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This study contributes to both the methodological and empirical literature by developing an integrative approach to assessing temporal and spatial change in riparian ecosystem service delivery by drawing on available and diverse data sets. These data sets act as multiple lines of evidence in supporting comparisons between data sets to test the validity of developed methods and the application of such methods. In order to synthesise these data as well as to determine the fluctuations in riparian ecosystem service provision a scoring system was developed. Methodologically, the scoring system proved informative across the majority of ecosystem services categories, showing close to 80% similarity in outcomes when comparing the scoring method to trends in long-term water quality measurements. Other benefits of the scoring system included its design simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and applicability and replicability across various urban settings. Empirically, the data sets used support the findings of the ecosystem services scoring exercise and suggests that fluctuations in ecosystem service delivery through time and across the river reaches are linked to land-use change and other human activities. Findings suggest that as water leaves an urban protected area and travels across transformed and impacted landscapes, the results are poor water quality and diminished ability of rivers to yield ecosystem services the further the river flows into the urban setting. Urbanisation and changes in land-uses in developing city contexts is therefore shown to affect potential ecosystem services benefits, necessitating increasing management interventions.  相似文献   
随着国家新农村建设和新型城市化的稳步推进,乡村景观格局的变化开始受到广泛关注,特别是相对闭塞的少数民族乡镇,理解其景观格局的时空变化对于探索民族乡镇发展至关重要.本研究基于景观生态学理论,利用典型达斡尔族少数民族乡镇——阿尔拉镇2008—2013年间的土地利用矢量数据,通过ArcGIS和 Fragstats软件计算景观格局指数,从类型水平和景观水平上对景观格局变化进行分析.结果表明: 在类型水平上,研究区农、林、草地逐渐向建筑用地转移;在景观水平上,景观多样性指数偏低,异质性较高,连通性不强,景观破碎化程度较高.将景观指数与社会经济指标进行典型性相关分析和灰色关联分析,发现人口的变化和GDP的增长是研究区景观格局变化的最主要驱动因子.最后,结合经济、文化、政策、自然等因素探讨了导致阿尔拉镇景观格局演变的主要驱动因素,并给出相应对策,该结果可为我国东北少数民族聚居区的发展提供基础信息和理论依据.  相似文献   
典型喀斯特山区植被类型对土壤有机碳、氮的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取典型喀斯特山区荒草地、灌丛地、次生林地和原生林地作为研究对象,分别在4个季节对选定区域分层(0~15和15~30 cm)进行土壤采集,探讨不同植被类型下土壤养分的动态变化。结果表明:不同植被类型下,土壤有机碳和全氮含量差异较大,其中原生林2项指标全年平均分别为72.61和7.39 g·kg-1,显著高于次生林(30.33和2.90 g·kg-1)、灌丛地(19.32和2.04 g·kg-1)和荒草坡(17.75和1.83 g·kg-1)。在土壤各理化指标中,土壤有机碳、氮储量与其他指标均有良好相关性,影响研究区土壤理化指标的主要因素是植被因素(74.31%),次要因素是季节因素(14.85%)。不同植被类型土壤有机碳、全氮含量及其储量在各个季节变化趋势大致相同,表现为春秋两季较高,夏冬两季较低。  相似文献   

Distribution of possible chemical forms of Al, Si, Sn, Pb, Zn, Fe, Hg, Cd and Cu in marine sediments of Cape Town harbour was investigated using a modified Tessier’s sequential extraction procedure and ICP-MS and ICP-AES for heavy metals determination. The mean fractions for all metals at all locations were: 1.5–7196 mg kg-1 for Si, 7.79–7266 mg kg-1 for Al, 161-639 mg kg-1 for Cu, 19–41978 mg kg-1 for Fe, 2.83–5864 mg kg-1 for Zn, 1.45–13.26 mg kg-1for Cd, 9.87–223 mg kg-1 for Sn, 11.98-979 mg kg-1 for Pb and 0.13–5.93 mg kg-1 for Hg. Si, Al and Zn were mostly associated with Fe–Mn oxides, whereas Sn and Hg were mainly bound to residual and organic matter. Pb existed mainly in the residual and iron/manganese oxide phases while Cd was evenly distributed in all the five phases. The loading plots of heavy metals bound to the various chemical forms, as well as Pearson correlation coefficients, enabled the determination binding relationship. Pb, Sn and Hg exhibited similar binding behaviour which indicated an anthropogenic point source from wastes from the ship maintenance workshop, and the presence of Sn in the organic phase can be identified with the use of anti-fouling paints at the harbour, whereas Al, Fe, Si, Cu and Zn would probably be of natural origin. Lastly Cd probably came from a diffuse pollution sources in the harbour due to its unique binding characteristic. The mobility of heavy metals varied depending on location and the heavy metal type. The mobility of metals followed the order: Si > Zn > Fe > Cu> Al> Cd> Pb > Sn > Hg. The high percentage of Cd and Pb in the bioavailable forms suggested the need to keep close surveillance on these metals because of their high toxicity.  相似文献   
通过最近对内蒙古额济纳旗东南珠斯楞海尔罕一带(阿拉善地块)奥陶—志留系界线地层和生物群的野外调查和室内研究,首次在上奥陶统上部巴丹吉林组中发现阿什极尔中期(mid Ashgill)腕足动物化石巨大全嘴贝(Holorhymchus giganteus Kiaer),这是该属在我国奥陶系中的首次记录。根据未成年个体的切片所发现的腹壳顶端发育中隔板构造,修订该属定义,并证明研究小个体对识别物种特征、探讨个体发育和系统演化有重要意义。分析了全嘴贝属的群落生态、生物地理和演化意义后,发现它在奥陶纪末大灭绝过程中,因居群规模和分布范围极大地缩减,至今未发现其化石记录;但在志留纪初环境好转后继续存活,可暂视其为复活属。根据在拐子湖组近底部发现志留系最下部Akidograptus ascensus带的重要分子Normalograptus lubricus Chen et Lin,确定本区的奥陶—志留系分界。阿拉善地块因不发育Hirnantia动物群,表明奥陶纪末期它与扬子区、西藏、滇西等富含该动物群的地区属于不同的生物地理区系;在阿什极尔中期可能位于热带海域,与祁连山、中亚、乌拉尔等地有重要联系。文中描记H.giganteus种,评述正常笔石类(normalograptid)的系统分类位置并描记N.lubricus种。  相似文献   
叶水送  王瀚强  陈颖  方燕  李恺 《生态学杂志》2012,31(5):1207-1213
临港新城是上海大都市圈中一个快速城市化的滨海城区。为掌握临港新城河岸带在快速城市化下昆虫群落的特点,2009年10月—2010年9月对临港新城河岸带昆虫分不同生境及不同季节进行了调查,共获得昆虫7755头,隶属于13目、84科、199种。该区域河岸带昆虫优势类群为半翅目(Hemiptera)、双翅目(Diptera)和膜翅目(Hymenoptera)昆虫,分别占总数的37.7%、23.5%和16.5%;水生昆虫种类数及个体数分别占所调查昆虫的12.1%和11.2%;从Shannon多样性指数看,人工林昆虫多样性最高为1.73,其他生境依次为次生林(1.69)>绿地(1.48)>荒地(1.46)>农田(1.42);季节动态变化和生境类型对昆虫的数量、种类、丰富度和均匀度影响较大;该区域河岸带昆虫依食性可分为6类:植食性、捕食性、寄生性、腐食性、杂食性和访花昆虫,植食性昆虫种类和数量分别占62.8%和55.5%,其他食性的昆虫偏少,人类的干扰活动及河岸带景观植被对原有植被的破坏是主要原因。  相似文献   
丽江城市不同区域景观美学   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
郭先华  赵千钧  崔胜辉  吝涛  李元 《生态学报》2014,34(7):1794-1799
我国正处在快速城市化阶段,古城或古镇正面临城市化和旅游业的双重压力,古城风貌和景观美学受到影响。以世界文化遗产丽江古城所在地——丽江盆地为研究对象,按照大研古镇-丽江新城-郊区的梯度设置评价样点,采用评分法(SBE-Scenic beauty estimation procedure)进行景观美学评价。结果显示:参加评价的男性与女性显示出性别间的细小差异,两个曲线的趋势基本一致,其中最大值和最小值均由男性评价者产生。丽江古城的三大古镇中,束河古镇的景观美学评价值最高,为6.79,白沙古镇的景观美学评价值为5.82,大研古镇景观美学评价值为5.68。大研古镇与丽江新城交错带的景观美学评价均值为4.9,丽江新城区的平均值均值为4.03,玉龙县城的均值为3.88,评价分值最低点在玉龙新县城,为2.36。在世界文化遗产核心区大研古镇到郊区的梯度上,整个评价曲线呈V型,中间低,两边高的趋势,大研古镇与城市新区交错带的景观美学评价值较低。景观美学评分较高的景观要素包括:自然景观(山体、水体)、农田、古镇、有历史文化特色和地方民族特色的景观等,现代城市景观的评价值较低。研究结果对保护丽江古城具有重要意义,可以用来完善丽江城市景观规划、优化城市空间格局,在城市建设发展的同时,保护好丽江的古城风貌和田园风光,以维系景观美学价值。  相似文献   
Rainstorm hazards seriously affect the lives of residents and activities of tourists in rainstorm harder-hit scenic areas. The assessment of rainstorm hazard risk has a great significance in the area. Based on the disciplines of geography and tourism, an assessment system has been constructed by using the Entropy Weight-Analytic Hierarchy Process and exponential model. Finally, the Huayang Ancient Town Scenic Area in China has been taken as study area, and its rainstorm hazard risk and spatial distribution have been evaluated. The results indicate the following: The rainstorm hazard risk areas are mainly concentrated along rivers, valleys, or roads; The specific spatial distributions are: rainstorm hazard risk of the Huayang Old Streets is high, that of the Red Cliff Valley and both sides of the Mandarin Duck River are higher, that of the Golden Monkey Valley and the Macaque Park are lower, that of the Tangluo Ancient Road is low, and the risks of other areas are medium; The main influencing factors of rainstorm hazard risk are elevation, terrain, gap and width of river, distance to river, building density, tourist flow and tourism activity; People's awareness, system of monitoring and early warning, emergency plan, facilities and equipment for rainstorm hazard prevention and mitigation need to be continuously improved.  相似文献   
采用梯度分析和城市土地利用程度相结合的分析方法,研究了鄞州新城区居住用地和工业用地的空间布局特征,并选择公共绿地、公共设施用地和道路等作为区位优势因素,探索城市各类用地的区位特征.结果表明: 梯度分析能够有效地与城市土地利用的空间布局相连接,定量描述城市土地利用的空间特征;鄞州新城区城市空间形态中心主要集中在距中心2 km的范围内,即城市发展的十字轴核心片区,区位优势明显,鄞州大道以南将成为新城区发展的腹地.产业结构调整后工业用地的合理变迁、核心区土地刚性条件约束下商务用地的高效集约利用、以及东南部城乡结合带的农田保护将成为鄞州新城区在未来土地利用中需重点考虑的方向.  相似文献   
通过对下花园地区晚前寒武纪下马岭组油页岩的研究,发现了保存极为完好的红藻化石,同时也发现特定的底栖宏观红藻可以作为重要生烃母质,在中—低成熟度条件下,甚至可以成为重要生油母质。  相似文献   
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