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Alexandrium minutum is a toxic dinoflagellate widespread along the Mediterranean coasts. This species is frequently detected year-round at low concentrations within the Mediterranean basin. However, it only proliferates recurrently in some localities. Two affected areas are the Catalan and Sicilian coasts. In order to identify the factors determining the A. minutum blooms in the Mediterranean Sea, we compare the bloom conditions in two harbours: Arenys de Mar (Catalan coast, Spain) and Syracuse (Sicily, Italy), during 2002–2003. Arenys de Mar harbour is a fishing and leisure harbour and receives an input of freshwater rich in nutrients. Likewise, the Syracuse harbour – located on the Ionian coast of Sicily – is subject to freshwater inputs. Some points of this site are used for productive activities such as shellfish farming. A. minutum from the two areas studied were morphologically and genetically identical. In both sites, recurrent blooms take place from winter to spring. Surface water temperatures and salinities during A. minutum bloom events were 12–14.5 °C and 32–38, and 16–24 °C and 32–37.7 for Arenys and Syracuse, respectively. During the blooms, the spatial distribution of A. minutum in the two harbours, the physicochemical characteristics and the phytoplankton community were studied. Similarities in composition of the phytoplankton community were evidenced, with a clear dominance of dinoflagellates over the other taxa. In Arenys, the second dominant species was Prorocentrum micans followed by Scrippsiella spp. and Dinophysis sacculus. The same species were found in Syracuse although P. triestinum, and alternatively Lingulodinium polyedrum, reached cell densities much higher than the other dinoflagellates giving marked water discolourations.  相似文献   
In the last decades, the cyanobacterium Dolichospermum lemmermannii showed an increasing spread to Southern Europe, raising serious concerns due to its ability to produce cyanotoxins. The widening of its geographic distribution and the observation of strains showing high optimum temperature underline its ecological heterogeneity, suggesting the existence of different ecotypes. To investigate its biogeography, new isolates from different European water bodies, together with strains maintained by the Norwegian Institute for Water Research Culture Collection of Algae, were genetically characterised for the 16S rRNA gene and compared with strains obtained from public repositories. Geographic distance highly influenced the differentiation of genotypes, further suggesting the concurrent role of geographic isolation, physical barriers and environmental factors in promoting the establishment of phylogenetic lineages adapted to specific habitats. Differences among populations were also examined by morphological analysis and evaluating the toxic potential of single strains, which revealed the exclusive ability of North European strains to produce microcystins, whereas the populations in Southern Europe tested negative for a wide range of cyanotoxins. The high dispersion ability and the existence of toxic genotypes indicate the possible spread of harmful blooms in other temperate regions.  相似文献   
《Médecine Nucléaire》2020,44(4):272-276
In accordance with all the guidelines of the various international scientific societies, treatment using radioiodine (RAI) of autonomous toxic adenomas and toxic multinodular goiters is highly recommended and its effectiveness its efficacy has now been widely demonstrated and established. RAI treatment is effective to normalise thyroid function, remove functional autonomy and reduce thyroid volume. According to published data on several thousand patients treated with RAI, the success rates ranges between 85% and 100%. Moreover, with more than 70 years of experience, this treatment does not present any particular risk for patients. However, as regards pregnancy, there are no absolute contra-indications to radioiodine treatment. To date, these results include a relatively high rate of hypothyroidism in the long term and approximately one patient out of five treated, will require thyroid hormone substitution. It would be more effective to harmonise and work up on dosimetric personalized models allowing the calculation of the effective dose to be delivered to the autonomous nodule to be treated while preserving the normal thyroid parenchyma in order to optimise the patient's outcome and to favor extensive euthyroidism.  相似文献   
Dinoflagellates are a major cause of harmful algal blooms (HABs), with consequences for coastal marine ecosystem functioning and services. Alexandrium fundyense (previously Alexandrium tamarense) is one of the most abundant and widespread toxigenic species in the temperate Northern and Southern Hemisphere and produces paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins as well as lytic allelochemical substances. These bioactive compounds may support the success of A. fundyense and its ability to form blooms. Here we investigate the impact of grazing on monoclonal and mixed set-ups of highly (Alex2) and moderately (Alex4) allelochemically active A. fundyense strains and a non-allelochemically active conspecific (Alex5) by the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Polykrikos kofoidii. While Alex4 and particularly Alex5 were strongly grazed by P. kofoidii when offered alone, both strains grew well in the mixed assemblages (Alex4 + Alex5 and Alex2 + Alex5). Hence, the allelochemical active strains facilitated growth of the non-active strain by protecting the population as a whole against grazing. Based on our results, we argue that facilitation among clonal lineages within a species may partly explain the high genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Alexandrium populations. Populations of Alexandrium may comprise multiple cooperative traits that act in concert with intraspecific facilitation, and hence promote the success of this notorious HAB species.  相似文献   
Iridoid glycosides are plant defence compounds with potentially detrimental effects on non-adapted herbivores. Some plant species possess β-glucosidases that hydrolyse iridoid glycosides and thereby release protein-denaturing aglycones. To test the hypothesis that iridoid glycosides and plant β-glucosidases form a dual defence system, we used Plantago lanceolata and a polyphagous caterpillar species. To analyse the impact of leaf-age dependent differences in iridoid glycoside concentrations and β-glucosidase activities on insect performance, old or young leaves were freeze-dried and incorporated into artificial diets or were provided freshly to the larvae. We determined larval consumption rates and the amounts of assimilated nitrogen. Furthermore, we quantified β-glucosidase activities in artificial diets and fresh leaves and the amount of iridoid glycosides that larvae feeding on fresh leaves ingested and excreted. Compared to fresh leaves, caterpillars grew faster on artificial diets, on which larval weight gain correlated positively to the absorbed amount of nitrogen. When feeding fresh young leaves, larvae even lost weight and excreted only minute proportions of the ingested iridoid glycosides intact with the faeces, indicating that the hydrolysis of these compounds might have interfered with nitrogen assimilation and impaired larval growth. To disentangle physiological effects from deterrent effects of iridoid glycosides, we performed dual choice feeding assays. Young leaves, their methanolic extracts and pure catalpol reduced larval feeding in comparison to the respective controls, while aucubin had no effect on larval consumption. We conclude that the dual defence system of P. lanceolata consisting of iridoid glycosides and β-glucosidases interferes with the nutrient utilisation via the hydrolysis of iridoid glycosides and also mediates larval feeding behaviour in a concentration- and substance-specific manner.  相似文献   
New anthramycin-type analogues, designated usabamycin A-C (1, 2 and 3), have been isolated from cultures of Streptomyces sp. NPS853, a bacterium found in marine sediments. The structures of the new compounds were established on the basis of extensive spectroscopic analyses including 1D- and 2D-NMR ((1)H-(1)H COSY, HSQC, and HMBC) experiments. The usabamycins show weak inhibition of HeLa cell growth and selective inhibition of serotonin (5-hydroxytrypamine) 5-HT(2B) uptake.  相似文献   
We isolated eleven strains of the harmful algal bloom (HAB)-forming dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum during a bloom event in the NW Mediterranean coastal waters and we studied the inter-strain variability in several of their physiological and biochemical traits. These included autotrophic growth parameters, feeding capabilities (mixotrophy), lipid composition, and, in some cases, their responses to biotic and abiotic factors. The strains were found to differ in their growth rates (0.27–0.53 d−1) and in the maximum cell concentrations achieved during stationary phase (6.1 × 104–8.6 × 104 cells mL−1). Their ingestion performance, when offered Rhodomonas salina as prey, was also diverse (0.22–1.3 cells per K. veneficum per day; 8–52% of their daily ration). At least two strains survived for several months under strict heterotrophic conditions (no light, low inorganic nutrients availability, and R. salina as food source). These strains also showed very distinct fatty acid compositions, with very low contents of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. According to a Bray Curtis similarity analysis, three or four strain groups able to perform different roles in bloom development were identified. We further analyzed one strain from each of the two most distinct groups with respect to prey concentration, light intensity, nutrient availability, and we determined the functional responses (growth and feeding rates) to food concentration. Taken together, the results served to highlight the role of mixotrophy and clone variability in the formation of HABs.  相似文献   
In culture, Gambierdiscus spp. have been shown to prefer irradiances that are relatively low (≤250 μmol photons m−2 s−1) versus those to which they are frequently exposed to in their natural environment (>500 μmol photons m−2 s−1). Although several behavioral strategies for coping with such irradiances have been suggested, it is unclear as to how these dinoflagellates do so on a physiological level. More specifically, how do long term exposures (30 days) affect cell size and cellular chlorophyll content, and what is the photosynthetic response to short term, high irradiance exposures (up to 1464 μmol photons m−2 s−1)? The results of this study reveal that cell size and chlorophyll content exhibited by G. carolinianus increased with acclimation to increasing photon flux density. Additionally, both G. carolinianus and G. silvae exhibited reduced photosynthetic efficiency when acclimated to increased photon flux density. Photosynthetic yield exhibited by G. silvae was greater than that for G. carolinianus across all acclimation irradiances. Although such differences were evident, both G. carolinianus and G. silvae appear to have adequate biochemical mechanisms to withstand exposure to irradiances exceeding 250 μmol photons m−2 s−1 for at least short periods of time following acclimation to irradiances of up to 150 μmol photons m−2 s−1.  相似文献   
The role of virus infection in a simple phytoplankton zooplankton system   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many planktonic species show spectacular bursts ("blooms") in population density. Though viral infections are known to cause behavioural and other changes in phytoplankton and other aquatic species, yet their role in regulating the phytoplankton population is still far from being understood. To study the role of viral diseases in the planktonic species, we model the phytoplankton-zooplankton system as a prey-predator system. Here the prey (phytoplankton) species is infected with a viral disease that divides the prey population into susceptible and infected classes, with the infected prey being more vulnerable to predation by the predator (zooplankton). The dynamical behaviour of the system is investigated from the point of view of stability and persistence both analytically and numerically. The model shows that infection can be sustained only above a threshold of force of infection, and, there exists a range in the infection rate where this system shows "bloom"-like stable limit cycle oscillations. The time series of natural "blooms" with different types of irregular oscillations can arise in this model simply from a biologically realistic feature, i.e., by the random variation of the epidemiological parameter (rate of infection) in the infected prey population. The difference in mean strength of infection alone can lead to the different types of patterns observed in natural planktonic blooms.  相似文献   
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