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Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) is a potential source of ecological information. Typically TEK has been documented at the species level, but habitat data would be equally valuable for conservation applications. We compared the TEK forest type classification of ribereños, the non-indigenous rural peasantry of Peruvian Amazonia, to a floristic classification produced using systematically collected botanical data. Indicator species analysis of pteridophytes in 300 plots detected two forest types on non-flooded tierra firme, each associated with distinct soil texture and fertility, and one forest type in areas subject to flooding. Nine TEK forest types were represented in the same set of plots. Each TEK forest type was consistently (>82%) associated with one of the three floristic classes and there were also clear parallels in the ecological characterizations of the forest types. Ribereños demonstrated clear preferences for certain forest types when selecting sites for slash-and-burn agriculture and hunting. Our results indicate that the non-tribal inhabitants of Amazonia possess valuable TEK that could be used in biodiversity inventories and wildlife management and conservation for characterizing primary rain forest habitats in Amazonia.  相似文献   
胃溃疡是临床常见但十分棘手的消化系统疾病,主要临床表现为长期性、周期性、节律性上腹部疼痛。现代治疗多采用西医治疗,效果显著,但复发率高、不良反应较大。大量研究表明,祖国医学对治疗胃溃疡具有独特的优势,且在临床上取得了良好的疗效,尤其是大大降低了胃溃疡的复发率。关于中医药治疗胃溃疡的方式非常成熟且规范全面,主要包括辨证论治、专方加减、专药治疗、其他中医治法等,说明中医药治疗胃溃疡具有一定的特色及广阔的前景,同时也面临一些问题,需要医务人员共同思考并解决。现将中医药治疗胃溃疡的现状概述如下。  相似文献   
生物技术在传统药材生产中的应用前景刘涤胡之璧(上海中医药大学中药生物工程研究室,上海200032)我国的中药材是一个具有数千年历史的医药宝库,至今仍在中国和许多国家和地区广为使用。传统药材中,80%为野生资源,但由于盲目挖掘,不仅使野生资源日益减少,而且严重破坏了自然界的生态平衡;人工种植又面临品质退化,农药污染和种子带病等问题。而且,人工种植的药材,活性成分的种类和数量往往因地区及气候不同...  相似文献   
印度是世界上生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,主张遗传资源主权归国家所有并实现遗传资源惠益公平分享。印度政府于2003年颁布了《生物多样性法》,2004年又补充颁布了《生物多样性条例》,明确规定国家对其生物资源及相关传统知识的主权、保护原则、主管部门和管理体系、获取和惠益分享等问题。2014年又制订发布了《生物资源及相关传统知识获取规则指南》,对生物考察和利用、商业开发的惠益形式与比例、成果转化程序与惠益分享方式、知识产权获取程序与惠益分享形式、第三方转让为研究或商业利用、豁免审批情况等都作出了详细明确的规定。从印度遗传资源获取与惠益分享制度体系发展动态来看,印度的制度构建过程是循序渐进,不断更新,逐步趋于完善、细化。印度的遗传资源制度体系建设紧跟国际发展形势,从原则性的规定发展到具体措施。印度与中国生物遗传资源及相关传统知识国情相似,国际谈判立场一致,印度的遗传资源获取与惠益分享管理制度体系构建思路值得中国在国内遗传资源获取与惠益分享国家制度体系构建借鉴。  相似文献   
Four new components named aethusifolins A–D (14), together with ten known (514) were isolated from the dried aerial parts of a traditional Mongolian medicinal herb Clematis aethusifolia Turcz. The planar structures were established based on extensive spectroscopic analysis (HRMS, 1D and 2D NMR), and the absolute configurations were determined by modified Mosher’s method, hydrolysis method. The cytotoxicities of isolated compounds against a panel of five human solid tumor cell lines were assayed. Compounds 5, 8, and 13 showed moderate cytotoxicity against A-375 with IC50 values of 15–18 μM, while compound 8 also showed cytotoxicity against SH-SY5Y with IC50 values of 20 μM.  相似文献   
For many years, traditional knowledge, techniques and know how have been applied in the process of fermentation of traditional liquor and also in the process of making its starter culture by Miao ethnic group who lives in Leigongshan Mountain, Southwest China. To protect liquor culture of Miao people, and in order to document and transmit it from generation to generation, we have conducted a series of surveys on the techniques and the process of brewing traditional liquor and making starter culture; and we have documented the plants which have been used for starter culture via ethnobotanical and taxonomical approaches, such as key informants interview, participatory rural appraisal, and ethnobotanical inventory. It has been demonstrated that the traditional liquor in Miao communities resembles other Xiaoqu alcoholic in terms of both the producing process and techniques. Thirty five species of plants used in starter culture, which belong to 19 families and 28 genera, were identified and inventoried. Piloselloides hirsuta (Asteraceae) and Indigofera bungeana (Fabaceae) are the most frequently employed ones among all of the plants. Fresh and tender stems, leaves, or shoots of the plants are parts of plants which are used to make distiller’s yeast; while the whole plant is barely used. The traditional knowledge associated with starter culture would fail to be handed down in a few decades, due to erosion of modernization and losses of young (female) labor and the ethnic language as well. More researche should be carried out as soon as possible to promote liquor culture of Miao people, e.g. census on plants in starter culture and valuation of its biological activities.  相似文献   
Paterson RR 《Phytochemistry》2008,69(7):1469-1495
Traditional Chinese medicines (TCM) are growing in popularity. However, are they effective? Cordyceps is not studied as systematically for bioactivity as another TCM, Ganoderma. Cordyceps is fascinating per se, especially because of the pathogenic lifestyle on Lepidopteron insects. The combination of the fungus and dead insect has been used as a TCM for centuries. However, the natural fungus has been harvested to the extent that it is an endangered species. The effectiveness has been attributed to the Chinese philosophical concept of Yin and Yang and can this be compatible with scientific philosophy? A vast literature exists, some of which is scientific, although others are popular myth, and even hype. Cordyceps sinensis is the most explored species followed by Cordyceps militaris. However, taxonomic concepts were confused until a recent revision, with undefined material being used that cannot be verified. Holomorphism is relevant and contamination might account for some of the activity. The role of the insect has been ignored. Some of the analytical methodologies are poor. Data on the "old" compound cordycepin are still being published: ergosterol and related compounds are reported despite being universal to fungi. There is too much work on crude extracts rather than pure compounds with water and methanol solvents being over-represented in this respect (although methanol is an effective solvent). Excessive speculation exists as to the curative properties. However, there are some excellent pharmacological data and relating to apoptosis. For example, some preparations are active against cancers or diabetes which should be fully investigated. Polysaccharides and secondary metabolites are of particular interest. The use of genuine anamorphic forms in bioreactors is encouraged.  相似文献   
本文从中药炮制、复方制剂研究和中药质量保证体系三方面评述近几年中药制剂的研究进展。  相似文献   
传统中药影响黏性放线菌对唾液获得性膜黏附的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研究不同传统中药提取物对黏性放线菌在唾液获得性膜黏附的影响,进一步探讨中药防龋的可能机制。方法:采用唾液包被羟磷灰石(S-HA)形成实验性获得性膜的体外模式,以黏性放线菌作为实验菌株,用不同的药物提取物分别处理S-HA和菌细胞,观察细菌对SHA的黏附情况。结果:两组实验中三七均能抑制菌细胞对SHA的黏附,且随药物浓度的升高而逐渐增强。结论:三七等传统中药能有效抑制黏性放线菌对唾液获得性膜的早期黏附。  相似文献   
The influence of local actors and socioeconomic constraints on biological invasions is often ignored. Wetland plant harvesters appeared to intentionally influence cattail (Typha domingensis) invasion around Lake Pátzcuaro, México, by altering their harvesting regimes, according to interviews with 44 expert respondents and botanical surveys. The oldest and most experienced harvesters reported controlling Typha initially, sometimes through organized eradication efforts, in order to protect Schoenoplectus californicus, an economically and culturally valuable wetland plant. Later, outsiders commoditized Typha by introducing new weaving designs popular with tourists, while industrial products and new livelihood activities reduced Schoenoplectus harvest. Harvesters from several communities began to promote Typha re-growth. Some harvesters, however, continued to combat Typha to maintain Schoenoplectus production, especially where supply was limited. Interviews suggested novel ecological cause–effect mechanisms and restoration strategies; some local harvesting regimes could efficiently conserve rare plants. An understanding of local ecological knowledge and incentives can inform invasive species control and conservation policy at a broader scale.  相似文献   
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