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Chylomicron degradation by hearts from fed and fasted rats was studied using a perfusion technique, which allows the separate collection of coronary (Qrv) and interstitial effluent (Qi). Upon perfusion with [3H]-cholesterol-containing chylomicrons the tissue recovery of label was highest in the fasted state, while label recovered in Qi was highest in the fed state. Density gradient centrifugation of Qi indicated that the label was recovered in lipoproteins with higher densities: low density lipoproteins (1.019<d<1.050), high density lipoproteins (1.050<d<1.21) and a fraction of d>1.21. These particles probably represent chylomicron degradation products (remnants and “surface fragments”). Our results indicate that tissue cholesterol uptake during chylomicron degradation may be inhibited in the fed state. Furthermore, the role of the myocyte (or interstitial) lipoprotein lipase in chylomicron degradation is discussed.  相似文献   
The temperature and orientation dependence of pulsed NMR ‘free induction decay’ signals have been studied in detail for lipid bilayers macroscopically-oriented between glass slides. Results for the lipid molecules (1H, 31P), bound water (2H2O) and ions dissolved in the aqueous phase (23Na) are presented. Bilayers of egg-lecithin, dimyristoyl lecithin and potassium oleate have been investigated. In the liquid crystal phase all the signals, including those from bound water and ions exhibit a |3 cos2? ? 1| dependence on orientation of the bilayer normal to the magnetic field. In the case of DML samples, some orientation dependence of both 1H and 2H signals persists in the gel phase, indicating that the lipid molecules retain a degree of reorientational freedom about their long axes in this phase. At the gel-liquid crystal transition the 2H quadrupole spittings undergo a discontinuous change. Results are interpreted in terms of a model in which water molecules are bound to individual lipid head groups and reorient with them, while sodium ions are located in the aqueous channel between bilayers.  相似文献   
Besides ethanol, other aliphatic alcohols such as n-propanol and isopropanol induce a triacylglycerol (TAG) accumulation in the liver. To determine whether a common mechanism is responsible for the effects of these three alcohols on hepatic lipid metabolism, each was administered by gastric tube to female Wistar rats at the dose of 50 mmol/kg body wt. Whichever alcohol was administered, the hepatic triacylglycerol accumulation was found to be related to the duration of elevated blood alcohol concentration. After administration of n-propanol or isopropanol, the liver [14C]palmitate uptake was increased whereas hepatic palmitate oxidation to 14CO2 was impaired and palmitate esterification into TAG enhanced; these perturbations were however more discrete than after ethanol administration. In contrast to ethanol and n-propanol which, at the dose presently used, increase precursor incorporation into blood TAG, isopropanol inhibits this incorporation. Interference with the process of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) synthesis and/or secretion, which appears only at a late stage of isopropanol intoxication, is probably responsible for the intensity and duration of the fatty liver observed after administration of this alcohol.  相似文献   
Except for a few experimental models of magnesium (Mg)-deficiency-induced neoplasms, less attention has been paid in the past quarter century in the Western world to this macromineral than to the trace elements; e.g., selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn), and to vitamins, deficiencies of which are each considered probable factors in oncogenesis. Although early epidemiologic studies showed an inverse correlation between the amount of Mg in soil and water and the incidence of (gastric) cancer, and several animal studies supported the premise that Mg has a prophylactic effect against induction of cancer, other studies showed that Mg supplementation increased the growth of established experimental tumors. Thus, enthusiasm for this approach subsided. The early epidemiologic findings have since been confirmed, and there have been studies demonstrating the importance of Mg in maintaining immunocompetence, and others indicating that immunodeficiencies increase susceptibility to the development of cancer. Evidence has now accrued that indicates that Mg deficiency increases susceptibility to chemical oncogens. The abnormal metabolism of tryptophan (yielding a carcinogenic metabolite) that indicates functional or absolute pyridoxine deficiency is an indirect clue to Mg deficiency. Vitamin B6-activated enzymes require Mg as a cofactor. However, the early warnings against the use of Mg as part of an antineoplastic program against established cancer were justified, since rapidly metabolizing cells (such as cancers) are dependent on Mg. There are similarities between experiences with Mg and with Se and Zn. All three are required for normal metabolism; Se also protects against free radicals in the environment. Mg and Zn have increased established tumor growth, and their depletion has been applied to antineoplastic programs, with risks comparable to those of using antimetabolic agents.  相似文献   
The NADP+ specific glutamate dehydrogenase from wild-type Neurospora crassa forms a stable binary complex with NADPH. This can combine with L-glutamate, α-ketoglutarate or the substrate analogue D-glutamate to form ternary complexes which can be distinguished by their different fluorescence properties. The affinity of the enzyme for NADPH diminishes with increases in pH or ionic strength of the solution. Experimental data obtained using modified glutamate dehydrogenases from mutant strains of N. crassa suggest that the reduced-coenzyme binding sites observed fluorimetrically are the same as those observed by enzyme kinetics.  相似文献   
Seed dispersal by wind is one of the most important dispersal mechanisms in plants. The key seed trait affecting seed dispersal by wind is the effective terminal velocity (hereafter “terminal velocity”, V t ), the maximum falling speed of a seed in still air. Accurate estimates of V t are crucial for predicting intra‐ and interspecific variation in seed dispersal ability. However, existing methods produce biased estimates of V t for slow‐ or fast‐falling seeds, fragile seeds, and seeds with complex falling trajectories. We present a new video‐based method that estimates the falling trajectory and V t of wind‐dispersed seeds. The design involves a mirror that enables a camera to simultaneously record a falling seed from two perspectives. Automated image analysis then determines three‐dimensional seed trajectories at high temporal resolution. To these trajectories, we fit a physical model of free fall with air resistance to estimate V t . We validated this method by comparing the estimated V t of spheres of different diameters and materials to theoretical expectations and by comparing the estimated V t of seeds to measurements in a vertical wind tunnel. V t estimates closely match theoretical expectations for spheres and vertical wind tunnel measurements for seeds. However, our V t estimates for fast‐falling seeds are markedly higher than those in an existing trait database. This discrepancy seems to arise because previous estimates inadequately accounted for seed acceleration. The presented method yields accurate, efficient, and affordable estimates of the three‐dimensional falling trajectory and terminal velocity for a wide range of seed types. The method should thus advance the understanding and prediction of wind‐driven seed dispersal.  相似文献   
调水工程引起的多环境因子关联变化对沉水植物群落的影响机制有待深入探讨。以南水北调东线工程调蓄河湖群中菹草种群为研究对象,分析了京杭运河(YH)、高邮湖(GY)、洪泽湖(HZ)、骆马湖(LM)、南四湖上级湖(NS1)、南四湖下级湖(NS2)和东平湖(DP)7个调蓄河湖中菹草个体功能性状特征及其与环境因子间的关系。结果表明:(1)除高锰酸盐指数(COD_(Mn))、浊度(Tur)和底泥有机质含量(S_o)外,总氮(TN)、硝氮(NO_3-N)、氨氮(NH_4-N)、总磷(TP)、正磷酸盐(PO_4-P)、硅酸盐(SiO_4-Si)、叶绿素a(Chla)、总溶解性固体(TDS)、透明度(SD)、消光系数(K)、水温(T)、电导率(Cond)、酸碱度(pH)、溶解氧(DO)和底泥含水率(S_w)在河湖间差异达到了极显著水平;(2)菹草株高、茎分支数、茎节数、茎节长、茎直径、相对茎长、叶片数、叶厚、叶长、叶宽、叶面积、比叶面积、株重、茎重、叶重、茎叶比、茎干物质比、叶干物质比在河湖间差异极显著;(3)河湖群内菹草种群18个功能性状中,按变异系数从小到大依次为:叶宽、茎直径、叶长、茎干物质比、叶干物质比、叶面积、株高、茎节长、相对茎长、茎叶比、叶厚、茎节数、茎重、叶片数、株重、比叶面积、叶重、茎分支数;7个调蓄河湖间,按照所有性状变异系数平均值从大到小排序依次为:南四湖下级湖、洪泽湖和京杭运河、高邮湖、东平湖、南四湖上级湖、骆马湖;(4)环境因子共解释了功能性状方差变异的49.43%;叶性状主要受营养因子(TN、NO_3-N、SiO_4-Si)影响;茎性状与光照因子(Chla和SD)密切相关;底泥因子(S_o)对茎叶生物量分配起主要作用。  相似文献   
黄酮类化合物是桦褐孔菌菌丝体中多酚类化合物的重要组成部分,也是该菌治疗众多疾病的有效成分之一。然而人工培养桦褐孔菌黄酮等酚类化合物积累甚少,导致药理活性的明显下降。为此,我们研究了3种氨基酸和4种霉菌水提物对深层发酵桦褐孔菌黄酮的积累及其抗氧化能力的影响。在所试验的3种氨基酸和4种霉菌水提物中,L-酪氨酸,黄曲霉和毛霉水提物能有效地增加该菌黄酮的积累。人工培养菌体中的黄酮至少由4种黄酮苷组成,苷元分别是槲皮素、柚皮素、山奈酚和异鼠李素。深层发酵菌丝体具有一定的抗氧化能力,并与总黄酮的含量呈正相关。由L-酪氨酸,黄曲霉和毛霉水提物调控生长的桦褐孔菌菌丝体,能有效地清除超氧阴离子、羟基自由基和DPPH自由基。  相似文献   
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