因作探针进行Southern blot分析,证实外源基因已插入到植物细胞基因组中  相似文献   
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