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Tyrosinase is the key enzyme in melanin synthesis, and is expressed in the pigment epithelium of the retina, a cell layer derived from the optic cup; and in neural crest-derived melanocytes of skin, hair follicle, choroid, and iris. The tyrosinase gene has been cloned and shown to map to the well-characterized c-locus (albino locus) of the mouse. Subsequent studies demonstrated that a functional tyrosinase minigene was able to rescue the albino phenotype in transgenic mice. The transgene was expressed in a cell type-specific manner in skin and eye. During development of the mouse, the tyrosinase gene is expressed in the pigment epithelium of the retina as early as day 10.5 of gestation. In the hair follicle, tyrosinase gene expression is detected from day 16.5 onwards. This cell-type–specific expression is largely reproduced in transgenic mice. Our results suggest that sequences in the immediate vicinity of the mouse tyrosinase gene are sufficient to provide cell type-specificity and developmental regulation in melanocytes and the pigment epithelium.  相似文献   
The effects of red and far-red light on the enhancement of in vitro nitrate reductase activity and on nitrate accumulation in etiolated excised maize leaves were examined. Illumination for 5 min with red light followed by a 4-h dark period caused a marked increase in nitrate reductase activity, whereas a 5-min illumination with far-red light had no effect on the enzyme activity. The effect of red light was completely reversed by a subsequent illumination with the same period of far-red light. Continuous far-red light also enhanced nitrate reductase activity. Both photoreversibility by red and far-red light and the operation of high intensity reaction under continuous far-red light indicated that the induction of nitrate reductase was mediated by phytochrome. Though nitrate accumulation was slightly enhanced by red and continuous far-red light treatments by 17% and 26% respectively, this is unlikely to account for the entire increase of nitrate reductase activity. The far-red light treatments given in water, to leaves preincubated in nitrate, enhanced nitrate reductase activity considerably over the dark control. The presence of a lag phase and inhibition of increase in enzyme activity under continuous far-red light-by tungstate and inhibitors of RNA synthesis and protein synthesis-rules out the possibility of activation of nitrate reductase and suggests de novo synthesis of the enzyme affected by phytochrome.  相似文献   
Abstract Effect of ammonium on in vivo activity of nitrate reductase in roots, shoots and leaves of maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings was studied in relation to light/dark conditions and EDTA supply. Supply of 5 mM (NH4)2SO4 increased the steady state level of enzyme only in leaves and in light, while it had no effect in roots and shoots and in the dark. The substrate induction of enzyme was also little affected by 1 to 10 mM (NH4)2SO4 in roots and shoots. In the leaves the activity in the dark was either inhibited (minus EDTA) or stimulated (plus EDTA) by 5 to 10 mM (NH4)2SO4. The activity was stimulated in the light also in the presence of EDTA at higher concentrations of ammonium. When different concentrations of ammonium were supplied without any exogenous nitrate in the light, the enzyme activity increased at low concentration and was either inhibited or unaffected at higher concentrations depending upon the tissue used. Supply of EDTA with ammonium modified its effect to some extent. It is suggested that the effect of ammonium on nitrate reductase activity depends upon the tissue used and the effective concentration of the ammonium.  相似文献   
Total cellular RNA from anaerobically stressed maize seedling roots was used to stimulate in vitro translation of authentic maize alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system. Total products from such reactions were displayed on NEPHGE-SDS two-dimensional gels and the Adhl-specific translation products were identified by using RNA from sib seedlings segregating for Adhl charge and size variants. The application of a rapid RNA isolation procedure allowed the efficient isolation of biologically active RNAs from small amounts of seedling material. Maize ADHs translated in vitro are identical in size to in vivo ADH. Further, no ADH was detected in the products of an in vitro translation reaction stimulated by total RNA from aerobically grown seedlings. This suggests that induction of ADH protein by anaerobic stress is accomplished by production of Adh mRNA rather than activation of sequestered mRNA. The mRNAs for maize ADH1 and ADH2 are among a small class of mRNAs induced during anaerobiosis.Research was supported by NSF Grant PCM 76-11009. M.D.B. is supported by National Institute of Health Grant PHS 5 T32 GM07227-04. R.J.F. is a Predoctoral Trainee in Genetics supported by National Institute of Health Training Grants 82 and 7757 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences.  相似文献   
Twenty-eight Bam H 1 restriction fragments were isolated from normal mitochondrial DNA of maize by recombinant DNA techniques to investigate the organization of the mitochondrial genome. Each cloned fragment was tested by molecular hybridization against a Bam digest of total mitochondrial DNA. Using Southern transfers, we identified the normal fragment of origin for d each clone. Twenty-three of the tested clones hybridized only to the fragment from which the clone was derived. In five cases, labeling of an additional band indicated some sequence repetition in the mitochondrial genome. Four clones from normal mitochondrial DNA were found which share sequences with the plasmid-like DNAs, S-1 and S-2, found in S male sterile cytoplasm. The total sequence complexity of the clones tested is 121×106 d (daltons), which approximates two thirds of the total mitochondrial genome (estimated at 183×106 d). Most fragments do not share homology with other fragments, and the total length of unique fragments exceeds that of the largest circular molecules observed. Therefore, the different size classes of circular molecules most likely represent genetically discrete chromosomes in a complex organelle genome. The variable abundance of different mitochondrial chromosomes is of special interest because it represents an unusual mechanism for the control of gene expression by regulation of gene copy number. This mechanism may play an important role in metabolism or biogenesis of mitochondria in the development of higher plants.  相似文献   
Maltose transport in slices of the maize scutellum was demonstrated despite the presence of an active maltase situated at the cell surface. The maltase could be inhibited or destroyed by treatments (neutral pH during uptake, pretreatment in Tris buffer at pH 7·5, or in 0·01 N HCl) that allowed appreciable rates of maltose uptake to occur. Using Tris- and HCl-treated slices, it was found that at disaccharide concentrations of 50 and 100 mM, maltose and sucrose were taken up at very nearly the same rates. At sugar concentrations below 50 mM, sucrose was taken up at greater rates than maltose. The maltose content of the slices was directly proportional to the maltose concentration of the bathing solution, and about 4 hr were required for equilibration. From this, it is concluded that one way maltose enters the slices is by free or facilitated diffusion. However, endogenous maltose is utilized by the slices at rates that are much too low to account for the net rates of maltose uptake. Although the slices contain a high level of surface maltase activity, only a low level of endogenous maltase activity was found. This probably accounts for the slow utilization of endogenous maltose. Therefore, the existence of a specific maltose transport system is proposed; a system that contains a carrier saturable with maltose, but one that does not release free maltose into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
玉米初生根向水性诱导优化试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究湿度梯度对根系向水性反应的影响,采用Takahashi and Scott于1993年创建的方法,设置以下3个试验:1)向水性诱导物不同倾斜角试验;2)根系距向水性诱导物不同距离试验;3)根尖距底部饱和K2CO3溶液不同距离试验。同时,还研究了根长和根系延伸速率对根系向水性弯曲的影响。结果表明,用饱和K2CO3溶液控制湿度时根系的向水性弯曲度明显大于纯水。随着诱导物倾斜角的增大,向水性弯曲增强。与距诱导物3 mm和6 mm相比,根系直接接触诱导物时表现出最大的向水性反应。与根尖距底部盐溶液6 cm相比,相距4 cm时向水性弯曲度增大,这些与根尖周围的湿度梯度增大有关。当根长为1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5、3.0 cm时,短根比长根表现出更大的向水性反应,这可能与其较慢的延伸速率为根系对湿度梯度的反应提供了更充足的时间有关。为了验证这个假说,用相同长度的根系、通过控制不同温度进行试验,结果表明根系的向水性弯曲随温度升高而降低。可见,玉米初生根的向水性反应受环境和根系发育阶段两方面影响。当根系相距诱导物较近、根系周围的湿度梯度较大时,根系向水性反应更强。而且,具有较小延伸速率根系的向水性反应更大。考虑到干旱条件下根系伸长慢、且土壤中湿度梯度大,因而可以认为干旱条件下根系的向水性生长在玉米吸收水分中有重要作用。同时,对根系向水性诱导方法的优化有助于其生理机制的进一步研究。  相似文献   
为了阐明根区交替控制灌溉(CRDAI)条件下玉米根系吸水规律,通过田间试验,在沟灌垄植模式下采用根区交替控制灌溉研究玉米根区不同点位(沟位、坡位和垄位)的根长密度(RLD)及根系吸水动态。研究表明,根区土壤水分的干湿交替引起玉米RLD的空间动态变化,在垄位两侧不对称分布,并存在层间差异;土壤水分和RLD是根区交替控制灌溉下根系吸水速率的主要限制因素。在同一土层,根系吸水贡献率以垄位最大,沟位最低;玉米营养生长阶段,10—30 cm土层的根系吸水速率最大;玉米生殖生长阶段,20—70 cm为根系吸水速率最大的土层,根系吸水贡献率为43.21%—55.48%。研究阐明了交替控制灌溉下根系吸水与土壤水分、RLD间相互作用的动态规律,对控制灌溉下水分调控机理研究具有理论意义。  相似文献   
蚯蚓对秸秆还田土壤细菌生理菌群数量和酶活性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在连续7a稻麦轮作系统中,通过测定作物收获后表层土壤(0-20cm)中4种细菌生理菌群数量和4种酶活性的变化,研究接种蚯蚓(Metaphire guillelmi)对秸秆(表施或混施)还田土壤的细菌生理菌群数量和酶活性的影响。试验设5个处理:对照、秸秆表施、秸秆混施、秸秆表施且接种蚯蚓、秸秆混施且接种蚯蚓。结果表明,单独秸秆还田促进了土壤氨化细菌、固氮菌、纤维素分解菌和无机磷分解菌数量增加,且土壤酶活性显著地增强;在秸秆表施方式下,接种蚯蚓使得上述4种细菌生理菌群微生物的数量增加;秸秆混施方式下,接种蚯蚓增加氨化细菌和无机磷分解菌数量,且土壤蛋白酶和蔗糖酶活性显著地增强(P0.05)。另外,蚓粪中4种细菌生理菌群微生物数量和水解酶活性都远远高于其周围土壤。在秸秆还田的作物轮作系统中,蚯蚓活动进一步增加土壤微生物数量和酶活性,对改善农田土壤肥力有着重要意义。  相似文献   
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