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早寒武世马哈螺类的骨骼化特征、分类和演化意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马哈螺类(maikhanellids)是已知最古老的单板类,以往缺乏系统研究,并在分类上争议较大,文中以滇东早寒武世梅树村阶微小骨骼化石的丰富材料为依据,详细阐述该类群的形态特征和超微结构,探讨其亲缘关系和演化趋势,研究表明,马哈螺类由6个属组成,包括Maikhanella,Ramenta,Ramentoides gen.nov.,Mediata gen.nov.,Yunnanopleure和Purella。各属之间壳形变化较大,但裸露的壳顶和普遍发育的鳞片状或条状突起表明它们在明显的亲缘关系,并显示两个演化方向,即Maikhanella Ramentoides gen.nov.Ramenta和Maikhanella Mediata gen.nov.Yunanopleura-Purella。马哈螺类分布于梅树村期早,中期,Maikhanella是最原始的马哈螺,最先出现在梅树村阶小歪头山段,也是中谊村段下磷矿层唯一的马哈螺,而在该段上磷矿层马哈螺类发生了明显的属种分异,在大少段所有的马哈螺类突然消失,马哈螺类的壳体曾被描述为:骨针状的外骨骼”,“骨片状外骼”和“包裹在中间基质中的骨针”,但当前研究表明,以Maikhanella pristinis和Ramenta cambrina为代表的马哈螺类的内壳层具有早期单板类中较常见的水平交错纤状结构,指示了马哈螺类具有致密成层的壳壁,文中新建2亚科,2属和5种,即Maikhanellinae subfamily nov.,Purellinae subfamily nov.,Maikhanella Perelegans sp.nov.,Ramenta superata sp.nov.,Ramentoides latispinus gen.et sp.nov.,Mediata kunyangensis gen.et sp.nov.,Yunnanopleura longidens sp.nov。  相似文献   
When a population experiences temporal changes in the vital rates due to environmental or biotic variation, change is not only expected in the rate of population growth but also in the structure of the population. In this study we present a method for transforming observed patterns (notably how vital rates change with temperature) into functions that can be used in population growth models and analysis of population structure. The method is exemplified by applying it to cohort studies in different constant temperatures of four species of aphids, Lipaphis erysimi (K.), Metopolophium dirhodum (Wlk.), Rhopaliosiphum padi and Macrosiphum avenae (F.). We use piece-wise linear functions to transform the vital rates of the cohort studies. The lifespans are divided into phases, each phase having linear rates. A projection matrix is formulated, where the elements are temperature dependent fecundities, survivorships and developmental rates. The major result is, contrary to what theory predicts as reasonable (Caswell 1989), that population structure of these aphid species will become almost fixed although the temperature varies. This result is consistent with findings of earlier field studies (Wiktelius 1982). A fixed population structure implies that it is possible to calculate the population growth rate on the basis of intrinsic rates of increase. By simulating different temperature regimes we also show that initial oscillations in the population structure dampen out after a few days. After initial oscillations, calculations of population growth using intrinsic rates of increase are consistent with calculations made by a matrix model.  相似文献   
The mining pattern of the honeysuckle leaf-miner Phytomyza lonicerae which feeds on Lonicera gracilipes was analyzed with special reference to the avoidance of parasitoids' attacks. The leaf-miner makes the linear mine with branches and crosses by turning and branching, off the backtracking mine. Both average numbers of turnings and branchings were about 4. The speed of mining was 1.5 times faster in backtracking than in advancing. The mine width increased as the mining larva grew and total volume of consumed plant tissue was nearly constant independent of variability of the number of turnings and other characteristics of the mine. The majority of larval mortality were due to attacks by parasitoid wasps (Chrysochairs pentheus and Diglyphus minoeus), which locate the present position of leaf-miners, by tracing mine tracks, and wasps attack leaf-miners at a higher rate in backtracking than in advancing. The adaptive significance of branching and crossing by leaf-miners was discussed in terms of the reduction of parasitoids' attacks.  相似文献   
BackgroundEarly detection of breast cancer improves survival, so identifying factors associated with stage at diagnosis may help formulate cancer prevention messages tailored for higher risk women. The goal of this study was to evaluate associations between multiple potential risk factors, including novel ones, measured before a breast cancer diagnosis and stage at diagnosis in women from Alberta, Canada.MethodsWomen enrolled in Alberta’s Tomorrow Project completed health and lifestyle questionnaires on average 7 years before their breast cancer diagnosis. The association of previously identified and novel predictors with stage (I, II and III + IV) at diagnosis were simultaneously evaluated in partial proportional odds ordinal (PPO) regression models.ResultsThe 492 women in this study were predominantly diagnosed in Stage 1 (51.4%), had college or university education (75.4%), were married or had a partner (74.6%), had been pregnant (90.2%), had taken birth control pills for any reason (86.8%), and had an average body mass index of 26.6. Most had at least one mammogram (83%) with five mammograms the average number. Nearly all reported previously having a breast health examination from a medical practitioner (92.5%). Statistically significant factors identified in the PPO model included protective ones (older age at diagnosis, high household income, parity, smoking, spending time in the sun during high ultraviolet times, having a mammogram and high daily protein intake) and ones that increased risk of later stage at diagnosis (a comorbidity, current stressful situations and high daily caloric intake).ConclusionShifting breast cancer stage at diagnosis downwards may potentially be achieved through cancer prevention programs that target higher risk groups such as women with co-morbidities, non-smokers and younger women who may be eligible for breast cancer screening.  相似文献   
ObjectivesWhile a mammography-screening program (MSP) is being offered systematically in Germany since 2009, the dispanserizatsiya has been implemented in Russia since 2013. This study examined trends of stage at breast cancer diagnosis in two Russian regions and compared the results with the development in Germany. In addition, we aimed to gain further insights into the early detection of breast cancer in Russia.MethodsIncidence data from two cancer registries in Russia and 12 population-based cancer registries in Germany were used to analyse breast cancer incidence rates among women above age 30 over time. Further, we calculated rate ratios to compare the age group-specific incidence rates after the implementation of MSP in Germany (2010–2014) with the period before implementation (2003–2005) separately for each tumour stage and all stages combined.ResultsDuring the study period from 2003 to 2014, age-standardised rates for breast cancer were 54.6 and 116.7 per 100,000 for Russia and Germany, respectively. The proportion of the T1 stage at diagnosis among Russian women aged 50 + is half than that in Germany. Nevertheless, we observed an increasing trend of early-stage alongside the reduction of advanced-stage incidence rates of breast cancer in Russia.ConclusionsThe observed trend in Russia may reflect overall positive changes in early detection of breast cancer, with actual proportion of T1 stage still far behind Germany. Advances in breast cancer screening efforts through the dispanserizatsiya may help to further reduce the breast cancer burden.  相似文献   
Purpose  New prognostic markers are needed for malignant melanoma. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase type 2 (COX-2) have been described to correlate with progression of melanoma. Moreover, activating mutations in BRAF/NRAS oncogenes are often detected in melanoma. The BRAF/NRAS mutation status and expression of COX-2 and iNOS were examined to compare their prognostic value for overall survival (OS) in stage III malignant cutaneous melanoma. Experimental design  The expression of iNOS and COX-2 in metastatic lymph nodes from 21 rapidly progressing (OS from date of diagnosis of stage III disease ≤14 months) and 17 slowly progressing (OS ≥60 months) stage III cutaneous melanoma patients was examined by immunohistochemistry. The presence of BRAF/NRAS mutations was analyzed using direct DNA sequencing. χ2 exact trend test and logistic regression analysis were used for statistical analysis. Results  Both iNOS (P = 0.002) and COX-2 (P = 0.048) alone significantly predicted OS. The BRAF/NRAS mutation status did not significantly differ between patient groups, although iNOS significantly (P = 0.013) correlated with BRAF mutation frequency. Furthermore, the odds ratio (OR) with respect to OS of iNOS (OR = 10.4) was higher than that of COX-2 (OR = 5.6) and was stable in the multivariate analysis of OS together with disease stage IIIB/C, ulceration, number of metastatic lymph nodes, and Breslow tumor thickness. Conclusion  Our data show that iNOS is an independent and stronger prognostic factor for OS in stage III malignant cutaneous melanoma than COX-2.  相似文献   
具反馈控制的时滞阶段结构种群模型的稳定性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究具反馈控制的时滞阶段结构种群模型,证明了正平衡点的局部渐近稳定性, 并给出了正平衡点全局渐近稳定的充分条件.  相似文献   
The development of methods providing reliable estimates of demographic parameters (e.g., survival rates, fecundity) for wild populations is essential to better understand the ecology and conservation requirements of individual species. A number of methods exist for estimating the demographics of stage-structured populations, but inherent mathematical complexity often limits their uptake by conservation practitioners. Estimating survival rates for pond-breeding amphibians is further complicated by their complex migratory and reproductive behaviours, often resulting in nonobservable states and successive cohorts of eggs and tadpoles. Here we used comprehensive data on 11 distinct breeding toad populations (Bufo calamita) to clarify and assess the suitability of a relatively simple method [the Kiritani–Nakasuji–Manly (KNM) method] to estimate the survival rates of stage-structured populations with overlapping life stages. The study shows that the KNM method is robust and provides realistic estimates of amphibian egg and larval survival rates for species in which breeding can occur as a single pulse or over a period of several weeks. The study also provides estimates of fecundity for seven distinct toad populations and indicates that it is essential to use reliable estimates of fecundity to limit the risk of under- or overestimating the survival rates when using the KNM method. Survival and fecundity rates for B. calamita populations were then used to define population matrices and make a limited exploration of their growth and viability. The findings of the study recently led to the implementation of practical conservation measures at the sites where populations were most vulnerable to extinction.  相似文献   
Toxoplasma gondii has a complex life cycle involving definite (cat) and intermediate (all warm blooded animals) hosts. This gives rise to four infectious forms each of which has a distinctive biological role. Two (tachyzoite and merozoite) are involved in propagation within a host and two (bradyzoite and sporozoite) are involved in transmission to new hosts. The various forms can be identified by their structure, host parasite relationship and distinctive developmental processes. In the present in vivo study, the various stages have been evaluated by electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry using a panel of molecular markers relating to surface and cytoplasmic molecules, metabolic iso-enzymes and secreted proteins that can differentiate between tachyzoite, bradyzoite and coccidian development. Tachyzoites were characterised as being positive for surface antigen 1, enolase isoenzyme 2, lactic dehydrogenase isoenzyme 1 and negative for bradyzoite antigen 1. In contrast, bradyzoites were negative for SAG1 but positive for BAG1, ENO1 and LDH2. When stage conversion was followed in brain lesion at 10 and 15 days post-infection, tachyzoites were predominant but a number of single intermediate organisms displaying tachyzoite and certain bradyzoite markers were observed. At later time points, small groups of organisms displaying only bradyzoite markers were also present. A number (9) of dense granule proteins (GRA1-8, NTPase) have also been identified in both tachyzoites and bradyzoites but there were differences in their location during parasite development. All the dense granule proteins extensively label the parasitophorous vacuole during tachyzoite development. In contrast the tissue cyst wall displays variable staining for the dense granule proteins, which also expresses an additional unique cyst wall protein. The molecular differences could be identified at the single cell stage consistent with conversion occurring at the time of entry into a new cell. These molecular differences were reflected in the structural differences in the parasitophorous vacuoles observed by electron microscopy. Stage conversion to enteric (coccidian) development was limited to the enterocytes of the cat small intestine. Although no specific markers were available, this form of development can be identified by the absence of specific tachyzoite (SAG1) and bradyzoite (BAG1) markers although the isoenzymes ENO2 and LHD1 were expressed. There was also a significant difference in the expression of the dense granule proteins. The coccidian stages and merozoites only expressed two (GRA7 and NTPase) of the nine dense granule proteins and this was reflected in significant differences in the structure of the parasitophorous vacuole. The coccidian stages also undergo conversion from asexual to sexual development. The mechanism controlling this process is unknown but does not involve any change in the host cell type or parasitophorous vacuole and may be pre-programmed, since the number of asexual cycles was self-limiting. In conclusion, it was possible using a combination of molecular markers to identify tachyzoite, bradyzoite and coccidian development in tissue sections.  相似文献   
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